Why Clinton's email is indeed a BIG deal and the EO that says so.

There have been many saying that this email thing isn't really a very big deal.

At first, I agreed. While I thought it was an indicator that she had stuff to hide, from an election standpoint I didn't think it would be a significant issue in the General.

But more and more has come out which has caused me to re-evaluate this position.

I thought those that said she would be indicted over this were, like myself, overly optimistic at at best. While that may indeed be the case, I am now becoming more and more convinced that while Justice may not choose to file an indictment, the chance that there will be a recommendation to do so by the investigating authorities may indeed be a stronger possibility then ever.

In either of these scenario's, be ready to welcome president Trump and I would suggest investing in brown dye and shirt manufacturing industries.

Yet despite all of this, the Clintonite's are continuing to do their ostrich impersonations.

For example, I saw a claim today (not here) that Clinton had authority to declassify her emails so that was no big deal.

Well, that sounded somewhat odd to me, as I doubt the CIA or any other Agency head would be comfortable with the thought that any other head could compromise the security of their agency. So, being the obsessive researcher that I am whenever something catches my interest I went and read the whole damn Executive order that the author referenced.

One particularly relevent subsection of the Executive Order:


Sec. 4.1General Restrictions on Access.
(a) A person is eligible for access to classified information provided that a determination of trustworthiness has been made by agency heads or designated officials and provided that such access is essential to the accomplishment of lawful and authorized Government purposes.
(b) Controls shall be established by each agency to ensure that classified information is used, processed, stored, reproduced, transmitted, and destroyed only under conditions that will provide adequate protection and prevent access by unauthorized persons.
(c) Classified information shall not be disseminated outside the executive branch except under conditions that ensure that the information will be given protection equivalent to that afforded within the executive branch.
(d) Except as provided by directives issued by the President through the National Security Council, classified information originating in one agency may not be disseminated outside any other agency to which it has been made available without the consent of the originating agency. For purposes of this Section, the Department of Defense shall be considered one agency.


While both A and C both appear to be significantly relevant, I find subsection B to be particularly damning.

There is absolutely zero credible argument that can be made that a server kept in a bathroom in a private home, potentially accessible by everyone from housekeeping staff to family members, friends and guests, repairmen, etc. comes anywhere close to meeting the requirements of section B.

How hard would it be for a foreign nation to slip in someone with a small storage device and do a data dump of their entire server? Or even worse, install a self deleting mole that would automatically redirect copies of EVERY piece of data through it?

I would think that even the faintest possibility that this information could be out there in the hands of either hostile foreign nations or major corporations and the subsequent exposure to blackmail that this would present should in and of itself be sound reason for not selecting this person to be our nominee.

If I could think of this scenario you know damn well someone in the Trump camp probably already has a commercial written to such effect.

There are several other sections of the order that it would appear she also violates both the letter and the spirit of the order.

So we have the Email issue, We have the pay-to-play issue, We have the Guns for Donations issue amongst all the others that we may not even know about yet and THIS is the candidate we are going to send into the Arena with an opponent like Trump? He is going to demolish her.

Not by having better policies, but by simply tapping into Clinton's already abysmal trustworthiness ratings and the general public's complete disgust with establishment politics.

With stuff like this hanging over her head and a clear, viable option like Sanders available there is only ONE reason the Democratic Party would give Clinton the Nomination at a contested convention.


Trump cthulhu2016_1.jpg

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Placing our national security in jeopardy with her little bathroom server makes Hillary a lot more vulnerable than JEB! was.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

Alphalop's picture

matters, at least in the Clinton camp.

I think things such as this will prove all those that said Trump couldn't win the General (Myself included until recently) are being willfully blind to reality.

I can understand that the Super Delegates and Party Power Players would rather take a loss than a Sanders win, particularly when they already have started the "Naderites" bullshit in preparation for the inevitable Clinton loss, but how can so many of the rank and file Clinton supporters see this and think it won't hurt her in the general? Are they willing to go down with the ship too out of party loyalty?

It really is quite astounding to me.

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"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me

Plato2016's picture

...the extent of hillary's crimes
...the corruption in the state department
...the corruption in the CGI
...that the email could be hacked
...that a SoS would give information to terrorists
...(fill in the blank)

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We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when we are afraid of the light.

and if she goes down: the message is " we go down". It's "me" or "fascism" is precisely the message she and her bastard cronies are sending.

