The Mother of All Conspiracy Theories
But what if the betrayal was more than just screwing over the working man. Imagine government corruption so thorough the breadth and severity would shock you to your very core, the exposure of which would bring the entire population - both left and right - to revolt. Just try to imagine the task of cleaning up such a mess, where the investigative bodies don't have the clearance to pursue the matter.
How does one investigate treason at the highest levels of the government?
The first time I dipped my toe into these waters was about a year ago. After the umpteenth new excuse about Hillary's email server, I was building quite a bit of animosity toward her. One day I tried something on for size. I said to myself 'what if the explanation for all of the Clinton scandals is that they really ARE crooked as hell?' And it was like a veil being lifted away from my eyes. Every piece to the puzzle fit squarely into place. I was a Clinton defender all through the 90's and beyond. I supported her carpetbagging Senate bid and her stint as Secretary of State, knowing it was all just resume padding for her presidential run. I supported her, in theory at least, all the way up until the 2016 Democratic Primary. I have tried to believe in Hillary, and I'll tell you, accepting that she might be crooked was liberating.
After Matt Lauer asked Hillary an unscripted question about her email server at the September 7th Commander in Chief forum, she reportedly had a backstage meltdown, shrieking "If that fucking bastard wins, we all hang from nooses!" You can choose not to believe this happened. Or you can choose to believe that it was a hyperbolic and meaningless exclamation. Or you can choose to put it into the context of this story.
In July, someone started a thread on 4chan /pol/ claiming he was a high level FBI agent working on the case of Clinton Foundation corruption. What followed were 3 chat sessions that are interesting if only for the specific case fiction he wove. When you overlay the story upon reality perhaps there are many congruencies, and many predictions. At the time, the story made the rounds among the usual rightwing websites where I first caught a whiff of it. I've been holding off on this article until after the election lest it get labeled a cheap attempt to swing the vote. I've held off because this has become a story of catastrophe averted, hopefully, and not necessarily one of rebellion and impending doom. But we'll see if President Trump follows through on his promises to Drain the Swamp if elected.
One thing is for sure, this anonymous FBI agent, or FBI anon as he became to be known is a fan of PsyOps and admitted that a portion of his story was b.s. to give him plausible deniability. Strangely, he downplays several sure fire GOP tropes and denies others. It increases his credibility, but he's cunning enough to have littered the waters with jetsam.
He admires Trump's use of confirmation bias, which the kids call kekkian meme magic. I think that's a clue - the more this story gets assimilated by society, the more it reduces the fallout if the whole ball of wax gets exposed, and the more it takes the shackles off of the investigation. We create our own reality by knowing it first.
He is definitely working the Trump supporters in the room, but many of the clues and tidbits seemed to foretell future events. The first half of the chat session was on July 3, after WJC's meeting with Loretta Lynch but before Comey's announcement of July 5, where he practically exonerated Hillary Clinton. He said Comey and Lynch were not compromised, they are just scared of the Clinton machine. When the FBI Director announced on July 5 that no charges would come of the investigation, many of us, even those of us on the left, doubted his honesty and doubted that he was a true patriot. That changed when he reopened the investigation with the added data from Weiner's laptop. When Lynch advised against going public with the new investigation we also doubted her patriotism, but maybe that was good advice for Comey's own protection. So close to the election, Comey must have known that his letter to Congress would look strictly partisan but he went ahead anyway. Based on an anonymous source within the NYPD, the stuff on Weiner's laptop was so shocking Comey must have felt compelled to make that announcement. He needed to go down in history on the side that fought back.
Months before Weiner was arrested or the Podesta emails were released, this FBI anon revealed that a big part of the story hinged around a sex slavery ring.
One caution that I'll admit to the reader: This story weaves rightwing folklore into a believable story. I use the anonymous NYPD source from October to confirm the anonymous FBI source from July. The only proof I can offer are the supporting, coincidental events.
Before Anonymous became random kids wearing Guy Fawkes masks, they were on the side of the Democrats. In 2012 someone claiming to be anonymous took credit for thwarting the rigging and wiped the smile off of Karl Rove's face on election night. [Personally, I think that's how Trump won, by Anonymous silently repeating their 2012 performance] And it seems strange that Julian Assange would target the Liberal candidate, given that Wiki Leaks began by exposing corruption in Bush's wars. Assange has said that he is on the side of exposing secrets, period.
