Open Thread - 10-07-22 - While My Guitar Gently Weeps

"Get in, folks. We're building a better America."

I wont embed the tweet posted on October 3 by President Joe Biden. I'm sure most of you have seen it already, but I will highlight the disconnection between reality and political doctrine of this hypocritical statement made by the so called leader of the free world. The tweet contains the image below of the Big Guy in his '67 Corvette with the quote above about building "a better America".

If you're ready to go ridin' with Biden, cruise on down below.

Build a better America? For whom? I certainly haven't noticed a better America, have you? As if he'd really wants any of us in that car with him anyway. And please, if he is going to be driving around in that souped up Vette, let me know so I can get off the streets.

joe_tongue.jpg align=Besides, before I get in that car with him he'd have to clean up the ice cream stains from the seats, vacuum up the hair on the floor, and uh, Joe, if I get in that car with you and if we're going on a "build America better" tour then I insist my wife sits in the middle and you know what that means, hands off buster, I don't care if you kicked Corn Pop's ass or not.

Is this not a perfect example of the contempt that the wealthyjoe_point.jpg align= have for we common folk? Does he not understand irony? Showing off in his gas powered classic while sky high gas prices are breaking the backs of working people all in the name of sacrifice for his war in Ukraine, and as he demands that we give up our gasoline powered automobiles in lieu of costly electric vehicles. That my friends, is what's wrong with the supposed raison d'être de democratic party and electoral politics in general. They just don't give a rat's patootie or a flying back flip about you and I. We must sacrifice for their well being, donchaknow. Until election time, then it's on.

This would/will be my favorite angle of The Big Guy's '67 Corvette.

Last night, just for general principals, I looked up the definition of the word, liberal, as it pertains to politics. Here's what I found. It's from a Google Dictionary Box, where else better to find the meaning of liberal than from Goolag, right?

1. willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one's own; open to new ideas.
(in a political context) favoring policies that are socially progressive and promote social welfare.

2. relating to or denoting a political and social philosophy that promotes individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise

1. a supporter of policies that are socially progressive and promote social welfare.

2. a supporter of a political and social philosophy that promotes individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise.

And for the sake of balance, the definition of illiberal, again from a Google Dictionary Box.

1. opposed to liberal principles; restricting freedom of thought or behavior.

I'll leave it to you to form your own opinions about the veracity and/or dissonance of said definitions.

I'd like to take a little time to clarify a touchy subject that comes up from time to time here at c99. IE: Who is welcome to post on this board.

I'm sure you've all seen it iterated time and time again that c99 is a nonpartisan board that allows open discussion from the left and the right and all points in between. We take pride in our open discussion policy. Everyone is welcome here.


King_troll.jpg align=Trolls are not welcome. Blatant trolls are swatted down swiftly, they're easy to spot. The subtle trolls are a different story. To give you an idea of what I'm talking about here's a piece written by Andrei at The Saker:

A short vademecum for aspiring trolls.

Did you recognize any of the traits?

Who here at c99 decides if a user is a troll? The management and only the management.

What are the parameters used by management to establish trolldom? Again blatant trolls are easy to spot. The subtle trolls not so much. Let's delineate.

  • A user that makes it obvious that they are here only to disrupt the flow of the discourse.
  • A user that constantly claims to be a victim.
  • A user that constantly has derogatory opinions about the site.
  • A user that is a one trick pony that usually focuses on one subject and beats that horse to death.
  • A user that focuses on a certain user or users, again and again.
  • And, see this.

ZHIKGUARCUI6LJBDRX2KC54WSA.jpg align=Subtle trolls are given plenty of time to prove who or what they are. Usually several warnings are given. The subtle troll is afforded ample leeway to change course. Sometimes they may feign a change, but they almost never do follow through and will eventually return to their natural state. And sometimes they may not even be aware that they are trolling.

So, to those that wish to take advantage of c99's open discussion policy, be forewarned, just because we practice open discussion doesn't mean it's an open playground for you.

I recently stumbled upon this young lady's music. What caught my attention was her last name. It's somewhat of an uncommon name and it's also the last name of a close friend that I grew up with. So I did a little research and sure enough she's the daughter of my now deceased old buddy that I hadn't seen since I was a wee lad. She has a lovely voice. Please take a listen, the overlaying video footage reflects the poignant sentiment of George Harrison's lyrics.

