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The Fall of the American Empire

(Cascadian National University, Lecture Hall. Full House)


Schadenfreude is a word that we borrow from the Germans. It's a delight in the suffering of others, and an ability to find joy in the deserved pain of the guilty. The fall of the American Empire is indeed a story rife with it, and it all starts with the Empire at its height.

Trump is blowing up globalism

Trump is an idiot. He's easily the dumbest president this country has ever had, but even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
I'm no fan of globalism, because in globalism the multinational rules the national. Democracy does not exist at the multinational level, only capital does.
That's why I'm tickled by Trump's incoherent, childish antics this week.

Some background on Bernie’s amazing antiwar speech, and credit where due

Recently Jimmy Dore did a segment on Bernie Sanders giving a strong statement about the sorry mess of this country’s endless wars, and giving him “gold stars” for bringing up some important points. Thank you to azazello, who posted it in the evening blues and also to dkmich for highlighting it in an essay. I confess I don’t watch Jimmy’s show very often anymore and I wouldn’t have seen this otherwise. I did take the time to watch it.
