Caucus Critters: Memorial Moondai Furbutts - The Start of Summer!
We All Love Memorial Day Picnics!
It’s Memorial Day, the traditional if unofficial start of the summer season, and that means picnics! Our pets don’t want to feel left out. Our usual Moondai diarist, Mopshell, is convalescing and needs her rest, so we are taking a holiday turn. Since we are taking a guest turn today at The Site That Shall Not be Named, we thought we'd also post over here to gauge interest. Should we try to make this a regular feature? Should it have community lynx? Should it be an open thread? Please comment and leave your own animal/Memorial Day/etc. photos below. Pootie diarees must have lots of photo participation!
But first, a gentle reminder of the pootie diaree rulez. They apply throughout the InterWebz:
The Beach Over the Rainbow Bridge
No trolling the diary.
•If you hate pootie diaries, leave now. No harm, no foul.
•Share any and all pootie/woozle photos or issues that you would like.
•When it comes to problems, we may just have someone with experience who can help.
•Whatever happens in the outer blog STAYS in the outer blog. This is a place to relax and play; please treat it accordingly.
•There is no such thing as stealing a photo around here, but if you would like a pic from the comment threads, please ask the poster. He/she may have a copyright to those pics. Many thanks!
•It should not need to be said, but ANY/ALL photos that imply or encourage human violence against an animal will be considered verboten! Whether it is “comedic” or not, it will be frowned upon and considered out of bounds.
So, first we needz to grill out for our picnic, no?
I be Ready!
Looks Delicious to Me!
Well, just start the preparation at home!
Oops! What are we doing in here? That didn’t work out too well….
Woozles, you do the prep, we’ll wait for you to bring the food to the picnic.
We’ll move… Eventually
Time to eat! Everybodiez gather together for the piquenique!
Moar everybodiez!
Yum, the perfect picnic foods!
We’ll save you some watermelon
Or maybe not….
Wait… is this someone’s woozle??
We know, you made your own fancy melon dish:
Triple Melon Salad
But now it’s time for dessert! We know you love your treetzes:
Chocolate Mousse with Strawberries
Bourbon Cheesecake with Bourbon Fudge Icing
Key Lime Pie
That’s OK because we get our own special treetzes!
But now the day is done, so we’ll just clean up:
Woozles Prepped, so Pooties Clean; It’s a Tough Job but Somebody haz to Scrub da Grill!
And get some rest until you’re ready to go:
Happy Memorial Day to you and your pets, with or without piqueniques!!
We can't figure out how to conduct a real poll, but please choose your answers and comment! Thenkyew!!
What are your Memorial Day plans?
A. Have a picnic
B. Spend time with pets
C. Have a picnic with pets
D. Remember loved ones
E. Commune with nature
F. Avoid bearz and wolfz!
G. Eat pie (and/or other goodies)
H. Work (Argh!)
I. Other (please to explain in Comments)
I had to release Riley, my Irish terrierist, 3/23/16
He was a happy dog until he wasn't. And he did have several unhappy periods in his 11.5 years. Twice with Lyme, no problem. Then diabetes. Forever after. Then a toe infection, incurable, antibiotic resistant, requiring removal. Then heart failure. I kept him going for 4 months, at about $400/month plus extra food. It was still a shock the last day. I had to drive him to be euthanized, actually a good thing for me, because I wanted his body cremated and he weighed a bit more than I could carry except in extremis. I couldn't watch him go, he had mentally checked out earlier in the day, I probably saw the last eye contact between us. Now I have a box of cremains, and a paw print, missing one toe.
He was my dog. Stayed with me through my husband's death. Now his spirit in my house has been budged by a new feisty spirit, Skya. 4 months old this week. Still hasn't gotten the outside toilet concept. But I am in awe of her nose. She can track, earth-dog skill, and has learned escape. And is not yet microchipped. So far, she tracks back. I may have to attach her to an anchor. Which I don't have.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Glad you've found some comfort
for your losses.
