About caucus99percent and issues
Good morning folks.
This is a response to a comment by TomP that was made in another essay last night. I tried to post it as a reply several times but would not post in the proper nesting so I gave up, but I think it is important so I'll post it now.
Here's Tom's comment (he's speaking about c99p):
I hope it will grow also.
There is a diversity of left opinions here, from Dems to Greenish (or create a third party) and some support Trump (which I think is error because he is a fascist).
A hundred flowers blooming.
It will be interesting to see if it stays fixated on electoral politics or moves to issues also.
Of special import to me is the last sentence that I bolded. I'd like to expound on that statement.
Caucus99percent was set up as an issues oriented site and it mostly was just that for the first year and a quarter of it's existence, up until the time of what I call The Great Migration. We did not or will not ever have an official party affiliation. Surely electoral politics was discussed but the vast majority of time and pixels was spent on issue related subjects. Most of the original 200 or so members that were here before March of this year were/are Bernie Sanders supporters, but even with that he was very rarely the topic of discussion. We tried to stick to the pressing issues that are facing all of us, especially as it pertains to the 99percent, and very rarely was Daily Kos even mentioned.
Surely I understand that electing the right politician will help with the issues before us, but my point is that this site was never fixated on electoral politics up until very recently, and hopefully someday and someday soon we can get back to the issues.

Art whom? Carney?
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Post-Migration n00b here...
I actually caught the hint up front. But it's good to see it reemphasized.
Yeah, it would be nice to have a Kos-free week (month?)
from a reasonably stable genius.
If Bernie isn't nominated and/or HRC isn't indicted,
I have a feeling that the number of essays/posts about TOP will dramatically decrease. I'm hoping so anyway. Like water, most websites find their own level. And I really do like the direction in which c99 is "meandering".
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
We can all meander (at least in mind)
I think what c99p could be is a discussion of directions to make our walk more direct. We are in the wilderness now, running out of time. This is a comfortable place to listen, offer, invent something new.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
There it is! And the people say AMEN :=) How about the next
c99er to mention DK has to do the macarena and post the video :=)
In our house, that's how we taught the kids not to talk with food in their mouth at the table. It worked. Still does!
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
I'm a total newbie, only went to TOP a few times before it got so bad. But even so I could see what it must have been at its best. And someone very dear to me spent a lot of his time on the site for 13 years. It (YOU) helped him mature his political awareness, understanding of argumentative logic & sense of humor.
So, I want everyone to know: I respect that a lot of you are in mourning; DK was special, of course because of you all: the wisdom & humor were amazing,
Mourn as you must, but: Do Not Go There. It is toxic for you now, as for my dear one.
And here you are; I love this site because of you all.
I have cognitive dissonance
on members here that are active there and are not contributing here. (Obviously, not referring to Tom P.)
I often only click to uprate and do not comment because I feel scrutinized and judged.
You feel scrutinized and judged HERE?
I just want to make sure that's what you're saying and try to understand why.
Unless, of course, you are talking about TOP, in which case I completely understand and empathize.
I miss Colorado.
We discussed long ago...
and I think you were part of that discussion too shiz, about whether to hide the comments from the public eye and the verdict was a resounding "no, we have nothing to hide".
I am so very confused.
If you read miss SPED's comment, and then my reply, and then YOUR reply ...
LOL, what?!
I miss Colorado.
I took Miss Sped's comment...
to mean that she is worried about members here that may only be here to scoop up info to use back there. But I may be wrong on that assumption, wouldn't be the first time. Thus my response to you, that it doesn't matter if people are here for scooping purposes because all of our comments are open to the public anyway. Still not sure if that was M.Sped's intention or not though, but that's what I meant.
Oh, I see. You're probably right.
Looking at her comment now, yeah, that's a fair assumption.
I know of at least one such person here, but I'm sure there are more. My thing is if they're here to "spy" or whatever, I mean seriously, how fucking sad is THAT?! I don't give a crap if they're registered here and don't participate because, first of all, hey -- that used to be me! LOL.
Second, some people are just assholes, man. If they wanna stress about us and go blab about what we say to TOP, let 'em. That says WAY more about them than it does about us.
I miss Colorado.