Here's the description she wrote under the video on her channel:

"My heart goes out to all suffering in the world because of the violence within others and the violence within ourselves. May truth and love soften our hearts to live at peace with others and at peace within ourselves."

The apple didn't fall far from the tree. I see she listened well to your music, RIP, old friend.

Thanks for reading folks.

Palo Duro Canyon
22 users have voted.


Since we're on the subject of guitars, here's one of my favorite dobro songs that I play, Flatt Lonesome by Josh "Buck" Graves, the dobro player for Flatt and Scruggs and the innovator of the modern three finger picking style. He's a legend and one of my preferred players, along with Jerry Douglas and Rob Ickes.

When I feel a bit down or want to get my mind off of things, I find solace in playing my guitar. I'm not very good but I do try. I mostly play for my own pleasure and relaxation, and to drive my wife crazy.

My 2002 Gibson Dobro

When played correctly it does weep. A lonesome, bluesy sound is naturally inherent to the instrument. When accompanied by a blues harp, which I've played since I was 18 and am much more proficient at, they weep and wail.

Enough about me, what's up with y'all?

19 users have voted.
Lookout's picture

Been out in the garden watering. Cabbages and such are doing well. Did a trial dig of sweet potatoes and the one I dug was a disappointment. I'm going to let them go til we're due a frost. Gardens (and life) have different successes and failures in different years.

Great story about your buddy's daughter. A nice version of George's song.

Biden is the worse president of my lifetime, and that's saying lots considering Reagan, Clinton, Bush, and so on. I hope we can avoid nuclear annihilation during his tenure.

The labels left, right, liberal, conservative have become meaningless with their misuse. To my mind we do much better dealing with issues or policies rather than put ourselves and others into camps.

Hope everyone has a great day. Thanks for the OT!

13 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

it was quite the gratifying surprise when I found out she was my old friend's daughter. he was a bit of a musician as well, although his singing was no where close to his daughter's.

You never really get the gardening down pat because every year is different, the weather being the big factor. I learned that hard lesson this year in my first attempt at growing a garden down here.

The presidents get progressively worse every election cycle, it's actually embarrassing.

I eschew political labels. When it comes down to brass tacks, very few people are 100% of any political flavor. I certainly know I'm not.

Thanks for popping in this morning. Wifey and I are off to Port Arthur this afternoon for the weekend, Janis Joplin's home town. Outta' be fun.

10 users have voted.

...all together now......[video:[video:]

Forty-seven years in the Senate and then Prez? I thought we rejected aristocracy, entitlement, and all that jazz. Where's the merit. I don't see any that deserves reward. A second term? Yipes. As a reward for starting WWlll? At least the Europeans aren't incarcerated like the huge number of USians. They're still free to go to concerts. Good legislation over 47 years for the good people of the US. This country, being a meritocracy, which rewards the most capable with the biggest rewards... oh wait...never mind I take it back....the whole thing is beyond absurd.

Thanks for the OT JtC.

10 users have voted.

and batshit crazy. This is even crazier. She's on deck as the cleanup hitter in case The Big Guy gets thrown out at homeplate. [Shudder].

great tune, thanks rand.

7 users have voted.

@JtC Of course V Putin will be reason for her loss,the usual media will echo that thought endlessly while more censorship will be called for in order to stop Putin's influence through the media.The Democrats will support that idea...again.

Amazing that if anyone really believed V Putin was able to do a fraction of the things for which he is accused openly declaring Putin an enemy would be considered foolish.

6 users have voted.

has woven himself throughout the essence of matter itself. He's here and there at the same time. Just when you think you have him nailed down he shapeshifts into another life form. He freely moves in all dimensions of the multiverse. He's alive yet dead.

He rides Schrödinger's Cat in Hillary's head.

8 users have voted.
ggersh's picture

Well autumn is fully upon us with colors galore. And today we had
Nuthatches, BlueJays, Cardinals, Grackles, Starlings and the one
bird that scatters them all a Cooper's Hawk.

Now it's time we amerikans woke up to our real history so we can
learn to be part of humanity rather than the destroyer of humanity.

16 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

is one of the things I miss about northern Illinois. I live in the piney woods area of east Texas, lots and lots of southern yellow pine, Loblollys, Cedars, etc. But there's lots of deciduous trees as well. But we lack those crisp cold fall nights that trigger the brilliant colors, we get some color but not much. I really miss the maples, not too many around here.

I was surprised that a lot of species birds up north are abundant here as well.

