It's 2016. What's the Worst That Could Happen?
What follows is political analysis based on a supposition that Hillary and Trump win their Party's nominations. It is derived from a notable opinion piece by Dan Balz entitled, "What would Trump be like as GOP nominee?" I paraphrase some of Balz's passages and use quotes, as well. Our conclusions are different. Dan Balz is Chief Correspondent at The Washington Post.
The General Election Strategy
Clinton and her team are planning to go early and hard against Trump. They are convinced that in the general election, Trump will be the same kind of opponent that he was in the Republican Primaries; that Trump's fall campaign style will continue to be slashing. They expect Trump to come at Clinton from both the right and the left.
Clinton’s team is preparing for what they believe will be one of the nastiest campaigns in recent memory. “Hillary set out a year ago to be a champion for everyday people and to help families finally start getting ahead again in this economy,” said Robby Mook, Clinton’s campaign manager. “That’s what she’s going to keep talking about in the general election. . . . Trump, I’m sure, will try to bully and throw out insults. That’s not going to derail her.”
But the Trump that Hillary's Team is preparing for is not the Trump who will be running in the general election. And, that could derail her.

Paul Manafort, Trump’s convention manager, made news recently when he told members of the Republican National Committee meeting in Florida that Trump had been playing a “part” in seeking the nomination and would change as he looked to the fall campaign. Once Trump becomes the Republican nominee, and the Party consolidates and coordinates behind him, the Presidential Donald Trump will emerge.
Trumps advisers see his earlier rhetoric in the Republican Primaries as a strategy to capture the angry, disaffected Republican base from his competors. They argue that, while he has said provocative things that have drawn condemnation or criticism, including that the United States should rethink its position in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization —over time some of his ideas have come to be seen as more acceptable or open to fair debate.
Nonetheless, Donald Trump as an opponent is still Trump. When he is attacked, he always counterattacks fiercely. That's his style. He also describes his opponent in a way that shrinks and limits them. Trump is a semantic expert, quick to define his opponents in ways they can’t get out of.
If Hillary's key strategy in the general election is to continue to assert that she is a victim of misogyny, she will be finished before she begins. That cheap shot really only works with beaten down Democrats. At the same time, it alienates Independents and Millennials, who hold the key to the 2016 election outcomes.
Dan Pfeiffer, former senior adviser to President Obama, remarked that no one on the Clinton team has had to run against anyone like Trump, who confounded a lot of very good strategists on the Republican side.
Indeed, Trump confounded every newspaper pundit and corporate news blower in America, who were 100 percent wrong about Trump's campaign every time they opined over the past eleven months. The alternate news from the Left has also failed to see what was unfolding in front of their eyes. Meanwhile, the clueless Democratic establishment is still back at the starting gate with their shoelaces tied together.
As if to prove that point (a passage from Balz article):
That, however, doesn’t change Pfeiffer’s broader analysis that Trump in the end cannot win the general election or that Clinton won’t be prepared to parry the attacks. “She has a lot of experience dealing with misogynistic males,” he said.
When asked about this on Friday by CNN’s Jake Tapper, Clinton said, “I have a lot of experience dealing with men who sometimes get off the reservation in the way they behave or how they speak.”
Here, Dan Pfeiffer shows Democrats how to circle the drain.
Name This Strategy
Trump's strategy in the general election is a simple one: focus entirely on issues. This will confuse the pundits, apparently, who regard it as proof of Trump's "unpredictability."
Trump will be using the "Bernie Sanders strategy." He plans to draw contrasts with Clinton on issues, from who can create jobs to their competing positions on trade to a foreign policy that puts America first rather than one stressing nation building to a debate over the right size and role of the U.S. military.
In issues that involve a sustainable economy, he's not just moving to the Left of Hillary, he plans to move to the Left of Bernie. For example, according to Trump, he fully supports Israel. But if they want the US to destroy nations on their behalf, and give them swag in the form of advanced weaponry, the free ride is over. They will have to pay up front, in cash, for the entire operation, without the free swag. Same goes for nations that want our Navy to patrol their shipping lanes; they need to cover the costs. The American taxpayers are not going to carry their crushing weight on their backs anymore.
