We Are Not Hearing the Truth About Aleppo and Syria: Running Toward War

With increased bombing, inflamed rhetoric rising on all sides and open talk of using nuclear weapons in the foreseeable future, I started digging for a more accurate assessment of the situation in Syria. The dense fog of war generated by TPTB is unprecedented; earlier attempts at understanding the players and dynamics had me signing off in frustration. Yesterday, though, I began to locate some credible sources. The depth of deception being practiced on the American people makes the run up to the Iraq War seem like an exercise in transparency. And nuclear weapons are on the table.

Vanessa Beeley is a British journalist who has spent many years investigating Gaza and Syria. Unlike nearly every Western journalist, she actually travels through the countries she is reporting on, speaking to the people, investigating on the ground. She has just returned from Syria and was interviewed yesterday on The Ron Paul Liberty Report. She explains the current situation in Aleppo, and reveals how reporting is being manipulated to raise hysteria in the West, particularly America. Most damningly, though, she discusses the rise and true role of the White Helmets, the alleged Syrian Civil Defense organization which has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. She's an engaging, credible speaker -- worth your time to watch. You can also find her writings, including many interviews with Syrian people here.

It was watching this episode of Crosstalk that prompted me to write this diary. The language they are using to describe the situation is downright frightening--not inflammatory, just informing. *At the end of the cabinet meeting where Obama adopted the recent ceasefire, Ash Carter and the uniformed military officer stood, and Carter said, "We'll see if we're going to implement it. We don't really agree with it." This is rank insubordination. And the fact that within days, US forces had killed 62 Syrian soldiers, effectively sabotaging the ceasefire, makes it abundantly clear that Obama is no longer in charge of the Pentagon. Russia knows this. The UK knows this. The American people do not. My question is: Is the Pentagon already answering to Hillary? Or simply acting in the knowledge that she will not prosecute them for insubordination?

This last one is the least exciting, but broadly informative. Members of the US Peace Council and allies travelled to Syria this summer where they met with many Syrians from both civilian life and the government, including Assad. They stayed in Damascus, but felt assured that they were getting a representative enough view of the country. This is video of the press conference they held, to an audience of eight people, at the UN.

I believe of all the crises that are pressing on us, the situation in Syria is the most acutely urgent. In addition to all the money and material support we have been providing to terrorists, we 'may' now have U.S. military boots on the ground in Northern Aleppo. Russia is bombing Eastern Aleppo ahead of Syrian forces seeking to rout the terrorist forces there. If America has, indeed, been trying to start a hot war with Russia, we have never been closer than this in my lifetime.

This is my first real diary anywhere, and I don't know how to embed video, but I urge you to follow the links and watch these speakers for yourselves. I remain surprised at how I'm finding credibility on both the far right and far left ends of the reporting world. All of these were posted in the last two days; this is timely reporting, on an urgent matter.

*Updated with Ash Carter quotes and related analysis.

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Sic Semper Tyrannis

Warning: A lot of folks there are libertarians, right-leaning, and misogynistic. It can get overwhelming from that perspective. However, there are a lot of folks there have been in the military and intelligence communities for a long time. They are usually right about the facts on the ground, and often have good insights as to what is transpiring.

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Bonnie's picture

I'll wander over there and check things out. Maybe under an alias Wink

I know I'm looking at all this through my own biases, filters and paradigms, so I'm definitely open to debate and movement:
My first take on the cover essay: the author doesn't seem as informed as those in the links above. Any talk of 'moderates' at this point is laughable - probably has been for months...years...ever? What might have begun as an Arab Spring civil uprising has been compromised for years by the continuing influx of foreign fighters, monies, munitions, supplies and agendas. According to Beesley, the Syrian people refer to all anti-government forces as terrorists. This does NOT mean they are pro-Assad, rather that they do not, and never did, want to destroy Syria to save Syria. Makes sense.

Thank you again for commenting and providing a source. A day of firsts: This is the first online convo I've had about something I wrote : ) I'm gonna head back to Semper and rifle through the comments.

