Featured Editorials

The Privilege and Arrogance of the Democratic Elite

More and more I'm seeing the problem of the Hillary Clinton campaign, Democratic establishment, and the Democrats most partisan supporters revolves around two issues:

Lack of Respect and Lack of Self-Reflection

Not just predictable lack of respect for their opponents, but a lack of respect for allies that goes even deeper.
This lack of respect stems from arrogance that is born out of a complete inability for self-reflection.

New rule from HUD

The Department of Housing and Urban Development issued a new regulation yesterday requiring federally funded homeless shelters to house transgender people in accordance with their gender identities.

The new rule, which covers all single-sex shelters funded through the HUD's Office of Community Planning and Development (CPD), seeks to ease widespread difficulty among the transgender population in accessing single-sex shelters — particularly those for women.

Transgender people already experience disproportionate rates of homelessness. And according to one study published earlier this year by the Center for American Progress, they also face pervasive anti-trans bias in the process of seeking shelter. Just 30 percent of shelters across four states said they were willing to house transgender women with other women, the study found.

So what about a new political party (again)?

You may have caught the recent point counter point over at The Nation magazine, as regards whether its readers should or shouldn't vote Green. Joshua Holland's entry, "Your Vote for Jill Stein is a Wasted Vote," talks about the Green Party for several paragraphs before concluding with a rather contestable assumption:

Hillary, thy name is.... (Part Four)

Part Four of this series* about Hillary's hypocrisy in relation to bigotry (bigotry being only one of the things about which she is hypocritical and/or deceptive) continues with Hillary's Senate years.

Speaking at a church in Harlem, junior U.S. Senator from the State New York, Hillary Clinton, compared being minority members of the United States House of Representatives to--wait for it--being slaves on a plantation. Could any politician who is the least bit empathic reach the age of fifty plus without once trying to imagine the life of slaves on a plantation? Could anyone who once tried to imagine the extent of the misery of those slaves make such an outlandish comparison? http://www.cnn.com/2006/POLITICS/01/17/clinton.plantation/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoKT6djIfNM

Hillary Clinton IT Guru Posted Server’s Security Keys to Public, Opening Door for Hackers to Access Emails

A computer specialist who maintained Hillary Clinton’s private email server divulged sensitive security information on a public web forum, opening the door for hackers to easily access the former secretary of state’s emails.

The Brazilian Coup and Massive Burning in the Amazon

This essay is an attempt to show how the coup in Brazil, which put USA banking interests in control of Brazil's finance and economy has resulted in a devastating increase in burning of the Amazon basin. This year number of fires spiked 81 percent over the average number of fires between 1999 to the present day. In the state of Amazonas, which typically has massive amounts of preserved forest, there was a 746 percent increase of fires over the historic average.

Pentagon refocuses on surgery for transgender troops

Two weeks after the Pentagon announced the new TriCare policy which includes coverage for counseling and hormones, but not for endocrine treatment for children or gender reassignment surgeries, and one week after Chelsea Manning was approved to seek treatment by a surgeon, the Pentagon has changed its tune:

Transgender troops on active duty may qualify for sex-reassignment surgery if their physicians deem it necessary, according to Pentagon officials.