Trump is apparently not that big on the New American Century Empire and ruling the world with US forces.
Manafort said, “Trump’s message is that he’s an outsider who owes nobody but the American people and that he will break the gridlock that has caused people to lose faith in Washington. That’s a message for the whole country. The message isn’t going to change. The audience is going to broaden out.”
In the end, Pfeiffer admits that there are aspects of Trump’s message that could appeal beyond the Republican base.
If you take out his positions on immigration and women, he has the most pure, economic populist, reform message. He’s got the best Republican message we’ve seen in a long time. Anti-trade, anti-Wall Street, anti-big-money-in-politics is very powerful.

What Remains is This Question
The question is, will either Hillary or Trump take on income inequality and kick it to the curb? They both admit it is destroying the quality of life for the American people. They are both of members of the One Percent Club. Is Hillary too beholden to the Club that funded her? Will cutting the economic hemorrhage of the military by making it profitable to Americans do the trick, as Trump suggests?
What do you think?

I would hazard a guess that few will vote
and most will drink on election night.
Dysfunction for the Nation.
from a reasonably stable genius.
me 2
I'll be tipping a few
"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge" Hawking
This is just more double bind bullshit
Smash it, I sez.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
Oh this picture is great....
Reflects my feelings totally. This time the party has gone too far. The left is done. Not backing down again.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
You're welcome
It's one of my favorites.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
Hey Pluto
I think Trump is going to mop the floor with her. Millenials, Independents, and pissed off and abandoned Democrats are going to vote Trump, stay home, or vote Green. I'm a firm believer in the lesson I learned from Bubba and Barack. It takes a Democrat to screw a Democrat. Given a choice between Hillary and Trump, I hope Trump wins. I've been saying for years that the Democrats could only move so far to the right before the GOP looped them on the left. If the only industry we have left is war, let the other countries pay for it; and thank god for the volunteer army. They put in a draft, and I'll pack up my grandsons and get them out of this country faster than Hillary can change her position.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Yep. I see your point about the outcome.
IF Donald Trump is nominated. IF. And that is one thing I can't quite see. I even have serious doubts he will be at the convention.
The Neocons at the National Review told the GOP that if they let Trump in, they would defect to Hillary, and take the wingnut voters with them. Hillary would be the only Neocon left in the race, a race they have been winning for more than 50 years. The timeline of the gutting of America for war spending.
By my calculation, that puts Hillary in winner's circle. After all, the Neocons have many ways of winning:
GOP superdelegates are already moving to Trump...
Turns out he's more inevitable than Hillary. Everything all of the pundits and talking heads have said about Trump every step of the way was wrong - just like Bernie.
The little handful of neocons can defect all they want. There is a revolt in the air. Everybody is pissed and jumping ship. It remains to be seen which ship wins, but the status quo is dead. When Bernie supporters would rather vote Trump than Hillary and all things outrageous from Trump are mainstream, you know all bets are off.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I didn't think the GOP had Super Delegates.
I thought they were all jealous of the Democrats, because if they had Super Delegates they could screw Trump with a lot less fuss.
I think dkmich is referring
I think dkmich is referring to unpledged delegates, those that are left over from candidates that dropped out. Trump is collecting them 2 to 1 over Cruz and it's looking more and more like he has the nomination sewn up. He's much farther ahead of Cruz than Clinton is ahead of Bernie.
Of course. Thanks.
Sorry, thanks
That is exactly what I meant. Sorry Pluto.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
"I'll retire to Bedlam."
- Ebenezer Scrooge
“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.” - John Steinbeck
(No subject)
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
omg! wtf? bbq!
[emoji with Unicode name “DIRECT HIT”]
That's a keeper
But the neocons would be moving
To the Hillary of the primary with a rightward swerve. but that won't be the Hillary of the general election after trump gets done with her.