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Steven D's picture

that agrees with you and has a great deal of experience to back up his conclusions:


For those of us who recognized from the outset that Ms. Clinton’s exclusive use of a personal email system for all her official business (not to mention her unprecedented use of a private server atop that) was a clear violation of the Federal Records Act (“FRA”), the finding of the State Department’s Inspector General (“IG”) to that effect in his May 25 report were no surprise. In fact, on the admitted facts of the case, no other conclusion was possible, and it was simply another “shoe waiting to be dropped.”

To us, knowing that there are no applicable penalties within the FRA (or in the FOIA, for that matter, which Ms. Clinton also blatantly circumvented), the primary significance of the IG report is that it so flatly and persuasively belies nearly every public “defense” that she has uttered on the matter, from her extraordinary news conference at the United Nations on March 10 of last year to even her initial stunned reactions to the IG report itself this past week.

No, her self-serving email set-up was not “allowed” under the State Department’s rules. No, she was not “permitted” to use a personal email system exclusively as she did. No, what she did was hardly just a matter of her “personal convenience.” No, there is no evidence that any State Department attorney (other than perhaps Secretary Clinton herself) ever gave “legal approval” to any part of her special email system. No, everything she did was not “fully above board” or in compliance with the “letter and spirit of the rules,” far from it. Yes, she was indeed required by the FRA to maintain all official e-mails in an official system for proper review, delineation, and retention upon her departure. Yes, her private server equipment was in fact the subject of multiple attempted intrusion attempts (i.e., hacks), including by foreign nations. The list goes on and on. (Note that this does not even include Ms. Clinton’s many serious “misstatements” about her handling of classified or potentially classified information.)

Now, even the general public is left with the unavoidable conclusion that Ms. Clinton either is ignorant of the law (which too many people know is not so) or else feels blithely untethered to reality in a way that necessarily serves her secretive interests regardless of any truth — the technical legal term for which is “pathological lying,” or perhaps merely “psychosis.” Not a pretty picture for a voter of any stripe at any stage of the electoral process.{...]

Dan Metcalfe is a registered Democrat who has long said that he will vote for Hillary Clinton in November “if she escapes indictment and manages to become the Democratic presidential nominee.” He served as Director of the Justice Department’s Office of Information and Privacy for more than 25 years, during which time he handled information-disclosure policy issues on the dozens of Clinton Administration scandals that arose within public view, as well as two that did not. Since retiring in 2007, he has taught secrecy law at American University’s Washington College of Law.

His bio:


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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

Bollox Ref's picture

that HRC is a pathological liar............... is he still planning to vote for her????

Voting for such a person doesn't compute in my world.

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from a reasonably stable genius.

He says "I will vote for Clinton, if she isn't indicted" above in his bio.

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Bollox Ref's picture

But he's willing to vote for a pathological liar?

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from a reasonably stable genius.

edg's picture

millions of people in both political parties are willing to vote for pathological liars so long as the pathological liar is theirs.

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Alphalop's picture

The author writes a very well thought out piece describing how many reasons there are that Clinton would be a horrible choice for president and then ends with a "But if she doesn't get indicted I'm voting for her."

How does she manage to get rational people that are aware of all the reasons she would make a horrible candidate/president to still vote for her?

I am thinking mind control ray, lol!

But thanks for the linked article, it was a worthy read. Smile

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"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me

featheredsprite's picture

and he is an absolute gentleman. Trump is an asshole and knows it and doesn't care. He will bring her down to his level and cover her with so much mud that her own mother wouldn't recognize her.

Hillary supporters just don't see that.

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Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.

WindDancer13's picture

I do not think her mother would recognize HRC even before Trump starts in on her.

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We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass

Pick one.

Of course there is always Bernie and his movement...

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Some people who are close to me and whose intelligence I highly respect aren't seeing this. Our complicit, brain-washing, non-internet, media must have something to do with it.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

Alphalop's picture

real life (never seen it happen yet at GOS) still seem to try to just downplay it.

Do they think that just because fellow democrats are willing to ignore this in the Primary that the majority of independents and non party loyalists will?