I am very comfortable in my own skin. I own what I say. But I am not convinced of the benevolence of every member, here or there. I guess I jumped right into the 'we versus them' mindset. I thought this was safe haven territory. I never dreamed I would be banned at a 'liberal' website for politely and nonprofanely disclosing how I intended to vote (for a liberal candidate.) I naively thought no one would have time or inclination to spy on this site, for sure. Now, I cannot fathom how anyone can remain at GOS, and I appreciate the efforts and ideas and genuine friendliness that is here. I do not agree with every word posted at c99p but each day I read something lovely and kindly and worthy. So thanks for that. Though we may be scrutinized and judged, we aren't smited.
I get that you are unsure of the nice and respectful
with a knife hidden. So are we all. Occupational hazard of life, there is always a hidden danger, human or otherwise. I lock my front door at night. I am in the relative boonies, long driveway, paranoid husband installed several remote alarm systems so we would be aware of unanticipated incoming. Those are gone, so is use of the deadbolt. I am on my own, with a new dog who has not yet exhibited guardian traits, and will never be large enough to look threatening.
So we get back to trust. I am willing to reset my trust-meter here, after being burned some other places. It will be cool until it isn't. In the meantime, good discussion of ideas to move forward. Peace.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Thanks for that reminder jtc
I drafted a diary about this last night about how we're reaching the end of this interminable election process and coming to a pivot point that will affect this blog depending on the outcome of the primary. To me it has been interminable, I'm sorry but as one of the few (only?) non-Bernie supporters, it seems like nonstop Bernie, Hillary, and Daily Kos. The couple times I've gone to Daily Kos (because of diaries here) I've seen comments referring to C99 as Bernie's site. It's like Daily Kos is Clinton's site and C99 s Bernie's site. A couple of times lately I've written late night rants just to put something different on the list. I used to do that very same thing at Daily Kos.
I suppose there's no stopping it til the "Bernie Decision", and probably no stopping it if Bernie somehow becomes the nominee. But if Bernie doesn't win, there will be an impact on where many on this site go from there. It will take effort and focus to stick with issues and real solutions (Revolucion!!) to our problems.
that's true. I don't know where I go from here
after the election. My life is unpredictable to a point that it makes me sick and I am stuck and don't know how I can move out of it. I need to kill time. May be I start building my bunker and retreat into it and never come out again. Or I simply die away. (My poor son. I better don't die)
The only thing I still have not given up on is to read my books, be offline, write about what I read, offline. And write about personal issues, offline. I feel enslaved to online reading and commenting. What makes it worse is that I am a slave without delivering something to the site. That's what it is. So it is like freeloading. Shame on me.
What can I say I hate my life. It turns out to be a complete failure and I have to move out of it. WTF.
Don't sell yourself short mimi,
you're on the same roller coaster we're all on. Look at it this way, you're one of the small percentage of people paying attention. You contribute as much as anyone around here. I think you're a fighter (in a good way for those pacifists out there).
thx, Al, kind words and all that .../nt
I disagree with that mimi
every bodies life is a complete failure and yet a complete success. I mean what is life if not an unfolding and a process of learning. You sure have a lot to offer me. You make me not afraid to open up and express my feelings as well as offering a perspective from your life story, history, which is while different from mine is a similar path that brought us here.
to be honest, all I need is a good therapist, and I don't find
one and if I would, I can't pay for one. At least I think that's what I need and the lack of it makes me write all kind of shit comments who relate seldom to what is discussed here.
May be one day ... could be ... who knows?
Now I smile about myself.
A. If the rain in Spain stays mainly on a plane, where does rain in Portugal stay?
B. When you read books and write (offline) about them, how do wee mere mortals and snarkists get to learn from thee?
C. If diethylzinc self-combusts when exposed to room temperature air, what will Trump's skull do if his wig falls off?
D. Because Gallium (at room temps) melts Aluminium with mere contact, if Sam Brownbackistan's state falls even further by every conceivable measure, does that mean that he will outlaw the Periodic Table?
Enquiring minds want to know!
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
A. floods all of Spain
B. My son will publish them after I die. I bet he won't or he will edit it into fiction, which will be boring compared to the real thing. Probably he will use them as burning material for his stove.