As much as pundits think trump will move to the issues "like Bernie sanders," it won't be the same. There is no way that trump will not bring up the transcripts, bring up the campaign cash, bring up the emails. No way will he ignore that low hanging fruit. And Hillary can't counter it. Because trump or his friends heard those speeches. Trump knows what he expects to get in return for his donations. Her negatives are going to keep dropping, because Americans already don't like her & don't trust her.
Because trump or his friends heard those speeches
YES. Hadn't thought of that. She's toast once Trump is done with her.
He's been married 3 times, and all his "exes" are supporting him. The women who accused Bill Clinton of rape ( Juanita Broaddrick) and sexual harassment are all coming forward now to protest, not BILL, but Hillary's attacking them for going public about what he did. Zeitgeist for sexual harassment has changed since the 1990's - ask Bill Cosby, and anyone in the military. Some brutal stuff. Even George S. wrote about it in his book, tho' now "back on the reservation" ( how COULD she have used those words!!!!) and Trump will know how to use it all.
Because trump or his friends heard those speeches
Edited to remove, don't know why it posted twice. Sorry
Wingnut voters don't take orders from National Review,
any more than we take orders form Markos.
We don’t? Oh, um, that’s right, we don’t! Of course not!
(hides palantír)
Connecting the dots
You have a palantir... Saruman had a palantir... Saruman is Hillary Clinton... YOU ARE HILLARY CLINTON~! GOTCHA!
prog - weirdo | dog - woof
Also, I have it on good authority that Big Al is Treebeard. n/t
Al, let me at your spring!
I'm tired of being short!
prog - weirdo | dog - woof
Oh, great... I have coffee all over my monitor.
There is a less than zero chance wingnut voters will vote for Hillary. And for every high-profile neocon who swings to Hillary there will be a Dem who abandons her because of it, and two less independents who would even consider voting for her over it.
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
Ok Dk
I respect the hell out of you but
NOBODY is that fast...
I had lunch with my brother, a republican, the other day. He asked me if I was voting for clinton. I said "hell no!" He laughed and said "well, I guess neither one of us is voting for president." I said, "oh, I'll vote for president." His jaw dropped open. He wasn't considering the Greens...
dkmich speaks for me too
Almost word for word.
Clintons are lawyers. They know how to parse, hedge, lie, lack authenticity, did I mention lie. Seem to believe if they say something, repeat it, deny it is a lie, and repeat it again, people will believe them. Not any more. They made ALL their money by selling access to themselves and their power. Speeches, honorariums, pay to play. Bill Clinton went from fat boy of a single poorly educated woman parent in rural AK. Desperate narcissist ( worse than Trump, hard to believe? remember when he literally wouldn't leave the White House and Bush was delayed by it) and desperate to be accepted by elites in DC. Another fail.
Trump well educated too. But with an MBA from Wharton. Knows reality TV, and celebrity culture of USA, used all this to create his own "movement." An act. Clever, frightening how a person can control by using those skills. And they are learned skills. When confronted for giving money to the Clintons, he responded HONESTLY, saying, he gave money to all politicians because he wanted them to do what he asked them to do. Frightening to think of how he will demolish the Clintons. He knows the game, how to play it, and how to explain how it works.
Clintons negatives are a GOTV magnet for Republicans. She won't get Bernie Sanders supporters, no matter what he says. AND, if he tries, he'll be accused of selling out. Won't get Independents and she can't win general without us.
So.again, this interview with Bill Curry: is another way to analyze what's happening.
Bernie or Bust.
Trump is the Doberman
From the old joke, "What's black and brown and looks good on an attorney."
All I need are some tasty waves, a cool buzz, and I'm fine. -- Jeff Spicoli
A populist racist misogynist message!
Now there will be nothing left to ask for, for Christmas.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
Xmas Wishes
There is much to wish for, but little hope of realizing any of them.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
I would
rather focus on Bernie beating hrc for now.
Thank you for sharing.
If Trump runs on the Republican ticket
I don't see Clinton beating him. No way no how. Sanders would have a chance if he ran on the Democratic ticket. I'm still too unclear on how indie candidacies work when declared late, to have an opinion on those scenarios.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
Rasmussen Poll: Trump 41%, Clinton 39%
Just one poll, and it's within the margin of error, and nobody on cable TV is talking about it.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
Rasmussen???? REALLY???
