Evening Blues Preview 5-20-15
This evening's music features New Orleans piano player, singer and songwriter Fats Domino.
Here are some stories from tonight's posting:
Alternately, Congress could do the right thing and declare that the 2001 AUMF does not authorize Obama's actions in Libya, Syria, Iraq and in countless other places and demand that he cease and desist...
Congress must not abdicate its duty to authorize or declare war
Congress has all but given up on voting to legally authorize the war against Isis, despite the fact that US-led military strikes against the group have been going on for nine months already and span multiple countries. By doing so, our representatives are saying to the next president, whether he or she is a Republican or Democrat: feel free go to war wherever you want, against whomever you want. We have no power to stop you.
Despite the fact that the US plans on conducting airstrikes on Isis in Iraq and Syria for years, the Chicago Tribune reported on Monday that key members in the House and Senate have resigned themselves to the fact that there’s virtually no chance of Congress agreeing on any sort of bill to constrain or legalize the Obama administration’s bombing campaign in the Middle East.
Out of cowardice or worry they might actually have to make a consequential decision, Congress has abdicated their responsibility under Article II, Section 8 of the Constitution - not to mention the War Powers Act - to authorize or declare war. So when President Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio decides to unilaterally bomb Iran in 2017, remember this moment, when members of Congress willingly gave up one of the most important responsibilities they have because they were too terrified to take a stand one way or another.
Also, remember that it was a Democratic president who decided to initiate this potentially decades long war without getting approval from the American public first. It was a Democratic president who treated congressional approval like icing on top of the cake and told them he would continue airstrikes indefinitely whether Congress approved it or not.
White House Reveals ‘Boots on Ground’ in Syria, but Media Too Giddy Over Special Ops Porn to Notice
The White House announced on Saturday that a team of Delta Force soldiers had gone into sovereign Syrian territory to kill an alleged ISIS “commander” and a few dozen other faceless bad guys.
Per usual, the media would retell the narrative based entirely on Pentagon and White House action movie prose. Just as with the bin Laden raid narrative—that later turned out to be mostly false—this tale involved some unbelievably compelling details: “rescuing a Yazidi slave,” “hand-to-hand combat,” “women and children as human shields,” “precise fire” (that, of course, avoided these women and children), and a body count, “40 extremists,” that would make Jack Bauer blush. ...
Nonetheless, given that the last such politically loaded raid, on the bin Laden “compound” in Pakistan, turned out to be full of White House lies—to say nothing of Seymour Hersh’s recent, high-profile allegations that the entire thing was staged—you’d think a bit of skepticism would be in order. But, in a world of mass information asymmetry, the government’s word on these matters is treated as the authoritative one until proven otherwise.
This routine problem, however, is not the real journalistic crime here. The real issue is that the White House just admitted it has American ground troops engaged in combat missions in Syria—and no one seemed to notice, much less care.
Isn’t this important? Isn’t it significant that what began 292 days ago as a “limited,” “humanitarian” mission in Iraq has now expanded (again) to include US ground troops—albeit in a measured capacity—in Syria?
Cheney Thought al Qaeda was Bluffing
When presented with an actual terror threat — the one that turned into the 9/11 attacks — Cheney thought al Qaeda was bluffing.
No kidding. This is from The Great War Of Our Time: The CIA’s Fight Against Terrorism, a new book by former acting CIA director Mike Morell:
The threat reporting continued [in the spring and summer of 2001] — other pieces were titled “Bin Ladin Attacks May Be Imminent” and “Bin Ladin Planning High-Profile Attacks” — but I sensed some skepticism about it. The vice president one morning asked me whether all this threat reporting might not be deception on the part of al Qa‘ida — purposely designed to get our attention and to get us to needlessly expend resources in response.
According to Morell, who was then in charge of the daily presidential intelligence briefing, the CIA felt they then needed to produce a report titled “UBL [Usama bin Laden] Threats Are Real.”