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When we find true agreement, we will access the powers of true change.

snoopydawg's picture

The Arab Springs that has seen government leaders removed weren't spontaneously uprisings by the people in those countries but were orchestrated by the CIA.
You are right that they been compromised by foreign fighters and they are usually created and funded by us and our allies.
Saudi Arabia is funding a lot of groups that we are either fighting or are being told we are. Plus of course we are funding a lot of them.
Down thread I wrote about how our government is considering giving them anti plane missle or some other type of equipment.
And if that's true, then which country's planes are they going to target to bring down?
ISIL doesn't have an air force so it would be either the Russians or the Syrian jets.
Once again the US has invaded a sovereign country to overthrow its leader on false pretenses.
When Bush did it to Iraq, progressives said that it was bad, but since Obama and Hillary started doing these actions, silence.
And this is what upsets me the most about Hillary's supporters when they deny that she a warmonger!

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If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

Bonnie's picture

Even Tunisia? Has it all been murderous geopolitical kabuki theatre?

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When we find true agreement, we will access the powers of true change.

lotlizard's picture

I was following the Arab Spring very closely at the beginning — it was a genuine grass-roots phenomenon right up until Bahrain (which hosts the U.S. Fifth Fleet) started to get shaky.

At that point, I think it’s evident tht the U.S. made a decision to hijack the whole process for its own purposes, beginning with giving the Saudis and their pals a green light to crush the Bahrain democracy movement by bloody force, and later making sure another U.S. and Israel friendly dictator regained control of Egypt.

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

coming out of economic, ecological, and political pain. Then you have the co-optation by the CIA and other parts of the MIC.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

Bonnie's picture

But I wasn't paying close attention. Does anyone remember if there was any actual grassroots uprising in Syria? Or Libya for that matter?

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When we find true agreement, we will access the powers of true change.

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

in Syria--they had unrest because a very long, very severe drought led to a lot of farmers abandoning their farms and heading for the major cities looking for work and food. There wasn't enough, either jobs or food. That's a quick recipe for social unrest.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

Big Al's picture

and the Gaddafi government, but that's not why those countries developed into a war. They were used as cover to justify the "humanitarian" wars of Obama. The biggest lie, still spread even on this site, was that the war in Syria was a "civil war". It never was a civil war. Put simply, both the Syria and Libya wars were/are are externally generated regime change operations and country balkanization projects using proxy terrorists, jihadists and mercenaries as a proxy army.

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Bonnie's picture

this morning, about (alleged) protestors and their complaints and the (alleged) over-response of "security forces" it all sounded not so very different from protests playing out across America right now, and the over-response of our "security forces." This is based on a very cursory reading of always questionable sources, so FWIW.

My take is similar to yours: (1) Of course some people opposed the Syrian and Libyan governments. Some people in every country oppose their government. (2) We have no way of evaluating whether those opposition groups would have served the needs of the people better than the governments, or whether they simply wanted more for themselves & their cronies. (3) Both Qaddafi and Assad may have been brutal toward certain oppositional groups and individuals. (4) U.S. gov is absolutely hypocritical in judging another government's level of brutality. And most other countries don't have the wealth of distractions and "freedoms" that keep Americans from opposing their government more forcefully. (5) Yes, regime change, by a cast of idiots destroying country after country trying to impose their will.

No living being, thing or place matters to these "people" - they will destroy everything in their path to more power and empty wealth.

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When we find true agreement, we will access the powers of true change.


Both give you international information and viewpoints, and insight into how Russia sees all our insanity. Very scary stuff - we'd better pray that it becomes clear that Hillary will lose decisively. We are not invulnerable here. The website owners seem to have had some military strategy training, too, so they can help make sense out of some aspects of this mess.

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Bonnie's picture

On and off over the years. So illuminating to hear from Russian perspectives. What fools the Americans are. We are not invulnerable. We are very vulnerable, on all sides.

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When we find true agreement, we will access the powers of true change.

and can be very witty. He's made me laugh out loud over some really serious stuff.

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Hetrose's picture

The War Worshipers and Profiteers are always looking for the next Fix and if you have to die for them to get it, well tough.

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Bonnie's picture

I just added the notes about Ash Carter's insubordination - I hadn't finished watching Crosstalk when I dropped everything to write this. We are in the most frightening moment in U.S. history since 1962, and No One Knows.