C. the wig gets burned into his skull for ever and it will itch til he dies.
D. sure Brownbackistan will outlaw anything it wants
I have to admit that your questions always make me feel dumb and annoy me. So, I had at least once to give you dumb answers. Bear with me. How do you come up with those questions? And why? Is there something in them I don't get? Wouldn't be anything new for me.
What happens if all my money is worth less than a dime? Will I starve to death, die of a horrible disease, freeze to death or die of heat stroke? What if my car gets stolen? Do I sleep under a bridge, a stair, or will I have sleepless nights til I drop dead?
There goes the neighborhood. Another silly comment.
Mi, the point of the questions is that there is no point.
I try to
Eff . . . .
Oh, shit. I ran out of ABC fitting words.
oh my, let me sleep over it ...
... effusing confusion infused my mind.
thanks for putting up with me.
Love that you are here.
Not silly at all, but my fallback positions are:
1) Be here now.
2) Don't worry about things you cannot control.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
A. In the oporto
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
We don't experience you like that, mimi. You've been a good
friend to me and everyone here and you've always commented with honesty and wisdom and truth-telling. We also become depressed and our comments reflect that and everyone is always supportive, like you are to us when its our turn. You know what my therapist says to me every week? "G, be compassionate towards yourself." It's good advice that I need to hear. So I'm passing it along! Take care of yourself, my friend :=)
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
thx, gerrit, I envy you for your therapist and take the advice
at face value.
Good Night.
Ok, so for example... the stuff I know a
sh*t ton about probably isn't of much interest here, though it intersects w the lack of a safety net. My mom had Alzheimer's and I posted 2 long (V long) diaries at DK way (WAY) back when. The diaries helped some people, but that topic isn't really of interest to people not dealing with either or both caregiving and dementia.
There are other things I know about, but not with the mulit-pronged skills I have about dementia. The actual care giving, the medical stuff plus the politics.
So... just saying.
I do try to comment here when I can.
p.s and I deleted those diaries a long long time ago after a got royally pissed off at Markos about something unrelated.
Don't believe everything you think.
More people are dealing with those issues than many of us guess.
They're nearly universal, and the larger the membership here, the more likely that your diaries will be important to many.
Hey, I'm interested!
I most certainly can't speak for management, but diaries like the ones you wrote on Dkos are why we have the Community Content side here: you can totally write those diaries!
I really loved the community side of TOP; in fact, that's what kept me there so long, and too long. So I, for one, am down with that kinda thing. Everybody could stand to decompress for a moment or two.
P.S. I am currently caretaking my dad, who recently had both a major heart attack and full knee replacement surgery. Also, my paternal grandmother and maternal grandfather both died from Alzheimer's. To say that I'm interested in what you'd be writing about would be a vast understatement, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.
I miss Colorado.
That sounds like a good
topic for a Resilience group essay. This series is not just about physical self reliance like urban farming, healthy food or living off the grid it also covers physiological and spiritual topics about how to cope with modern life and care for one another.
Thank you shaz. I agree; it's exactly how you describe it: the
topics of aging is a huge part of resilience and all of us experience it first through others and then later within ourselves. I'm going back up to add that invitation.
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Hes, yes, we want you to post.
Please. I enjoy what you write.
hester, issue-oriented discussion is much desired here,
so please don't hesitate to comment on dementia, or any of the pressing medical/social problems which [as a society] we increasingly have to grapple with.
Particularly, since this is a topic which can easily be broadened to encompass other aspects of our social safety net programs--Medicare, Medicaid, etc.
"Every time I lose a dog, he takes a piece of my heart. Every new dog gifts me with a piece of his. Someday, my heart will be total dog, and maybe then I will be just as generous, loving, and forgiving."--Author Unknown
SOSD Rescues Available For Adoption Or Sponsorship

Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
I agree
I lost my father last summer after a 12 year battle with Alzheimer's. My mother was his primary caregiver for nine of those years and I do not know how she did it, but she did even though she was in her eighties at the time. Writing about these issues which we all may face one day or another is very important to our being able to adapt and be resilient.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I might have been one of those
your diaries helped -- wasn't dealing with Alzheimer's but my father-in-law had dementia, probably farther along than he led us to believe (he certainly declined rapidly after his fall in January 2010; it was probably a mercy that he died less than 2 months later). And there's all sorts of caregiving, even if you're not the direct caregiver; Mr. Scribe's mom is in long-term nursing care but we do a lot for her such as laundry (she has sensitive skin and can't handle the detergent they use), shopping, bills, etc. Mr. S. does most of it since he drives (her nursing home is in what I refer to as a "transit dead zone", no nearby bus routes), but I do most of the Internet research and such -- in fact, need to hit online bookstores for books she wants that aren't available locally.