A lot of Americans are awake. Now the politicians, that's another story, it seems they are only in it for themselves. Screw the hoi polloi.

History is being rewritten right before our eyes, get some good books and hang onto them for the future generation, if we make it that far.

Thanks g.

8 users have voted.
earthling1's picture

Love, love, love music, but never have been able to master any instrument.
Can't even sing.
Green with envy though.
Brandon lays bare what our form of government has become. It should be obvious to every American that he is Government Spokesman Joe Biden, as has been the last few "Presidents".
The Oval Office has become the official Bullhorn of the powers that be.
Elections have become as quaint as our Constitution.
America's place in the world is fading fast and is becoming a barking dog as the caravan moves on to the future.
I'm sorry if I sound so pessimistic, but I see nothing to be happy about at the present time.
I quess I can go listen to some music.

9 users have voted.

Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

you're being a realist. I too sometimes feel like I write a lot of downer stuff, thus the attempt at a little humor in today's OT. But, I truly believe that we must shout it out, over and over, rather than shutting up. If we can reach just one person today, then it's worth it.

Music is the great relaxer, everyone should get some. Every string, when tuned has a resonance, so should we and so should the world.

Thanks e1.

11 users have voted.

@earthling1 ugh. i feel this 100% sigh

3 users have voted.

If it was easy, everyone would do it.

usefewersyllables's picture

for who, exactly? Brandon and family, for sure, but the rest of us?

I'll wait for you over here.

Beautiful Dobro. Enjoy the hell out of it! And a great tune- I need to find out more about her...

The stringed instrument that I love the most (my Chapman Stick) was one of the few things that survived the fire, but is not currently playable due to heat, smoke, and water damage. Additionally, a lot of drywall and insulation stuck to it from when the ceiling collapsed. The FD used AFFF foam on the fire, since we were so close to the airport and they initially didn't know if a plane had crashed into the house. Problem is, that AFFF stuff dries like freakin' glue. But I'm in the queue at Chapman to have Grace rebuild it for me again, so Gawd willing and the baby's arm leave the apple alone, and I'll get a chance to play it again in a few months....


13 users have voted.

Twice bitten, permanently shy.

interesting looking instrument, that Chapman Stick. I wonder how it would sound playing it with a bar, lap style, like my square neck dobro. Of course, that would probably amount to blasphemy to the Chapman instrumentalist. What kind of wood is it made from?

Christina is also an actress and currently lives in LA. She was quite the surprise.

Thanks, my friend, and get that kick leg in shape, drums were my first instrument.

7 users have voted.
usefewersyllables's picture


to make it lappable- the instrument is set up for tapping with both hands, and all of the string upper surfaces vary radically in height- super slinky low action. Especially the naked C bass string in the big-ass-middle of the neck would seriously muck up slide or bar playing... It is the original ironwood. Bought it in about 1983, so it is a very early instrument.

RIP, Emmett Chapman- he just passed this past November.

I love it to write tunes on. I can't do it on keys- I can't play keys for love nor money. If I ever met whoever invented black keys, I'd take them out and back over them a couple of times in a parking lot. But in the classic Stick tuning, the 5 melody strings are tuned to straight 4ths like a guitar with no B, and the 5 bass strings are tuned to 5ths- but they are upside down compared to the normal stringing. So it leads to some really unexpected bass lines if you use regular bass fingerings.

It really does make sense after a fashion, but you really have to lay hands on one to understand it. Drummers love it because it is a percussion instrument, bassists get weird about it and end up leaning forward about 90deg with their necks twisted sideways when they finally get it, guitarists want to strum it and then just laugh and set it down. And keyboardists, every one of 'em, want to chop it up and use it as kindling.

Thanks for the kind words! Kick drum knee is getting happier every day. Had my 2-week followup yesterday, and the carver wants me to just keep doing what I'm doing. PT is going great, and I'm motivated as hell to be able to get the other one done and get back to being able to walk normally, let alone play! But playing will be the gravy that makes the potatoes taste much, much better, for sure.

10 users have voted.

Twice bitten, permanently shy.

mimi's picture

we don't go down and out without fighting back darn it.

I enjoy your writing a lot, even if it is all so sad.

Be well and resist.

Good day.

9 users have voted.

you have to stand up for yourself, no one else is going to do it for you, especially the politicians.

That is one of George Harrison's best songs in my humble opinion.

Danke, meine Freundin.