Please share, inform, educate. Call... wow, there's no one left to call.


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When we find true agreement, we will access the powers of true change.

snoopydawg's picture

Why hasn't Obama fired him and the others that went against the ceasefire, or is he either helpless to do anything or on board?
Breaking the ceasefire gave the territory to ISIL, and it may have been the intention until Hillary becomes president, or well I'm not sure about 'or'
Has there been a military coup or has the office of the president just been a figurehead when it comes to military matters?
Anyone know the answer?

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If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

The TPP to be shoved through in November or earlier (illegally and unconstitutionally) hands over control of domestic law to corporations and billionaires, although this may well be only a formality, at this point - TPTB have been becoming more and more blatant about exerting their new to-be-'legally owned' powers over their claimed possessions, which include entire betrayed countries and their human resources. Us.

It's been said that the US government will fall if what's been uncovered regarding Hillary's emails is publicly revealed and dealt with as it should be. And it must, before the corporate candidate or some substitute is cheated into the Presidency or nothing on Earth will long survive. It appears to be the only way to clean out the corruption and give us all a chance.

Bring Back Bernie - he won the Damn's nomination in the first place, and he and the Greens would repudiate illegal 'law' and help patch up whatever's recoverable of the mess the Greeds created and do anything possible to alleviate wherever possible.

Edit: so yes, that makes Obama and the rest of government employees of the new owners, for however long they're required. May not be for long - and everyone's protections are gone under this.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Well done, Bonnie. Thank you greatly.

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Bonnie's picture

I told my 15-year-old I was writing my first real diary about all this (we'd been talking about it and watching the vids together) and damn if I didn't see real pride in his eyes. It tickles.

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When we find true agreement, we will access the powers of true change.

Pluto's Republic's picture

Hope to see more of your writing here. This is an important topic that is thickly plastered with US propaganda to discourage open discussions.

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Bonnie's picture

This is an important topic that is thickly plastered with US propaganda to discourage open discussions.

... to read through older reporting this morning and see how many details of all of this have been known for years by those willing and able to pay attention. Some days I swear we're all under a spell and go around mumbling versions of the same things to each other over and over, finding something closer to the 'truth' for a moment or two, then falling back into the fog of knowing/not knowing that clouds everything we do. And almost always the turning against each other. This plays right into their hands.

Thank you for the welcome, Pluto's Republic. I look forward to writing more essays Smile

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When we find true agreement, we will access the powers of true change.

Pricknick's picture

Obama not only opened Pandoras box by not prosecuting the Bush and Cheney mob, he put a permanent wedge into the top of the box. But remember, "We have to look forward".
To more of the same. Nothing has changed or will be changed. They know that humans (and most of all life) are well on their way to extinction and will not lift a finger to stop it. Gotta have as much as they can.
The question is: Will we go with the bang of mutually assured destruction, or with a whimper?

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

Bonnie's picture

I don't know how, but I know with all my little heart, that if we can 'simply' figure out how to join together, in common cause, we can change the world. I'll know it with my last breath, even if we haven't done it yet. Humans are capable of so much more than we imagine. That, for me, was one of the affirmations of Bernie's candidacy--we were rolling, and we were rolling with joy.

We weren't strong enough to hold it yet: the forces against the people are vicious and powerful, and we're slow to identify and answer the tactics they use to keep us isolated from each other, and bickering. But I know we can.

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When we find true agreement, we will access the powers of true change.

Pricknick's picture

I just believe we don't have the time left anymore.
If humans are not removed by by their own folly, they will be removed by mother nature.
The heat is on.
Sorry to be such an ender. I recycle, conserve natural resources, use public transit whenever possible, grow my own food as much as possible, live with what I need instead of what I want and survive.
How many others can do it in the time needed?
It doesn't look good.

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

Bonnie's picture

But, for many reasons, not least of which is humans haven't really tried yet, my enthusiasm keeps coming back.

When I say we haven't tried, I mean we haven't really joined together, overcoming our differences and devoting all our resources to the problems at hand. There have been successful little pockets of this from time to time, but the efforts of the people always get co-opted by forces we simply have not been taught or equipped to notice and address--even though the same dynamics unfold again and again. This has been going on for a very long time, and gaining momentum, which is why everything seems to be getting worse faster than expected.