Hester, I hope you saw the response by Shaz. Your topics fit
really well in the Resilience Group. I invite you to write on Alzheimers, dementia, and the actual caregiver practical stuff.
The Resilience Group is about things within our control to do. Topics of aging are very relevant as we work to become more resilient: first with others and then within our selves.
To write for us is too easy. As long as the topic is about practical things within our control, go ahead and write it as you wish. All we ask is that you tag your essay with "resilience." Too easy :=)
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
It's of interest to me
Please post about it. My wife doesn't have Alzheimer's, but she did suffer loss of cognitive functionality due to a chemotherapy drug she was given for pancreatic cancer (or in layperson's terms "brain damage"), so please, write away about what you know.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Oh, fuck.
Steven, please accept my words and thoughts of support and sympathy. I am blessed with a partner who (fucking beats me at backgammon - after I thought her how to play!) cooks, plays games, discusses major topics, loves sports, loves me ( probably on a par as much as I return that emotion) and teases me endlessly.
When the drunk hit us several years ago, causing serious bodily harm to us both, I heard her gasp, "I can't breath," as she fell into a coma. It took the Jaws of life to open her side and pull her out, unconscious, and then it took hours to find out if she was alive.
A loved one should never be harmed by modern medicine. Sad how they never fully inform you.
Best wishes and thoughts.
I'm thinking it's best I'm alone
Considering your response to, and Steven's situation, I'm best off alone. I cannot imagine walking in either of your shoes. Wonderful to have an amazing partner, but devastating to lose, or think you've lost them. And double loss if they're not able to be themselves.
My heart, and universal energy goes out to you both!
I'm mega interested in issues of health.
And health,in this country, is deeply intertwined with class, race, and politics.. I have nothing but anecdotal information on the subjects (specifically, Parkinson's disease -- DH is in year 21 of his now), but in the last two decades I feel like I've become a walking encyclopedia on health care, the pharmaceutical industry, the limits of Medicare, caretakers -- you name it. So keep writing what you know -- I will be reading, for sure.
So you are another font of Knowlege for us.
Please write, not just listen. Each of us holds a key to some aspect of dealing with the other side of the hill (all-encompassing euphemism there). I have been gifted with a few, along the way, and passed those tips forward. I wish I had written them down now...
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I e spent the last year and a
I e spent the last year and a half caring for 86 year old parents one with end-stage COPD and lung cancer. He died early this month, now I have my Mom who had a massive stroke in Feb of last year and still is progressing, but is direly limited. So you are assured an audience of at least one!
I worked a year in the early 80s as a nurses aide in a convalescent hospital and I'm glad, now, that I did.
Hi NearlyNormal
I am so sorry to hear about your family's health problems. We are truly the sandwich generation. All four of our parents have passed, and we had three of them receive care and die in our home. It was a long 10 years. My mom was the last. She passed in 2008 at 96. Hard to believe it was that long ago.
I am so glad you came over to join us. You won't be sorry. This is the nearly normal half of daily kos.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Better by any measure, if you think
And from what I read, wisdom.
Dementia can strike anyone
Hester, I am almost 70. My father and all his siblings had dementia. Your knowledge about dementia is important and with the graying of the American population applies to many.
Frankly I am scared of losing my mind. I see blogging and staying concerned about the affairs of our country and the world as part of my effort to stay the effects of aging on my mind. I also am researching the uses of Cannabis in treating dementia.
I get what
you're saying JtC. I got here the 1st week in March and it seemed as it does now that most essays are about the primary/election. I can see this place thriving next year because we will be talking about the issues. With a new congress and president it will be ripe.
I've always considered myself to be a Trade Unionist first and a democrat second. (That democrat thing is going to change after the convention if they anoint clinton) Anyway, as a Trade Unionist, our position has always been "we support those who support us" and we have supported some republicans over the years although it has been rare. I've been a Union member for over 40 years now and an officer for 25 of them. Though retired I'm still actively involved in Labor issues and the political arm of the UAW. I look forward to putting this election behind us and seeing this community grow. That said, it's time to donate again to keep this place going.