Escape artists! My first pootie, Kato, was expert at that too. Right between your feet when carrying in the groceries, for instance. Normally he only ran into the back yard and his white fur would be easy to spy through the shrubbery. Now and then, though, he got coy, just to keep us on our toes. Good luck!
So sorry on your loss of Riley, that really wasn't very long ago
I love the word terrierist! Our pets do take over. I'm glad you have a new baby.
Oreo has diabetes. I dread him getting complications. I know he's not likely to have as long a life as some of my pooties have had, but he's doing okay right now.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
You do what you can, ec
That's all we can do. I think Riley's diabetes shortened his life by three years. He was a rather brittle diabetic, blood sugar zooming on occasion. But when owner is presented with symptoms of hyper- and hypo-glycemia, and there is mucho overlap, it's up to the person who knows them best to judge. We may err, but our animals trust us to do the best we can.
I hope Oreo much more time.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
good luck with Skya
She'll get the hang of it and start squatting outside. So sorry for your loss upon loss. I wish my daughter would talk to a pro about it, she's seen so much death at such a young time.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Thank you! Yes, I felt she did quite well for a pootie who
had had such severe disease earlier in life, as far as her having a nice long life after that, even though she was a bit of a fatty; 81 is pretty good. I just wish I could have brought her home for her last days, but she was breathing SO much easier in her oxygen tent. And the vet held out hope of a complete recovery.
We never know how much to treat or not to treat. Her liver failure years taught me that recovery from severe disease is possible. Even so, I have since had a few pets succumb when I barely if at all knew they were sick. They were always the shy ones, the previously abused who were good with me, but probably would have been miserable at being pilled and having multiple vet visits and the like. So I am convinced that we follow their lead. Your liver failure baby probably didn't mind, enjoyed spending the extra time with you in between treatments. Sometimes if we don't try, then we'll feel guilty for not trying hard enough.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Fatty liver disease
we've been there. Had to supplement feed Kitty for months. Docs said she'd only live about six days but my daughter kept her going for 6 months. Kitty just didn't want to leave us. She was another black cat rescue of ours. We had her for 10 years. Been there done that. It sucks hard.
We had Moonya a striped bratty cat that our friend gave us after he rescued a pregnant feral cat. We got one of the babies. Kitty never took to Moonya. They were 6 years apart.
We got Dylan about 6 months after I lost Kitty and my own Mother.
Dylan and Moonya were both 5 and they get along fine. Cuddle and clean each other.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
It's amazing how different they all are. Molly was
fine after about 2 months, I think, each time. She took the other cats in stride from day one, just thought she belonged and didn't see what they were hissing about. She had a stuck-up air with them until they accepted that she wasn't going to do anything untoward. She was so big and fluffy, Wally puffed up at her at first, every time she saw her! She would sniff her tail as if wondering, "Why is your tail all puffy if you're not mad at anyone?" It was a hoot, but the shorthairs finally figured out the puzzle and learned to relax with her. They all ended up playing and sleeping together from time to time.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Since you mentioned the political preferences of your cats
We have two cats. Freida is a fluffy Maine Coonish sort of cat - she has the ruff, the ear and toe hair, the fringe on the legs, etc. We got her as a kitten from an animal rescue group and we often joke that it would have been easier to adopt a human infant - we had a home visit, had to write an essay about our philosophy about pet ownership, etc. But we prevailed, although she had already passed through the insanely adorable kitten stage and into young cathood by the time the rescue finally and reluctantly delivered her to our door, still peeping into corners to find a kitten consuming reptile or some other hazard we had neglected to mention in their five page application.
She was an only cat until she was eight years old and completely spoiled and totally oriented on her peeps, a very loving cat. Seven years ago I got it into my head that we were being very selfish by only having one cat and depriving Freida from the companionship of another feline to cuddle with and commune with when the peeps weren't around to confab about our human shortcomings and foibles. So we went and introduced Eddie, the Russian Blue into the household as a rambunctious kitten from the litter of a friends cat. The mother of Eddie was famously lax and pawned off as much of her maternal duties as possible to a very conscientious rat terrier dog who took over as au pair to the kittens. To this day we maintain that Eddie was imprinted and self-identifies as canine as opposed to feline and he is as close to having a cat in a dog suit as I can imagine.
