No one is talking about Hillary's health problems......
except the far right, and even that is getting little play. There was an article awhile back stating that the press was not allowed to view Hillary getting on or off her plane. The press had to get on their plane first. Which leads to the question - How bad are Hillary's health problems?
She fell and got a concussion just before she was scheduled to testify on Benghazi, others ended up testifying and she subsequently resigned from State. She has been seen several times wearing special lenses for double vision. She was operated on for a blood clot in the brain after that fall, I don't remember hearing about that. She has had other falls and other injuries. The time she took a long "bathroom break" during a debate was laughed off, but some say she had to sit down for a while to compose herself. I have read elsewhere that she has to sit for awhile after each of these events before she it able to leave.
They have made a deal about Hillary preferring more intimate venues for her speeches. I know they would have trouble filling a bigger venue, but they may need to be able to control the situation more readily if she did have some sort of problem.
At any rate, there seems to be a subtext of problems that are not being discussed. When someone wanted to publicize Bernie's age and possible health problems, they put the kibosh on that in a hurry. Who's to say that Hillary couldn't have some sort of meltdown or health emergency that would put her nomination in question?
Since Hillary suggested she stayed in the 2008 race because Robert Kennedy was assassinated during the primaries, it is a valid, if morbid, question we should be asking.

I just commented on this to
I just commented on this to my daughter today. She doesn't look right recently, the shape of her face is rounder, as if she's being given steroids for something. Interesting how we vet someone for the VP position much more thoroughly than for the presidential slot. It's just an intuition that I had today, but I did say that Reagan should be tested for minimal brain dysfunction before his first election.
I have wondered myself how different things might
have been had we known if Reagan's mind was impaired at the time of the election. The fact that George HW was put in the VP slot against Reagan's will and the fact that Reagan was shot six month later by a Bush family "friend" would indicate to me that Bush was counting on Reagan not being able to understand everything going on around him. When Reagan said he "knew in his heart" that he didn't do those things(Iran Contra), I believe he really didn't know anything about them and that they were the work of Bush. I have read that Reagan was really out of commission for a couple years after the shooting, and then the alzheimer's kicked in. Who knows?
Hillary has always had a violent temper but has been able to keep it under wraps in public. Maybe she's not able to control herself that well anymore. Steriods could mean any number of problems, especially long term use.
reagan's own diaries
indicate he knew exactly what was going on.
"I agreed to sell TOWs to Iran." —January 17, 1986.
Etc. Etc.
Not all that well
A couple of months ago she called in to Morning Joe, and in the middle of the conversation, unrelated to what was being discussed, she outed with "I'm a REAL grandmother" . . . . as opposed to what: Bernie's kids are adopted.
She just leakes hate and narcissism. I don't care what her private problems may be: what a narcissistic person: who thinks of things like this?
She has hypothyroidism
Since I do, too, I know quite a bit about the subject -- and one thing that is very, very common is being undertreated so that, while on medication, there are still hypothyroid issues at play (though they are often blamed on other conditions). Some of those are fatigue, brain fog, heart issues, depression, and the list goes on. The times I can bear to look at her, I focus on her neck: to me it exhibits the tell-tale bulge of someone who may well be/still is hypo.
Maybe that's why she wears those Mao jackets
so much of the time.
Not a secret message of solidarity with Maoists?
I knew I was reading too much into them.
“If there is no justice for the people, may there be no peace for the government.”
Bill doesn't look good, either
When do the candidates release their health records?

Look at how bad Bill looks, and how much weight he has lost.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
WJC: dissipated is the only word for it.
WJC: dissipated is the only word for it.
The doctor's note she provided was apparetnly short & sweet
I can't vouch for the source but this notes some health problems she has/had:
There's also gossip about some cosmetic surgery with before and after pics, which cd be photoshopped, and has little to do with her health per se.
And an article a while back quoted Huma and suggested some memory problems and fatigue that seemed related to the head trauma.
A picture appeared after the bathroom break where she was headed back to the stage surrounded by a half dozen of her handlers, suggesting she was late because she was being given some talking points (illegal during a debate and overlooked by the MSM)
And Bill definitely looks pretty used up too. And low energy. And nasty.
And I've got a few choice words for nasty Princess Chelsea that I'll save for later.
Yes, I saw that photo, maybe a day or so after the debate.
Then it never saw the light again.
The "who let that fucking photographer in here" look on her face was priceless.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Huma also mentioned "confusion" in that same interview
if I'm not mistaken. That would not bode well for that 3:00 am phone call Hillary used to talk about.
How I wish
they would bring back that add after she used the excuse of sleep deprivation for her lies about sniper fire.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
And here I thought it was what Obama said...