At best, it will result in a reduced democratic voter turnout, and a Trump Presidency.

I don't know, I always thought that Democratic Voters were generally smarter than Republican voters but at the risk of sounding elitist yet again, I am starting to doubt that.

The inmates do appear to be running the asylum....

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"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me

Unabashed Liberal's picture

party; as a result, their rank-and-file has been more propagandized, not less (IMO)--at least since 1985, and the takeover of the Party by From and Friends.

Regarding the email debacle, when it first broke, many of the MSM reporters who reported on the State Department tried very hard to get this story out. I know, because I was listening to the daily State Dept briefings (on XM), and heard their sharp questioning of the State Dept spokesperson (BTW, the position has been filled by more than one, since this story broke).

Anyhoo, their reporting was met with very fierce push back from the left (meaning--the Dem Party Establishment, and the the Party Base); so, eventually, the story fell off the front pages of the NYT, WaPo, etc.--then, disappeared altogether. I'm not certain, but I'm under the impression that the Fox News Channel is the only cable channel (until the very recent IG report, maybe) that's been reporting on it, at all.

Since anyone but FSC would have certainly paid a penalty (including moi, if I had tried to pull off something like that), I truly hope that she's sanctioned in some manner. But, because she's O's pick as his successor, I'm honestly doubtful that anything--other than a verbal reprimand, if that--will likely come of any of the investigations/suits.

But, we can hope . . .


BTW, I agree that this matter is a valid issue--at least it is, to me and my Family.

Have a good one. And 'thanks' for fighting the good fight!



"Every time I lose a dog, he takes a piece of my heart. Every new dog gifts me with a piece of his. Someday, my heart will be total dog, and maybe then I will be just as generous, loving, and forgiving."--Author Unknown

SOSD Rescues Available For Adoption Or Sponsorship
Taro & Jacky (SOSD)

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

Plato2016's picture

the same as the Republicans.

Human behavior is such that we can be "conditioned" into certain responses for given situations. Here is what I think happened over the decades.

Fox news and right-wing talking heads "conditioned" the repugs to always believe what was coming over the toxic air-waves and being made up in their blogs. It was comforting to believe that they had the 'truth' and the feeling of smugness became a familiar friend. They became sheeple who refused to look at opposing viewpoints.

How could left-wing 'thinkers' try to fight off these mindless memes coming from the right? Over time, left-wing 'gospels' began to rise up such as MSNBC talking heads, TOP, etc. The former 'thinkers' on the left found a comfortable place to exist, too. They could get their retorts ready-made for them and could enjoy the same smug satisfaction without having to work it out. Pretty soon, it was baa baa and the Democratic sheeples were created.

This only became apparent to me recently. I know someone who has ALWAYS (for his entire 60 years) been thoughtful about issues. He would dissect issues and look at points of view and come up with rational conclusions. I had a discussion about Hillary with him. He did not know ONE instance of Hillary lying. He has been conditioned to believe that anything anti-(any democrat) is just a right wing lie. He watches Rachel and Tweety religiously. How comfortable. He no longer has to THINK about issues. He can smugly recite MSNBC and tell himself that he is "informed".

It doesn't even occur to the sheeples that the republicans can say the same things about Hillary Clinton that we democrats said about Romney or Bush.

IOKIYAR becomes IOKIYAC and the sheeples can't even begin to see any hypocrisy.

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We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when we are afraid of the light.

Steven D's picture

The damage has been done. The OIG report was devastating. It showed:

1) Multiple violations of federal law and executive orders regarding the storage and retention of her email correspondence.

2) The fact her server had been compromised on at least 2 occasions, suggesting that it likely was compromised other times that were not caught by her lax security measures, thus exposing secret and confidential government information to unknown individuals, governments or other groups.

3) That State Dept. IT employees who questioned her use of a private server were told to never speak about it again. That type of intimidation and bullying further reveals that her increasingly fractured public persona as a "caring, compassionate" woman is a fraud.

4) The refusal of Clinton and all her immediate senior staff to cooperate and be interviewed by the OIG investigators is very damning. As they say, those who have nothing to hide have no reason to fear cooperating with an investigation. It is a sign of culpability, and it shows they fear the FBI investigation no matter what the media is reporting based on anonymous leaks.