The core of FBI anon's story is something we've all known. The emails are a distraction and the real story is the Clinton Foundation & CGI. Most of his story creates a sordid overlay with the leaks from the Weiner investigation, but that's only one angle to it.
Weapons, favors, intelligence, and people.
We know Hillary had SAP documents on her private server, and before wikileaks revealed their existence a Clinton spokesperson confirmed she knew and followed proper procedure - a "separate, closed email system was used by the State Department for the sole purpose of handling classified communications which was designed to prevent such information from being transmitted anywhere other than within that system."
Special Access Program, or SAP information is also called Above Top Secret. A Secretary of State gets clearance for SAP on a case by case, need to know basis. Hillary Clinton didn't even have clearance to see the information she was illegally storing on her private server. What, pray tell, could she have used it for?
Could Hillary Clinton have smuggled Above Top Secret information out of a secure government location in order to sell it to a foreign interest?
Accusations have already been lobbed that donations to the Clinton Foundation facilitated a massive arms sale to Bahrain. And then there's the Clinton Foundation-Columbian oil connection. We have just scratched the surface and the Clinton Foundation appears to be as despicable as some allege.
For years, Mark Dice has alleged the Clintons are involved in satanic rituals and pedophelia. So of course he felt particularly vindicated when John Podesta's emails showed he had been invited by his brother to attend a Spirit Cooking dinner, hosted by Marina Abramovic. Podesta denies attending.
Many have pointed out that the ceremony, as shown in a YouTube video, is a nonsensical hodgepodge of satanic, thelemist, and occult ideas. Marina calls the video performance art but then she also once stated that it's the context that defines the act - "If in spiritual circles/ private house, it's not art." Whether or not her ceremonies faithfully adhere to Thelema is beside the point - some argue it's not real because she's not doing it right - what matters is what she, and the audience, believes.
First of all, Wicca means "white," and it is not an evil practice, per se. But for ages people have co-opted Wicca and Thelema to create what we call the dark arts. Blending Thelema and personal perversions makes what we commonly think of as witchcraft. For the next part of the story, you need to put yourself in the frame of mind of someone who is trying to work occult magic. Think of voodoo, talismans, personal energy. I know people who practice Wicca and Thelema, and the basis for all so-called witchcraft is concentration and intent. The average person's mind is so unfocused. As much as you think you can concentrate you're wrong. If you try to do the Hindu practice of Japa you'll see what I mean, just silently repeat "Om" while keeping count. If you can get past 5 I'll be impressed and if you get past 50 you'll have broken free. Witchcraft uses intense concentration and focuses on a singular intention. Meme-magic is what happens when a large group puts out a relatively weak intention. By joining with others who are focused on the same thought, you increase your power.
The FBI has issued a memorandum alerting law enforcement to several symbols used by pedophiles to identify themselves to one another.
That exact same symbol, the triangle spiral, was used as the logo for a pizza parlor in Washington D.C. Next door was another pizza place which doubles as a ping pong club that's a bit... odd. It's not open for lunch, only for dinner 5pm to 9:30pm. Then they have bands that start at 10pm and admittance is for all ages, so it's a weird cross between edgy punk club and family restaurant. There is a mural in the men's room of a man ejaculating while playing ping-pong. Further investigation found a web of connections between the owner and Barack Obama, the Podesta brothers, Marina Abramovic, WJC & Hillary Clinton, David Brock, and George Soros. Not unusual for a man listed as GQ's 49th most influential person in Washington. Which begs the question, why is a pizza place owner and "bon vivant" ranked higher than 500 members of Congress? I think it's notable that this is a second time when Hillary is one degree of separation away from Marina Abramovic.
I guess the hoopla is that the owner is part of a group of friends that likes the neighborhood near the Smithsonian, as he's seen in the now infamous photo wearing a shirt that says "J'aime l'enfant." And it's really strange that a pizza restaurant has a password protected members area. Someone claims to have hacked it and it shows encrypted files downloadable and viewable with a "download key," but that is just one person's assertion.
Pizzagate is an article - a book - unto itself. I rewrote this article once to try and encompass it within, but a second rewrite pared it back to just the basics. The wealth of horrifying information dwarfs the premise of this article, which is that pizzagate is only a fraction of the problem. Many of the original sources have been deleted as the story crosses back and forth between public personalities and private citizens. But then again, when you have a website domain in your own name haven't you made yourself a public person? If you've created a public twitter account can I say I was doing a search on your name? If a 60 year old national publication ranks you as the 49th most influential person in Washington haven't you crossed over into the public realm?