I still wonder if this tweet picture is too subtle.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Celebrity News and the Enquirer
...are not the most trustworthy of sources, to say the least. I never can watch Clinton for more than twenty seconds (I couldn't watch Reagan or Bush either) , and if I could, I wouldn't know a sign of multiple sclerosis from an extra tumbler of wine.
Whatever, most people don't know the kind of health problems I have at 70, but I sure wouldn't want to either run for, or be President.
First read this:
Then this to see just what sort of sources are on the story:
And here is another one from a right wing rag.Breitbart. I don't trust anything the say either but it does give a more detailed view to the uproven hypothesis.
The thing is, if she was as healthy as Beyonce and her dance troupe, she'd still be a malignant personality to me.
From the Light House.
I'm 72, and I wouldn't want to think about running
for president. I am in good health by all accounts, that doesn't mean I couldn't have a stroke tomorrow and be incapacitated. If Hillary has had as many falls and fainting spells and periods of disorientation that are actually documented, I would not feel comfortable with her in the catbird seat - especially depending who she might pick for VP, or God Forbid, speaker of the house, the right-wing fruit cake, Paul Ryan, who might have to pick up the reigns.
And yet Bernie
has the energy levels of a man decades younger. I am amazed at his schedule and how he always looks energetic. The only thing I worry about is his voice.
I am a few months older than Hillary and a former athlete. I can tell you that I get tired much more easily than I used to. That said, I have not thought she looked well. Campaigning is hard, but being President is even harder and she looks exhausted most of the time.
Here is the difference between Bernie and her. Bernie thrives on all of this campaigning and it is a burden on her.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I think I have agreed with your words nearly 100% of the time
... I have read your comments
I know I have actually said "I worry about is his voice" (but so have a million others)
I love your last sentence, "Bernie thrives on all of this campaigning ..."
Bernie's older brother is 80
Bernie's older brother is 80 and just ran for office in Britain ~ obviously longevity runs in his and his brothers genes.
There are those who thrive on retail politics
They can stand on the median of small towns in the rain trying to talk to folks and drum up votes. Hillary ain't one of them. In fact, she's probably the exact opposite of a retail pol. She's Mr. Burns and she keeps trying to not to let it show.
I keep flashing back to 2008
when the Enquirer had the "scoop" on John Edwards' love child.
They get it right sometimes.
It was RW Enquirer who caught John Edwards
It was Enquirer who finally got the picture of John Edwards with his new daughter.
And lets not forget, Drudge broke the Monica Lewinsky - no other paper would tough it! After he wrote, they all followed.
Given how the New York Times and The Washington Post are shilling for Shrillary - some valuable info still on RW slop sites
Hellery's Hellth
No she does not look good, especially during the debates when she lost her temper. I thought she was going to blow a gasket. I'll add she looks overweight which she tries to hide by wearing those pup-tent style jackets that hang down to her knees.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
It wouldn't surprise me if that list were accurate, but
I'd like to know where I can find documentation. "Several medications daily to stay alive" is very serious and I'd like to know the underlying conditions. Medication to avoid dangerous blood clots looks pretty obvious, but that's not several.
“If there is no justice for the people, may there be no peace for the government.”
It's just a tweet that caught my eye
no idea about accuracy.
This link says she is taking "an “anticoagulant” (a blood thinner) called Coumadin " for anti-clotting.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Thanks for your reply.
I despise the Clintons, their class, and their type, but I also think it's critical to go forward with accurate information when I discuss these things with the people I know and run into.
“If there is no justice for the people, may there be no peace for the government.”
my mother took it, it's rat poison
same thing, coumadin. She remained in good health and made it to her 90's.
It helps to prevent strokes and blood clots. Good preventative medicine.
oh, yeah, it used to be called warfarin. n/t
I have noticed that she appears to have gained considerable weight over the past few weeks (looks puffy), increasingly speaking in a somnambulistic monotone, and her ever-ugly pantsuit jackets/tunics simply don't fit her at all anymore. Honestly, on MtP that hideous jacket kept straining at boob level (I thought she'd pop a button), clinched tight in the sleeves, and was way too snug all around. MSNBC compensated by cutting her off just below the shoulders, but the long shots raised my [fashion/costume designer] suspicions. Steroids could definitely cause that, I just hadn't thought of it.
Or she could just be gaining weight on a long campaign full of fatty foods and odd-hour snacking. I do understand what effect was intended - the 3-D fabrics to draw attention to themselves rather than to her figure, colors and patterns to draw the observer's eyes away from her face, but IMO all this distraction serves to do is focus on what's wrong with her 'look'.
