Featured Editorials

Hellraisers Journal: War, Patriotism, and Wage Reductions to Beat the “Barbarous” German Workers

The working class has no country.
The employing class has stolen them all.
-Robert Minor

Sunday May 21, 1916
From the International Socialist Review: War and Wages by Robert Minor

From this month's Review, some thoughts on War, Patriotism, and International Solidarity:

WWI, When They Ask You, Robert Minor, ISR, May 1916.png

Shaun King: Why I'm Leaving the Democratic Party

Sometimes I wonder if Shaun King reads what I wrote here or on dkos, because I'll see him posting my exact thoughts on twitter. Other times he posts exactly what I'm thinking before I have had a chance to post it. I didn't follow him at TOP, but do see him on twitter.


Give it a read.

Do we leave?

I've seen plenty of people saying they'll be leaving the Donkey Party behind after this November. It's something I've been considering myself, though honestly I never really identified as a Dem even though I've been registered and voting as one since 2008. But I've seen others point out that us folk of the more progressive persuasion leaving the party is exactly what the Clintons and their establishment minions are trying to achieve.

I see the adults in the room are gearing up to blame someone

Yes, they will blame us if their candidate flops, we will even get the blame that if once elected she turns hard right if only we had heeded their calls for unity earlier.

They were too busy hailing Robert Reich calling for unity where at the end of his article he mentioned the dreaded "third party" platform, something that will get you banned from ToP.