So I encourage the reader to investigate Pizzagate for themselves. Twitter has some good links. But anyway. Here are some key points.
This part of the story began with a Podesta email from Susan Sandler, the Child Protection Advocate for the Sandler Foundation, with a seemingly coded message.
The realtor found a handkerchief I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yours?
"Pizza" is the pedophiles' code word for a young girl. A "map" is a handkerchief which is placed underneath a rape victim. It is a record of the energy of the event and becomes a talisman that gives power to the abuser. Here is a painting of a satanic map-making ritual (WARNING Rape Imagery).
Pizzagate began to get scrubbed almost as fast as it could be discovered. 4chan and Reddit deleted hundreds of posts with thousands of hours of investigation, understandable since many of the posts implicated people who were clearly not public figures. But when Google started purging cached pages that Reddit had just deleted I knew some big players were trying to put this to bed. Twitter, long known for yanking a hashtag from the trending list seemed to pull the fire alarm on #pizzagate as the hashtag got flooded with meaningless Turkish and German tweets.
And when all of that didn't bury the story, the traditional media conglomerates started the meme of "fake news" dominating facebook and social media. I'm not saying there aren't fake news websites writing outrageous lies in order to make a buck. The National Enquirer has been doing that all my life. I should note that "fake news" is also an obvious ploy to help pass The Countering Foreign Propaganda and Misinformation Act of 2016 which was submitted to Congress in June, so perhaps it wasn't brewed up just for PizzaGate. Be that as it may, "fake news" was timed to coincide with refuting pizzagate so as to confuse the two topics in the public mind. But in order for Pizzagate to be fake news, hundreds of people had to have conspired to crowdsource this story and let it out in dribs and drabs over the course of a week to simulate the organic growth of a real investigation. That's the real conspiracy theory!
Emails that ask if it's easier to play dominos on pasta than on cheese, dream about "your hotdog stand in Hawaii," make it obvious there is a code going on. Maybe a lot of the emails really are about gift boxes of pasta, sauce, and cheese, but others clearly use those words in other meanings. And Podesta uses those words more than 100 times.
So when a guy in Hawaii wrote about the time he was paid to help pour a concrete slab on a property which had already been graded by some "shady Tongans" some thought they had found the "hotdog stand." One area had some large tanks removed for the project which he suspects did not get filled in, but instead a roof was constructed over them and a bunker was built underneath.
He suspects this because he has found an array of weak WiFi signals coming from under the concrete slab. 20 some weak signals using the full band of channels changing their SSID's every 5 minutes. Thermal imaging shows the center of the WiFi hotspot is warmer than the surrounding area. So he gets extra curious and drills some holes and one of the holes doesn't fill up with water, no matter how much he pours down the hole. So he starts looking into his boss, and finds he sells faulty harddrives on ebay. And his customers leave glowing, ecstatic reviews that say "very happy kids" and "no fakes!" WTF
His website, which uses his name (or a pseudonym) for the domain name only has one small GIF. A Mr. Potatohead doll. Innocuous enough I suppose, but if you think this is something that pedophile circles like to use as a symbol you have to wonder what's up with this composite photo of both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton posing with Mr. Potatohead dolls.
PIzzaGate would appear to be a paranoid amalgamation of disparate and benign, if quirky, tidbits, small details and facts. I would be easily dismiss it, if the Clintons hadn't already left a gigantic wake of excuses behind them for the past 20 years.
I would dismiss the whole thing as paranoid, if it weren't for this side by side comparison of the podesta brothers with composite sketches of two suspects wanted in the 2007 kidnapping of Madeline McCann in Portugal. Could an artist possibly draw John Podesta more accurately? You can't unsee that. It has been haunting me for weeks. Notice the mole on Tony's forehead, which could easily have been misplaced as the witness said "on his right side" meaning on the viewer's right. Moreover, a third subject has an identical hairline as Anthony Weiner, and a fourth looks very much like Epstein's girlfriend and has a hairstyle identical to the way she had hers cut in 2007.
John Podesta's email archive as revealed by Wikileaks began the day after the Madeline McCann abduction. His emails also reveal he was traveling in that time period, to a sunny warm locale, and had an aide answering his emails. Jeffrey Epstein was arrested in 2006 on child prostitution and blackmail charges. If he had been a source for children, that source would have dried up in 2007.