To say that the cats never took to one another would be the understatement of the century. I always say that Freida missed her opportunity to impose her will on Eddie when he was small to lay out the ground rules about who was head of the house and Alpha cat. Instead she ignored his efforts to play and interact and met every overture with a hiss and a swat and looked at us with eyes that implored us to remove this nuisance. Of course, by the time it had become evident that the two kitties would never ever be buddies, it was way too late to disengage from Eddie, who became the weirdest, most entertaining cat I have encountered in a lifetime of cat ownership and who had firmly established himself as Vice-Alpha cat in charge of our home. In Eddie's version the dominance of the household is that my husband is number 1, he is number 2, I am number 3 and poor Freida brings up the rear at #4. At night my husband and Eddie occupy one loveseat and Freida and I occupy the other in what we call our version of an eight grade sock hop, where the two sexes avoid intermingling.
Now as to their political preferences. We are convinced that Freida is Ready for Hillary and looks forward to smashing any and all glass ceilings and removing the oppression of male dominance. For some reason, Freida just looks like she would wear pantsuits if she transmogrified into human form. Eddie we believe started out as being a Rand Paul Libertarian mostly due to his adolescent failure to look deeply into policy but has recently decided to Feel the Bern. Unfortunately, this schism in political outlook has only served to drive them even further apart, even though they are nominally on the same side. For some reason it amuses us to think this.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
I laughed a lot while reading this! You have a great touch
with a pootie story. Those are beautiful breeds, so I hope you'll post photos!
I have had greater and lesser successes introducing new pets into our household. It always seemed to work out eventually, but sometimes it took years! So don't give up.
Of course, first and most importantly, we have to get both cats feelin the Bern.... Suppose we told her that he's in favor of catnip in every pot?
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
I love critter diaries although I have not participated before. I always check out The Dodo on a regular basis when humanity is getting me down.
Freida and Eddie have settled into a kind of permanent Cold War of mutual contempt but few overt outbursts of hostility. They have managed on occasion to occupy the same space with just inches between them but Eddie always has to ruin the "Ahhh, isn't that sweet?" moment by reaching over and poking Freida with a well-placed and annoying paw. He just can't stop himself.
AFTER we got Eddie we happened to hear a local vet on the radio addressing the issue of single feline households by saying that contrary to popular belief based on pride behavior of large felines, that everyday domesticated cats are very independent and territorial and your chances of a successful blend are pretty hit and miss. Maybe they'll get along, maybe they won't. I think our mistake was in taking so long to introduce another member of the household.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
I bet they'll be friends eventually, since they're inches apart
now. Eddie will calm down as he gets older, which will help too. Yes, it probably would have been easier if Freida had had a companion when she was younger, but we can't see the future. So it goes.
C99 says Freida should be spelled Frieda! I don't think so, Spellcheck.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Cold War Cats :)
My two cats are now both ten years old. We got Moonya a striped fat cat when a friend of ours rescued a pregnant feral. We got one of the babies and my then 6 year old Kitty didn't like this one bit. Some behavior issues surfaced even.. .like peeing in the laundry. But after awhile they would sit a few feet from each other. Moonya always wanted to play but Kitty was not pleased. Some cats just want to be the only one in your heart and home.
The cats never minded our Shinibo. She was always so good with small animals. The only animals she didn't like were the blue jays who would dive bomb her outside.
But ...when Kitty passed I was reeling from the loss of my Mom and my husband's best friend Oleg. I knew I shouldn't even mention getting another animal. But at work I kept seeing this ad in the paper for this tiny little black pootie. People at work kept telling me I should go get him. I hadn't even heard of the adoption place but it's one that takes in cats from other shelters who have been in the system so long or had been severely abused. It's called House of Dreams it's in N. Portland.