No one really cares that she's overweight and dumpy at the age of 68. Most of us are by the time we've lived that long. But if she wants to be taken seriously by the public as Top Seed in the political arena, she should be wearing ample, well-hanging, dark colored business-looking jackets/tunics, color it up with lively neckwear. The men in that arena invariably wear dark suits, the business uniform of our era. I think she should dress the part.
Life is absurd.
I always thought Theresa Heinz Kerry pulled off
her look rather well. She was always well put together, with nice color. A more casual look for the most part, not to formal. John McCain's wife was unbelievably overdressed when she joined him on the stump.
I'm with you on the better fitting clothes, but if she has put on weight in the last few weeks, she's probably hoping to get it off again, especially if it is medication.
Another possibility is the rumor from the Enquirer that her drinking is or was out of control, that would pack the pounds on, especially if she were taking meds.
She may well have health issues
no argument there but just about all of the sources used in the comments are dubious at best (and that is being kind).
There are much better lines of attack than this.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
thank you for the sanity
there are plenty of political issues to talk about. speculating about this kind of stuff is ugly.
Let's be honest shall we
Hellery's surrogates in the press have made Bernie's age an issue -- the implication is he could die in office. So Hellery's health is open for discussion. And if she has anger issues which certainly seemed like she did at the debates, I don't feel comfortable with her ability to order the carriers to park off Iran and await her phone call.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
IIRC Sander's age was made an issue
but this is standard campaign stuff. If there was a diagnosis not made by Gawker, Newsmax (c'mon -Newsmax!) etc then I'd take it really seriously.
Neither do I but that would be the case even if she were fit enough to run a sub 3 hour marathon.
which leads to my main point - we have much better amunition than the health thing.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
This is not a "line of attack" it is a simple enough
question. They made a big deal about Obama being a smoker and when he released a one page declaration from his doctor that he was in good health the right-wing cried fowl. Clearly he was a young man, there was little reason to think he had any health problems, but the conservatives tried to make an issue of it.
This is a whole different matter. Hillary is my age. I know what I'm capable of and how much stamina I have. I have NOT had fainting spells, a concussion, falls with broken bones, double vision, periods of disorientation, etc. I don't want me to be president with my finger on the button, let alone Hillary with her list of medical problems.
Breitbart may be dubious at best, but the National Enquirer has been on the money many times, including John Edwards' affair with his "photographer" and their baby. His campaign ended abruptly and you haven't heard from him since. National Enquirer also says Hillary has a drinking problem that her husband and staff tried to address before this campaign. Don't know if they got her to rehab or not, but that is yet another issue if it's true.
Talking about Hillary's
Talking about Hillary's health, is not 'a line of attack'.
Relying on sources
such as Brietbart and Newsmax is a problem. If Team Clinton were making arguments based on reports from those websites we would laugh them off the internet.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
No Botox
Don't forget, she isn't using the Botox and facial treatments she did in 2008. Look at a picture of her at her daughter's wedding, and look at one of her now.
Hypothyroidism ( me too) is so easily treated with medication, think that's a "decoy."
The number of times she has had to stop speaking because of COUGHING, is never discussed except in rw sources. That is not something which Trump will ignore, you can be sure of that.
Take a look of the picture of her in a blue knit dress at the Hamptons last summer, walking dogs on the beach, with Bill in the background. In case anyone wonders why she NEVER is seen in public in a dress.
She tries to hide everything in those oversized coat length jackets, which ( IMHO) make her look like a dressed up bejeweled toad stool. Shades of Alice in Wonderland.
She looks a little better in this mother daughter outfit
The girls enjoy shopping
The movie Weiner is now showing in LA and New York.
Trump doesn't need op-research. His "ad" of Bill Clinton smokin' a big ole cigar, with several frames, ending with Shrillay CACKLING out loud, as only she can.
We're doomed
Blue Knit Dress still better than her debate spacesuits
Yes, she looks her age, and that's fine. Yes she's a bit heavier than I remember might have expected, but frankly she looks healthier in that dress than most of her space/hazmat suits she wears on the campaign trail.
I just don't think Star Trek suits her...

"I'm not interested in preserving the status quo; I want to overthrow it. "
-Niccolo Machiavelli
"Sorry Hillary"
Coughing could just be the Coumaden (sp?)
Fairly common side-effect for that particular drug. My sister did the same thing for years until she was switched to a different medication.
To be fair Bernie has had vocal nodule problems
Surgery too I believe. Campaigning is rough.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
the stress of campaigning
I do not want to be too contrarian, but someone who can handle a presidential campaign has to be in good health. She may have issues but this is pretty grueling. As for Bill, i understand he became vegan due to his heart issues and that would make a lifelong meat-eater pretty thin. Really, our campaign season is like The Hunger Games, so if there are any serious health issues i think they will become apparent. My disagreements with the Clintons are numerous but i think that, like most extremely rich people, they have the infrastructure to keep themselves quite healthy.