There is a website who alleges that the Podesta brothers were staying at the villa of accused pedophile Clement Freud, just 1/3 mile from the scene of Madeline's abduction, a fact which they supposedly checked with the Suffolk (UK) police. But this site has a history of repeating rumors with 10% extra scandal in their versions. One thing is true, during the aftermath of the abduction Clement befriended the McCanns, which while not incriminating unto itself, inserting oneself into an investigation is something that serial killers are known to do. This angle of the story has been included because there is just enough tangential connections to make it seemingly significant.
WJC and Hillary took 26 trips aboard Jeffrey Epstein's Lolita Express, along with many others.
In response to a question about the government of Brunei giving the Clinton Foundation between $1 Million and $5 Million donation, just before WJC traveled there aboard Epstein's private plane, FBI Anon wrote
Did anyone mysteriously disappear in surrounding locations, never to be heard from again? Were any of them attractive, young females? People are currency.
The Podesta brothers taste in art tends toward shock value, including the works of Serbian artist Biljana Djurdjevic and a statue of a man placed in the same position as one of Jeffrey Dahmer's victims. Many visitors to his home are uncomfortable about the 8 foot photo of a nude man in repose. The collection can best be summed up with this creepy photo of cannabilism on John Podesta's office wall, which he defends as "it's better to be the guy with the fork than the guy on the table."
Just like the charges against Epstein allege 10 years ago, FBI Anon alleges that half the corruption within the Clinton Foundation exists solely to ensnare new victims into the web. Like a gang initiation, if you want to join the club you've got to give them something to hold over you.
British investigative journalist and so-called Conspiracy Theorist Max Spiers was looking into the 1987 abuse of 60 children at a U.S. Army run daycare center in Presidio California which was demolished shortly thereafter. In October 2016, he was found dead in an apartment in Warsaw Poland where he had traveled to give a lecture. He was a father of two young children and died of an apparent suicide. After vomiting a black liquid.
Prior to his death, Spiers texted his mother to say 'If anything happens to me, investigate' just days before his mysterious death.
After the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, missionaries attempted to spirit 33 "orphaned" children out of the country. Except these children were not orphans at all, and many of them had families in Haiti. In the end, Laura Silsby of the New Life Children's Refuge was found guilty of child trafficking. She was sentenced to time served. Time served is the exact same punishment as someone who had been found not guilty.
Last year, Monica Petersen traveled to Haiti on a lead looking into sex trafficking in Haiti. This week (Nov 17) Monica Petersen was found dead. Although no cause of death has been determined, early reports call it suicide because a note was left behind. At her memorial service, her boss revealed that she had spent two years investigating human trafficking in Haiti, and had "decided to take on one of the demagogues" in the field. They had been shopping around for an outlet to publish her 110 page report.
Some have alleged the Clinton Foundation was at the center of corruption within the earthquake relief effort. Others have alleged that Bill and Hillary Clinton used their influence to get Laura Silsby a light sentence. Many of the Wikileaks Clinton emails mention Laura Silsby who was already a target of PizzaGate investigations before Monica's death.
The NYPD source in the Weiner case cites 6 members of Congress and one Senator who should be indicted. The corruption is not all one sided. Both parties are guilty. Even Trump has a payola skeleton or two in his closet, but that's peanuts compared to the, ahem, Big Dogs.
It's no secret that Bush & Co. were crooked as shit. FBI Anon sidestepped that part of the story ("Bush was just as bad") so he didn't alienate his audience, I'm sure, but he picked up the story at the GOP primary where Jeb Bush was on track to be given the nomination. Jeb was the ultimate future puppet, phoning it in until he got caught being "low energy" and had to drop out.
This story has been percolating just under the surface for years.
Bush's main man Jack Abramoff had his own child sex slavery paradise in the Northern Marianas.
Mark Foley was the chairman of the House caucus on missing and exploited children. The only way the fox ends up guarding the chicken house is if the farmer puts him there.
Dennis Hastert didn't go down for a sex scandal, he got caught paying someone off to cover up a sex scandal.
The level of corruption that FBI anon describes would bring down our entire federal government if exposed. If people knew Bush helped Mossad commit 9/11 and Hillary sold state secrets to North Korea, nearly everyone would rise up. It would be a civil war. What would civil war look like? Again, I must refer to an anonymous 4chan post (why not, this is a no-holds-barred weaving of CT fiction, right?) the, uh, day before FBI anon's where he claims to be a former Red Team Planner for the government, hashing out different worst case scenarios.