As we begin to notice these these dividing forces, name them, strategize effective tactics around them (and I do think this has begun, and we need to build momentum on this) then we start to calm down, organize efficiently and intelligently, continue to gain momentum.

When you think for just a moment about the enormous resources being devoted to lethal stupidity (wars, fossils fuels, empty wealth, etc) and the tremendous potential human resources devoted to ineffective pursuits (nonlethal corporations, professional sports and entertainment, etc) and then imagine all those resources directed toward the health and well-being of our planet and ourselves: we could change things. Perhaps faster than we can imagine.

I believe the multiplying crises we are facing are calling out this growth and potential--almost as though Life itself is challenging us to rise above our stupidity and -- begin to imagine what might be possible. Not that this will be easy, the entrenched powers have all the money, all the weapons and all the power. But they think they're in their endgame and have gotten careless and lazy, while more and more of us are waking up to our agency and power. And we're connecting Smile

Life is very powerful and mysterious. If/when we stop our deadly foolishness and start cooperating with each other and the living planet-- well, I'd like to think my grandchildren might inherit a very different world than the one we're planning to bequeath them now: One that's turned this horrific corner and is on its way to healing.

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When we find true agreement, we will access the powers of true change.

At this point, we still have a last chance.

(Bolding mine)

How Bernie Sanders Could Become President With Only 130,000 Votes
6 days ago 14 Comments

After reading Dawn Papple’s excellent article in The Inquisitr a few days ago, about how theoretically it was possible for Bernie Sanders to still become President, I shared the article with some friends and found that they were confused at how this scenario could occur, so I decided to write my own article and hopefully answer everyone’s questions, as well as recruit a few hundred people to help me make this into a reality. ...

... Last Question, Crazy Guy; I’m a Jill Stein Supporter Now. What Role Does Jill Stein Play In All of This?

Great question!!

Jill actually does play a role here.

Although Jill herself has stated that the 2016 election is about “consolidating power” to win the 2020 election, Jill Stein supporters may end up helping Bernie Sanders in this scenario.

Jill Stein supporters should continue canvassing, donating and phone-banking on her behalf.

Not only will your activism help Jill in 2020, but a truly concentrated Jill Stein movement in a few battleground states could swing those states to Trump and keep Clinton from achieving the 270 electoral votes required to gain the Presidency.

Our Bernie write-in campaign in no way hinders Jill’s progress.

Wow!! You’ve actually convinced me. What do I do now?

Email me at..


We need phone-lists of Vermont residents.

We also need people who are willing to travel to Vermont for one month or who already live there.

Yes, this is a longshot, but Bernie Sanders’ candidacy was a longshot from the very beginning.

It is worth a try just to keep the government from falling into the hands of either of these two warmongers.

This is our only hope to stop both Clinton and Trump.

I am ready to make the sacrifice, but I can’t do it alone.

Who’s with me?

Dawn Papple’s excellent article in The Inquisitr


...Update: The latest results from 270 to Win indicate that Iowa has turned Red, Clinton is at 264 and Trump is at 268. Consequently, if Clinton takes Nevada, she will make it to 270. If the new projections are accurate, both Vermont and Wyoming will be needed to prevent both leading candidates from reaching the requisite 270 electoral votes.

If there's not enough action on this/TPTB are too stupid to take this survivable escape route:

(This following isn't a warning; it's an informative and practical instruction manual on how we can take this opportunity to save our own butts and what remains of life on the planet with a minimum of bloodshed and a higher likelihood of positive results - the same plan of action as was posted on a C-9 essay earlier.)


Anonymous WARNING American Revolution 2016
What They Don't Want You To Know

Published on Aug 28, 2016

Anonymous Message 2016 - You have to watch this!
This is the latest Anonymous message to the US public.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Bonnie's picture

And it got my hopes up for a few moments. But it seems to me TPTB have splintered and demoralized too many in the movement for us to coordinate this at this time. And with the final choice left in the hands of the Speaker, too much of a chance that, even if we did succeed, it would just be yet another demoralization in the end.

