The Weekly Watch

Revolutions, Resolutions, and Resilience
Another revolution around the sun. Time to take stock and plan for next year. Looking forward and back like the namesake of the upcoming month. We got in our seed order last week. I expect dwindling supplies, so you might want to put in your seed order as well. One of my resolutions for next year is to do a better job keeping seed from my heirloom plant varieties. I've ordered some more American Chestnuts to plant, and plan to get some elderberry and mulberry trees in this winter too. We're spending way too much time cooped up inside and it is reflected in our poor health. (h/t Magi). “There was a study of more than 7,300 [COVID] cases in China, and guess how many people caught the disease outdoors?” Leung asks. “Just two.” Being outside in nature is curative on many levels.

It is time for some sort of revolution, or at least a big change. I would like to see resolve for a resilience revolution.
American Psychosis - Chris Hedges on the US empire of narcissism and psychopathy.
It's obvious, logical, natural, even mathematical that our civilization is going to collapse, that we have overshot the sustainable carrying capacity of the earth and ecosystem that supports us. But people are fed false hope, false positives and magical faiths which extract your agency and distract you from your presence. Held captive by apathy, afraid of your own shadow.
There are many symptoms of our collective psychosis...
It’s the holidays. It’s the buying season. You’re supposed to run out immediately and buy everything you can afford — and actually much more than you can afford — because you can dump everything on credit cards and not worry about paying it off until later. And later won’t suck — the stores promise! But of course truthfully it will. Later will suck. Later always sucks, for most people. But no matter — go quick and get the brand new model of the thing you didn’t like the first time around. Better yet, buy it for someone else because even though they might get as little use out of the gadget as you did, they won’t be able to tell you that — so they’ll just say “Thank you!” because it’s part of the social code. They’ll say you’re the bestest aunt or uncle or cousin or friend or Uber driver who awkwardly gave them a gift for no reason.
More from Chris
The real lesson we should learn from the rise of a demagogue such as Trump and a pandemic that our for-profit health care industry proved unable to contain is that we are losing control as a nation and as a species.
Jimmy had two nice discussions with Dylan Rattigan last week about the stimulus bill. (30 min) (28 min)
Trump has out lefted the dims and is demanding a $2000 stimulus check and called out all the absurd content in the bill that have nothing to do with COVID relief. Jimmy weighs in. (18 min)
Included in the combined relief and spending bill are generous tax incentives for large businesses totaling over $110 billion for liquor producers, wind energy lobbyists, the National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing (NASCAR) and electric motorcycle manufacturers. The Washington Post reported that the “tax extenders” are “something of a year-end tradition” frequently added to large bills at the behest of industry lobbyists.
Trump threatened to veto the bill Tuesday, raising the prospect that millions of desperate people will not get any assistance at all for weeks.
measures are set to expire on the 26th and the 31st respectively, leaving roughly 13 million people collecting unemployment with nothing the day after Christmas, while some 19 million are facing eviction January 1, 2021. It should also be noted that the moratorium has not prevented hundreds of thousands of people from being evicted.Despite the frenzied character of the past two weeks of negotiations, the fact is both political parties have deliberately denied unemployment aid to workers in an attempt to blackmail them into going back to work in order to generate profits.
Turns out that President-elect Joe Biden had sided with the 'moderates' who favored not to send any check. He thereby successfully sabotaged those Democrats who were pressing for a bigger one.
So no relief in sight...unless you're a corporation.
one notable feature of the passage of the $900 billion relief bill through the US Congress earlier this week that demonstrated the absolute loyalty of the Democrats to the Wall Street financial oligarchy.
The Fed took the unprecedented decision to buy investment-grade corporate bonds as well as buying exchange traded funds, including those that tracked riskier assets.Unlike the purchases of Treasury bonds and mortgage-backed securities, which form the backbone of the Fed’s market intervention—currently running at $120 billion a month more than $1.4 trillion a year—the move into corporate bond purchases involved backing from the US Treasury
On the economic front, the growth of debt parasitism makes clear what lies behind the bipartisan refusal in the US to implement the necessary measures to deal with the pandemic because of the impact they would have on the stock market and the financial system more broadly.
The financial oligarchy has continued to prosper to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars, benefiting from death and destruction, through the direct intervention of the machinery of the capitalist state, of which the Fed is a crucial arm.