7 users have voted.
mimi's picture

@JtC @JtC

5 users have voted.
enhydra lutris's picture

and not anywhere for ages, heh --

individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise

Guess I never was one

firstly, undefined term, wtf, how can one promote something that has no single generally accepted meaning?

second, several of the prevailing interpretations of that phrase are odious and unacceptable as paradigms.

Can't help but wonder how many self-styled liberals know about that litle inclusiion.

Of course, individual rights can also mean anything, but more entertaining is the inclusion of civil liberties. Somebody needs to tell all the liberal Dems, Kosheads and other so called liberals that the must support Free Speech and Freedom Of/From Religion. Bwahahahaha.

Extra laughable, the America that never was version 6.0 os somesuch. Any such bullshit must be as seen through the eyes of Langston Hughes:

be well and have a good one

10 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

@enhydra lutris
I thought I'd include those definitions before they, ahem, evolve, absurd as they are to begin with. But they are the Goolag's definitions, so we can't expect 100% accuracy in advertising, can we?

The whole pigeonholing thing with politics is one of the prime ways they keep us at each other's throats. That's why I eschew those labels with a passion.

Thanks old buddy.

11 users have voted.
enhydra lutris's picture


start times, but liberal = free market set me off. When I looked back, just as I was leaving it hit me that "individual rights" is much more than "civil liberties" or else it would be redundant. It then further hit me that Individual rights+free market is somewhere in the Libertarian to Sovereign Citizen bubble, zo, per da kine googly, liberal == Sovereign Citizen. Not playing on that team, sorry.

be well and have a good one

7 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

snoopydawg's picture

Thanks for posting it.

Today Biden is warning us how close we are to nuclear war and pretends that he has nothing to do with why we are. In the same breath as his gloom and doom he’s saying that he’s going to send even more weapons to Ukraine and conveniently leaves out how Zelensky is saying that NATO should nuke Russia just to let them know that we won’t tolerate nuclear weapons being used.
Sadly we don’t have true statesmen running this shit show, but only those who brought it to us. And blowing up the pipelines did what to lower the temperature? Groan.

Have a great weekend and enjoy the music.

14 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

I want a thunderdome, Joe and Vlad walk in, one man walks out. Wouldn't that be entertaining?

Thanks old friend.

10 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


I’ve long thought that was how wars should be decided. Instead of throwing millions of lives away and not including those who create the wars it should be between the leaders of the countries that only have skin in the game.

Putin is 70, Biden is 79, but what a difference in their minds. Gawd help us survive the next 2 years. And even if Biden steps down the laughing hyena won’t be any better. But hey maybe HerHeinous is going to run again after all?

I should call my insurance and see if I can get a lower rate since I have help backing up.

Here’s Biden on nuclear armeggedon

12 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

enhydra lutris's picture


but what to do when they're all from the same bank or banker cartel?

be well and have a good one

7 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

dystopian's picture

@JtC Pay-per-view, with online betting?

There was a made-for-TV movie with this theme. About 1970 or so, pretty sure it was on ABC. An Asian, I think it was supposed to be Japanese, and our Navies, instead of nuclear war, met off a jungle island. Each sent their best man to the island, whoever survives wins. Darrin McGavin was the lead role.

3 users have voted.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

to see that. My bets are on the judo master though.

I remember that show, don't remember the name.

1 user has voted.
TheOtherMaven's picture


Time was when battles were (occasionally) decided by single combat between champions chosen by each side. It was probably rarer in actual history than in legend, and hasn't been done at all for at least 500 years.

3 users have voted.

There is no justice. There can be no peace.

for Port Arthur, should be back on line in 2-3 hours.

9 users have voted.
enhydra lutris's picture


8 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

mimi's picture

ok. I do.

9 users have voted.

@mimi Saw something about this on twitter the other day, by response was "pretty sure that's why they got rid of her" lol

5 users have voted.

If it was easy, everyone would do it.

janis b's picture

Thank you for the open thread, your writing is always very engaging.

The discovery of the music of the daughter of your old friend must feel like a very special find. Her voice is just beautiful.

Enjoy your adventures.

10 users have voted.

@janis b
I didn't want to post that picture because of the goofy stance, but I was overridden (how does a person get overridden on a one to one vote? It's a mystery). It looks like I'm ready to draw down on someone. The reason for the stance is because the 30-40 MPH wind gust, right in my face, was trying to blow me backwards over the cliff.