Just finished watching the ANONYMOUS vid--and was really (and happily) surprised to see my thinking has been developing along the same lines. My sons (18 & 15) like the general shape of it, too. apenultimate wrote an essay a week or so ago about Our Party that also adheres to this general shape, is this the one you're thinking of? http://caucus99percent.com/content/proposal-our-party

I'd very much like to explore these ideas more with someone (in addition to my sons : ) Very hard to keep most people's attention on them, thanks to the lethally effective tactics of TPTB.

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When we find true agreement, we will access the powers of true change.

when Ollie North et al were not prosecuted.

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Bonnie's picture

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When we find true agreement, we will access the powers of true change.

edg's picture

Or Jill Stein, either. The powers that be and the media are deathly afraid that Trump or Stein would actually seek rapprochement with Russia and keep us out of a hot war. It would deprive the military-industrial complex og many hundreds of billions of out tax dollars and would cost the Clintons a couple of billion. Each. We can't have peace. That would be too upsetting for the neoliberal warmongers.

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Bonnie's picture

Yet if anyone else gets elected, he or she would just be a puppet to TPTB, right? This is a freeking mess, with a nuclear bomb at the end.

Any ideas, kids?

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When we find true agreement, we will access the powers of true change.

Bonnie's picture

This is an excellent source! Thank you very much. I recommend anyone wanting to read more views on Syria, from people who have spent time in government and military: check this out--especially the comments. To think, we have common cause with right wing, libertarian misogynists! This is what I'm saying: If we can learn to see and respond intelligently to attempts by TPTB to isolate us and turn us against each other, we will rise.

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When we find true agreement, we will access the powers of true change.

Not everyone over there is right-leaning. One frequent poster, VietnamVet, and at least a couple others, are Jill Stein supporters, for example.

But most over there think of Hillary as "The Left"--and therefore how awful The Left is. Hillary is to the right of Reagan in all but a few things. There is no real Left anymore with any real political power. (Bernie came close to reinstating the actual Left!)

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Bonnie's picture

How anyone can look at Hillary and think she's even center left is beyond me--to the right of Reagan, almost across the board.

And what a shining moment it was, the promise of a government FOR the PEOPLE (OF & BY, too : )

Mustn't give up hope, must grow intelligence together, and strengthen our response.

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When we find true agreement, we will access the powers of true change.

Shockwave's picture

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The political revolution continues

Shockwave's picture

...mathematical chaos.

Chaos theory is the field of study in mathematics that studies the behavior of dynamical systems that are highly sensitive to initial conditions—a response popularly referred to as the butterfly effect.

This diagram is years old. If you did one today it would be far more complex. Heck! we are divided and confused about what to do ourselves.

The butterfly can become a vulture. The Apocalypse. Both ISIS and many fundamentalists here want Armageddon.

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The political revolution continues

I'm getting conflicting stories. Are they the good guys, or working for al-Qaeda/Nusra, or possibly a little bit of both?

Like most Americans, I am busy and don't have ready access to reliable information about Syria. Though I know where Aleppo is, I often wonder whose side the USA is on. Sometimes it looks like we're on 2-3 sides of this incredibly complex battleground.

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"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."

Pricknick's picture

Whoever props up the MIC.
When billions of petrol dollars are at stake, we have the oil and weapons cartels to deal with. To think otherwise is foolish.
Where are your investments,(if you have any) tax dollars and donations going?
Feed the machine. The Red Cross, Clinton Foundation, Bill and Malinda Gates Foundation, even the Wounded Warrior Project, to name a few, were all created to enrich those who run them, not help those who need it.

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

Bonnie's picture

I was looking for better (any?) reporting on the Clinton Foundation last night and came across some excellent essays here.

Amy Sterling Casil, with board-level understanding of non-profit law and finance, goes over every aspect of the CF she can find. Ugly stuff there, too. O, hope I didn't spoil the ending for anyone : /

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When we find true agreement, we will access the powers of true change.

WindDancer13's picture

backing HRC. Thanks for the link. I could only get through part of it for now, but will certainly go back for the rest later and check out the rest of the site. Also thank you for the Syria information.

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We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass

Thanks for posting this, Bonnie, and for your other work/finds!