Thanks JtC for all your hard work.
Would love to see some posts by you about unions.
My Dad was an autoworker. I grew up reading Solidarity, back when Reuther was alive.
Right now
Tom I'm so sick of my leadership I could vomit. Coming out and endorsing clinton this week. Didn't run it through the long established procedure we've used since our beginning. The executive board picked her without the voice of the rank and file being heard. Now they'd argue that they sent out a "survey" to the members but it was bogus from the start. No retirees were given a survey which is by far is the largest segment of the UAW.
The UAW is a good Union. We just have piss poor leadership right now. It comes and goes. I hope...
I totally agree.....
I am totally pissed at unions. If I were a teacher, I would refuse to pay union dues. You can do that in MI. Our Tea Pots made us right to work. They also won the right to email teachers every year to remind them of their right to not pay. Maybe if enough teachers told the NEA and AFT where to put it..................
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
again DK, it's our current leadership in these Unions. Don't forget, the CWA, National Nurses, Longshoremen, Transit Workers, Postal Workers and a whole lot of Locals of various Unions have endorsed Bernie.
If you look at all the major unions that have endorsed clinton, I don't think any of then took it to their membership before they endorsed. Shameful. But I get where you're coming from. I wish these unions that have endorsed clinton would have their conventions where they elect their leadership this summer. None of the rotten bastards would get reelected would be my guess...
They could probably hear
Mr. Scribe's "WOO-HOO!!!" all the way at the International HQ when he heard ATU endorsed Bernie. When I heard they were surveying the membership, I had a feeling that would be the case.
Tom P I would like
to read what you have to say on this topic as it's your forte. I always enjoyed reading your take on unions as you are passionate and knowledgeable. We need unions so badly these days and yet they seem to have been co-opted into the elite establishment's political web. Ask me that's a conflict interest that weakens the rank and file interests and power of all workers It politicizes and uses labor rights as a trading chip in the grand bargain's that keep all workers down.
It is an interesting question. I have to give it thought.
Thanks. I'll do one at some point.
Thanks JtC. Good to know.
Very glad.
What if there were groups of volunteers who
focused on a given topic, then presented the occasional news roundup with analysis with all the rhetorical whips and baubles to the rest for critique and discussion?
Or perhaps incorporating a platform for direct local action or community building in the "hard" universe?
Here I do admit the picture in my mind is more vague. Perhaps I do not understand the goals of this site well enough.
Peace and love be with you, reader.
I prefer that the goals of this site...
grow organically, from the membership itself. I'm not interested at all in being a dictator, although I may make gentle nudges if it strays. The main raison d'être is the 99 percent, everything flows from that. If there's a direction you'd like it to take, move in that direction and the community will let you know if it wishes to move with you. If you have any ideas that I can help with, just let me know.
Thanks for the reminder, JtC!
I didn't think your diary was an attempt to silence anyone or anything -- just a small tap on the butt to get us to remember what's really important.
So I've been thinking about it, and here it is: I care about electoral politics specifically because I care about the issues. To me, the two are remarkably linked. The reason why I was so disappointed in Obama is because of all the issues he promised to champion, but then either full-on reneged or half-assed it once he became POTUS.
Bernie is not the end-all, be-all for me, but his platform surely is. I really love the idea of a Brand New Congress, and I'm totally committed to the cause. But again ... that's electoral politics, and all of those future congress critters would be running in the Bernie mold, so it's also about the issues.
So. I feel a bit divided on this, but I do think the issues are very important, absolutely. I guess if people don't like reading stuff I write in the future about electoral politics, they most certainly don't have to. I'd rather have this place run the gambit of topics than limit us at all, and I feel completely comfortable avoiding the diaries that I'm not interested in/don't like if others will afford me the same courtesy.
Adulting: c99p does it better than anybody on the fucking 'net!
Have a good weekend, Lord Johnny!
I miss Colorado.