The adoption process was lengthy and they almost didn't approve of us because of our dog. But at the time she was around 13 and had slowed down a lot. So after home visit. We were allowed to adopt Dylan.
His ad said, "Dylan is like a Rolling Stone".. and the song has just stuck. He is a giant love muffin. He planks out when he sleeps. He had been in the shelter system for 5 years since he was 3 weeks old. He didn't even know what a toilet flushing sounded like. Everything was knew. Everything was freedom. We've had him now for 5 years and we just can't ask for a better cat. He's a lover. He even won over Moonya.
But we know they are too old to take on a pupster. So we will let them live out their lives as rulers here. Hoepfully we have another 10 years with them.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
I am absolutely dying to experience dog companionship
for the first time in my life, but I won't subject Freida to such a life-altering change in her environment at her age. So, after she passes after a long and mostly happy life in the bosom of her one and only family some time in the indeterminate future, we will finally take on the dog experience. I think Eddie will be fine with it, but then again, who knows?
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Yes! Pootie and woozle
Yes! Pootie and woozle diaries! That's the thing I miss most from TOP.
A lot of people have had the same enthusiasm, so we will
try to keep it going. Want to take a day and be a critters diarist?![Biggrin](
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
You will have to acknowledge to yourself though
that nobody will dare to say something critical against the pootie and woozles diaries, as it's hard to express it without hurting the enthusiasts' feelings. It is a kind of self censor ship decent people feel they should apply in this case. On the other hand self-censorship is something some here wanted to escape from.
I love cute animals. Less cutsy captions and a little bit less apolitical would make them more interesting to me, personally, but that's just me, so don't take it as an offense. There are "political things" to tell when it comes to our animal neighbors.
This is true. I think the next one will be a sort of polling or
brainstorming for how we would like our format to look. That way everyone can express themselves without worrying about coming across too critical.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
great, let's do that, thank you /nt
New pup, Skya is very cat-like
Her vet, an old-fashioned vet (lined paper for records) had Cairns before. He first told me how cat-like. That extends to independence, but goes inner with foot-washing, and face-grooming. She caches toys. Only live victims so far are ants, which taste awful, so have to go. But chipmunks are an irritant. Vet told me one of his Cairns brought home a live woodchuck and dispatched it in battle in the yard.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Aw, Skya sounds cute! Don't let her catch chipmunks though!
Nor woodchucks neither - those guys are pretty big!!
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Momma Bunny Questions
I hope someone can give me some advice about a Momma bunny and her rabbit hole.
The ash tree in the picture is scheduled to be taken out in about a week. Emerald ash borer. There's a rabbit hole well within the root ball that'll be ground out after the tree is cut. So here's two questions:
(1) Momma rabbits don't hang by their babies during the day, right? So if she's hanging around this rabbit hole, there are no babies inside, right?
(2) If it turns out there are babies inside, how long should I tell the tree service to wait? She's been hanging around the hole about 1 week, so wait 2 more weeks?
Advice much appreciated!
Compensated Spokes Model for Big Poor.
My only advice
is to try to find a wildlife refuge center near you so you can call them and ask them.
Way back when I was a teenager and still thought I could save the world, I found a small rabbit next to our property line that the county road workers had been working on - and had been using one of those big weed whackers. Well I found a rabbit whose hind leg had been slashed and his foot was dangling and it was in shock. My mom called around and just up the street, unbeknownst to us, was a wildlife refuge center who took in deer, bunnies, raccoons, all sorts of animals. They took care of the rabbit and it was able to be released.
So they might be able to advise you of what to do and if they are nearby they might be able to come out and help. Good luck and thank you for caring about the babies.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Thanks, DJ
I called a local place, Fellow Mortals, and they're really busy right now - peak season for wildlife injuries I guess. Anyhoo, told them it was not an emergency, just looking for advice.
I'll likely just put off having the tree removed for 2 more weeks.
Oh, and nice story about your Shinobi. Thanks for sharing that.
Compensated Spokes Model for Big Poor.
