"We'll Level Tel Aviv"
"We'll Level Tel Aviv": Iran Responds To Israel 'Preparing' Strike Plans Against Nuclear Sites
Iran has responded to a Fox News interview from late last week wherein Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz said that Israel is currently updating its plans to strike Iran’s nuclear program and is prepared to act independently if the United States is not willing. The interview was unusually blunt even for Israel in terms of the defense chief openly stating war plans.
Iranian Defense Minister Amir Hatami promptly fired back with a counterthreat on Sunday. He said Iran's military will level Tel Aviv and Haifa should Israel do anything "out of desperation".
Sometimes, the Zionist regime [Israel] out of desperation makes big claims against the Islamic Republic of Iran to allegedly threaten it," Hatami said as cited in The Times of Israel via Iranian state media.
"It must know that if it does a damn thing, we will raze Tel Aviv and Haifa to the ground," he followed up with according to an English translation. Hatami was addressing a military ceremony.
That was in response to the threat from Israel:
"If the world stops them [Iran] before, it’s much the better. But if not, we must stand independently and we must defend ourselves by ourselves."
"The Iranian nuclear aspiration must be stopped... We must defend ourselves by ourselves," Gantz had asserted.
Iran has stated for decades that it is against their beliefs to build nuclear weapons and that their nuclear program is for energy. But of course Bibi’s getting nervous about his being found guilty of lots of crimes and he will either have to step down or go to prison. I’m hoping that his buttocks will be thrown in prison. I don’t care on what charges as long as his ass rots there for his crimes against Palestinians.
Blinken has been making lots of noise about Iran lately too and I’m wondering just how close Israel is to bombing Iran without our permission military support? Of course if he does and it turns into a ground war, you know that none of Israel’s troops will have to go. Oh no that honor goes to ours and our unfortunate nato allies' troops. Dammit.
OBiden bombed Syria just after he spoke with Bibi and was probably given orders to do it, but I’m not sure who had what to prove to who. Kamillary is more a follower than a leader, but I guess it depends on who is training her. Someone at State I think.
OT. Way OT but this is funny. Pepe Le Pew got inserted into rape culture and the Twit went bezerk.
Outrage Mob Goes After Cartoon Skunk Pepe Le Pew For "Normalizing Rape Culture"
The woke cancel culture mob continues trucking along with their crusade against free speech, targeting popular Dr. Seuss books last week as they said some of these beloved children's books contain racist imagery. As the mob continues to look for stuff to burn figuratively, cartoon characters like Pepé Le Pew, a character from the Warner Bros. Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies series of cartoons from the 1940s, is the next target.
New York Times liberal columnist Charles Blow recently argued in an op-ed and in a series of tweets how Pepé Le Pew "normalized rape culture." He tweeted Saturday a scene from the cartoon: "Let's see, he grabs/kisses a girl/stranger repeatedly, without consent and against her will. She struggles mightily to get away from him, but he won't release her. He locks a door to prevent her from escaping."
In a separate tweet, Blow continued: "This helped teach boys that "no" didn't really mean no, that it was a part of "the game," the starting line of a power struggle. It taught overcoming a woman's strenuous, even physical objections was normal, adorable, funny. They didn't even give the woman the ability to SPEAK."
The Media Research Center, a top media watchdog, responded to Blow's op-ed following the recent cancel mob's assault on Dr. Seuss, who said:
"Congrats to anyone who had "liberals try to cancel Looney Tunes" on their 2021 bingo card."
....This Twitter user makes an interesting point:
"Yeah, this was on TV. it was normal to show it to children in an 'evolving society' it's easy (for most of us) to see how messed up and wrong a cartoon from 80 years ago feels today, but few of us will imagine how what we are doing TODAY may look like 80 years from now."
Also there is some weird talk about the Dr. Seuss book thingy. If anyone knows more spill.

It' not antisemitic
to hate the israeli government.
And I do with the same passion as I hate my own.
I sometimes wonder if they're looking for a reason to ignite the third nuke ever used against humans.
I still run into some who think the jews took the current Israel by war instead of by order of the United Nations.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Yes there really was a war
And they would be absolutely correct.
One out of six Israeli Jews were killed in Israel’s war for independence.
And this was a mere three years after the murder of the six million.
"Please clap." -- Jeb Bush
With regards to the OT subject.
Now they're going for Pepe.
Blow me mr blow and take the new york slimes with you.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
I wonder when someone'll bring up "Fifi La Fume"...
Might this be a good opportunity to bring up the reality that sexism, and sexual assault, go both ways and always have (https://slate.com/human-interest/2014/04/male-rape-in-america-a-new-stud..., https://cavemancircus.com/2018/03/28/10-male-victims-rape-reveal-happene...), that #MeToo did nothing but resurrect the founding libel of Western sexism - the duality of "Demonic Male VS Damsel In Distress" - and threaten to throw 20th-Century feminism into reverse (https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2018/02/metoo_movement_backfires.html) and that RAINN itself has put the kibosh on the concept of "rape culture" (https://time.com/30545/its-time-to-end-rape-culture-hysteria/)? How about flushing this cliocidal brainwashing trying to tell us that the '90s were no different from the '50s? They weren't.
