Featured Editorials

Indiana conservatives strive to top North Carolina

Indiana may have lost to the Tarheels in the NCAA tournament, but Indiana Republicans are going all out to prove that nobody is as bigoted as they are.

Sen. Jim Tomes introduced SB 35 in January which prohibits schools from ever allowing transgendder students from using restrooms that correspond to their gender identity...but goes much further. The bill legally defines a person's gender as determined as that which is assigned to the person at birth and their chromosomes.

[T]he bill mandates that any transgender person who uses a public sex-specific restroom, locker room, or shower room that matches their gender identity has committed a “single sex public facility trespass,” which it deems a Class A misdemeanor. A Class A misdemeanor is the highest non-felony charge in Indiana, punishable by up to one year in jail and a fine of up to $5,000 dollars.

The misdemeanor charge would not apply to a student at a school, a person under the age of 18, or the usage of any private residence facility.

Hellraisers Journal: Persecution of Colorado Miners Continued by Coal Owned State Government

There are no limits to which powers of privilege will not go
to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones

Thursday March 30, 1916
From the United Mine Workers Journal: A Day in a Trial of Colorado Miners

Military Veterans - 22 Suicides a Day – Out of Sight, Out of Mind

The failed Iraq war that Mrs. Clinton voted for, without even taking the time to read the national intelligence estimate, is helping to contribute to 22 military veteran suicides a fucking day. No, I'm not implying that it is all Hillary's fault, only indicating her lack of leadership abilities, by not reading the NIE before she voted to give GWB carte blanch to launch an ILLEGAL war against a country that did not attack us, nor threaten our national sovereignty.

Washington Human Rights Commission quashes anti-trans petitions

Yesterday the Human Rights Commission of the State of Washington voted to reject two petitions to repeal what is being referred to as "the transgender bathroom rule." The HRC established WAC 163-32-060 last December. The rule allows transgender people to use gender-segregated facilities corresponding with our gender identity.

One of the petitions was written by Roderick and Bonnie Smilonich and the another by retired Sens. Val Stevens and Joyce Mulliken along with retired Reps. Gigi Talcott and Lynn Schindler. Mulliken, of Moses Lake, formerly served the 13th Legislative District. Mulliken wrote on her Facebook page she was told of the hearing only one day prior by another legislator, not by the commission. She is currently out of state and wasn’t able to attend the hearing. The other lawmakers who filed the petition weren’t in attendance either.

Mulliken later told the Herald the group plans to appeal the decision with Gov. Jay Inslee and the Joint Administrative Rules Review Committee (the Legislative committee that audits state agencies, boards and commissions).

Hellraisers Journal: Indictments Against Judge Elbert H Gary of the U. S. Steel Corporation Quashed

You ought to be out raising hell. This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Wednesday March 29, 1916
From The Day Book: Judge Anderson Quashes Indictments Against Judge Gary