It ain't pretty.
The gist of it is that half of the country, probably half of the armed forces could be on the side of rebellion. Putin has already stated he supports the Texas secession movement so Russia would certainly get involved and arm the rebels. It would end the federal government and end the U.S. Dollar. [His suggestion: Ethereum, a next generation distributed processing akin to bitcoin] We would be fucked. Millions of, or more accurately, most Americans would die.
In order to save the Republic we can not pull down the entire house of cards. The investigation must be governed in depth and reach. The worst offenders must be selected and only crimes within a limited scope can be pursued.
Brace yourself as the Trey Gowdy Witchhunt™ resumes to much criticism. My guess is in 6 months we'll start getting confirmations on this story.
I never thought Trump was serious about winning, I always thought he was just trying to make a point, influence policy and increase his brand value. Trump says he wants to "drain the swamp," and although we all know corruption in government is not nonexistent I think we all underestimate the extent of the problem, even if this story is pure fiction. I think that after he entered the race he became exposed to some of this information and he started taking the race seriously.
So many forces allied to stop his victory - political, cultural, media - it began to seem to me that the driving force wasn't to prevent some Trumpian catastrophe but to maintain the status quo. The ruling class had a cushy gig there.
What of the allegation that Trump himself was guilty of trips aboard Epstein's Lolita Express? He would be a brave man to press on with the investigation if true. Or maybe that lawsuit - withdrawn just before the election conveniently giving anyone perpetrating the falsehood a legal out for not having influenced the election - was straight from the Karl Rove school of transposing your own scandal onto your opponent.
FBI anon's account is full of overt racism and anti-semitism. But some of his racism to me seems an extension of matter-of-fact racial integration and oligarchical serfdom. And who's to say his anti-semitism isn't grounded in the inescapable fact that nearly every politician kowtows to the needs and wants of Israel. The danger, he says, is not that Saudi Arabia will wage war on Israel, it's that the two forces will align against us.
"The history and alarming connections" between Huma Abedin and Saudi Arabia is yet another aspect of the story. The family of Hillary Clinton's closest confidante runs a newspaper sympathetic to the Muslim Brotherhood, financed by the Saudis. I won't even delve into the implications of that.
I know, it's all a rightwinger's wet dream. All the sexy trappings of a patriotic revolt wrapped up into one neat package with George Soros and the Clintons as the Bogeymen. Yes, it takes more than a grain of salt to swallow this whale tale. I'm not really asking you to believe it. What I'm asking is that you try it on for size. I believe this information, given in July, provides the only logical explanation to Comey's announcement in October.
Rand Paul, Ron Paul, Martin O'Mally, Alan Grayson, Jim Webb, Michael Flynn, Robert Gates, James Comey are all good men, but
No one is trustworthy, not even Trump.
Michael Hastings was going to reveal Clinton Foundation ties to Israel and Saudi Arabia.
Christopher Stevens was going to reveal U.S. arms sales to the Libyan rebels.
What did Maj. Gen. John Rossi know?
There was a fourth chat session at the end of October. The transcript and the referring page have both been deleted. Any unsourced information in this article came from that chat.
EDIT: I can't believe I have to add this addendum but it's clear what the liberal knee-jerk reaction to this is going to be. This is what many people on the right firmly believe. It does not matter whether I personally actually believe it or not. You ignore it at your own peril.
UPDATE: As of December 15, 2016 there is a push to have some Trump electors defect and vote for Clinton. I think no greater proof needs to be offered as to the depths of the corruption or the lengths she will go to avoid prosecution.

I reserve judgment. I do think that conspiracies unravel given
enough time, so we'll know eventually if there is anything to know.
I don't think, though, that those sketches are all that accurate depictions of those men. Some resemblance, yes. Uncanny, no.
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Did you notice the small detail
Tony Podesta has a small growth just above his eyebrow. The composite sketch has an identical mark, over the other eyebrow.
“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”
No, I don't see a growth!
Do I need new glasses? I have moved closer and farther away from the screen. I don't see any growth! Anyone else?
Edit to add: Personally, I think the sketch resembles Barry Manilow.
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They circled it for you
Did you see that photo? I wouldn't have noticed it if they hadn't circled it.
