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The Logos of Artemis

Cruel Men of Greece, how you preen, how you prance.
At the city that once paid me honors, you scream your triumph
and Laugh over the scattered coals. Unthinking of me
and those that have run to my greatest temple.

You dare not follow them there, for outside
your walls and fires, beyond the reach of your spears
do my arrows wait in contemplation.
You think to please me by giving up that which you value.

That's me in the corner

Note: This is just a modest little bit of art, an old personal piece that I lost in the dark corners of the interwebs and have reconstructed here so that I can share it with some friends. It stakes out no policy, makes no argument, promotes no candidate or issue and is probably not very useful at all in the end. It won't be everybody's cup of tea. But maybe someone will enjoy it. That's my hope anyway.

The worth-more-than-a-thousand-words ‘picture’ that shows how low the gaslighters pushing the RUSSIAN! propaganda have sunk


I thought Mr.Lukovich was one of the more talented, level-headed, honest political cartoonists in the msm.

Just something else I was wrong about.

This really made me angry. How stupid do these people think we are? Or is it possible that this guy simply has bats in his belfry?

"The Democratic Party is the champion of voter suppression"

For decades we've heard the Democrats yell and scream and shed crocodile tears about the GOP's voter suppression efforts. Yet for some reason, the Democrats never seemed to be able to do anything about it.
The reason for the Democrats inability to fight back on this issue is extremely simple: They are hypocrites.