I would be terribly disappointed if we couldn't talk about
electoral politics. I have to admit I'm one of those that think they come first. MI is no longer able to do referendums. Everytime we try, the fucking TeaPots, which own our state, pass some law that counters it. We repealed EMs, they passed a law that said we couldn't. We had a referendum to increase the minimum wage to $12, they passed a minimum wage law to like $9.00 and killed the one the people were doing. We tried to stop wolf hunting in the UP, the fuckers killed it. If they attach $1.00 to their new law, it can't be repealed. It is considered budgetary. I cannot tell you how much I hate them.
Here is the link to their latest to kill legal pot. So far, we paid for business tax cuts, charter schools with no accountability, and 1.2 million in high priced lawyers for the Gov. over the Flint water because the state's attorney's aren't good enough for him. We are bleeding money as our roads and schools are ignored and defunded, but those assholes won't legalize pot.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
dk and shiz...
did you miss this comment?
Nope - I read you loud and clear.....
You are perfectly fine with politics. I was just commiserating with Shiz on how awful it would be IF
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
thanks johnny
I needed that. It's so easy to get sucked back into the vortex of dkos even if you know damn well what a negative cesspool it is. It's a state of mind I have rejected. A lot of us are in limbo because we are no longer or never were partisan's politically. That doesn't mean I'm apathetic or not a political junkie. I just have no direction home. no where to go with it. I think that might be a good thing as it is liberating and opens up possiblities. Nightprowlkitty said something in a comment yesterday that struck home to me
NPK's comment was outstanding!
It is something that should be the mantra of everyone who really wants to see meaningful change that benefits the majority of people. IMHO, that first leap of faith is the hardest and then it gets easier and easier.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I feel the same way
I think C99P is a bit too much of "the Bernie blog" right now, but that is a condition that might take care of itself in time.
Same with the attention to TOP.
I can't wait for the impeachment discussions!
if either Hills or Trump win. Will he/she get impeached? Oooh, exciting!
WE could organize pools for the date she leaves the WH.
WE could have Sunday impeachment parties and order pizza. lol, it would make her presidency tolerable.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
LOL! I'm in for that pool!
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Talk about jumping to conclusions!
My heart skipped a beat and I felt my mood go "ker-plunk" when I opened the diary, JTC. My first thought was "where do I go now?!" I always feel odd-wheel out in most places; like I'm too far left of everyone to fit anywhere. (sigh)
I've jumped into discussions in the comments section when I've something to say in relation to TOP. So, I don't think I've been a bad girl on that aspect. Although, it's hard to tell since I don't get feedback on my comments when I post them. So, I'm still feeling a little "iffy" on whether I fit here or not.
I kind of identify with mimi. My life is so much of a mess I have at times thought about "missing" my exit to work and continuing on West for the heck of it. Runaway... escape... have an adventure for a change, instead of constant challenges. I have to buy a house in the city where I'm now working and where my mom lives so I can continue to take care of her, and not put myself back in the hospital. Meanwhile, we've got a 3-story castle that desperately needs money pumped into it in order to sell it properly, and utilizing every bit of money saved in any and all retirement accounts and from the sofa cushions only nets me about $30k. I can't tell you how frustrated and depressed that makes me feel... after a career that's spanned 35+ years. (sigh)
I know lots of bits about many subjects, but most wouldn't fit here, unless I tried to make the square peg fit into the round hole; i.e., How Climate Change affects the Wheel in Pagan rites; Sacred Earth: teaching respect for the Mother to those who're now raping and poisoning Her. I also am a whiz bang in tarot, numerology, and astrology.
Oh... and animals -- pets and wild ones, all. But especially cats.
And I'm passionate about my politics; especially all the bad elements I've seen so far in this primary season. No way I can divorce myself from that - or from Bernie. I may be an anomaly to the pundits (white, female, 60, and among the first bra burners back in the 60's)... but I'm passionate about him... and his ideas... and what they mean for trying to get our future back on a progressive track. To that end I, personally, would like to see more Bernie policy diaries instead of the rox/sux diaries.
I dunno... do I fit? With all the comments I've made so far, are they in line with others' thoughts... or am I on here making a fool of myself (wouldn't be the first time!)
