Featured Editorials

Public art to be created as tribute to transgender victims of violence

Los Angeles-based sculptor Heath Satow has been commissioned by the Transgender Community Coalition to create a tribute to transgender victims of violence to be displayed as public art somewhere in Palm Springs.

 photo clinton_zpsezlhbyzq.jpgThe original rendering of the statue was created by coalition director Thomi Clinton and R. J. Taylor.

The original iteration of the transgender sculpture illustrates a life-size figure, made of steel butterflies, lying on its side. Where exactly the statue will find a permanent home in Palm Springs is still to be determined.

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Hellraisers Journal: Pinkertons Search for Clues in Steunenberg Murder; Seek Jack Simpkins of WFM

There are no limits to which the powers of privilege will not go
to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones

Friday January 26, 1906
Boise, Idaho - Authorities Seek Simpkins of W. F. of M. in Steunenberg Case

From The Salt Lake Tribune of January 22, 1906:


Detectives Had Busy Sunday in
Searching for New Evidence.
Sheriff Nichols of Canyon County Has
Collapsed Under Strain of Work.

Special to The Tribune.

Pinkerton's National Detective Agency, wiki.png

BOISE, Ida., Jan. 21.-Among the detectives, today was an active day for them in the search for more evidence against Harry Orchard and others in the Steunenberg murder case. It is reported that some new clues were found, which officers seem to think are very important.

View of Pinkerton Men.

Pinkerton men have been hunting up the new evidence, and they are positive in their findings. One of them said:

Hellraisers Journal: "Let this country prepare happy homes before they talk of defending them."

You ought to be out raising hell. This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Tuesday January 25, 1916
From the Chicago Day Book: Report on an Interview with Mother Jones

Mother Jones was recently in the city of Chicago and was interviewed by a reporter on various topics. Monday's Day Book gave the following account of what Mother had to say:


Mother Jones, Wilmington (OH) Daily News, Jan 24, 1916, alignd.png

There will be no strike in the soft coal fields if the present demand for soft coal keeps up, Mother Jones told a Day Book reporter Sunday. She says operators are expected to give in to the demands of the unions this spring. "Mother" left Chicago Sunday for Indianapolis, where last week she brought the two warring factions of United Mine Workers of America together.

[She says:]

The outlook is not so promising in anthracite fields...Operators are not expected to give in to demands of miners. Strike is likely.

Thousands of tons of coal have been stored away by railroads. Some industries have contracted for delivery for months in advance, fearing an industrial struggle.

Mother Jones is hopeful in general. She sees better wages and better working conditions for American workingman. She thinks the "little revolt" in Youngstown taught money kings a lesson. She expects more voluntary increases like 10 per cent raise in steel industry.

Here's a shocker

When I posted about the report of the UK parliament's Committee on Women and Equality from the parliamentary inquiry into discrimination against transgender people in education, health and criminal justice ten days ago, backlash had yet to coalesce. It stood to reason there would be some, but it was not known for certain from whence it would come.

Maria Miller, chair of the committee, probably expected attacks from right-wingers in her Conservative party. But Miller says they have remained largely silent.

[T]he former Culture secretary said she was taken aback by the “extraordinary” hostility from a minority of women “purporting to be feminists.”

I've figured it out!

See, Hillary Clinton's presidential bid is all about a woman's right not only to be President, but to be untrustworthy as well.

If throughout all these years you've been voting for male politicians who couldn't be trusted, what right do you have to say "no" to a woman who demands the same courtesy as all of the men who've been getting a free pass?

And who the hell gave you the right to be an informed voter, anyway?

Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Speaks on Struggle & Socialism: The Day of the People Is Dawning.

You ought to be out raising hell. This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Wednesday January 24, 1906
From the Reading Times: Mother Jones Speaks to Large Gathering on Socialism

A large crowd gathered in Reading, Pennsylvania, Monday evening to hear Mother Jones speak. Tuesday's Reading Times reported the event:



Mother Jones, Mar 11, 1905, AtR.png

The main room of the Court House was scarce large enough to accommodate the crowd of citizens who gathered there last evening to hear "Mother" Jones expound her theories of socialism. The meeting was held under the auspices of Local Reading, of the Socialist party, and, although the meeting was announced for 8 o'clock, half an hour before that time men and women began to gather and before the hour of opening, every seat in the auditorium was taken and as many were standing as could crowd into the aisles. The space within the bar was also filled with men and women.

As the clock struck the hour of 8, T. J. Netheary, who presided during the session, called the gathering to order and briefly stated the purpose of the meeting. He felt highly honored by so large and intelligent an audience having gathered to hear live issues discussed. The meeting, he said, was being held under the auspices of Socialists, who had met to give vent to the opinions held by millions of people today. Socialism is the same the world over, and represents the only philosophy which, if put into practice, will bring relief to down-trodden mankind. To attain liberty and freedom is the goal of all well thinking people. The only difference is in the method to reach this end. The Socialist is not a pessimist, but verily believes the dawn is coming and is striving heartily to hasten that day.
