The hypocrisy of Syrian oil
More than a dozen entities were sanctioned by the U.S. over their involvement in the shipment of Iranian crude oil and liquid petroleum gas to Syria recently.
The reason why Syria is buying Iranian oil is because the U.S. is currently stealing Syria's oil.
The Syrian Oil Ministry released a statement on 9 August accusing US forces occupying Syria of being responsible for the theft of most of the country’s oil.“The amount of oil production during the first half of 2022 amounted to some 14.5 million barrels, with an average daily production of 80.3 thousand barrels, of which 14.2 thousand are delivered daily to refineries,” the oil ministry’s statement said.
The statement went on to say that “US occupation forces and their mercenaries,” referring to the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), “steal up to 66,000 barrels every single day from the fields occupied in the eastern region,” amounting to around 83 percent of Syria’s daily oil production.
According to the ministry’s data, the Syrian oil sector has incurred losses nearing “about 105 billion dollars since the beginning of the war until the middle of this year” as a result of the US oil theft campaign.
A top Pentagon official has acknowledged that Washington’s strategy is to starve Syria’s central government of revenue it needs to rebuild, after a decade of war fueled by foreign powers devastated the country.
Seemingly unaware of the irony, Voice of America even used the headline of US-Led Coalition Blocks Attacks at Conoco Oil Field in Syria.
Congress has voted on the issue of withdrawing the U.S. troops illegally occupying eastern Syria several times, but each time rejected overwhelmingly in bipartisan votes.
NPR stated clearly in 2020, “U.S. forces in northeastern Syria have a relatively new mission: securing oil fields not only from ISIS, but also from Syrian government and Russian forces”.
Recently arab tribal forces in the area have launched a low-intensity rebellion against their American occupiers.

It is not just in Syria that "OIL" affects US foreign policy.
There is a long list of countries that are impacted including Libya, Iran, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, UAE just to name a few of them.
If only
we could get our hands on Russia's immense natural resources we wouldn't even need Syrian oil..
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
U.S. oil companies
and other U.S. resource extractors have been in Russia and in the former Soviet Union for 100 years. Exxon has vast operations in Russia and only reportedly abandoned them in 2022 because of the mother of all sanctions, but right up until they left (if they did,) both Exxon and Halliburton described their huge operations in Russia on their websites, which I checked regularly to see if they were affected by sanctions. Halliburton even praised the Russian workforce for accomplishing so much under difficult conditions. Exxon described their profitable working relationship with the Russian government.
What's happened to this positive working relationship is that the shock doctrine ghouls of enslavement have overtaken our government policy and forced (if they have,) even Exxon to join the stupid, absurd effort to replace Putin with another Yeltsin. And, as I see it, Putin is pro-LABOR compared to Yeltsin. I believe this is the whole reason for our conflict. I believe it is the reason for the conflict in Ukraine. The eastern region of Ukraine is industrial, and the working people of Eastern Ukraine favor Putin's Russia because under Putin, Russian working people have seen an increase in their standard of living and oligarchs have been forced to PAY TAXES and WAGES. Industrial corporations have been forced to honor their labor contracts, which they weren't doing under Yeltsin. That's why our neo-cons call Putin an authoritarian dictator, because he forces billionaires to pay wages to the LABOR force.
Think about Ukraine. It is larger than California, has, or had, before the war, about the same population as California, it has, like California, abundant resources of all kinds, agricultural, mineral, industrial, geographical, including important seaports and river systems, and yet, unlike California or France or Denmark, Ukraine has the lowest standard of living in Europe, even before the war. The industrial workforce in Ukraine was being forced, under the neo-con IMF system, to give up half their pensions, while oligarchs were paying an American lawyer $50,000 a month! This is what the war is about. It's about LABOR being paid for their work.
And the reason that's so important to the ghouls who rule our sick foreign policy, is that if reformers like Putin bring the standard of living up for LABOR, the entire reason for the military industrial complex collapses, the oligarchs lose their unlimited funding, and the merchants of death will be brought to justice, and justice is the word these monsters fear the most.