That deluded dope had Rmoney winning in 2012 right up to the election! He can't poll his way out of a wet paper bag in the rain lying open on its side!
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Rasmussen may be wrong, but which way?
it's a mistake, I think, to take those numbers which show Trump ahead and assume that it means Hillary's ahead. IT could be that Trump is really ahead by 12.
Not that far off in 2012
Gallup was wrong in 2012, too. But they and Rasmussen were within the margin of error for a national poll.
The reason Romney lost was because the presidential election is not a true national election but 51 separate elections in the states and the District of Columbia. Obama was never behind or even that close in the Electoral College.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
I could be wrong here, but I
I could be wrong here, but I believe that historically, Rasmussen's record shows that he's usually heavily biased to the R side early on, but gets closer and closer to hitting the final result as the election approaches. By that pattern, this one result might not mean too much.
I'll believe this
The first thing I thought of when I saw this is that it's showing the first signs of defection of Berners' second choice. This is Hillary's scorched earth strategy coming home to roost. Even a month ago many Bernie people would have considered Hillary their 2nd choice in a head to head against Trump, but not after Brock started investing in online trolling and kiddie porn attacks on Sanders' sites.
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
Superb analysis
and this is absolutely key:
It will completely blindside her, her operatives and her supporters. Take away the victimization and there is very little left. Clinton is an affront to all the good feminists that I am fortunate enough to know (including the one I'm married to).
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
She is a victim of misogyny
But that's not a political strategy. She can't campaign worth beans, she's terrible at it. This is the main reason she can't win and Sanders could.
I like Sanders' track record a lot more, too, but this business of knowing how to run a proactive campaign is critical. Even a dishonest one works better than focusing on how much a victim you are. USians don't elect people for POTUS because they say they are being victimized. We elect them because we like them, or trust them, or because they entertain us, or because we identify with them, not because we feel sorry for them.
Clinton is counting on women voters but she has alienated too many of us with her warmongering and evasiveness and general rudeness towards other women. Sure, a lot of that's based on stereotypes, but women aren't all stereotypical. It's in a strange way the very progress of women's liberation that will doom her.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
No argument here
and my wife said something very similar to this:
and she was very active in the so called 1st wave of feminism.
Ultimately many of us are the victims of something or other but we have a choice regarding whether we put it at the top of our resume or not - or whether we use it for opportunistic (in the worst sense of the word) purposes.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
Either your wife is ancient
Or you mean second wave, as in 1970's. In either case, I doff my figurative hat to her.
I was just thinking that the Internet is an incredibly powerful tool for creating narratives. I don't like the narrative HRC is trying to create about women. I find it disturbing when I see women supporting her, saying "she hasn't done anything the men haven't done." Is this what we've come to? Weak beer indeed.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
I fall into the Camille Paglia type feminists:
I'm too busy trying out for the Dallas Cowboys and rewriting the US Constitution to be a victim.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
You are absolutely correct
2nd wave (1970s) and yes HRC is a massive net negative for feminism in general imo.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
We were looking to recreate ourselves
Free of the bonds of patriarchy. She has become one of the boys.
Some people call women like her handmaidens. I don't like name calling. I can barely handle labels. Though I do love language.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
My wife can't watch any of the debates without shouting, "Get off my side!" She too says this constant playing of the victim card is doing more damage than good.
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
Kudos to your wife
I agree wholeheartedly. Her brand of feminism is NOT what I have taught my three daughters and two granddaughters. All of whom are very successful in their own way, thank you. Get over it Hillary and move along, you are part of the establishment we don't chose to be a part of.
But in 2008 . . .
. . .she choked down a shot of hard stuff just to show how manly she was!
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
What else has she got?
