Featured Editorials

The Weekly Watch

Under the Cover of COVID-19

Never let a good crisis go to waste. TPTB are using the pandemic to fulfill their dreams of ever more power. Primary among the scams is the union of the Fed and Treasury to buy all the corporate debt and bail out the world's central banks. But so much more is at play. War ships are sailing to Venezuela's coasts, Sabres are rattling in Iraq aimed at Iran. Fracking on public lands is being ramped up, and financed by bail out funds. Wildlife refuges are to be opened to fishing and hunting. Not to mention the staggering number of judicial appointments, and the imprisonment of journalists who tell the truth about US war crimes. It didn't have to be this way. Just think about the relationship of arms trade and the corona virus. (4 min)

The fear of the unknown

I have absolutely no idea if I will have a business by the end of the year.
I also have absolutely no idea if I will die through the night, for that matter. Nor do any of you.
Ordinarily, I would be panicking about the future, but I have grown old now, and I have a truncated future anyway, pandemic or no pandemic.