Yup Spring time is when lots of animals are out and about
New moms with little babies. All the while we humans are weed whacking and lawn mowing. So glad you are looking out for the wee ones in nature. That fact gives me so much hope for humanity.
Thank you!
Who knows, maybe the stump can be a highlight - it's a bunny castle - rather than a blight?? Good luck!
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Yes! Leave it and decorate it!
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Hey OT, you're an Oregonian right?
If so, I think we need to meet one day
I'm here in Portland area.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Me? Nope, I'm in Kentucky. But you're invited!
I can't travel because of Oreo. Not only is he diabetic, he's neurotic, considers any change in routine terrifying, and he's a blood sugar reactor. Except for this last time when his BS was bottoming out, his usual BS at the vet is 5-600!!
So if I travel, it could be the death of him. Thus the world must come to my door.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
I have been "blessed" by the Rev. Horton Heat himself
Which I am told gets me a free pass through Tennessee and some parts of Kentucky, even
I have been known to fly back East and sometimes that means a connection in KY. People have been known to meet up for coffee while awaiting connections to elsewhere.![Biggrin](
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
I can definitely make it to the Lexington airport if you're
going to be laid over.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
I'm glad DJ knew, because I have no idea about bunnies! eom
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Bunny Poop is good for your yard
I'd leave the stump there and let the bunny castle grow. It could be a lovely focal point of one's property.![Smile](
Bunnies pooping around your yard is super good for your grass. As are bat houses.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
I have tried bunny rehab twice.
Both times after dog found the nest and tore in. First time, bunnies were close to weaning (eyes open, white star on head). I used kitty milk replacer and did a lot of bottle feedings, supplemented with dandelion leaves from the yard. We released the bunnies in a state park, with raptors wheeling overhead.
Second time bunnies were younger and all died. Much heartache. If pinkies, absolutely walk away, unless you are willing to do euthanasia. Which I did to two preemie kittens. Not good karma, I hope I have rebuilt that.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Cut the tree, leave the stump - is that an option?
Can leave it as a nice flat place to sit or even carve it into a chair.
I don't know about ash bore disease but does it go to the roots?
Neighbor cut a tree down and left a big stump that he uses to put potted plants on. It looks lovely. But your's would have an added bonus of being a bunny home.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
The stump will go...
The location is in the front yard maybe 10 feet from the sidewalk, so once the Momma Bunny has the kids out of the rabbit hole, discouraging her to have another litter there is the way to go. People walk dogs past there too often, some on long leashes - not a good spot. Hopefully she'll relocate to the back yard.
The trunks will be milled into lumber for wood working projects so the stump will be cut as close to the ground as possible.
The emerald ash borer is a beetle that is killing all the ash trees. The tree is about half dead and leaving any of the tree intact leaves some of the ash borers and helps spread the beetles. The lumber will be milled locally and kiln dried so all the ash borers will be dead in the lumber.
We called the tree service today and told them to delay 3 weeks the trees' (there's actually 2 in the front yard, but the bunny issue is with just the one) removal. Told the guy why and he said it wasn't the first time he's gotten a request like that. All's good.
Super big thanks to everyone that offered comments on this. If I can catch the babies when they emerge, I'll post in a future pootie blog.
Compensated Spokes Model for Big Poor.
Also give us a picture of your beautiful lawn post-stump :)
Good luck with the removal and relocation of bunnies!
How you handled this all - with such compassion - shares what a good person you are.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Elena, thanks for this lovely post. I saved it for end-of-day
and I'll show the pics to Lovie; she'll enjoy the whole thread. Enjoy your evening,
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Good to see you, Gerrit! Thank you and enjoy!
I think we can do this at least every Monday, and will try to expand until we're doing it every day.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
From a Dutch news program for kids: cat stowaway from Norfolk VA
The crew of the container ship thought the cat was a tom, and were pleased to see it gain weight under their care. But on inspection at the animal shelter in Spijkenisse the cat was found to be a female “in a family way.”