Viral Stories

Deck the halls with boughs of folly. Party like there's no virus and give COVID this year.
Nearly a year on, the pandemic is accelerating. More than 11,500 people are dying every day, almost double the highest death rate recorded during the first wave in April. It took four months for the first 100,000 lives to be lost. Now, 100,000 people are killed every nine days.
The United States remains the most hard-hit country. President Donald Trump’s policy of herd immunity, aided and abetted by the Democrats, has so far slain more than one in every 1,000 people living in the country. Every day nearly 3,000 deaths are reported, along with 220,000 new infections, as schools and workplaces are forced to remain open, further spreading the deadly disease.
Some people are worried about the new Sars-Cov-2 variant. Vincent who wrote the virology text book says, hey this is the way viruses work.
John Campbell however is concerned. Of course he lives in the UK which would make the variant more concerning (30 min)
The FLCCC team leader, Dr. Paul Marik discusses the I-MASK+ protocol. This is cued to the recommended protocol for prevention, His presentation last about 30 minutes.
The full 1 hour 40 min interview is here and worth the listen if you have the time and interest.
These doctors and others are frustrated about getting these effective treatments widely employed (last about 3 min)
Here's a patient and his doctor discussing his successful treatment. (7 min)
The Functional Medicine Approach To Treating COVID-19 And Post-COVID Syndrome is similar to Dr Marik's above. (1 hour)
COVID has taught us a lot over the last year, and continues to do so every day that we battle this pandemic. We’ve seen what an overburdened medical system looks like and been faced with the reality of social distancing for many months now. Perhaps one of the most important lessons we have learned, though, is that a body that’s already suffering from chronic disease has far greater risks of COVID severity and even death. In the US, where the majority of people are metabolically unhealthy, we’ve seen our population faring much worse than other countries against this virus. Here, there are 500 COVID deaths per million people (at the time of this episode recording). In China, that number is 3 per million. Look at that alongside the 42% obesity rate here and the 2.6% rate there. COVID has shown us just how out of balance we are as a nation and how our baseline of disease has gotten us into such a mess.
What about M4A during a pandemic? Caity explains...
Americans will not be given Medicare for All despite overwhelming public support because an immense amount of power depends on keeping them in a state of financial struggle so they don’t interfere in the affairs of a nation which serves as the hub of a global empire. The US political system does not exist to serve the interests of Americans, it exists to serve the interests of the empire. No part of that system is there to protect the people from the powerful; it’s there to protect the powerful from the people.
So how do we get to Resilience?
Here's how others in the suburb, cities, and on farms are doing more than just stabilizing the ecosystem, they are regenerating the system. (Highly recommended)
Inhabit - Full Film - Taking Regenerative Ag and Permaculture Forward (1.5 hours)
Jimmy frequently talks about walking away from the dims. I'm to the point where I think the entire political system is owned and controlled by the oligarchs, and our only choice is to walk away from the entire charade.
We've been fighting cold weather. Dropped into the teens this weekend. Unfortunately the row covers over the lettuce blew off during the windy night. This week I'll cover them with manure and mulch the bed ready for spring planting. In a month I'll start the spring lettuce in flats. We still have greens, cabbage, and broccoli doing fine. One less regular garden chore having to pick lettuce. We enjoy seeing how far into winter we can carry lettuce. Some years it makes it till spring.
I saw a clip I tried to find for el. He wants a cold cover that is easy to store. The fellow I saw bought two pieces of polycarbonate. He built two wooden Tee-posts and a squared off U-shaped frame to go over the Tee-posts. Run the flexible polycarbonate sheets one on one side and one on the other with the overlap on the top in the middle. The Tee-post support the sheets at the end of the bed and the U-shaped frame goes over the top bending the sheets into a hoop and then clam or screw the Tee and U to hold it together. Everything could be stored flat in the spring.
We use old tomato cages opened up and spread apart with pieces of scrap pvc pipe. They can be placed over the bed and covered with row covers, shade cloth, or plastic. They do take up space when not being used however.
We can all grow a little something even if it is in a pot (or is pot). Some folks go much farther... Talk about extreme homesteading...