5) The OIG finding that Clinton's setup of a private server violated federal law, although not one with criminal consequences, after she repeatedly said she did nothing wrong and had permission to do what she did, destroys her credibility. Who will believe any promise she makes to win the support of "the little people" after so many blatant and easily exposed lies?

She may obtain the nomination. She may escape indictment for criminal charges related to her server because Obama and Lynch will refuse to go down that path, fearing a Sanders candidacy and/or the fracture of the party as a result of exercising their so-called Plan B option and nominating another Dem who did not run in the primaries. However, she is a damaged candidate. She's been shown to be arrogant, oblivious to protecting national security information, and a repeatedly bad liar. Literally, her only argument in favor of her candidacy is that she's not as odious as Donald Trump. Perhaps that is good enough to pass muster with those who are Clinton loyalists, or whose loyalty the Clintons have bought, but if I were a super delegate with no close ties to Clinton, that argument would scare the crap out of me.

All the more so if I was running as a Democratic candidate for Congress this year in any district that doesn't always vote for the Dems. Such candidates know they will be tarred with the same brush as Hillary if she is the nominee. They can try and run away from her record of incompetence and her scandals but regardless of how much money the GOP spends on behalf of Trump, you know they will be spending much more on down ballot races, as will Conservative SuperPacs. Even her victory will end up a Pyrrhic one for her and the Democratic Party, which, if they nominate her, will be clearly exposed to all (beyond just the high info voters) as the party of the 1 percent. And of course, her 1 term in office would be a disaster for the country.

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

reflectionsv37's picture

and republicans retain control of the house, her 4 years in office will be one, long, drawn out investigation that will begin on her first day in office and continue until she is either impeached, steps down or her term runs out. I don't think any of those Clinton supporters have considered what a Clinton presidency would actually bring to the country. The Clinton Foundation, all by itself, is enough to bring governance in the country to a complete standstill for 4 years why the republicans hold hearing after hearing after hearing. It will be a disaster for all of us.

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“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush

WindDancer13's picture

Literally, her only argument in favor of her candidacy is that she's not as odious as Donald Trump. - See more at: http://caucus99percent.com/content/why-clintons-email-indeed-big-deal-an...

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We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass

pfiore8's picture

(if there isn't one already regarding pay-to-play) with the FBI is exactly this: "The OIG finding that Clinton's setup of a private server violated federal law, although not one with criminal consequences" : the portion i bolded is, i believe, not accurate. Once the IG report established Clinton did NOT have authorization to use that server, her handling of classified material becomes a criminal matter. The IG report was a procedural one ... and not about criminality.

ima (in my analysis), the pay-to-play investigation gets the boost it needs from these findings because it means ALL of the e-mails ... private included ... must be turned over to the gov't. why do you think they are busy recovering those deleted personal e-mails? once she co-mingled state and personal business on that server, she lost the right to privacy of her e-mails. the gov't now gets to scrutinize everything.

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“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"

TheOtherMaven's picture

One would think the Clintons, especially, would have learned this by now. But they seem incapable of learning from experience.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

of her aides? No one seems to be talking about this aspect much. Was it loyalty or was it fear that her aides and others went to such great lengths to cover up emailgate. Seems like everyone was afraid to even talk with her about it; they just had the "make-this-happen-or-else" mentality. Respect for your boss is one thing; fear is something else. How many people will pay the price of falling under the bus for her? Not that they shouldn't pay the price but she should go first.

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No, Clinton cannot compell her aides to take the hit for her. Why? Because the State Dept's IG report concludes that Clinton willfully disregarded the law, her own signed agreement (on file) to uphold the law after being apprised of it, her IT staffer's warnings and offers to train her, and the lies she's told and is still telling about her emails. Plus she deleted over thirty thousand "personal" emails without supervision, commingled public with private, flaunted FOIA requirements and lied about it, violated secrecy laws which put troops and diplomats in danger and opened her up to blackmailers and hackers. Then there's the little matter of pay to play schemes which the FBI and Justice Department will act on, hopefully soon. Obama seems to not realize that Clinton played him for a fool, may very well bring him down with her (for not acting on her lawlessness the entire time she was SOS). Unless he sanctioned what she was doing and took a piece of the action.

