My comment for Kos’s hate-filled screed against Bernie supporters.
Submitted by TomP on Tue, 05/17/2016 - 1:14pm
Kos's latest temper tantrum compares Bernie supporters to Trump supporters. My response:
May 17 · 01:07:16 PM
You now border on farce, Markos.So much for “unity” from you and this place.
Kos apparently realizes that he has lost many of us and is doubling down on Hillary supporters' hate. Burning bridges.
One of the best things that have come out of this is the masks are off.
Just hatred being peddled at that place.
Glad this place was built by those who saw more clearly than I did.

That man
Is an ass. Frankly, he's bordering on libel. There is nothing to back up his claims.
The more people I meet, the more I love my cats.
Yes, he keeps escalating.
It's his thing.
Markos will have his blog back as we all leave.
They think there is no alternative.
But there is. It is here and elsewhere.
Furthermore, I'd rather not blog than be there.
I read a bit over there each day.
Habit, I guess. I always come away saddened by the familiar screen names whose real thoughts are being revealed. So full of hate and disgust. Who knew?
There is one diary written by Vetwife informing the community of the passing of yet another vet/Kossack. In all the comments, there was only one from a newbie; as most of them are just there to stir shit (with Kos' blessing) and have no interest in the larger community.
Perhaps I'm naive, but doesn't a click on a pootie diary give Kos the same credit as a click on a hate-filled diary? Why is it necessary to perpetuate the hate when it's obvious it's causing people to leave?
And one more question: When there is a racist statement directed at Latinos, Kos always jumps on it. Then why does he support Hillary when she wants women and children from Honduras to be sent back to unknown horror/death?
Is it worth fighting to push TOP back to what it was, or was that just my illusion of comfort and safety?
They're no better than Fox "News" anymore... taking every little bit of negative bullshit, sensationalizing it to the Nth degree, and then crickets when the the real facts come out. Fucking wankers...
I want my two dollars!
Short answer: No.
The community there was real... but it was, like any community, comprised of people. It never was dependent on a URL.
Many of the progressives and cat-lovers who made TOP a worthwhile place to hang out have already found their way here, and more are arriving every week. Let the echos fade in the echo-chamber.
Hillary Clinton 2016: I'm a proud progmoderate!
I agree.
It was an illusory community, though, because Kos could exile folks based on his whims.
It's not only not worth it
it's not possible. I think it was always an illusion. I joined via DFA and Dean. Spent 10 years there. I thought it was possible to use the Democratic party as a vehicle to take back the country. Hadn't yet realized it was a by-partisan coup in 2000. Should have left the minute people started calling me a purist, far lefty, emo-prog and a firebagger to boot. It's an establishment Democratic RW propaganda site. Most likely always was.
Agree, but it is worse
The Neo-Liberal's (Clinton's) who run the party are really 1960 Republicans
I think it was designed as a place to lure and corrale
Progressives and keep them and their votes in the Democratic tent. The whole "better" part of the equation was strictly lip service. I'm thinking the entire Democratic Party post DLC looked at Progressives as the sherpas of the Party- people loyal to the party through history and heritage who did all the heavy lifting and toting of GOTV but who were actually denigrated by TPTB as idealistic naifs who were always predictably humble and grateful for whatever crumbs fell their way.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
No. Save yourself from
the negativity, and don't go back there. It has become irredeemable.
“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.” - John Steinbeck
Much like the Democratic Party itself I fear...
Full of Conservatives hiding behind a faux veneer of liberal progressiveness.
They are worse than the Republicans anymore honestly, at least the actual republicans don't pretend to be progressives.
My disdain for the DNC establishment manages to grow every day....
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
I get the impression the F Bernie diaries are Kos' attempt
To get traffic, which has fallen off, back UP or he will lose ad $$ and status as a major democratic blog.
Seems the ONLY thing that actually increases activity there, these days, is the BASH BERNIE diaries.