Bryce and Misty have spent the last 12 years building a cob home, homesteading, living off the grid, and homeschooling their two daughters. They live without a car, so for transportation, they use taxis and bicycles, and they eventually hope to have a cart that their two horses can pull. For food production, they have a permaculture food forest for fruits and vegetables, chinampa-inspired wetland gardens, a cow and a bull for milk, ducks and chickens for eggs, bees for honey, and they also forage and cultivate feral crops. (28 min)
I love their fences and gates.

Well I'm hoping for better outcomes next year not just with the pandemic, but people's means of survival. I fear the mass evictions and unemployment which sit before us...not on a personal level but as a fellow human. We'll need to help each other...the government has failed us. I think resilience will be a theme for 2021. Perhaps this situation will serve as an opportunity to re-invent ourselves. Here's hoping your path into the new year is a good one! Wishing you a sweet cup of kindness...

Thanks for the cuppa kindness LO
enjoy what is left of this strange year
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
you too!
Hope you got my card?
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Oh, yes I did
Thank-you very much!
Getting forgetful...
Painted teabags by Ruby Silvious
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
never seen that before
painted teabags that is.
Glad you got the card. Thanks for the cap!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Hey LO, Happy New Year.
If you have a link to the row cover polycarbonate Tee would you mind posting it? I went looking and couldn't find it. The flat storage is very appealing.
Let's hope the regenerative ag movement gathers steam in the new year. It seems to cross idealogical lines from conservative to socialists.
Thanks for all you do.
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.
I couldn't find the link...
There's lot of plans out there but that particular one has escaped me, sorry. I keep a notebook beside my normal seat where I write the exact title of clips in order to find them again, but didn't get that one. I saw it before el asked. I will post it if I come across it again.
Hope you have a wonderful week and a good new year!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Biden will out-Trump Trump
But the corporate press and professional Left will praise him for "being the adult in the room". He can't die fast enough for me. WORSE than Hillary!
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
It is shocking how bad he is...
and how they (MSDNC and the Clinton News Network) cover for him the same way Faux news did for Trumpolini.
Glenn left the Intercept because they refused to allow him to print a story about Biden before the election. That's a good example of how well they will cover Biden.
Chilly here but warming to the 50's today.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Still cold as a <pre-feminist metaphor> here!
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
This is the first we've heard about Dementia Joe tuning in
Happy New Year to one and all and stay safe!
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Kneecapped again
I think he may be deficit-warhawk Joementia...the serfs must pay for my war!
How's the greenhouse working out? Hope all is well!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
The greenhouse has had it's up's and down's
Still we haven't had a measurable snowfall which is both good and bad for obvious reasons.
I'm beginning to believe we are in for some "Dust Bowl" years on the very near horizon, just my gut talking to me.
Ya outside of what is effecting everyone life is well. Sounds like all is well down in Dixie for you, which is a beautiful thing. I'm not sure I could live in the Bible Belt with my big mouth.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
I've used
two 55 gallon drums filled with water to keep the temp inside the greenhouse moderated. They act as a kind of heat exchanger to keep the above ground plants from freezing.
If and when it gets really cold, like in the 20s for a few days, I scatter a series of 5 gallon buckets filled with water around.
It takes really sustained sub freezing cold to freeze up those drums and as long as they are not frozen they are providing heat inside the greenhouse.
Ample mulching helps a lot too.
I've even draped the north wall with black plastic to suck in a little more heat from what little sun I get in deep winter.
Hope this helps.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
Cool: use of water; cheers for sharing
A shelf of books as backdrop that makes you look classy & smart?
With a boom in sales to professional-managerial types who want to project a serious image on Zoom, “Books by the Foot” will sell you just that.
Glenn Greenwald slams media coverage of coronavirus pandemic as worst incident of “media misconduct”
Does it make you classy and smart to have books?
I hope so cause that's probably all I've got going for me.
I've got several old books I've collected through the years...All the USDA yearbooks from the late 1800's through about 1980 plus old textbooks and a prized early edition "Leaves of Grass". We don't have walls in the house, just bookcases and closets.
But no one has called me classy and smart lately. Must take something else? (joking aside...)
Glenn has it right...All the misinformation across so many domains. It is stunning how well the divide and conquer propaganda has worked. Taibbi has it right in his "Hate, Inc"
Masks being a great example of a divide issue that is pretty stupid.