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Bollox Ref's picture

incomplete email record, the Clinton Foundation, etc., etc., I'm surprised that so few are angry that Clinton has been lying to us, time and time again, for all these months, regarding the status of her server, per the IG report.

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from a reasonably stable genius.

gulfgal98's picture

Seriously, all politicians may bend the facts to fit their narrative, but Clinton has been out and out lying. Now the mainstream media is calling her out on it and she still stubbornly clings to those lies. These lies have already been revealed as such in a public document issued by the Office of the Inspector General and she still continues to utter the same lies. It is almost pathelogical and her supporters are still buying it. I honestly do not get it.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Bollox Ref's picture

The report is out there, in black and white, completely undermining her case, and yet she goes on with her story and her supporters follow!?

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from a reasonably stable genius.

lunachickie's picture

particularly at blogs like TOP, where everything is multiplied and magnified by fucking sockpuppets. That's where the bulk of her support really is. Oh, she's got support--mostly of low-info voters and those who actually stand to gain something tangible from her in the short-term. But the "inevitable" thing is over, thanks to this.

Which is why any arrests or indictments must come before the California primary. We must make this happen somehow, but HOW?

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pfiore8's picture

and that infamous yellow cake... and the aluminum tubes. where was the outrage? there was some, but apparently too many people believe two things: might-is-right and the ends always justify the means.

what we must upend is our lack of values. our own value systems have become shabby. we have become intellectually lazy... even those with PhDs like Krugman... simply want to hold on to the way the world was, unaware of the death and destruction their beloved country inflicts on those outside (and yes inside) its borders.

watching the train wreck that was the BushCo years, I realized facts and truth are simply not relevant to what people believe to be facts or truth.

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“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"

high5104's picture

Start calling it mishandling of national security.

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GreyWolf's picture

It's obviously a national security/corruption problem

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I'd call it a greedy traitor running a pay to play scam problem.

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pfiore8's picture

we get so caught up, but words are important. don't over do it, but be specific and factual. very good.

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“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"

fakenews's picture

Reposted from another thread:

Coming from the federal government IT world, the question I would ask is "If you received an email from someone purporting to be the "Secretary of State" of the United States of America - why in the world would you reply to an email address that DOES NOT contain the domain name STATE.GOV?????? You would be remiss in your duty as a network user NOT report such things. Training is given to federal employees on a yearly basis in order to keep their network privileges. This training includes the necessity to look at the incoming email address to make sure it is a valid address of the person that you are communicating with, when in doubt to an address's validity you are instructed to contact the IT Dept. This training applies to EVERYONE (including the top brass) - at least you must SIGN a statement saying you will abide by these many rules. If someone contacts you by email saying that they need your government credit card credentials for security reasons and the email has a government.credit@uscredit.ru address - RUN!! don't walk to your nearest IT point of contact for scam emails...

And - the second thing I've noticed is the SCIF question. As the IT person testified, you can not operate remote devices in a SCIF, but I'm not sure his reasoning was correct. He kept saying the you shouldn't operate mobile devices in a SCIF. In fact you can not use or access outside networks outside of a SCIF on mobile (for sure!) because a SCIF room is surrounded by copper mesh that does not allow mobile signals to be received or transmitted period!! This is why Hillary wanted a separate room outside of her office so she could use her BB. They never got around to installing a non State Dept network desktop (also against security policy) in the outside office because Hill was able to do everything she needed on her BB from that outside office. The IT person (Lewis Lukens, pretty high up guy) testified and it is available on the internet - the whole thing(link below). The most non secure situation you could imagine - but how could a lowly IT guy refuse Hillary (we know what she's like) , answer is "he couldn't".


Sorry, some background on What is a SCIF...What is a SCIF?

Sorry again - BB = Black Berry phone, obsolete but still in use by U.S. Gov't. Probably gone within a year or so.

Lewis Lukens testimony on Hillary emails - interesting reading http://www.judicialwatch.org/document-archive/jw-v-state-lukens-testimon...