Christina does have a lovely voice and I'm thrilled to have found her music. I plan on commenting on one of her videos to tell her that I grew up with her dad.

Thanks for stopping in, my dear.

9 users have voted.
janis b's picture


Now that you mention it, you do have an interesting stance, animated by the wind. Of course standing on top of a canyon ridge one has to stabilise themselves.

That's a good idea, to comment and let her know you knew and appreciated her dad.

4 users have voted.
janis b's picture

Poor Joe hasn't been able to drive it for years. Instead he's driving the country into a ditch.

8 users have voted.

@janis b Inept or plain old evil? You decide.
His handlers are inadequate for the task.
Hope you are well in NZ.

7 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

janis b's picture

The clouds are clearing and the sun is mostly shining. It will be cold again tonight even with the wind direction changing. We had been getting southerly arctic blasts after an especially warm winter.

Be well and enjoy

edit: meant as a response to otc, but be well and enjoy all.

5 users have voted.
dystopian's picture

Hi all, Hey JtC, Hope it's all good out there!

Awesome looking Dobro bro. Wow. Bet it sounds great! That Palo Duro is a beautiful place! Wife and I camped there about April 1989 methinks. Back in our road-life days.

Interesting how the neolibs sell the labels on one hand, and then destroy them with the other too. At the first Hillary debate with Bernie, Buttgig, Kamala, they were each asked if they were progressive. Each said yes absolutely. That was the end of it meaning anything. They successfully took away its edge. They are clever assholes, no doubt.

And my what a cosmic connection you made over great time and distance! Incredible. An important re-affirmation no doubt.

Cool stuff man... thanks!

Have great ones all! It is the best revenge.

7 users have voted.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

Gibson Dobros are hit or miss. Gibson acquired the name in 1993 from OMI and proceeded to run them into the ground. Shame on them. They no longer produce them. Truthfully though all dobros have been hit or miss ever since John Dopyera invented the first one in 1928. A guitar was needed that could be heard over the din of the big bands of the era. A metal cone with a metal spider solved that problem and the dobro was born. They pretty much down through the years and with different builders have to be judged on an individual basis. Some are good, some not so much.

The term dobro is proprietary, Gibson will sue anyone that uses it without permission. All none proprietary guitars with metal cones and spiders are called resonators.

I took a chance with this one and got lucky, it has a great tone. It sings.

If Hillary, Kamala, Buttgig consider themselves progressive, I'm out.

I can't even remember how I stumbled on Christina's music, serendipitous fate I would assume.

Thanks for stopping in, my friend.

5 users have voted.

Honestly, I have not yet decided if Putin is serious or just playing his part. Is he just another actor in this global takeover scheme? Here's my fave version....

3 users have voted.

If it was easy, everyone would do it.

@Crazytimes I can't quite figure him out. It is worth consideration that he is doing his assignment.
What a fucked up world. I am glad I m old and childless.

3 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

@on the cusp was WEF. He was not invited to the 2022 Davos confab, nor were the many influential and high-fee paying Russian oligarchs who greatly helped fund the WEF in recent times. All the Russian oligarchs have been banned, per pressure from the west on sanctions grounds, so no more Putin and WEF.

Some have expressed puzzlement about Putin and this org, but apparently his friendship with Klaus Schwab goes back 30 yrs to the early 90s, so there is that important factor. And remember, Putin is neither a commie nor a radical anti-capitalist or anti-globalist.

2 users have voted.

I have yet to be convinced one way or another as well. It doesn't make sense that he would sacrifice his army, unless, of course, he is working with the WEF, then it makes perfect sense.

Nothing makes sense anymore, by design.

Thanks for the comment and thanks for stopping in.

4 users have voted.

You must have taken a lot of time to put it together, string topics and add vids and visuals,
master/blog owner/man (person? correct me if I a wrong), and I hope your getaway is a blast!
I need to do something for my husband, LOML, which, in turn, is my urgent need. Love does that.

4 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

@on the cusp
my sweetie is with me it's a blast.

Give him a smooch and tell him you love him.

4 users have voted.

@JtC @JtC Thanks for that suggestion.
Love is the basis. For the world, for humankind.

4 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Cassiodorus's picture

I'd like to say: "more imagination would benefit the Democrats." But would they even care?

3 users have voted.

"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad

expeditiously for the hoi polloi, after the mid-terms, not so much.

3 users have voted.