Well hope all is well with you and yours. Saw that things across the pond are not going well.
Deadliest week in Germany since COVID-19 pandemic began
Take care and be well!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Should provide good localized insulation and sound
modulation, no?
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
We're so far in the boonies that air traffic is our primary noise pollution. I remember after 9/11 how quiet it really was without the planes.
The cows next door can be noisy neighbors at times too...but not really bothersome.
Cooking several soups today. Nice in the cool weather.
Hope all is well on the left coast and you're recovering nicely from the holidays (so far).
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I confirm that having many books does not make
you classy and smart. Otherwise I would be, but look at me
Having many books means you always feel like a loser, because you don't read them. Instead you try to blame your own C99p and other alternative media outlets reading activities for not reading the books. All the worse if you have many of them. You feel like a super loser.
Thanks for your great, handsome and all around useful Weekly Watch. It is cold now in my woods, cold and windy. The garden will have to be left in peace for now. I need always images of the garden structural things you are talking about.
Anyhow I am upbeat, the next year will be much better, after it has become much worse first. But by summer time I think the worst may be behind us.
Well yes, it is worse over here, because we are crowded and don't have the land many of you have. I consider many of you just very privileged because of the land, woods or swamps you own.
So, enjoy the rest of 2020 and look forward for 2021. With Angie Baby Merkel's words, "Ihr könnt das schaffen" (You can make it).

PS My wished for the New Year would be to see many of the authors of the first years to come back and let us know how they are doing. Mark from Queens, where are you? Are you safe? Sigh.
Wishing you all a happy ride into the New Year.
privileged indeed...
I make no qualms. However, I didn't inherit my scene as many do. We made it happen.
And that is the thing, we have to make our lives what we want them to be. I understand difficult circumstance, but where ever your starting point start moving toward the future YOU want for yourself.
Being in the country with 4% of world population using 40% of world resources promotes the privileged nature here too.
Take care and sip from the cup of kindness!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I take your comment to heart and
kindness, es especially yours, always taste delicious. Inheritance issues? They are not my cup of tea after my experiences. So, I better move on.
Do you move toward the future, you want to have, if it means, you step over corpses, you might have helped to create?
Anyhow, have a wonderful Monday morning and be very healthy and well.
Do you give up your dreams to care for relatives?
Love is a two way street, and understanding should be too. Every circumstance differs. We do our best to move onward through the fog hopefully making progress.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
According to Caitlin media is nothing more than propaganda
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Good morning Lookout. Thanks for the WW (& open thread)
I'm having a tiny bit of trouble visualizing the T-Brace + polycarbonate set up, must be some really flexible PC or else something of a quonsut hut shape on the U-brace. Polycarbonate sheets also tend to be a bit pricey, though their permanence makes up for it if it will see a great amount of use. For now I'll try for other solutions, though that is very tempting for one particular bed.
I like your use of opened up tomato cages plus row cover a lot. Realistically, I should've just installed a greenhouse a decade or two ago and we'd be adjusted to it by not, but, it's a bit late for that now. Part of the problem is defining the problem at various times we need to:
have full access from all angles and sides
keep small critters out - 4 walls
keep bugs out - walls and roof
provide frost protection - probably needs roof (rare, doesn't really freeze here)
keep birds out - probably needs roof
we get sporadic kick-ass winds, so roll up or down is probably a good feature, but all various needs are also seasonal.
etc. 2 beds long and narrow, two fairly wide.
So, I tinker with solutions. For some time I was fixated on hoops plus row cover or transparent vinyl and the problem was what to make the hoops from. Just the other day I realized that I really only need rounded corners and that modified A-frames would work, or any similar shape. And that entire issue is for full coverage; whereas the tomato cages at the corners, wrapped with ordinary plastic sheeting off of a roll would keep most critters out unless they really wanted to get in. (I see our beds as targets of opportunity for passing skunks and coons, there is no way I'm going to toss something together to keep that latter out if they really want in)
If nothing else, it keeps me busy ..
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Hi el,
Finally mr. meta built tee pee shaped supports out of 3/4 inch pipe with elbows at the top for connection to the sides. We used polycarbonate for sloped roof with a set of hinges made of pipe clamps, so we could lift panels off the South-facing side and flip them back. It worked well. And no more periodic rebuilding.