Lewis Lukens and Hillary Email Testimony

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"Democracy is technique and the ability of power not to be understood as oppressor. Capitalism is the boss and democracy is its spokesperson." Peace - FN

GreyWolf's picture

You wrote "... this information could be out there in the hands of either hostile foreign nations or major corporations ..." (Brief version; basically, some believe it was on an unsecured server for the major corporations to access.)

Many on reddit have asserted that having the Top Secret information on a server that was also utilized by the Foundation, Bill and Chelsea, et. al., was to allow Bill and the Foundation, if not donors, to access the Top Secret info at will, and remotely, as Bill traveled the world giving speeches to foreign nations and corporations ...

I am not sure I subscribe to that line of thought, but it is easy to imagine how useful it could be to have up-to-the-minute secret strategic information when advising multi-national corporations on what their next move should be ... besides handing Bill a check. (I can't remember the article, but it has also been suggested that Bill and the Foundation are the actual targets ... as illegal recipients of classified info, or perhaps just for plain old corruption.)

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-- that the server might have been set up intentionally to facilitate 'big deals' among various players. I haven't seen any reporting on this, and I've just been chalking the thought up to my ability to fictionalize.

It seems to me that the 30k deleted emails must still exist somewhere.

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Granma's picture

Probably has all of the missing emails. They have everyone else's.

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because long-standing tradition dictates that they collect every scrap of communications and then protect the domestic pols in the name of lofty ideals. (Until NSA's own budget or freedom of action happen to be at stake. Then, there might just be a regrettable leak...or perhaps that's paranoid.)

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Alphalop's picture

for that I apologize. Smile

What I was trying to present is the possibility of a scenario like this unfolding.

3rd Party: "Mrs. President, I would like you to endorse and sign this particular piece of legislation that is about to come up for a vote."

Clinton: "No, I am sorry but that would not be a good choice for the nation at this time so not only can I not support it, I have to campaign actively against it."

3rd Party: (drops large envelope with printouts of several damning email's from her server.) "Are you sure? That's an awful nice looking Presidency you got there, it would be a shame if something happened to it." (read in a traditional Italian mobster voice for comedic effect.)

Clinton: "On Second thought, I can see the merits in such a proposal and would be happy to support it!"

Now, am I saying this is a certainty? Absolutely not.

But the fact that it exists as even a possibility is enough to make me even more uncomfortable with the thought of her in the White House.

I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if Cheney didn't have some similar hold over Bush the Lessor, and look what that led to. (Ok, I admit now I am speculating, maybe they are both evil, but honestly I think BTL was a bit of a stooge, and not a particularly bright one, who did whatever his handlers told him to do.)

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"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me

Alex Ocana's picture

The IP address of mail.presidentclinton.com is the same as mail.clintonemail.com. Also, the GoDaddy SSL cert on the server lists mail.clintonemail.com as its Hostname. Justin Cooper registered clintonemail.com in his own name on Jan. 13, 2009. That email domain is the same one Hillary Clinton exclusively used to send work-related emails as Secretary of State on her private server located outside of the State Department. The IP address of mail.presidentclinton.com is the same as mail.clintonemail.com. See March 4, 2015 article here: http://gotnews.com/breaking-exclusive-we-can-connect-senior-clinton-advi...

Presidentclinton.com is a front for the Clinton Foundation as can be seen here: www.presidentclinton.com
Presidentclinton is ranked 6,704,512 in the United States. 'William J. Clinton Foundation.'

Who is Justin Cooper and what was he doing on Jan. 9, 2011, when an adviser to former President Bill Clinton notified the State Department's deputy chief of staff for operations that he had to shut down the server because he suspected "someone was trying to hack us and while they did not get in I didn't (sic) want to let them have the chance to."

According to sources, including Politico, "In January 2011, President Clinton's aide Justin Cooper told Abedin via email that he'd shut down the server, which hosted accounts for the former president, the then-secretary of state, Abedin and others." http://www.politico.com/story/2016/05/clinton-email-problems-223573

Justin Cooper had no security clearance, and, had full enough access to the server to be able to send emails concerning hacking attempts.

From his Bio as a member of the Advisory Board of Decision Sciences: "Jstin Cooper began working in the White House in 1999 and has served as Staff Assistant in the Oval Office, Special Assistant and Senior Advisor to President Clinton and The President’s Aide. He played a leading role in working with the President and the publishers on the bestselling memoir My Life.