Orwell was an optimist
I get the impression the F Bernie diaries are Kos' attempt
To get traffic, which has fallen off, back UP or he will lose ad $$ and status as a major democratic blog.
Seems the ONLY thing that actually increases activity there, these days, is the BASH BERNIE diaries.
Orwell was an optimist
I get the impression the F Bernie diaries are Kos' attempt
To get traffic, which has fallen off, back UP or he will lose ad $$ and status as a major democratic blog.
Seems the ONLY thing that actually increases activity there, these days, is the BASH BERNIE diaries.
Orwell was an optimist
I get the impression the F Bernie diaries are Kos' attempt
To get traffic, which has fallen off, back UP or he will lose ad $$ and status as a major democratic blog.
Seems the ONLY thing that actually increases activity there, these days, is the BASH BERNIE diaries.
Orwell was an optimist
It could also be that Zuniga wants
Bernie supporters to start saying they'll vote Drumpf before hrc or other stuff we are supposed to self-censor, just to ban the remaining few of us that still walk in, drop a turd, and walk away.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
I think you are right
I'm going to try to keep my posts clean until the convention. Then, there's a Feline with teeth and claws yet to be seen.
when he gets a pat on his head ...
... from Wolf Blitzer or Alan Greenspan, he'll say it's all worth it. Kos likes being near the important people.
He's into 'crashing the gates' of elite
so that he can get to hang out with them.
Love is my religion.
It's not clear to me what Markos and the Hill bots think
they are doing. Are they trying to win Sanders supporters to their cause by insulting us? Every scree alienates people they will probably need in Nov.
It's win-win for them.
They can insult us to their hearts content, and then blame us when Clinton loses in November.
I miss Colorado.
Two words
terrifyingly true.
The people, united, will never be defeated.
Why should anyone care whom "they" blame? Nader didn't cost
Gore the election; Gore (and the Supreme Court) did. Blame doesn't alter the outcome. To win, you need a strong candidate with the right message for the times. Hillary Clinton isn't it; the anti-establishment candidates are. For the Ds, that means Sanders. However, he's more a threat to them and their paymasters than Trump is. They think they can, as always, successfully fundraise as the out-of-power opposition party: Supreme Court! Take back the Senate! Repro rights! They're still using their trusty old script while we're watching a different play. And not applauding.
They can blame away. Not our problem.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Exactly. n/t
“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.” - John Steinbeck
Exactly. n/t
“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.” - John Steinbeck
They do not think strategically.
It is why their usefulness to Hillary is limited.
they think theyre scoring points
with the Dem Party's new BFF's the anti-Trump Repubs who will cross over for Hillary, lol, but only if DKos purges all those horrid lefties from the Party first
(only half)/s
Not THIS Sanders supporter!
It doesn't matter how many insults they hand out, I'm NOT voting "for" Hillary on Nov. 8. Even if they did a 180 and started handing out ice cream and cake with extravagant praise for "standing by our man" and invite us to come back to $Hillary, I can't be wooed into supporting $Hilllary or voting "for" her.
The "think of SCOTUS" fear meme doesn't work on me. $Hillary is a lying DINO and would appoint someone like the fellow Obama nominated who is in favor of things (like Citizens United, TPP) that only a Rethug and fascist-leaning oligarch could love and who they would vote for, even though a DINO nominated him.
Bernie didn't "pull/push" Hillary to the left. She plagiarized his speeches by last summer (was already using Bernie's language by the DNC summer meeting in Mpls in Aug 2015) to draw votes away from Bernie. If nominated and elected, when it's too late to change delegates' minds, she will whip around 180 to her previous stances favoring TPP, corporations, religious right wingnuts, TBTF banks, the military-industrial-mercenary complex, etc., so fast it will give us all collective whiplash.
My Bernie or Bust stance is non-negotiable. I knew I'd vote for Bernie or write in his name or leave the pres section blank on my ballot within a nanosecond of Bernie's announcement last year he is a candidate for president. It's just that simple.
I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960
They're being bullies.
They're authoritarians. What really matters to them, is that they get to shit on someone.
My thought
Is that just like Fox and all other "news" organizations, DK is a business, and gets paid for readership. Readership increases during elections and controversial actions by governing bodies, such as a divided government provides.
How many people would go there everyday if we had a solid democratic government? Not nearly the amount as when there is a government such as we have now, I think.
Kos, like all news and opinion outfits depend on controversy, and having repubs in power is much better financially for a supposed Democratic site like DK, than having a Dem government that can actually govern, and get good things done. No controversy there, not many reader visits.
Truth is: I wouldn't bet on Kos actually being Democrat, he's in it for the money, and will vote for his own interests, hell, he may even vote for trump, because trump as president would be much better for his business, readership would hit the ceiling, with all the diaries on trumps latest outrage.
Nothing personal, just business, you know.
Frankly, I've wondered about Markos for a while now, that's why I stopped my automatic payments the other day, still paid up for the year, damnit.
I've been avoiding the place, been building a new fence at my place, plus was kind of burned out on the hate there, but tonight I went there to see election results, and got so wound up, that I finally made a comment that got hidden, so I suppose I'm on time-out, or may even be banned. I really don't care anymore, and I've been there since 05, I think.
04 for me I think
I wrote one of those summer camp-leaving letters to friends OT, some are now here and I have bookmarked addys of those who went elsewhere.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Little man syndrome.
For context, I'm 5'8" if I fib just ever so much, but one thing I can't stand is small men who need to act the bully in order to compensate.
Hea, IndieGuy...
I'll make you feel REALLY tall!
I'm 4'10" and can't handle the 6" spiked heels of my "come hither" days any longer.
Heck.. there were some guys I dated with whom slow-dancing was a no-go in public... with the top of my head coming just to their waist, it LOOKED obscene, even if it wasn't! ;0
Me too
5-9 here, which in a former life would have made me above average, I like to think, but I have seen that so many times in men my height and shorter.
I suspect that his site has been bought -
we KNOW that paid $hillbots routinely troll over there; and it certainly seems possible that the paychecks for some of the more prominent $hillbot front-pagers are funneled down from team $hillary. markos is simply watching out for the bottom line --
When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.
I refuse to even lurk there,
much less add 2 cents.
I haven't check hits there, but I would bet that they are continuing their downward spiral.
This seems to be the latest
push to get Bernie to drop out because he may win many of the remaining states.
Or just a Kos temper tantrum.
Kos comments re: Hillary Clinton in 2008
Can't remember who posted the diary on TOP, but it was a compilation of what Kos said about Hillary in 2008, and he'd have to ban himself today if he posted it.
Funny, really.
Reminds me in a way of what's her name Ted Cruz picked for his VP, literally FALLING OFF THE STAGE!!! Just a day or so b4 he quit.
Wonder what Kos will do when the Selloutacrats are history too? No matter what he says or does, he's picked the wrong team, and can't rebuild TOP. Both are just very old, stale, dead, toast.
It was Lisa Lockwood.
Goddamn, that diary was epic!!
P.S. Hi, Caerus.
I miss Colorado.
LL is one of my favorite bloggers.
Is she here?
She is here!
I just saw her comment a day or two ago.
I miss Colorado.
TY do you have a link to it???
I'd love to book mark it.
Isn't it WONDERFUL to be here!!!
Just went to that other icky place to get it. :)
Here you be:
And yes, yes it is wonderful to be here!
I miss Colorado.
Holy cow
Holy cow. That was a scorching diary.
Someone should go in there and comment
that he is banned from his own web site and cite LL's diary. Of course the trolls, like the cockroaches they are, would hurry to the piece of stale bread this idea is and swarm it while they ate it up. Ooooooooooh - the visual....
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Is the the correct link to his opinion of
Hillary that he wrote in 06?
I highlighted some of his comments yesterday.
Frankly, I don't think he gives a shit what happens to his site anymore. He sold his interests in Vox and other sites and is now on a think tank that morphed from the DLC.
And yesterday he made a point of having a conversation with Warren whether she should run for president. So he's letting us know that he is either a big whig or blowing smoke.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Not a bigwig.
He's a little wig with visions of grandeur. Sucking up to establishment Dems is bound to get him a few crumbs, so win!
WP article is priceless!!
What a fabulous example of hypocrisy - seems Kos, like the Clintons, don't realize how accessible all this is.
I keep missing all the screeds
cause I'm so late in getting home each night! I normally don't go hunt them down, either. Now, I'm not complaining; my coworkers are probably just as happy not to see me steaming in my seat each time he goes off.
And without hunting down this latest masterpiece of his, I'll just let it be that last time I go over there. I'll go grab what few diaries I have over the weekend and that'll be that. My hands will be washed of them, too.
The democratic party has finally thrown away the last bit of loyalty I ever had for the party with Hillary's charade of a campaign. There are two things I hate more than anything else in this world: Liars and Cheaters. Prove to be either one, and you no longer exist as far as I'm concerned (my Moon in Scorpio). Well.... Hillary has proven to be both. And, by not only shilling for her (which I could have put up with), but by being bombastic, rude, and downright mean, Markos has shown himself to have been corrupted by the corrupt. May they all be happy together, cause neither exist for me any longer.
I am just waiting
to see who churns out the first unity diaries on that site when the primary is over - that will be telling.
Bernie supporters posting on Dkos serves no useful purpose. The sooner you all stop it the sonner the site fades into total insignificance (along with its owner -the master of the long con)
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
My opinion: Bernie supporters posting there are bringing
money to a person who could be replaced by empty Nikes. Why build up his readership when he seems to be using every trick he can to disparage Senator Sanders and those who support him and his policies?
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Agree completely
and would go a stage further: Moulitas via DKos is working with intent against the progressive movement therefore we should do everything in our power to make the website as inneffectivve as possible.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
Agree with your analysis. I can get
behind what you suggest.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
I don't plan to help it by writing
diaries there. In my view, he always will try to smash real change. Why build up a place that seeks to block what I believe in?
As for making it ineffective, I think over time Kos and many of the front pagers do that.
I'll miss Blades.
To me MM is the only FP'er not in the pocket of the Clintonites, well maybe Willies too.
I wonder how much longer he will last there.
I will miss the climate scientists
add fish out of water, pakalolo, and several other climate scientists
that are really good writers to the list with Meteor Blades...
Might be worth the effort to try to get them to cross post?
Peace -
It took me a very, very long time
to be able to finally quit TOP. In March, I made a personal decision to leave that website and never allow kos to profit off my rants again, but that decision is hard for people. You get attached to the community, and then it's difficult to want to split.
But the present day TOP looks completely different than anything I've seen on that website prior. MOST of the leftie voices there have either been banned or have left of their own accord, meaning it's all rox with no sux. Very strange and unpleasant for me and probably most of us, but Bernieacs there who still hang on do so probably to rabble rouse.
And it's hard for me not to support rabble rousers.
I miss Colorado.
Can you please rant here?
I noticed the void you left at TOP, and am glad you landed here. We need some serious rants, but we really need some funny rants. I know elections are serious, but this is getting really dreary. I always looked forward to your diaries because of your natural humor. Now that we've escaped the hate, we need to laugh.
What a sweet request!
Yes, I certainly still plan to rant. I'll try to bring a funny rant here ASAP. I think it could be good for all of us!
Thanks for the nice words!
I miss Colorado.
I went over there and looked at what Markos wrote. Just scanned it. Then I commented,
Hey Markos,
Born a Republican, always a Republican. What has happened to this site? None of we old Lefty Progressives recognize it anymore. That’s a crying shame, too.
All the comment threads are crammed w/usernames who constantly change. There are definitely paid pros/trolls on there stirring stuff up. There's a lot of written stupidity on it now. I feel sorry for Meteor Blades. He won't stay there much longer regardless of how much he's getting paid. I'm not a lawyer, so I don't know where the slander lines are drawn. We Bernster supporters are getting insulted, and it's intensifying. That may mean we are winning OR and KY. And CA--the big one.
Time will tell. Rec'd! I still go to TOP for Liepar's BNR.
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
Thanks orlbucfan.
Agreed. Few would recognize it.
He made his world; let him inhabit it.
I suspect this will turn out as well as him the comments about Scarborough on twitter that got him banned from msnbc.
I don't think his blog is very useful to Hillary. It's just a toxic stew he mixed.
A. If the moon in the sky is a big pizza pie, what's a moray?
B. Because the universe is made up of subatomic particles that push and pull on one another by means of force fields, does that make a Pushmepullyou an universal animal?
C. With 3-D organic manufacturing devices able to replace organs, skin, even brain tissue, can Enron Corporation ever grow a soul?
D. If Freddie Mercury, Prince, and Mozart got together in some alternate universal jam session, would Sarah Palin still sound a lot like fingernails on a chalkboard?
some answers
A. moray is the same thing as gaydar.
B. only if Dr. Doolittle also had a doctorate in physics.
C. maybe Dr. Doolittle can consult with Dr. Frankenstein and reconstruct Enron from dead capitalism parts and find out if it EVER had a soul.
D. only if the alternate universe had chalkboards for sentient beings then fingers on a chalkboard would be considered foreplay and MOST pleasant.
MY answer list
A. A saltwater eel and eels are very strange creatures
B. Is the pushmepullyou a double-headed llama? Sorry for a question answer.
C. Corporations are people, damn you.
D. Yes. And Hillary, too. I have a Toto puppy. She has heard the Wicked Witch of the West threaten her at the vet. Skya.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
A. The wave pattern produced by super-imposing the values of the Republican and Democratic party elites.
(a moiré pattern is a secondary and visually evident superimposed pattern created, for example, when two identical (usually transparent) patterns are overlaid while displaced or rotated a small amount from one another.)
B. Yes, just as a CatDog is a universal pet.
C. Short-answer - No. Long answer, metaphysically-speaking, consciousness precedes matter, and is not an epi-phenomenon of matter, thus no soul can be created where one never existed. However, it might be possible to grow a heart for NeoLiberals and Corporations.
D. No, she would sound like greatly amplified and distorted recordings of gravity waves.
Me likey
The gravity wave bit. Haven't seen a graviton wave to me, but I keep waiting for it.
My answers for you
1) Moré -the language of the Mossi people, a Gur language of the Niger-Congo family.
2) A Pushyoupullme is the first stage macro representation of the subatomic forces. If it gets to a critical mass, it changes to an American Congress.
3) As a soul is not a quantifiable asset, it is current understanding that Enron will never have anything but a negative or null value for that variable.
4) After listening to such a magnificent collaboration, would you be sensate enough to care?
I agree 100%...
There is only one way to do that...
Unfortunately as we keep visiting we slow the process...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
A real dropoff.
A big portion of what is left
Is paid for bullshit prop and ganja.
Cuz they have to be stoned to think that they make friends and influence peep holes.
I don't know about that....
I am usually stoned, and I can see through their bullshit despite the big clouds of vapor my Dab rig generates.
All kidding aside though, I think some of my deepest and most profound thoughts and ideas have come either while under the influence or shortly thereafter.
It has a reputation for expanding the mind for a reason.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
I used to envision my best art work while sitting
While "high as a kite" and sitting a wonderful small jazz club in the west village called the village vanguard.
While everyone else I was with was intently following the music I was busy drawing in my small sketch pad.
Orwell was an optimist
Don't worry about visiting
Visit numbers will drop drastically of their own accord. I would just advise against supplying Napoleon with free content.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
I see March 15 had no impact at all. ツ
Be fine with me if the downward trend just keeps on going. I do regret the loss of the technical functionality there. I think it's well done, even though every new release always includes irritating idiocy.
I support BNR there.
Kos will do just fine without us.
He's chosen that road.
Lets put this to the test
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
That is where I will be soon.
I can't stay there as it is, and Kos is not changing.
there is no way back for him now. An aside - Exactly why he has burned his bridges with the left so thoroughly and completely is a tale that I hope gets told at some point. Smells of desperation from here.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
He wants "his" blog back?
He is not very ideological. I think this is personal. People did not follow.
He did this with the Clinton folks in 2008. Many women with his rants after Gilligan's Island thing.
It's his style. Outrage! Attacks.
I suppose it made him in 2002, but times change.
Do you mean people did not follow Kos' lead...
... put on blinkers and blinders and dumbly follow him in supporting Hillary? [Well, we aren't being paid to dumbly follow, now, are we?]
I figured he would have gotten the message that we do not follow blindly all those months before the Ides of March when he got on his paternalistic high horse and declared Hillary would be the Democratic nominee, we had to get used to it, end of subject, no discussion.
Instead, of course, we (what, most of us?) heard/read Bernie's message, took a hard progressive left, and followed Bernie, the person with the most progressive message with the most common sense proposals and programs; worse, if/when Bernie wins the presidency, we know it will be a lot of work to bring about his proposals, and we are NOT expecting sugary glitter falling from the skies or unicorns pooping rainbows, and we're perfectly find with doing a lot of hard work. I had visions of Kos looking at the Pro-Bernie posts those few months between pronouncements, mouth agape because we were not following his dictates (like so many in the DNC are doing with DWS' dictates).
We are Democrats in the tradition of FDR. Like cats, we cannot be herded into doing Kos' dictatorial bidding. [Is he being paid to slavishly follow $Hillary? If so, whoever invested in Kos is expecting a return on their investment - i.e., our votes "for" $Hillary delivered on a silver platter. Yeah. Good luck with that. NOT.]
I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960
Maybe he thinks that
Hillary's flying monkeys will keep swarming there after David Brock stops paying them.
"Please clap." -- Jeb Bush
The Clintons Have Set Up Their Own Propaganda Machine
who says that Brock will stop paying them after the election? With the Clinton penchant for mayhem and machination, they're gonna need their own Faux News to spin it away, every day, in every way.
Doncha know that we all are going to like privatized SS and TPP and endless war?
I wonder if Kos truly
I wonder if Kos truly believed he could steer (manipulate) progressives into voting Hillary or if he knew from the beginning he was going to write off anyone who didn't agree with him?
My hunch
is that he really was expecting a superficial challenge - all over by Super Tuesday.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
I agree. He expected everyone to
quit when he said it was over. Some of this is escalation and reaction.
I agree with me: it borders on farce.
I remember
him writing a year ago how Bernie will top out at 25 to 30%. I'd go back and dig them up but I refuse to go back there. I hope someone has thrown that in his face. It's amazing how someone so young and so dumb could go so far so fast. Great con you had there you little republican fuck...
Young and Dumb
Young and dumb doesn't seem to be a roadblock to making money.
-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962
Yes, he did... And as the realization that he can't set in
He has become more and more vitriolic towards the very progressive monster HE helped build.
Dr Frankenstein couldnt control his monster any more so now he wants to tried and kill it. but he couldnt do that either.
DK now has the same problem with Bernie that fox has with trump... and DK is becoming the democratic red state.
To quote Dr Frankenstein's Monster...
Orwell was an optimist
yep, agree.
kos and TOP will do just fine without the Bernie wing of the party.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.