Sanders: DNC Stacked Platform Committee with Lobbyists While Rejecting Labor Leaders
Submitted by TheJerry on Wed, 06/01/2016 - 7:43pm
US Uncut, is reporting that Bernie today stated that the DNC had rejected his proposed platform committee appointment of Rose Ann DeMoro, executive director of National Nurses United.
DeMoro's response was:
“Labor built this party. Labor built this country. One person is enough to represent all of that?” DeMoro said. “If you look at the composition of who they chose, besides Bernie’s choices, K Street’s far better represented than the labor movement.”
There is only a single Labor representative on the committee with Clinton campaign appointee Paul Booth, an executive assistant at the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees — a labor union backing Clinton.
And DWS is stacking it with insiders
So even if she steps down before the convention, her job is done. From stacking the debates from 26-6, scheduling them on nights that better shows are on and the shenanigans between the DNC and Hillary's coffers. Plus, over ruling Obama's rules on lobbyists funding.
She will be well rewarded. Count on it.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Once there is a nominee...
One thing that I have heard, over and over, for both R's and N's, once there is a nominee...the nominee is in charge and can appoint a new chair. So the question is
Is there time after the nomination, before the close of the convention to re-overhaul that platform?
Of course...
The platform is really more symbolic than real. We know this because the Repugnican's always have the most noxious and toxic platforms, but all the R's completely ignore it.
So, if Bernie wins the nomination through the ways that only we know and see, does it really matter?
How much of it is symbolic vs actionable?
Yes the symbolism, for Bernie losing to HRC is very important, he can use it as a weapon to cudgel her and say you are not following the platform we agreed upon.
However, if Bernie wins and he ignores the DWS crap, who is going to cudgel him with it? Particularly since his winning not only pledged delegates but super delegates probably means HRC is awaiting bail...
"I'm not interested in preserving the status quo; I want to overthrow it. "
-Niccolo Machiavelli
"Sorry Hillary"
not to mention...
Malloy and Frank (now a bankster) as heading the convention.
from The Guardian is still including the supers in the delegate count.
And then there are the convention hosts:
It is no longer a party of the people, but the party of the banks and corporations!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”