So it’s not just that Cheney is cartoonishly evil, it’s that he’s monstrously incompetent; in fact, his monstrous incompetence is a large part of why he’s so cartoonishly evil. He was overwhelmingly powerful, but with no understanding of reality, and so blundered around the world strewing destruction wherever he went.
The CIA and the Myths of the Bin Laden Raid
Zero Dark Thirty was criticized by a number of writers (including me) when it came out in 2012, and now it is being treated as a political farce in a new Frontline documentary scheduled to be broadcast by PBS on Tuesday, May 19. Titled “Secrets, Politics and Torture,” the show explores the CIA’s effort to persuade Congress, the White House and the American public that its “enhanced interrogation methods” were responsible for extracting from unwilling prisoners the clues that led to bin Laden and other enemy targets.
Jane Mayer, the New Yorker writer whose work on CIA torture has been exemplary, explains that the team behind Zero Dark Thirty was conned by the CIA.
“The CIA’s business is seduction, basically,” she says in the documentary. “And to seduce Hollywood producers, I mean they are easy marks compared to some of the people that the CIA has to go after.” ...
There is a saying in the military that first reports are always wrong. We need to remember this lesson when we get first reports of the latest military or intelligence successes — and the second reports and the movies, too. Much that the Pentagon said about the rescue of Private Jessica Lynch during the invasion of Iraq turned out to be fictitious. The media’s portrayal of the toppling of a statue of Saddam Hussein in Firdos Square was pretty much the opposite of what really happened as Marines stormed into Baghdad on April 9, 2003. Similar problems of fact probably exist in this week’s accounts of a flawless killing of an ISIS leader (or at least a man whom the military tells us is an ISIS leader).
LA becomes largest US city to increase minimum wage to $15 an hour
City follows Seattle and San Francisco in raising minimum wage to $15 by July 2020, with city council members voting overwhelmingly in favour of legislation
Los Angeles became the largest US city to raise its minimum wage to $15 an hour on Tuesday, as a wage increase bill passed the city council by a vote of 14-1.
It is now up to city attorney Mike Feuer to draft an ordinance to implement the new minimum wage requirements. The ordinance will then return to the council for a final vote before becoming law. Under the proposed legislation, the city’s minimum wage would increase to $10.50 in July 2016, and would increase incrementally every year until it reaches $15 in July 2020. For small businesses with 25 or fewer employees, the wage hike would come on a modified schedule with the incremental increases starting in July 2017 and the minimum wage reaching $15 by July 2021. ...
Other cities, including New York and Chicago, are considering raising their minimum wage to $15 an hour. In February,New York City mayor Bill de Blasio called for a $15 minimum wage by 2019 in his state of the city address.
The shift toward raising the minimum wage by local lawmakers comes at a time when the fight for $15 movement has swelled into the largest protest by low-wage workers in US history. On 15 April, some 60,000 workers in more than 200 US cities took part in the Fight for $15 demonstrations. Many of them were low-wage employees of companies like Walmart and McDonald’s, which have since pledged to increase their workers’ pay by $1-$2 an hour, a raise activists said is still not enough.
Oh, well then, I guess we have to address climate change. One of our precious military bases might get wet.
Barack Obama: climate change poses risk to US military bases
Rising seas, thawing permafrost and longer wildfires caused by warmer global temperatures threaten US military bases and will change the way the US armed services defend the country, President Obama is set to say on Wednesday.
In his commencement address at the United States coast guard academy in New London, Connecticut, the White House said Obama will underscore the risks to national security posed by climate change, one of his top priorities for action in his remaining 19 months in office.
“You are part of the first generation of officers to begin your service in a world where the effects of climate change are so clearly upon us,” Obama is set to tell the 224 graduating cadets, according to excerpts from his prepared remarks.
“Climate change will shape how every one of our services plan, operate, train, equip, and protect their infrastructure, today and for the long term,” Obama will say.
The Pentagon is assessing the vulnerability to climate change of its 7,000 bases, installations and facilities, many of which are on the coast, the White House said.
