Featured Editorials

Text Messages From Constitutional Top Dogs

arrived yesterday.


It’s Joe Biden, David. I’m humbly asking you to pitch in any amount before our October deadline. Even just a few bucks adds up in a big way when everyone chips in, especially early on. We’re just over one year out from one of the biggest elections of our lives, and I can’t win this thing without you. Please donate here: bvf4us.com/chip-in-oct-30-s5?t=ZxiNq

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The Weekly Watch

On the Road to Armageddon?

Open Thread Image.jpg

Armageddon, the ancient city known as Megiddo, was inhabited between roughly 7000 B.C. and 300 B.C. Numerous battles were fought near Megiddo during that time, and the Book of Revelation, which refers to the site as Armageddon, prophesied that a final battle at the end of time would take place there. The name Armageddon comes from the Hebrew word "Har Megiddo," which means the "mountain of Megiddo," according to Cline. "By the Middle Ages, multiple nationalities, languages, and centuries had added an 'n' and dropped the 'h', transforming Har Megiddo to Harmageddon and thence to Armageddon."
Are we approaching the so called "end times"? Let's explore the idea below the fold...


Album of the Week 10-28-23

Afternoon folks!

This week there's some great Chicago blues to take your mind off of the news, starting off with an album by Fenton Robinson and followed by a double album compilation of Lowell Fulson's Chess recordings. After that we're on to some blues rock with probably my favorite John Mayall album with some excellent guitar work by Mick Taylor, then there's an album from Chicken Shack, a brit blues band that featured a massively underrated guitarist Stan Webb and Christine Perfect (later McVie from Fleetwood Mac).

In the diversity department, there's some country punk from Jason and the Scorchers and a great album of old-timey music from The Red Clay Ramblers - it's a good one, check it out!

Enjoy and have a great weekend!

Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - Oct 28, 2023

“Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.”
Pablo Picasso

Brr, had to scrape ice off the car windows before driving to town this week. Tis the season of long sleeves, sipping warm drinks by the fireplace. The heat pump keeping the rest of the house comfortable. Pantry is well stocked just in case a winter storm or other unexpected event prevents the weekly town run.
