
This Weekend's Must-See TV: "The Empire Files: Abby Martin Exposes John Podesta"

Some things speak for themselves. But, when it comes to Washington D.C. fixer-extraordinaire John Podesta, Abby Martin has pulled it all together in a 23:50 exposé, just posted today over at YouTube. (Note: It's produced by TRNN's Paul Jay. It is, definitively, this weekend's must-see-tv, and it's not to be missed. Powerful stuff!)


Sanders: DNC Stacked Platform Committee with Lobbyists While Rejecting Labor Leaders

US Uncut, is reporting that Bernie today stated that the DNC had rejected his proposed platform committee appointment of Rose Ann DeMoro, executive director of National Nurses United.

DeMoro's response was:

Clinton's Listening Tour

I just about pasted an excellent recipe for strawberry-rhubarb cobbler and let that fly. But I really want to draw attention to this article at CNBC. It is a recitation of the volume, number and amounts of contributions that the Clinton machine have taken in over the past few years.

Between her time as SOS and time as candidate, she was being paid to participate in a listening tour for the .01%.

Corruption, reciprocity, and the influence of money

Bernie Sanders' message about corruption is a significant part of his campaign. He speaks forcefully about a system in which legislation and political favors are essentially bought by donations from large donors. He does not call out any individuals as such. There's a good reason for that: the kind of corruption Bernie is talking about isn't bribery.