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Exclusive - Accused Russian agent Butina met with U.S. Treasury, Fed officials

Hmmm. Did Mueller get lucky and snare someone he can prove was once here acting for the benefit of Russia? Was she a Registered Agent at that time?

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Accused Russian agent Maria Butina had wider high-level contacts in Washington than previously known, taking part in 2015 meetings between a visiting Russian official and two senior officials at the U.S. Federal Reserve and Treasury Department.

The Logos of Persephone

Again I fall, and laugh as I do
For there is joy in rising once more anew
and looking upon the world fresh and light.
For my drudgery and service are but a small part

Of my life. The joy in the face as I return
to two homes in sequence, neither the greater.
For I could never live soley in Olympus
the air and light weighs heavy upon a soul

My Name is Mike, and I Have an Anger Problem.

I've been hearing that from everyone, both here and in real life. And....maybe people are right. It's not the first time I've heard it, either, but this time I had to hear it from my wife, who's been too scared to say anything (her mom almost called my mom to come and get me). You know you've hit bottom when something like that happens.

Watchdog Demands House Ethics Probe of Awan Procurement Fraud

IS THIS FOR REAL?? Is this a way to find out what was going on?

An ethics complaint filed Thursday against Rep. Yvette Clarke (D-N.Y.) for $120,000 in missing tax dollars could shed new light on why congressional investigators described former Capitol Hill information technology (IT) aide Imran Awan as a “threat to national security.”