Obama is set to highlight damage to the navy and air bases at Norfolk, Virginia, from increasing floods, to Alaskan facilities built on thawing permafrost, and to military training areas in western states from wildfires.
Also of interest:
Marikana massacre: the untold story of the strike leader who died for workers’ rights

Six banks pay $5.8 Billion for rigging the markets
same ol' same ol' - Hillary is a liberal..
“I know both those guys; they are very savvy businessmen,” Obama said in the interview yesterday in the Oval Office with Bloomberg BusinessWeek, which will appear on newsstands Friday. “I, like most of the American people, don’t begrudge people success or wealth. That is part of the free-market system.”
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
they must be damned savvy...
they've managed to commit the crime of the century and not a single one of the bastards has had to go to jail, nor have their corporations been restructured and satisfactorily regulated. further, it's the institution that pays, not the perps. the price paid for their criminality is spread mostly amongst people who had little or no knowledge of, or voice in the decisions to commit crimes.
they are savvy, alright.
Debt-choked Puerto Rico at fiscal brink
We have a "Greece" right off our shores and almost no one is paying attention.
How could Cheney think Al Qaeda was bluffing when he
was in on the attack? Did Pierre write that article?
Wait, the Intercept, they're not truthers are they. That's right, they're respectable.
Chomsky says the same thing. It's "destructive"
to focus on 9/11. Destructive to what? A real movement? To real activists? Shit, how could it be destructive
to anything to find out the truth? What is it that's always being said by people like them and us as well,
"question everything!", or "without the truth there is no justice" or whatever. It always leads back to the truth.
What makes 9/11 any different.
It's because they don't want us to talk about it, simple as that. And Scahill, Greenwald, Goodman, the Intercept,
all those getting paid can't afford to get on the Truther wagon or their money trains would disappear and they know it.
That's why I said, they have to stay respectable. It's like Daily Kos, can't talk about it either because it's crazy talk.
All the things in the world and in history, but 9/11, the story is shut, no discussions.
I think that's the most insane thing of all.
9/11 and the
financial 'free market's meltdown in 2008 are both the foundation that 'the world as we find it is built on. Even Russ Fiengold who billed himself as a Progressive Patriot came out against prosecuting the Bush war criminals as it would be too hard for the American people to have to go through. The truth would undermine the confidence of the people in their government. Noam Chomsky and the famous academic's, economist's and 'professional left' are all about elitist ivory tower lefty theory. They are part of the system and fear real populism or revolution even peaceful. They operate on the truth but will not take it to the place where they lose access in the media and money.
In all fairness if they want to continue to at least counter and shed some light on what is going down they need to be able to get their stories out there. Noam Chomsky has always irritated me as he does know what's up and yet offers no solution's other then intellectual bantering and useless debate. Even Thom Hartman is flogging the Democratic horse on progressive radio yelling at callers who bad mouth Hillary. Face it the left has no leaders who are willing to actually take on the fictitious story line that both sides offer up as reality, factual and the truth. Maybe they just don't want to end up like Snowden or become enemies of the state. Even Greenwald needed the backing of a savvy businessman silicon Valeey entrepreneur to be able to launch the intercept. This is the world they operate in.
Operating in their world isn't gonna do the trick.
the facts of the article would support an alternate conclusion, i.e., that cheney was bluffing. that obviously isn't the conclusion that the intercept came to, but, the idea did certainly come to mind as i read the piece.
personally, i'm agnostic on many truther issues. i feel like i have not seen enough evidence to conclude more than that the official narrative is not the full truth.
The information about how the CIA was involved
in the "making" of Zero Dark Thirty is huge but something that will go into the trash bin. Why this isn't being
questioned is insane. It's the foundation for another Church Committee but shows you how NO politician can challenge
the narratives of the War OF Terror.
If the Other Side wins it will be a disaster
You gotta read this
Very ominous, you're right. They're right.
We have to do everything we can to prevent the Other Side from winning.
The good news
is that if Our Side wins then everything will be wonderful.
Only the other side has candidates
So the other side will win.
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
This is weird