Just to put a button on this: https://slate.com/human-interest/2013/09/the-end-of-men-why-feminists-wo...
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
We were SO over this in the '000s...WTF happened?
Instead, we had Family Guy, Mind of Mencia, Drawn Together, Minoriteam, MXC, Tropic Thunder (ZOMG Robert Downey Jr. in blackface!!!), the list goes on and on...and sure, it could get annoyingly sleazy at times, but dear Christ, it was preferable to THIS, and you know what? It HELPED; freedom of humor helped us evolve beyond bigotry, and this shit s RESURRECTING it. The psychology of why and how is perfectly easy to understand, too. You can't change the past, BUT you can choose not to be hurt by it - any trauma therapist will tell you that. What cancel-culture does is CRIMINAL; they rape and torture us all, ESPECIALLY those of us who have fought so long and hard to overcome trauma. I would not be surprised at all if that was all part of an intentional psyop of the most unspeakably cruel nature (in which case, there MUST be traceable evidence!).
Hang in there, South Park and Bill Maher; on this matter, you were 100% correct all along. Don't give 'em an inch.
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
Whether they are operating out of Germany,
...Israel, the UK, or the United States — these Nazi Mutations always make the same mistake as they whip themselves into a catastrophic war of necessity. They puff themselves up into grotesque spectacles of the loathesome evil that lives inside their minds, and they lose the hearts and minds of the people who are underwriting their insanity and funding their paranoid delusions.
By the time they realize they are not invisible and that people can see their unworthy and craven motivations — it's really too late. Oh sure, they step up the blatant propaganda and have the media repeat the narrative of lies and accusations throughout the day — but it's already falling apart. Finally, they resort to criminalizing "wrong" thoughts — thoughts that happen to be the truth. They double-down on this again and again until they become a parody of themselves. But they never break character. They will simply start killing the people, if it comes to that. That's what power is all about. The people won't object. Just look at how they say nothing about the slow murder of Julian Assange taking place right in front of their faces.
But the Nazi Mutations still lose the last pillar of their credibility — the hearts and minds of the now broken People. It is thus that their empire turns to dust.
It’s easy for Biden to sidestep Bibi
Rejoin the nuclear agreement with Iran tomorrow. Iran was doing its part of the deal and it was us that broke it. Iran has said that it would come into compliance if Biden drops the sanctions and resigns. Easy peasy.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Just adding these to show where the US sits in all this.
Imperial arrogance indeed
We were warned about Blinken getting back with Biden, but liberals cheered when he was appointed. Just like OBiden is worse on domestic policy than I thought he’d be, they are going to be much worse on foreign policy too. If Blinken’s in bed with Bibi then thoughts of WW3 could be warranted. What will Russia do if Israel does attack Iran? Will Putin let Biden finish the neocon's plan of 5 countries in 7 years and let Israel be the only super power in the Middle East? Somehow I doubt it. He put his foot out for us to trip over in Syria, although he lets Israel do whatever it wants there. China too will react somehow because they are trading partners. We have already pissed off Turkey and they might side with Russia. Then what? Bibi and OBiden willing to risk that?
Lots of questions. Easy fix. Rejoin the deal as it stood when Trump dropped out.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
My! My! Blinken is a busy little beaver.
Heh heh...
Why yes, yes we did do just that. Peter Dau has been tweeting nonstop about Biden’s sexual assault charges and his fondness for touching young girls and women. Typical response? Trump has more accusations against him so there. Apparently it’s okay for democrats to rape women as long as they don’t do more than republicans do. In their minds that makes sense.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I love the sliding scale of outrage.
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
A video of the Gantz interview.
For About the Zillionth Time
The "news" world never mentions the premise behind the nuclear agreement with Iran -- who ever said the the correct number of countries with nuclear weapons is nine? And that ten is so intolerable that we must go to war to keep it from happening?
USA, Russia, China, UK, France, India, Pakistan, Israel and North Korea -- regrettable. Iran -- you are insane if you don't support any effort to keep those insane Iranians from getting The Bomb. Well, North Korea is insane and we may have to go to war there, too, someday, but that is not in the news today.
Just as the premise for the Second Gulf War is ignored while Americans STILL debate the "faulty intelligence," no main stream media source will EVER discuss WHY some countries can have weapons of mass destruction and some must never have them.
The stance of the USA is that we have to able to destroy any civilization on earth in order to "defend" ourselves -- while making sure that other countries cannot defend themselves from us.
Both parties are fully committed to this insanity. That is why voting will never change the insanity.
Projection of our own delusions of omnipotence upon our "enemies" is the propaganda strategy.
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
With you all
the way on Iran/Israel.
Two facts that everybody might not be aware of: 1) Bibi is on trial right now for fraud and corruption. He won a ruling that says "No witnesses against him may appear until after the Election."
2) The Israeli Election # 4, in this epic we can call Bibi Holds On, happens on March 23.
So far Bibi has managed to do what Donald Trump only dreamed about.
No witnesses?
Boy I wish Chauvin wishes he could have made that deal before his trial for killing George Floyd.
I alluded to Bibi's corruption, but not the details. Thanks. I sure hope he is removed from power. Prison would be a cherry on top.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.