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The Logos of Polyhymnia

I sing a hymn to gods! I sing a hymn
to those that seek to praise. To those that bend
to those that stoop! To those whose life is work
upon the land. Let none set us at odds.

For it is in the call and ans'ring voice
that sounds about the ear, and lifts the hand
for one more step along the road we pull.
(Stage Direction. This line is deliberately left empty to give the performer time to ready the chorus)


The Logos ot Thalia

Before the great heroes have their say and
speak of lofty deeds and great battles won
I must inquire to the audience
on a matter most dire and portentous.

Who farted? For I can see islands within
the throng, where some have edged away from stench
and yet have said nothing for the time immemorial.
Even here upon the stage I can smell