I just don't want to have to try to find another "home." After being kicked out of the first one, and being so relieved to find C99%, I hate the thought of not participating. I'm just not sure I can write to the expectations of here. I usually only have 3 hours to myself a week day before hitting the bed. Doesn't give one a heck of a lot of time to crunch into anything... especially since I just signed up for an online course of writing javascript. I've always wanted to learn to write it, not just hack it. But where did I think I'd get the copious amounts of time to learn something new?! (LOL)
I'm not going to preview this message, cause it's from my heart. If I preview, I'll chicken out and probably delete it!
Aw geez Skc...
you fit right in here, everyone does. This place is just as much about community as it is about politics, I should have made that more clear.
I read Tom's comment last night about the future of the content here and I thought I would let the folks that may wonder what the original intent of this site was. It was by no means meant as a mandate that anyone needs to write about anything specifically. Write about whatever you feel like writing about, or don't write at all, it's all good. There's room for everything and everyone. I hope everyone understands that.
Ah, JtC, I'm sorry if I made you feel bad.
I sure didn't mean to do that. And I didn't want to come across as a whimpering couch fainter. All which I failed miserably. It's just been a hard week where everything I tried to do either didn't happen or followed its own jagged path. On top of that, it's rained... hard... nearly all week, and kicked up a bad pain flare I just can't tamp down. I will yell "Damn!" very loudly for all the hoops you have to jump thru to get even hydrocodone now. Needless to say, I have no pain meds at the moment... Ya'll were just invited... unwittingly... to my own pity party because of it.
But thank you for your kind words. There really are a couple of daily or weekly things I'd like to put together here, when I finally get this house situation straightened out. Right now, between work, Mom, and home I'm pretty stressed. I'd love to kick back and relax with a joint. Might even help me get on top of this pain flare. But I don't look for that relief happening any time soon here in Brownbackistan. grrrrr
Right there with you, Slightkc. Can we hold hands?
Same housing/money pressures, less so on the pain now. Done with oxycodone, done with gabapentin, washing out was hell. Still having echo or ripple reactions. But I am now, I hope, after committing last of inherited funds from deceased spouse, on my way to get redress of my harms and a way forward. Which I have zero money to do. We should keep in touch. No rich savior has appeared, and won't.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Ya know...
Back in my heyday I had three offers of marriage in one year and I turned each down, since each of the suitors started off with something along the lines of not ever having to work again.
Fast forward, 40 years later, no longer in my prime and nowhere near as flexible as I once was and NOW I want a "sugar daddy?" LOL... as if!
No rich relatives in my family, either. Seems everybody married for love alone in my lineage! hehehe
Vibes of strength, patience, and luck towards getting your redress. I've often found, tho, when the door closes for good on one part of life, a window will open for the future. It may not be all you wish at first, but it will usually be what you need.
Let's just make a pact to stop making that old Chinese prophet mad, okay? I know I've had about all the "interesting times" I can handle for awhile!
I had a vivid romantic dream a few sleep cycles ago
and I have a face. Unfortunately, it's a version of Alan Rickman.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Climate Change & Wheel in Pagan Rites
I'd love to read about that! I'm sure I'd find it as fascinating as I found the diaries by a woman (?) whose name I can't recall at TOP about homosexuality most definitely mentioned (and not in burn in hell way) in the Bible.
Would love some essays on your very own money pit, and pictures of the progress.
Of course, it sounds as if your hands are full, so I completely understand if you simply can't. Just letting you know that you've piqued my interest, and I'd certainly enjoy reading.
Also looking forward to what so many of the other super smart contributors here have to say regarding policies and strategies for moving forward. Lord knows I can use some enlightenment!
Hey Deja,
Is that Super Chicken? BAAAWK!
'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "
Of course you fit, and we want you to stay.
Once upon a time at top, there was a poster that would post about pagan/wiccan holidays around its holidays. Origin, meaning, ritual, etc. It was very interesting. My daughter is a wiccan. I ought her a broom, a cauldron, and of course she has an alter. I think we have other wiccans here. NightProwlKitty I want to say but I'm not positive.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I remember those seasonal posts!
They weren't quite as extensive as a friend of mine writes, but there were tidbits of new info/new slants in each that I appreciated. When we were running BBS's, my system, Tapestry, was the repository for all of Mike Nichols' seasonal writings. They're all over the Internet now, and he finally pulled them all into a book and got it published. I'm even mentioned in the dedication... he's so sweet. (gryn)
I may try to port some of own writings on this from my website to here as appropriate. My group is at the stage where we're all older, we can no longer stand for long periods of time, and taking care of parents (or grandkids) is making it harder to gather like we used to. I was a Solitaire for ages; now I find I really miss working with my group. (sigh)
Hi, dear, see, I am lonely here, because ...
