Featured Editorials

Hellraisers Journal: Impressions of War from Sculptor, Nellie V Walker, and Poet, Ralph Chaplin

A feast of mothers' pain is here laid low
For swarming insects hovering on high.
Grey rats, red muzzled through the trenches go
Where your death-tortured features face the sky.
-Ralph Chaplin

Sunday February 27, 1916
The Great War in Europe and the Mass Slaughter of Working Class Sons Considered

United Mine Workers Journal, Cover of February 3, 1916:

UMWJ, Cover, Feb 3, 1916, Not For The Cannon by Nellie V Walker, Cropped.png

Robert Kagan: Republican, Neocon, PNAC co-founder endorses Clinton

The connection between Hillary and the extreme right Republican Neocons became much clearer today when Robert Kagan, a co-founder and co-author of “The Project for the New American Century, endorsed Hillary Clinton for President.

Returning the snub

 photo ANOHNI_zps8uavsp2u.jpg

Last week, when the list of this year's Academy Awards performers and presenters was announced, ANOHNI's name was not on it. Despite being nominated for Best Original Song for "Manta Ray," her collaboration with J. Ralph from the documentary Racing Extinction, she will not play the song live on the broadcast. (Organizers reportedly cut the performance due to "time constraints.") Nor will she attend the ceremony. Now, in a powerful, no-holds-barred essay, ANOHNI explains her decision not to attend.

"It reminds me of what happened in mortgage-backed securities in the run-up to the crisis"

This isn't 2008.
In 2008 we had one huge bubble in the economy burst. That's not what is happening today.
What is happening today is several smaller bubbles in the economy all imploding, or looking ready to implode.

Hellraisers Journal: From the Appeal to Reason: The Kidnapping of Moyer, Haywood and Pettibone

There are no limits to which powers of privilege
will not go to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones

Monday February 26, 1906
The Appeal to Reason on the "Kidnappers' Special"

This week's edition of the Appeal features an article which describes the special train, the "Kidnappers' Special," which spirited Moyer, Haywood and Pettibone away from Denver and over the state line to Boise, Idaho:

Officers of Western Federation Kidnapped.

Under the Thin Disguise of the Law, President Moyer and
Secretary Haywood of Colorado Are Taken to Idaho-
Another Chapter in the Colorado Labor War.
Special Telegram to the Appeal to Reason.

Bulkeley Wells, Colorado National Guard, Telluride Mine Manager.png

Pueblo, Colo., Feb. 20.-Saturday night in Denver, between the hours of nine o'clock and midnight, a set of Pinkerton detectives, armed with a requisition from the Governor of Idaho, which requisition was honored by Gov. McDonald, of Colorado, on Saturday morning, arrested Chas. P. Moyer, President of the Western Federation of Miners; Wm D. Haywood, Secretary, and G. A. Pettibone, a business man of Denver, on the charge of conspiracy in the assassination of Steunenberg, who was governor of Idaho at the time of the big strike in that state.

The Colorado governor honored the requisition before the men were arrested, which is in direct violation of the law. As soon as the men were arrested they were hustled to the county jail and held for four hours, then placed on board of a special train on the Union Pacific bound for Idaho. The Idaho detectives were reinforced by a squad of Colorado militia in charge of Adjt.-Gen. Buckley [Bulkeley] Wells and Col. W. D. Strickland of Gov. McDonald's Staff. Both are ex-convicts of most unsavory reputations in Colorado. This guard left the state with the manacled prisoners. The accused men were not permitted to send word to their families of friends, nor to communicate with their lawyers. They were literally kidnapped by the officials. The most prominent men in Colorado denounce this as a most unheard of outrage on law and order.

Minnesota man writes about his transgender child

Louis Porter has an Ed. D., has been a teacher for a long time, and is executive director of the Council for Minnesotans of African Heritage.

He is also the parent of a transgender child. And he fears for his black transgender child's life.

Even when my child was an infant, I had a premonition that our precious baby girl was going to throw some curveballs our way. Something in this long-awaited baby’s spirit let me know that a wild ride was ahead for my wife and me.

So, several years ago when my then-middle school child came out as queer, I was caught off guard, but it was news I could handle. “Your daddy’s love comes with a lifetime guarantee,” I said, paraphrasing a song by Sade, a generation-bridging family favorite. Then, as a native of the South steeped in black-middle-class tradition, I said: “I wonder if they’ll still let you be a debutante.” We both immediately laughed that hearty, authentic family chuckle that eases tensions.


Hellraisers Journal: Moyer, Haywood, & Pettibone Arraigned at Caldwell; Refuse to Enter Pleas

There are no limits to which powers of privilege
will not go to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones

Sunday February 25, 1906
From the San Francisco Call: W. F. of M. Men Refuse to Enter Pleas

From the Call of February 22, 1906:

Special Dispatch to The Call.

Haywood-Moyer-Pettibone Case, Attorney Edmund F Richardson of Denver, Boise, May 11, 1907, w: text.png

BOISE, Idaho, Feb. 21.-Charles E. [H.] Moyer, William D. Haywood and G. A. Pettibone, leaders of the Western Federation of Miners, today were taken to Caldwell, where they were arraigned before the Probate Judge on information charging them with the murder of former Governor Frank Steunenberg. Each of the prisoners stood mute, refusing to plead.

Attorney E. F. Richardson, representing the prisoners demanded an immediate preliminary hearing, but it finally was agreed that the case should go over until next Tuesday, when a further continuance may be ordered.

Attorney Richardson maintained that the information filed against the prisoners was not sufficient, as the affidavit charged the commission of a crime in Caldwell, whereas Moyer had not been in the State of Idaho since October last, and the two other prisoners had not been in Idaho in years. There was in the information no word of conspiracy, he said. The court overruled his objection to the information and his motion for the dismissal of the prisoners. They were committed without bail.

The three prisoners were brought back to Boise this afternoon and were again taken to the State Penitentiary, where they will be kept in close confinement. They will be permitted to read books.