She loves baking cookies for her man? The point is she's pegged as a liar. Cannot be trusted. It doesn't matter what she says because no one will believe her anyway. "Wolf, wolf-wolf.." If it wasn't so important for Bernie to win, I would really enjoy watching Trump take her out. I'm glad she's pivoting already. It will give Bernie what he needs to pull our chestnuts out of the fire. Many of those SuperDs are going to run like hell once they see the writing on the wall. D and Rs alike know Trump is different, and the Rs are already flipping.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
You may have seen this in the news yesterday:
Sanders makes a public plea for Democratic superdelegates to switch allegiances
It was a spin-article in the Washington Post to propagandized Sanders supporters and attract Hillary's supporters, who have been all over the place like a swarm of killer bees. (Bernie really does terrify the One Percent.)
Not long after it was published, a citizen journalist came along and wrote a summary of what really happened in the Comment area. A very cool bit of activism, I thought. He wrote:
The New Mexico primary isn't until June.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
I didn't get that part, either.
He may have dropped a sentence explaining what that is about. Did something strange happen in New Mexico, politically?
Not that I noticed
Although it's possible he got us mixed up with Arizona.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
That's it!
Those two parts of Northern Mexico look very much alike.
You know that thing about
How people call here asking whether they need passports to come here? As I recall, this is real.
It *is* like northern Mexico here. That reminds me of a story I should write. (Goes away to write story)
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
Story is now published
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
Auto suggestion error?
Probably meant New York and the computer gods helpfully substituted New Mexico once "New" was typed in.
Oh c'mon
Autocorrect prioritizing New Mexico over New York? This is in the land of things that never happen.
I do appreciate your vote of solidarity, though.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
Regarding superdelegates
MoveOn has a petition, two really. One is national and one is for your home state.
Apparently, their mechanism doesn't like autofill, so you'll need to fill in the blanks manually.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
Yes I saw it, and his point was perfectly clear...
SuperDs take your fat thumbs off the scale and get a clear picture of where things really are in June. You might then want to put them back on the scale only someplace else. Hillary cannot win. Amen. Period. Nobody likes her but the old south democrats who can't win a state anyway. There is a new poll with Trump leading her for the first time. The D superDs might find Trump so inevitable that they are willing to settle for Bernie instead.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
evening pluto...
excellent analysis. i think your strongest point is that hillary is intending to run on the politics of outrage, but trump is immune to her outrage. the more outraged hillary and the choir get the more that republicans will like it and probably a fair amount of independents as well.
i also think that you are right about trump running to her left on trade, jobs and imperialism.
i expect that this matchup would produce the ugliest campaign in american history (and i am aware enough of the history of us presidential elections to recognize how significant a claim that is).
rather than a contest of insults and outrages, though, i expect the hounds of oppo research to be loosed and for the dirt to fly. hillary already has slimemeister david brock on retainer, god only knows how many other dirtball lee atwater wannabes she has on the payroll. i expect that the rethug side, regardless of what they think of trump, will be unable to restrain themselves given an opportunity to release the material that they have been hoarding on "billary" for just this moment.
i think that given the tendency of ugly to drive down participation, and the already enormous negatives that both hillary and rump have, this will be a very low turnout election. i don't know who that favors more.
Sounds like a good time
for a 3rd party run, sticking to the issues.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
On the Green Party ticket....
If Bernie bolts (he won't), he might give Hillary the advantage she needs. Or, he might win because a pox on all of them.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
That sounds plausible
What may be most interesting is what this campaign teaches people about what happens with independent candidates who run as main party candidates and are disliked by the respective party establishments.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
That's one of the most pertinent points
I've seen in days.
If you want to get something (good) done, do it outside the parties.
"The real power is in the hands of small groups of people and I don't think they have titles. -- Bob Dylan"
Hill and Don's Excellent Adventure
This cage match is mere speculation, of course. I still see Jeb Bush shimmering in the distance. I fully expect him to pop up like a jackinthebox at the GOP Convention.
Meanwhile, neither front runner, Hillary nor Donald, will have enough delegates going into the conventions. The are both contested, but the Democratic Party has the most to lose. They face immediate dissolution.
If Bernie does not engage in an elaborate kabuki of staged voting at the Convention followed by a gracious concession, all hell will break loose. If he does go along, it will be even worse for the Party.