... I feel like I am the only one who constantly makes a fool out of herself, so please, I need desperately some company. Stay here and talk. We both together will fight the elements and swim in this pool like champions...guaranteed.
We make a big splash and annoy on the long run a lot of people, who might think, if the two just wouldn't talk so much, but ... nobody here would ever make you feel guilty at all about talking your mind. It's a very open-minded and caring and friendly place. It feels like "chocolate addiction" to eat the comments and watch them baking their essays.
We have all our "mess" somehow somewhere in our lives. Just different ones, but messy they all are for oneself personally. I have a long time given up about wondering how I can fit in, (and often feel guilty about it), but my whole life was more or less having to swallow down that what made me feel I don't fit in anywhere anymore. It was so exhausting that I more or less broke loose in venting out off the cuff ... and then felt guilty about it again.
And to me... the less you fit in the more you have to offer to the community and people will like you for it, because we don't need "fitting in along lines" kind of writers. As if we had lines in here, if there are any, most would step over them immediately to challenge them.
Like you. I also don't want to look for or find another home. Now I am getting cheesy. But you know the saying "Home is were the heart is". Sometimes cheesy sayings are still right. And people have lots of heart here.
Don't you worry. Please stay and talk. It feels people are always here for you and nothing escapes their eyes. I am
about you being here.
Thank you, mimi... and all who commented.
I really appreciate what you've said and I've taken it to heart. It means a lot 'cause this is my "sanctuary" at the end of each day. I've loved the laid back feel, but I have issues with patience... as in, "Lord grant me patience and I want it NOW!" so sometimes I worry I come off too strong. And oh, my... "headstrong" was a word coined just me!
I've had a diary or two rattling around in my head... trying to take shape, with regards to climate change from a Pagan point of view. When my brain cells begin to coalesce around it, I'll try to get it down into digits and post.
I'd also LOVE to have our own daily (or weekly) "Critter Corner" diary... keeping up a list of pet product recalls as well as pics and posts. I just need to start getting home before 8pm on weeknights!
When we ponder the matter of "issues," may I bang the drum
for the same thing I always do. If we could keep it as practical as possible. If you folks want to approach ideas from a philosophical, Platonic point of view, as a think-tank would, go right ahead. (I'll be in the Resilience Group :=)
As you know, I'm, ahem, not backwards about coming forwards :=) I don't give a fig about how many angels can dance on the pin of an Idea. If I can't work it into my personal/local community, it is useless and a waste of my time.
So, for example, if you folks have an urge to discuss, (A) all the Ideas in the Realm of Federal Monetary Policy, fill your boots. (I'll be in the Resilience Group :=)
But I'm all ears if you, (B) post on how to keep local money in the local economy.
So, Johnny and all, how would you define the matter of "Issues"?
Are "Ideas" more of (A) or more of (B)?
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
It take all kinds and more heads than one
to make good soup. Alright, I just made that up, but it should have been made up long ago because it works.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I'm all over good soup, dkmich :=) We're making good soup here
so far, I think.
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Therein lies the real probem Gerrit
"how would you define the matter of "Issues"?"
That's probably the first major "issue" discussion that should be resolved. This goes directly to a major problem on the left and was a major problem with Occupy, i.e., "what do they want"?
It's annoyingly hard to find
But if you go back to the original Adbusters call to occupy public space, their "one demand" was to end corporate control over democracy.
Pretty straightforward, goes right to the heart of what's most wrong. They conflated corporations w/Wall St, but that's OK. Given what they were talking about, there's not a lot of sunshine between them.
The movement, being decentralized and full of people not used to decentralized direct democracy, got distracted at times and wandered off into many subsidiary issues, but the issue of corruption--that's how I put it--or corporate/financier control over government was always at the heart of the movement.
The mainstream press helped out by saying over and over again that Occupy had no central idea and that they didn't know what it was all about and implied that Occupy itself didn't know what it, itself was all about either. They're helpful that way.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver