Open Thread Monday 06-22-15
Submitted by smiley7 on Sun, 06/21/2015 - 11:08pm
Good Morning Good people
Push play.
Monday morning humor : "We don't stop playing because we grow old: we grow old because we stop playing." George B. Shaw
There is news to read or be had. But I'm not over the horror of last week.
Monday morning poem:
The Third Way
dusting off
collective crimes
claiming the mine,
causally raping pleasures of time
not knowing the canvas
that burned out stars
are dust...The rust
corrupting uscloning wars
arming children
preaching hate
radio faints
spilling oil
spending dividends
too dumb to fuck
loading magazines
of intent
caring less
with no regret
to childreneven the Highwayman knows
needs no paint
if everyday saints
dust no more.
"Can not deny, in dreams, it touches the body," ~ Ginsberg
If you've the time this morning, enjoy this passion.
Good day to all.

: /
Morning folks...
Thanks for another excellent OT smiley, you're a man of beautiful words.
There's certainly not much worth viewing on television, hasn't been for years, but every once in a while something worth while comes along. PBS just started a new series, The Appalachians, it is outstanding, if you get a chance check it out. It's great history, great music and beautifully filmed. My maternal lineage comes from the hills of Kentucky, it hits home for me.
Off to work...later...
Thanks for
the heads-up JtC. Appalachia looks like a must see.
I thought it was new, it appears that it first aired in 2009, not so new after all.
The Student Loan problem
Student loan debt
has become just another way to create a permanent underclass of citizens. People are encouraged to further their education or improve their job skills in order to "compete" in the marketplace. The catch is that the student loan business is a racket that creates permanent debt enslavement for far too many young people. It is one of the many economic crimes that are being enshrined by our elected officials. No one should ever have to go into debt to get an education.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Afternoon folks
I'm hanging out by a lake in Maine, no wifi, so I'm trying to type on a cell phone. I hope y'all are having a great time.
Howdy Joe...
Hope you are having a great time! I switched all the Evening Blues music over to disco for the whole week, hope you don't mind!
As Root Boy Slim used to say, "boogie til ya puke!"
Cool, enjoy the vacation Joe.
Have a great vacation, Joe! (n/t)
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Jill Stein from the Green Party announce her run for Presidency
on Democracy Now.
I am so enervated that a third party candidate can not win in this awful electoral college system with your electoral laws. Sanders should go into a coalition with the Green Party. That is what would have happened in a proportional representative parliamentary system. Matter of fact this lady is much more direct and honest in her policy position that it is a shame she never gets a chance in this system.
Here is the full transcript:
Good thing this wasn't posted on KOS,
Calling Hillary the Walmart candidate means Jill Stein hates Hillary.
That's what her groupies call those of us who criticize Hillary.
Tuffie, inland, Joe and Tomy just to name a few a
Always throw that shit comment out. I'm going to start HRing them when I m called a Hillary hater.
I wish others would do that too.
Our election laws have to change so that 3rd party candidate can get to debate.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Another Article You Might Want to Read
It's a bit beyond my capabilities by scanning it just once shortly to write something about it, but I found it interesting:
Franco-German Axis Unites Ahead of any Possible Greek Euro Exit -
The Franco-German axis is pursuing its goal of crushing national and monetary sovereignty on an unremitting march towards full-on European political union and this despite current eurozone hitches. - June 22, 2015. - Tags: Don Quijones, EU, Wolf Richter, Wolfstreet
Good afternoon mini,
Thanks for the Democracy Now interview, a good read. The Franco German link above doesn't work for me.
Good evening, smiley7 - try this one:
Franco-German Axis Unites Ahead of any Possible Greek Euro Exit
It works for me. Sorry for that.
U.S. armed forces now working side-by-side with terrorists
Really. This isn't a joke
This is amazing even for someone as cynical as me.
the United States is the greatest terrorist nation on earth. Yes, this is amazing, but it is all about keeping the pot stirred in the Middle East and keeping Americans frightened to death. :::shakes head:::
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I put this up on the GOS
It's getting mostly ignored (as expected), except by a few Reality-Based people.
Wow gjohnsit...
"Someone may get up with fleas". I agree with the comment of the other week, Iraq is gone. Thank you for you continued work following this growing quagmire here and on the o satin. It's mind bogglingly complex to me.
Smiley, thanks for the lovely tunes--had a maternal great
Uncle who was an accordion player. However, the more serious music talent was on the paternal side of the family. My mainstay of the instruments that I play is the piano, but my 'bucket list' includes taking violin instruction--maybe I'll have to add accordion to that list.
Hectic for the next several weeks, but I'm hoping to get some links posted regarding the upcoming faux budget fights. There will be at least a couple of 'fights' this year--in order to further enact a 'Grand Bargain.'
I'll post a couple of clips of the WH Budget Director soon, Shaun Donovan, at this years CFO conference (the same as last year's, when Wyden spoke of his negotiations to slash the marginal tax rates for the wealthy, and for corporations). Donovan mostly spoke of corporate tax reform.
At the June 15-16, 2015 CFO Forum/Conference at the Park Hyatt Hotel Washington, DC., Donovan bluntly stated that a "Grand Bargain" is one of the goals. This is from a clip that I'll be Tweeting and posting, later.
Usually, folks mostly yawn at the mention of a "Grand Bargain." But, I'm hoping that by posting evidence that it [GB] is an ongoing effort, maybe at least those individuals who will be most affected by the draconian cuts recommended by the Fiscal Commission (Bowles-Simpson), will care enough to push back.
[I'm waiting to see when this issue bubbles up into the mainstream media discourse, before putting posting the clips.]
Hope Everyone had a nice Father's Day--we did.
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"Every time I lose a dog, he takes a piece of my heart. Every new dog gifts me with a piece of his. Someday, my heart will be total dog, and maybe then I will be just as generous, loving, and forgiving."--Author Unknown
The "Grand Bargain" isn't dead--it's being implemented incrementally through piecemeal legislation. Please read "The Moment Of Truth"
"The standard of living of the average American has to decline. I don't think you can escape that." Paul Volcker, 1979, The New York Times, October 18, 1979, Page 1
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Hi Mollie, glad you
enjoyed the tunes. I recall that you play the piano. Playing an accordion should be an easy task for you as your fingers do keys already. My son can play most anything, his learning curve on the violin was much longer than banjo I remember.
Thanks for staying on top of the GB; unfortunately we can't trust this admin or our 'Dems.'