I hope nobody misses these, by the author, in the comment section:

(Bolding mine)

Amy Sterling Casil
Aug 251 min read

Thank you Marie — I see we share some real interests too! Yes we health types are a pain to eat with …

There is a Politifact article TODAY that presents a mistaken picture of the Foundation. I emailed the guy who wrote it who is their editor. Politifact is owned ultimately by Warren Buffett, who enriched himself from the mortgage crisis and who pledged support to Mrs Clinton a year ago. They have a pretense at being journalists but the truth is: they either are unqualified to understand, or too biased to even try.


Amy Sterling Casil
Sep 26

What facts did you find — Fact Check.org?

Why don’t you try calling their office in Coachella Valley CA or in Haiti. Did you try the farm in Malawi? Who runs it now?

Did you ask McDonalds why it’s taking 8 years to include fruit or salad with “budget meals”?

What facts exactly did you check? Your minimum wage paycheck from David Brock?

Put not thy faith in billionaires - their money is generally drained from somewhere/numerous someones, often yourself/people you may know...

0 users have voted.

Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

is that there have been a number of photographs--such as the one a while back with the maimed kid in the ambulance in Syria--that have been proven faked. These are always very shocking photographs designed to rouse the American public to support Administration policies.

They always seem to have white helmets in them--which kind of look like they should be helmets from an aide group or something like that. But there are zero organizations in Syria that actually use them.

There are other things about the photos that prove they are staged. But now it's known there is a "white helmet" organization of some sort--nobody knows exactly who it is--who might not even be in Syria itself--who are making propaganda for the Americans.

(That's my understanding . . .)

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they will slit American throats along with the Christians, Alawites, Shia, and wrong believing Sunnis immediately after seizing power from Assad. Whatever one might think about the US directly aiding alQaeda's children, there's no disputing that our Saudi and Turkish allies have created ISIS, and we're ain't done shit about that.
It's probably just a humanitarian move by the US. Drive all the people out of the middle East before climate change turns the region into an empty stinking desert.

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Orwell: Where's the omelette?

Bonnie's picture

If you go to the 14:44 mark of the Beeley interview linked above, she spends several minutes explaining her investigation into their doings. I really recommend watching this portion at least, because it will illuminate so much more about the whole conflict, and the role of Western governments in it. They are terrorists being "feted and celebrated and icon-icised" by Western media. When you see the depth of deception in this one aspect, and realize they have seriously been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize, you will see the whole lethal game.

I totally get that no one has time to look into this, especially with the especially dense fog they've raised around it. And, frankly, we would prefer not to have to admit that our government is this out of control. But we have to take the time now. Too much at stake.

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When we find true agreement, we will access the powers of true change.

dewley notid's picture

...what this is all about, including the re-emergence of the Russian "boogeyman" the PTB now blame for everything...

huge offshore oil and natural gas deposits discovered in southern region of Syria, and off the Syrian coast

...and Russia's deal with Assad stands in the way of the "rightful owners".

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Nature is my religion; the earth is my temple.

Bonnie's picture

That Syria has universal healthcare and universal education through university. They will even pay for medical school.

The Oligarchy has been on a 60+ year mission to destroy any example of government actually working for the people.

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When we find true agreement, we will access the powers of true change.

Is a site that seems to have a lot of information about foreign and military affairs, but I have little knowledge about the background of the writer. The peeps at Naked Capitalism link to him at times. I've been looking at Sic Semper Tyrannis as well, discovered them at about the same time. I'm appalled that more people, after watching the NYT and other MSM sources lie to us about the Iraq war, still trust these same sources. Now I realize they lied to us about Libya, and are lying to us about Syria.


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In the beginning, Kos said, "Let there be light," and there were Billmon and Gilliard. Billmon was one of the reasons people started reading DK. He's a great writer and honest, way too good for DK these days.

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Bonnie's picture

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When we find true agreement, we will access the powers of true change.

Bonnie's picture

Please do spread the word about Syria. And it wouldn't hurt to flood Congress and the White House with calls and emails. Apparently Congress doesn't want to intervene militarily, and perhaps even Obama doesn't. Maybe he just hasn't been strong enough to rule the Pentagon, under Hillary or under Ash.

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When we find true agreement, we will access the powers of true change.

snoopydawg's picture

I wish that more people would question what is actually happening in Syria and why.
The goals of PNAC (project for a American century) was written by Robert Kagan, who happens to be advising Hillary on foreign policy. (His wife Victoria Nuland is assistant Secretary of State and was responsible for the Ukraine coup)
One of the goals of PNAC is to make Israel the only superpower in the Middle East.
Russia and Syria have been partners for decades and Russia is in charge of a lot of the oil pipelines.
Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other countries want in on that but Assad told them no.
And that's the only reason why they are trying to overthrow him.
Not because he used sarin nerve gas on his people. It was the terrorists that the US created that used it and they got from the CIA.
The US is once again funding Al Quada and many other terrorists groups to help them overthrow Assad.
And this is why Kerry and Summers are so upset with Russia. Russia is bombing our terrorists and Kerry, Obama and others are spouting so much propaganda about how it's Russia that's killing the Syrian people.
But none of this wouldn't have happened if the CIA hadn't created the Arab Spring and funded so many terrorists groups.
And our troops are fighting alongside AQ and are not happy about that?
Here's one article describing the clusterfuck going on.
Here's another
The Trail of Blood, Bodies, Destruction and Death, That Leads to the War Criminals in Our Midst
I don't remember where I read the article this morning about how the CIA, Carter and the pentagon want to arm our 'moderate' rebels, who are AQ with anti plane middles and other types of equipment. Gee, what could go wrong if they give them those things?
The f'cking insanity is one thing, but remember that there are thousands of innocent people trapped between all the players.
I know that Obama, Hillary and Kerry don't give them a second thought.

I don't know if the American people are ever going to pull their heads out of their...... and start questioning the government's propaganda about what the wars in the Middle East and elsewhere are about.
And notice all the talk about Russian aggression? That's so people will buy that Putin is the bad guy and not have a problem when Hillary starts a war with Russia.
Even though Obama and NATO have been building up troops in over 20 countries surrounding Russia.
The Evening Blues always has great links to what's happening in Syria.
I'm beyond disgusted in the sociopathic behavior of our government who don't care how many people they kill!

0 users have voted.

If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

Bonnie's picture

Yes. And even more than wish, we desperately need more Americans to wake up and speak up about what is going on in Syria. I've read that Congress doesn't want war in Syria, the people don't want war in Syria, and there is growing suspicion in my mind that Obama may have lost real control of the Pentagon years ago (and I'm no Obama apologist). And yes, the Neocons: Kagan, Nuland, Powers, Clinton (2), Bush (2), et al have been engineering this with Israel, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States for all my adult life. But there are more than this. And there are so many more of US then those who work to destroy us (and themselves for heaven's sake, what are they thinking?)

Thank you for the tip about The Evening Blues--looking forward to wandering around and checking out what you all have built here. Thank you all, for all you do.

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When we find true agreement, we will access the powers of true change.

snoopydawg's picture

Just scroll to the bottom of the page and that will take you to previous day's essays.
It will be easier for you to find the EBs then click on Joe's name and then click on his essays.
He does them each week night and they are a round up of the day's news with many links.
After I read the articles he's linked to I go to that site's homepage and there's more stories.
It sounds like you are new here.
If so, welcome to c99 and I'm glad you found us.
Feel free to write or comment about anything you want Smile

I see that you had asked for a link to the rebellious troops yesterday.
It's in my previous comment, but here's the link to it.
This is a great site for information about the wars.
This article is a great read.

“No one on the ground believes in this mission or this effort”, a former Green Beret writes of America’s covert and clandestine programs to train and arm Syrian insurgents, “they know we are just training the next generation of jihadis, so they are sabotaging it by saying, ‘Fuck it, who cares?’”. “I don’t want to be responsible for Nusra guys saying they were trained by Americans,” the Green Beret added.


Murphy’s report makes clear the CIA disdain for combatting ISIS (though this altered somewhat with the beheading of American journalist James Foley in August 2014): “With the CIA wanting little to do with anti-ISIS operations as they are focused on bringing down the Assad regime, the agency kicked the can over to 5th Special Forces Group. Basing themselves out of Jordan and Turkey” — operating under “military activities” authority, rather than under the CIA’s coveted Title 50 covert action authority.