This was the year of the people in both Parties.
Which Party will yield to the people?
Both, one, or none?
And what happens if the Democratic Party honchos realize BEFORE the Convention that the only way The Party can win is with Bernie Sanders?
I've been wondering why Jeb hasn't been more visible all along. I wouldn't be at all surprised if they pulled him out of their asses at the convention.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
Low turnout always favors the Republicans
that is why they suppress the vote and Trump knows it. All he needs to do is to get his folks to vote and the rest will either not be allowed to vote, not vote, or just do not care.
Trump will answer misogyny
by admitting up front that he's an asshole. Next question?
He probably would swing much to the left of Hillary. What's she going to do about that?
And, he will destroy her character. He will say that she can be bought, she isn't cheap but she can be bought. He'll probably bring to light financial irregularities in her current campaign and reply that he doesn't need to do that since he is self funded. He'll claim that he doesn't owe anybody anything, and that might be true. He probably has a video of at least one of her Wall Street speeches and say that she'll promise anything for enough money.
Trump will make mincemeat out of Clinton if he has a chance to.
Bernie would be harder to destroy. Even if he does comb his hair with a balloon.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
The thing about Trump running to HRC's left
is he could be somewhat believable while doing it. He may not believe what he's saying, but he might be willing to actually do something progressive if it helps his cause.
Hillary is another story. Every time she makes progressive noises I gag, because it's sooooo obvious it's bullshit, and she has zero intention of actually doing anything progressive.
"The real power is in the hands of small groups of people and I don't think they have titles. -- Bob Dylan"
What? HER Worry?
I'm sure that all of those photos of Trump and the Clintons partying hearty has told Hillary that she can charm The Donald into seeing things her way, especially that It's Her Turn. He'll fold like a bluffer against the holder of a Royal Flush. Isn't that what DWS promised her?
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
If the tsunami of smug certainty at TOP is any indication,
then self-satisfaction and confidence is high in the Clinton camp.
Personally, I'm concerned that they don't know there's a difference between the population of Democratic primary voters and the population of general election voters. I think there's plenty of room in that difference for some nasty surprises.
I think the Clintonian bravado at this point is a bad sign.
Statistically speaking
There tends to be an inverse relationship between levels of self-satisfaction and confidence, and intelligence.
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
Dissapointed that essay assumes primaries are over...
sounds like a MSM regurgitation which of course it is.
Hey hey hey
You're talking about Pluto here. Pluto doesn't regurgitate. Pluto has an eccentric orbit and thus has unusual perspectives.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
Good to see you again, Pluto! If it's a matchup between
Trump and FSC--he will eviscerate her, IMO.
She 'may' win, but he will surely destroy any shred of credibility that she may have had. And she'll likely be unable to govern, even if she has a Dem Senate backing her.
Hopefully, if that is the outcome, those in the Party Base who appear to be clueless as to 'who' she really is, will finally wake up to the truth. That's probably the best that we can hope for.
Hey, thanks for the post!
"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart."--Helen Keller
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
The Party operatives will lose everything.
And they will know their fate as it is happening. So, there's that.
Hiya Mollie. I've missed you.
I suppose you're right about Trump eviscerating Hillary. But a lot depends on people showing up to vote. Also the US is likely to suffer a crisis before the election, which could be a game changer. The world is repositioning itself in regard to the US. The long American coma is coming to an end. There are possibilities.
Have you seen Michaels Moore's "Where to Invade Next?" It has a power that he has never reached before.
No, Pluto, but I'm gonna check and see if/when
it's available on Netflix. Moore's an excellent filmmaker, alright. If I get to see it, I'll let you know.
You're right, this election will depend heavily upon GOTV. Now, from what I've heard (on XM), Trump has indeed turned out millions of new voters (Repubs, Indies, and Dems), and/or a sizable number who's mostly stayed home (the past ten years, or so).
Frankly, I think that the Repub Establishment 'may' pull off a coup--at a brokered convention--and nominate either Kasich or Bush.