And there's also the 3rd subject side by side with Anthony Weiner which isn't quite as similar, but still, same exact hairline, description of splotchy skin. Not exact, but that's 3 for 3 with the suspected pedophiles in the Clinton circle.
“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”
They need to shutter the Clinton Foundation
It's the hub of an international bribery network that has done untold damage to US national security as well as a massive slushfund that enriches it owners at the expense of AIDS patients in Africa and disaster stricken Haitians.
I doubt Trump has the stomach for actually jailing Hillary, but he could do us all (including himself) a much bigger favor by sticking a fork in this shammiest of all sham non profits.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
That would suffice - almost
It would cripple the Clinton dynasty, shame them and smack some sense into all of her supporters. But that would only take care of half the problem. I think a little more bloodletting is needed.
And that still wouldn't bring #JusticeForMadeline
“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”
Closing CF would hurt her a lot more...
than doing a couple years in a Fed Club retirement home. (which is all she would ever get).
Don't get me wrong. I want to see that too.
But Hillary owes a lot of very important people a lot of money right now, and without her cash cow non-profit generating any profit she has no chance in Hell of ever paying them back.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Hillary owes lots of money and FAVORS
Weapons, Intelligence, Favors, People
These are the things the CF traded in. They were so sure they had it in the bag I'll bet she gave away a ton of chits in exchange for favors. I've been fantasizing about the ghost town her offices must have turned into overnight, but to think that she actually has secret outstanding financial obligations from the campaign is just too salacious to consider. I was a little surprised at her next-day PR campaign (the woman she "accidentally" met while hiking is a friend she's know for 15 years when she first posted a photo of them eating dinner together) and the immediate announcement that Chelsea would be running for office, but you're right, gotta keep the cash cow alive. They are probably telling people that just as soon as Chelsea's in office they can start repaying the favors.
“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”
A lot of donors will want their money back.
And she's already spent most of the $900 million she raised.
Poor Chelsea. It must be so tough having to support both parents in their dotage.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
The Clinton foundation is so full of corruption and corrupt
people and governments that if it was seriously investigated thousands of people would go to prison.
That would include many high ranking government officials from around the world including many from our government.
People in governments have so much power that we can't even imagine except for what we see in movies or read in books.
I have heard that both Clintons, Huma Abedin and others in the Clinton circle flew on Epstein's jet or went to his parties and participated in illegal activities.
It was well known that Epstein was a pedophile but he got away with it for years because of his connections to powerful people.
Anyone else who had been found guilty of raping countless underaged girls would have been sentenced to decades in prison.
What was his sentence? 13 months and 18 months probation because he made a plea agreement not to name the other people who participated in those activities.
Hillary's supporters kept asking where the quid pro quid was when while she was SOS many financial institutions and other companies that had business with the state department would get Hillary to intervene and get their charges dropped or reduced.
Remember that before each transaction that Hillary did, Bill would get paid to give a speech.
Here's one quid pro quid.
This type of activity went on for the 4 years that she was SOS even though she signed an agreement with both congress and Obama that stipulated that she would keep her duties as SOS separate from her foundation.
Huma told judicial watch that Chelsea had access to Hillary's email account.
Now why would she need that?
To coordinate with the state department's schedule so that Bill would know where and when to be in position to give his speeches.
This is getting too long, but there has been so many articles written about the corruption of the Clinton foundation, the people involved with it and the unconscionable number of people who have been murdered,killed or tortured because of Hillary's actions.
And we saw how she reacted when Gaddafi was brutally tortured, sodomized by a sword and then murdered.
This creature has no remorse about the number of people's lives she has ruined or how many she has been responsible for their deaths.
Thank the FSM that she didn't become president, but don't believe that either one of them have stopped working on making people's lives miserable.
I just hope that hell is a real place because these two belong there.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Just in case anyone follows this link in the now-current essay back here and reads the comments:
what kind of a Prosecutor or Judge will give a reduced sentence to a pedophile because he will not name the other perpetrators?
Isn't it usually the other way around, so they can help protect children by getting abusers off the street?
Inquiring minds want to know.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
maybe Jeb dropped out
because Trump said W hadn't kept us safe on 9/11. The Bushes took this comment, by a builder of NY skyscrapers, as an indication that Trump would use the campaign as a opportunity to raise 9/11 questions that Jeb would not want to answer, and so he dropped out. The 'low energy' was diffidence to the subject.