On this issue, I will defend Hillary
as I think it reeks of crude discrimination and a basic lack of sympathy, to attack a person based on any perceived disability she may or may not have.
I reject her capacity to be a good President because she lacks certain essential human characteristics: altruism, compassion, commitment to social advancement, respect and tolerance toward other cultures and devotion of peaceful means of conflict resolution.
FDR made an exceptional POTUS even though he was diagnosed at the age of 39 with poliomyelitis (though recent research suggests Guillain-Barre Syndrome).
For my part, I can tell you that I have been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis(MS) since Dec. 2014. I never have and never will allow it to be an obstacle to any of my work, which usually consists of outside manual labor. Actual discrimination from my most recent job came after my designation as a state whistle-blower in Oct 2015, at which point I left that job(at a public university in Florida) for reasons of personal safety and retaliation by certain supervisors who were implicated but not charged with anything illegal or improper.
I will only digress here to state that I enjoy being open and upfront about my medical condition, it is not something I feel comfortable about hiding and concealing. By the same token, I never expect preferential treatment for any job that I am willing to take and complete to the best of my abilities.
I think it would be horrendous if Hillary were to be attacked just because she openly will admit to any medical condition she has had to struggle with. That is un-American. In fact, I would have a lot more sympathy for her because of her ability to be honest and candid about personal details.
OTOH she can't ever undo the other things she screwed up in the world so far. That was not caused by any potential physical handicap. She made bad choices by her own cognizant free-will, and nothing to do with defective genes or bad DNA that sometimes contributes to physical disabilities in life.
She did make it into an issue though
I agree with you in principle, but if you live outside the law you must be honest.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
Your objections to Hillary's health status are noted
but they are potentially important because they involve the brain--see my comment in the thread below. FDR almost certain did have polio, a disease which does not involve the cerebrum and thus does not affect thinking. But to allow a person to become president with a known neurological disorder, which could possibly be progressive, and which involves the brain, would extremely harmful to this country and the world. Would anybody have voted for Ronald Reagan if they knew he was in the pre-clinical stage of Alzheimer's disease?
I only play a doctor on teevee...
I'd say that she suffers from Malignancy of the Mind.
Only known cure is quitting public office immediately, completely and for all time.
And bed rest.
from a reasonably stable genius.
how much better off we'd be
if all the congresscritters with the same ailment took your cure.
I have wondered also if she
I have wondered also if she is having health issues, or just normal aging and a grueling campaign schedule.
She vacations a lot on Martha's Vineyard, which is endemic for lyme, which can cause all sorts of problems. But total speculation...
Is there any legit sources saying that she won't climb the stairs to her jet until press are out of sight?
I too have been thinking of her health issues; Bill as co-pres?
When she announced that she was going to put Bill in charge of the economy, I said 'whoopsy... she's got health issues...'.... and then wondered if they had planned a co-presidency all along.
Sea Turtle
I think she's using Bill
To try to boost her numbers. He's a better campaigner than she is. If you look at the events at, she's got him campaigning while she's raising money (autocorrect suggested raiding lol!).
That was their speel in the '92 campaign, we were
getting a twofer. The only problem with that is that no one really wanted a twofer, they wanted a president and first lady. Hillary never really could carry off the first lady thing, and has to go down in history as one of the most ungracious of them all. I maintain that Hillary really has already had two terms as president while Bill was busy chasing skirts. Everything that went on during his term involved Hillary more than himself in all the scandals, until we got to Monica.
And the scandals appear to have been planned
Be the scandal: known proclivities useful to DNC/GOP/Media monopoly: Be the scandal; media dines; GOP stages utlimately pointless and ineffectual "legal" interventions; massive radical legislation gets enacted that NO ONE votes for. Rinse: Repeat.
Don't you think
she looks tired? #drwho
“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.” - John Steinbeck
She isn't well physically or spiritually
Madame Secretary suffered from a cerebral venous thrombosis, which caused her to lose consciousness (i.e., faint). The ensuing fall may have led to additional brain trauma. She was not operated upon but was treated with the anticoagulant drug tPA (not be confused with TPP). There are several possible outcomes from a lateral venous sinus thrombosis. The most benign result is no lasting damage. More significant deficits include cerebral infarction (i.e., stroke), epilepsy, other impairments of mental functioning, and even death. We can rule out the latter possibility, unless Shillary is actually a zombie. It is more likely than not that she has suffered some brain damage--but given her propensity toward twisted thinking to begin with, how would we know?