IF THAT HAPPENS, according to some polls, many of the Trump supporters will sit out the election.
So, by default, FSC will probably win--even if Bernie's supporters vote third party, or stay home.
Hey, don't be a stranger--your posts and comments are always so thought-provoking!
Have a good one . . .
Chris Hedges, Journalist/Author/Activist, Truthdig, 9/20/2015
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
I cant help this nagging feeling I have
that this:
It kinda The Plan.
Interesting stuff as usual
Right off the bat it seems that since all the pundocracy has been totally and consistently wrong about trump, there's no reason to assume they'll do any better as things go on. Remember how not too long ago democrats were rejoicing in trumps refusal to fade away. Even the big fat idiot who's name I won't say was was spouting on his show that democratic operatives were supporting trump early on to derail the real republicans.
Early 2016-- trump will never get the nomination
November 2016-- trump will never get the presidency.
November 2020-- he'll never get another 4 years
January 2020--no that's not my district (hunger games)
“The longer we dwell on our misfortunes, the greater is their power to harm us”
― Voltaire
if Trump runs to Clinton's left...
... on economic policy, then woe to the Democratic party.
Are you telling us that Trump would then giddap to the Oval Office if he does this?
(the opposite of woe..... giddap)
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
If Republicans unite behind an anti-establishment message
the Democrats will be in deep trouble since the Democrats have already had that battle and the establishment is winning at the moment but only just.
If to every criticism their own reply is misogyny and tone, they will be in real trouble.
I don't know why you think Trump would be to the left
of Hillary where it comes to the environment:Trump Quotes on the Environment
Trump Quotes on Energy
Like the other 'publicans, he seems to give little credence to climate change and denigrates alternative energy as expensive and unworkable.
For at least another hundred years we must pretend to ourselves and to everyone that fair is foul and foul is fair; for foul is useful and fair is not. Avarice and usury and precaution must be our gods for a little longer still.
John Maynard Keynes, 1930
I was thinking about Federal revenues when I wrote:
Cash flow "sustainably" is where Trump is on the left, but by virtue of the art of the deal. He sees that 57 cents of every dollar goes to the Neocon war machine, which has no strategic value for the American people. So, Trump calculates if he just slashes that in half, the government will have more than enough money to invest in the people and the infrastructure. That alone is a huge boost to both the economy and the people's personal security and wellbeing. Then, he takes it a step furthers and says, "instead of throwing the taxpayer's money down the black hole of wars and the US protection racket, let's make it profitable by demanding that the world pay for our professional military services. Or they can forego them." That includes NATO, which is also on the backs of American workers, crushing their lives with debt.
As for the environment, I'm sure Trump trolled the low-info Republican base with all the right-wing red meat he could find, about every possible issue. That won him the popular vote in the Primaries. Like all presidential nominees, Trump will modify his positions for the general election. After all, he is campaigning to become president of all the people. Who knows where he'll be on the environment at that time. Like Hillary, he'll take whatever position brings the most votes. (Behold the cynical corruption of the two party system.)
Trump is not a sure thing, even if he gets all the primary votes. The Party bosses select the nominees, often years in advance, as in the case of Hillary. Primary votes are merely "suggestions." They are not binding. The Party Bosses call the shots and Donald Trump is not one of them.
Reposted here from the KfS subreddit:
Duck and Cover kid speaking here. I can see Cheyenne Mountain from my deck. I know that it has been "decommissioned", but I still suspect that the Russians or Chinese (whoever gets pissed off first) will throw a few megatons its way, just for old times sake, while they are taking out Schriever and Buckley AFBs and a few other targets of opportunity around Colorado Springs and Denver.
So, whichever of those two candidates win, I just want enough advance notice to make myself a Manhattan and be standing on the deck when the fireballs come. The doomsday clock is gonna get a lot closer to midnight: one of them has never met a war she didn't love, and the other will start shooting at Russian planes just for shits and grins. No smiley.
And Jill Stein will hover above the cesspool
Offering truth and honesty and goodness and policies that will save our lives.
Beware the bullshit factories.