The Problem With Tipping
Submitted by bondibox on Fri, 08/18/2023 - 2:52pmIt's time to revisit the American system of tipping. Well, it's actually time to revisit a bunch of things, beginning with the current minimum wage.
It's time to revisit the American system of tipping. Well, it's actually time to revisit a bunch of things, beginning with the current minimum wage.
Thank Gawd for ballot measures, because otherwise these laws would never pass.
Sometimes it seems that Haiti is a black-hole where joy and hope goes to die.
However, that isn't true today.
Last week the workers of Haiti went out on strike for higher wages, and today they won.
Finally some data about what a racket Uber/Lyft/AirBnB are.
MIT study shows how much driving for Uber or Lyft sucks
The researchers found profit from ride-hail driving to be “very low”. On an hourly basis, the median profit was $3.37 per hour, with 74% of drivers earning less than the minimum wage in the state where they operate.
It's about 8 months after the electoral college handed Dipshit Dumpsterfire Trump the presidency (With the help of Hillary Clinton and the DNC) and the Democratic Party is still whining. Yet for all that whining, they can't seem to shake the very tactics, non-policies and toxic identity politics that led to their loss to begin with.
The first real job I had was in 1976. I had been looking for work that summer for a couple of months with no luck. Then, finally, I was hired as a short order cook in an Orange Julius kiosk on Los Feliz Blvd., near Hollywood. It happened to be 106 degrees that day and I spent it over the grill. I was pretty excited after work because I'd made money! But as the night progressed I just couldn't face doing that ever again.
This evening's music features blues guitarist, singer and songwriter Lowell Fulson.
This evening's music features New Orleans r&b singer, "Mr. Personality," Lloyd Price.
This evening's music features New Orleans piano player, singer and songwriter Fats Domino.
This evening's music features Texas blues singer Lou Ann Barton.