Murphy writes: “While the games continue on, morale sinks for the Special Forces men in Turkey. Often disguised in Turkish military uniform, one of the Green Berets described his job as, ‘Sitting in the back room, drinking chai while watching the Turks train future terrorists’ …

“Among the rebels that U.S. Special Forces and Turkish Special Forces were training, ‘A good 95 percent of them were either working in terrorist organizations or were sympathetic to them,’ a Green Beret associated with the program said, adding, ‘A good majority of them admitted that they had no issues with ISIS and that their issue was with the Kurds and the Syrian regime.’”

Buried in the text is this stunning one-line conclusion: “after ISIS is defeated, the real war begins. CIA-backed FSA elements will openly become al-Nusra; while Special Forces-backed FSA elements like the New Syrian Army will fight alongside the Assad regime. Then the CIA’s militia and the Special Forces’ militia will kill each other.”

Well, that says it all: the U.S. has created a ‘monster’ which it cannot control if it wanted to (and Ashton Carter and John Brennan have no interest to “control it” — they still seek to use it).

It goes downhill from there.

0 users have voted.

If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

Bonnie's picture

The continuing story of how a relative handful of people can wreak such destruction and chaos on the world: The complexities, the depth of heartless evil and mindless complicity are overwhelming my enthusiasm this morning. Just ugh.

0 users have voted.

When we find true agreement, we will access the powers of true change.

Knock everybody else down, and we are relatively more important. All the deaths and destroyed lives are "worth it," as Madeleine Albright said of the 500,000 dead children our sanctions led to in Iraq, even before our invasion.

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snoopydawg's picture

Like in this article.

For the first time since 2013, the Obama administration is coming under pressure to consider coercive/military options in Syria to stop the indiscriminate assault on besieged eastern Aleppo and to give leverage to stalled cease-fire diplomacy with Russia. The administration is worried that even limited action, such as cruise missile strikes on regime aircraft that violate the cessation or bomb UN aid convoys, could lead to a possible escalation with Russia, so they are proceeding cautiously. They also are still hoping the Russians will come back to them with ideas for how to revive the cease-fire. But the intense regime/Russian bombing of eastern Aleppo and large-scale loss of life — and the prospect of more — is putting the administration under the most serious pressure since the 2013 chemical weapons attacks to consider coercive/limited force options to restrain regime atrocities and try to get the cease-fire agreement back on track.

If Russia does not take significant steps in the coming days to ground the Syrian air force over Aleppo, the United States will likely pull its technical teams in Geneva home, among other steps, while it considers how to adjust its policy, Kirby said. Washington may announce it is recalling its teams to Geneva and Amman involved in overseeing a March US-Russia Syria cessation of hostilities agreement as early as Sept. 29.

Read more: http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/ru/originals/2016/09/us-threat-russia-ha...

Notice how they are blaming Russia for breaking the ceasefire when it was the CIA, the pentagon and rogue military commanders that did it when they bombed the Syrian army which allowed ISIL to retake the ground that the Syrian army was protecting.
And notice how this mentions the chemical weapons attack.
If anyone is interested, I have the link that proves that the sarin nerve gas was used by our terrorists, not Assad.

0 users have voted.

If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

Bonnie's picture

0 users have voted.

When we find true agreement, we will access the powers of true change.

you wont just find out what militas are fighting in Aleppo, you will get a district by district brake down. SAA and the rebels are not shy, and yes WH are a AQ PR op.

0 users have voted.

Solidarity forever

Bonnie's picture

0 users have voted.

When we find true agreement, we will access the powers of true change.

Bonnie's picture

#SecDef: "we're refreshing #NATO's nuclear playbook...to deter
#Russia from thinking it can benefit from #nuclear use in a conflict w/ NATO"

0 users have voted.

When we find true agreement, we will access the powers of true change.

Our leadership really needs to take it down a notch, both in action and rhetoric.

0 users have voted.

0 users have voted.

It's TPTB the 'leadership' which needs to be taken down...

Edit: typo.

0 users have voted.

Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.