Featured Editorials

What You Must Do Before Voting in the Wisconsin, New York & Pennsylvania Primaries

If you plan to vote in the upcoming primaries in Wisconsin, New York and Pennsylvania here is a list of things you should do to make certain you can vote and that your vote will be counted.

General Info on Checking Your Registration Status, Party Affiliation and Polling Place

Gender development

Vanessa LoBue, assistant professor of psychology at Rutgers-Newark, has contributed an article at The Conversation that was forwarded to me. When do children develop their gender identity?

It turns out that for young children, initial concepts about gender are quite flexible. In my own research, I’ve found that children don’t begin to notice and adopt gender-stereotyped behaviors (e.g., preferring colors like pink or blue) until the age of two or three. A few years later, their concept of gender becomes quite rigid, and although it becomes more relaxed by middle childhood, even adults have trouble going back to thinking about gender as something that’s flexible.


Hellraisers Journal: Will Colorado Taxpayers Finally Revolt Against Continued Persecution of Miners?

There are no limits to which powers of privilege will not go
to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones

Friday March 31, 1916
From the United Mine Workers Journal: The High Cost of "Colorado Justice"

Bernie Blasts Job-Killing Trade Deals: "You are not going to continue to deindustrialize the United States"

Bernie in Pittsburgh talking about job-killing trade deals.

Flanked by local labor leaders [President Mike Smith of the United Steelworkers Local 1557-2 and President Scott Slawson of the United Electrical Workers Local 506] and Pennsylvania workers, U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders on Thursday said trade deals he opposed and Hillary Clinton supported have devastated Pennsylvania manufacturing and hurt working families.

Bernie takes on the Media's coddling of Donald Trump on the Issues

This epic-rant happened when Bernie was telling Rachel Maddow, 'what he really thinks' about the Corporate Media's kid-glove 1-dimension treatment of Donald Trump when it comes to his positions on the Issues.

This happened at Sanders' recent Townhall event on MSNBC, with Ms Maddow moderating.

MSNBC Town Hall: The BEST Line Was...

The Tree Of Consciousness

Good morning, my dear friends of c99, from a rainy morning in southern Ontario. Great weather for ducks. My primary interest is spirituality and I really should get to it sometimes, eh :=) I would like to show you a drawing by my daughter the genius illustrator (this is called Dad-bragging.) I think mostly in images and I asked her to draw the tree of consciousness image that lives in me. More below.
