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Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - Feb 10, 2024

“Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.”
Pablo Picasso

Happy Chinese New Year

Yang begins its annual rise as turning of the earth's Yin Yang cycles renews. The start of Chinese spring. Right on schedule my early yellow crocuses have began to bloom and green tips of daffodils are peeking out of the soil.

Yin Yang interrelationship and some of China's basic philosophy regarding energy was developed in northern China, where annual cycles of energy are easily noticed in 4 distinct seasons and changes in length of night and day. As Chinese civilization expanded and citizens migrated the Yin and Yang interrelationship was noticed in other aspects of the natural enviornment.

Friday Night Photos Color Free Edition

Happy Friday everyone. I hope everybody is doing well. As always, post any photos, meme's, or music you like.

It's been raining all week in sunny San Diego. Along with the rain we had a tornado warning on Tuesday. The warning advised to head to your basement if a tornado touched down. I had to laugh at that since most homes in San Diego are built on a slab and don't have basements. Thankfully no tornado materialized, so the lack of a basement was not an issue.

Because of all the rain I didn't get out with the camera this week. Instead I occupied my time re-editing some old photos and converting them to B&W and sepia.


Open Thread - 02-09-24 - The Un-Immaculate Misconception

It's agonizingly apparent that We the People are not our government's constituency. Corporations and the rich are the true constituents. Our leaders are selected for them, not you and I. All of the current campaign rhetoric is hot air rising, meant to fill the balloon of hope, until it bursts shortly after the election into a limp plastic dose of reality. We're being fooled again.

Both Biden and Trump, if either are elected, will be lame duck presidents. When their four years are over, then what? The winner won't have to worry about re-election, that is IF there will be another election. Hell, We the People, may not make it through this election. That would make us all lame ducks. Quack, quack.


Putin/Carlson interview

Just finished watching the whole thing. Over two hours of Vladimir giving a history lesson on Russian roots and the leadup to the Ukraine quagmire.
From the eighth century until today he gave a fascinating account of where Russia came from and what had happened to her over the centuries. With no teleprompter or notes, he displayed an amazing memory of facts and dates of every major change of borders or circumstance and left Tucker largely speechless.

Open Thread - Thurs 08 Feb 2024 - Biden's Different, Right?

Biden's Different, Right?

Would 'you' (meaning a standard liberal, not the people here at C99%) be more upset about the genocide in Palestine, if Trump were president? Are 'you' upset by the administration's doing nearly nothing about the climate crisis? It would be worse if Trump were president, right? And healthcare? Nothing's been done there by Biden, despite the promises, so under Trump it would be worse? And all the money going to the military-industrial complex, Biden's definitely ramped that down compared to Trump, right? Biden's moved us back from the brink of nuclear war! What? He hasn't? Biden's freed Assange, right? /* sarcasm, sarcasm - these questions are all sarcasm */

A cartoon from the last election... fun times! (not). From the IndyStar.

A simple PSA!

I have been a somewhat regular contributor to this site for the past few years since I am along time retiree with a interest in politics (and too much free time)and I share what I consider news.

I spend plenty of time on this site but I keep myself informed through the internet. It is quite understandable that many do not have the same opportunity as myself and that many inluding lurkers rely on caucus99percent. to be enlightened.