Right wing outlets are now intimating that a new impartial 9/11 investigation is on Trump's agenda. Pedophelia, sales of state favors, and who knows what else, are separate activities which may have overlapping or interacting actors. It is a deep swamp to drain.
Hardly the Mother of All Conspiracy Theories!
This is only the RW bubble edit of it. The one that ignores that Epstein's "little black book", stolen by his butler, and later recovered by the FBI, had 14 numbers for Donald Trump in it. 14. The edit that ignores Trump having stated in an interview that Epstein was "a great guy", and that on the subject of beautiful women, "no doubt about it, Jeffrey likes them young." Gosh, how would he know that? Am I the only one that finds that just the teensiest but creepy from a serial sexual assaulter who has boasted that he gets away with it? Hmm. Surely this is all just crazy liberal talk.
Seriously, I am really getting tired of this subject, and the way the D and R Orthodoxy Bubbles can't ever seem to draw ALL of the lines between the hated Other, and Epstein, and THEIR OWN SAINTED GENIUS CANDIDATES AND PARTISANS.
Seriously, the Establishment (both sides) would make the worst ancient Romans look like pikers. We have put an alligator in charge of "draining the swamp".
"Capitalism is the extraordinary belief that the nastiest of men for the nastiest of motives will somehow work for the benefit of all."
- John Maynard Keynes
I didn't ignore the subject
I noted the allegation, and also the fact that if these allegations are true, then his investigation will be compromised. The question will be answered one way or another. If no charges are ever brought forward then the allegations against BOTH Clinton and Trump must be false, or must both be true. And if charges are brought on Clinton and not Trump, and the charges include all of the Epstein allegations, then it's a fair chance that Trump is clean. If he's dirty and he pursues Clinton for a crime he could easily be implicated in then he's either crazy, dangerously reckless, or incredibly courageous.
I will let the future shape my opinion of him.
And besides all that, this is what the GOP Faithful believe. Ignore it at your own peril.
“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”
Good points. I can't stand Clinton or Trump. I am appalled
that either of them was elected. We need to overhaul the whole system somehow.
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For the Record
Here is Epstein's black book. Only four listings for Trump.
And none of them named Donald.
“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”
I wrote in another comment
That sex with a minor is statutory rape and the sentences can go as high as 20 years. But Epstein was only sentenced to 13 months in prison and 18 months probation even though he had raped numerous underaged girls.
He got off lightly because he made a plea agreement not to name the other people who were involved in the sex trafficking.
I'm surprised that he hasn't suicided yet because he does know where all the bodies are buried so to speak.
I would like to know why it took the FBI so much time to bring charges against him? How many more girls were abused while they watched while gathering evidence?
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
You mean Arkanscided?
It must be because he has he has a jet and an island. Eww. But. He seems to be generous with the airfare.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Been down that rabbit hole myself
although I have no like of pedophilia so no one could trap me with that bit of naughtiness. But the story, rumored, is like the best soap opera ever! People stalking around each other with very sharp little knives! Roman empire shit. Full drama, colored black and red. And money! Money from different countries! Different currencies!
We are not playing ball in the same park.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
And on the other side
What would be so bad as to get the right-wingers to revolt against GOP establishment? Some ideas…
• Bush/Cheney allowed Mossad to commit 9/11 to enact the PNAC plan for Middle East conquest. Bin Laden was a patsy who was allowed to escape to Pakistan. While political ends are great, half of the impetus for this war is so that money can be siphoned off.
• Changes in the personal bankruptcy laws were passed by Congress in order to extract the maximum equity from the public during the manufactured mortgage and banking crisis. The stock market was sold and shorted at peak by the insiders, only to be rebought after the crisis by the same people. Bush's only miscalculation was that the meltdown happened much quicker than anticipated, his successor should have had to take all the blame.
• The Enron blackouts were a ruse to allow the Energy department to force a reduction in northwest bauxite smelting, spiking the price of Alcoa stock and allowing Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neil to finally divest his options, 5 months late.
“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”
Welp, those are out there, and now that we sense the dirty
dealings of the elites, nothing is off the table. I wish when I had large sums in the market I had understood shorting. But my large sums were pittance to them. My husband's firm went corporate, he got stock shares at buyout, and when allowed to sell, he did.
My post-concussion symptom of the day seems to be a targeted head pain at the staple area. Joy. At least the bed did not spin when I turned my head that way. This becomes annoying. And medically expensive.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.