"As an advisor to President Clinton, Cooper has provided counsel to the former President on a broad range of issues, including business matters, public affairs, political outreach and personal finances, in addition to his work with the Clinton Foundation, Clinton Global Initiative and the Clinton Family Foundation. Cooper worked with the Clinton Foundation since its inception just over a decade ago and has helped to raise the over $400 million to fund its programs and the construction of the Clinton Presidential Center. Cooper is also responsible for the management of the President’s professional and personal relationships." http://decisionsciencescorp.com/about-us/advisory-board/

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From the Light House.

Alligator Ed's picture

More and more unnerving information is emerging from the shadows of emailgate almost on a daily basis. Justin Cooper registered clintonemail.com--this means he had complete access to everything which was transmitted to or from that domain. Furthermore, as you point out the IP address is also the same as the infamous mail.clintonemail.com. It has been suggested that Cooper had NO SECURITY credentials at any time. This alone is a violation of the espionage act.

Thank you for the enlightenment.

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And yes, more, please l

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Alex Ocana's picture

And this: "Federal criminal law makes it a felony when any custodian of official government recordswillfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same.” The crime is punishable by up to three years in prison. And interestingly, Congress felt strongly enough about the crime that it included the unusual provision that the perpetrator shall “forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States.”

While the Republican Party is a nest of crazy vipers, they do represent millions of people and I do believe that they have a perfect right to request and receive FOIA records.

Her aides took no actions to have her personal emails preserved on department servers at the time, as required by the Federal Records Act. Nor did they do anything for two years until a Congressional Committee requested them. That sounds willful to me. Ignorance of the law (which Clinton can no longer claim) is no excuse for breaking it. Stupidity is no excuse either as seen in Bill's execution of Ricky Ray Rector as a campaign stunt.


"She sought to conceal her official communications from the government (and ultimately the public) while not taking sufficient steps to keep them from spies and enemies." -James Taranto Editor Wall Street Journal

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From the Light House.

Cassiodorus's picture

It's easy for me to imagine everyone in this situation saying "she's better than Trump" and giving her a free pass.

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"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad

Bollox Ref's picture

marginally, so I'll go for Franco.

You've gotta love freedom of fascist choice.

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from a reasonably stable genius.

WindDancer13's picture

which one is Hitler yet? What does one base a decision on when there is one person who is 90% rhetoric and 10% actions while the other is 90% actions and 10% rhetoric?

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We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass

he inspired and represents are the future. The future is the next election.

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I mean focussed on it for endless weeks, had pages of charts to keep track, and was on tenderhooks waiting for Fiitzmas. As you know, I didn't get my Rove perp walk, Cheney and minions imprisonment or Bush impeachment and humiliation. I think since the glorious summer of Watergate, TPTB have gained more control or learned how to protect themselves. So frankly, I can't pin any hopes on this stuff mattering at all. However, I would be happy, no, ecstatic to be proved wrong. Just not expecting it.

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Alphalop's picture

rights to the Russians, particularly with all the rhetoric and posturing coming from Putin over the last couple years.

I think we are paving the way for round 2 of the cold war (hope it stays only a cold one) and nothing would make the MIC happier...

There are so many issues like this that have been ignored by the DNC during the so called "Vetting Process" that whenever someone says, "She is fully vetted and there is nothing the Republicans can throw at her that they haven't already and none of it sticks."

To which I can only reply, "So far...."

NO politician has ever had to run a contest against the likes of Trump, she won't be prepared for it, the media will have a feeding frenzy and we will have President Trump for 4 years.

While more and more I am thinking that such an event would actually be less damaging in the long term than a Clinton presidency would be to the cause of progressives, I think a Sanders presidency would actually be one of the first legitimately good ones since at least Carter if not going all the way back to FDR.

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"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me

ZimInSeattle's picture

a pacifist you must then be a supporter of fascism. And that's why it's completely ludicrous to vote for Hillary out of FEAR of Trump. The pathological liar that is Hillary has only herself to blame for losing the election to Trump.

Literally, her only argument in favor of her candidacy is that she's not as odious as Donald Trump.

Spot on, Steven D.

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"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020