Now we're in Europe, and pipes like that are not common or extremely expensive. So back to the drawing boards.
Good luck all on weather protection for crops. Looking at making a semi green house out of cast of glass windows and doors over two raised beds. We'll see.
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.
Straw bales work pretty well...
and are fairly inexpensive ($4-5/bale here) plus can be used as mulch in summer.
Easy set up anyway.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thanks Dawn. Teepee shape, with or without elbows is
another good solution. I sue pvc sometimes, sometimes electrical conduit (EMT), which is pretty cheap and lighter than regular pipe. Fittings largely don't exist for it because you're supposed to bend it.
I'll keep the teepee in mind, thanks again.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
el, a ski solution, maybe,
find or purchase large diameter culvert material and cut in half.
Good Sunday morning, Lookout ~~
Communication is key moving forward. It’s so key, someone tried to knock it out in Tennessee! Change is coming.
Wishing you a productive 2021.
Enjoy the day!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Glad to have this line of communication
and other thinking people to share ideas.
Go well on your new journey!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Donald Trump Shares a Horrible Happy Kwanzaa Message
This imitator does a great job and is pretty funny.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Cf. the real Kamala Harris’s bit about her family and Kwanzaa:
You mean...
She's celebrating Trumpzaa? At least that's what the imitator suggests.
She is not very genuine...whatta fake.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thanks for another great OT, Lookout
Especialliy liked the Hedges video.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
nice to "see" you
Great greenhouse suggestions up-thread. When I rebuilt the well house I put in a 150 gal tank a friend gave me both as a settling tank and a heat buffer, and really insulated the structure. Pretty much freeze free.
Hope all is well with you and yours! Thanks for the visit.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Reporters, bored while waiting for Brexit news outside British
PM Boris Johnson’s residence at 10 Downing Street, capture video of a fox and of Larry, the PM residence’s cat, almost catching a pigeon.
Film clip #4 of 5 here:
The pigeon was too big of a goal...
for Larry, but he almost pulled it off. Thanks for the clip.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Hola lo
And everyone
Thanks so much for the ww. Gives me reading and watching material for the rest of the week. So appreciate your work. And for the seed buying tip. Time to start stuff here already. Going for Pink Boar tomatoes this year. Tried them and love, love, love the flavor. Smallish in size so ripen quickly.
Rain coming in small batches which is good bc of potential runoff in the barren burnt areas. Four more days til a new year. Only symbolic but looking forward to seeing this one gone.
Stay safe and take good care everyone.
Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation
Hot Air Website, Twitter, Facebook
We grow...
cherokee purples and brandywines as heirlooms and add a Bonnie's hybrid for diversity.
Bonnie's is a big nursery in Union Springs, AL.
Tomatoes seem to be the favorite garden crop.
Congrats on the slow rains. We got 1.75" this week and calling for 2" more next Thursday. We'll see.
Take care and enjoy your yard!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Didn't know that Bonnie's was an Alabama company.
I see their plants in pots up here in Chicagoland every Spring (maybe not this Spring, I didn't look). Very good plants.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
They are now national...
They are the town of Union Springs. Located on the red hills (actually the Chunnenugee Hills) that run across the coastal plains of Alabama.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Cherokee Purples
Are great, wonderful flavor, but the brown blight hits them hard. Death in days sometimes. I keep looking for other, hardier purples.
Striped Roma are my mainstay. Good tart flavor. I use them for slicing or cooking. They're indestructible - when every other tomato struggles, they produce. Thick skin so they rarely crack. Disease resistant. Heal around bug bites. Prone to blossom end rot, but some calcium fixes that. Ideal for the lazy gardener.
I keep getting volunteer sports, crosses and oddballs. I'm trying to stabilize a tiny purple that grows in clusters like grapes and is super-sweet. Classic Mendelian genetics in the offspring: some look like red cherries, some like black vernissage, some like the tiny purples.
They are not as productive, but we love them
We manage to make it through the summer with our cultivar. But you're right it will fungus up over the season. We keep the suckers thinned with plenty of air flow through the plant. Also they originated in nearby TN. Worth the trouble for the taste to us.
Thanks for your Striped Roma recommendation I'll look for them.
Happy gardening!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I've tried the antifungal soil bacteria sprays, two species. It helps, but doesn't stop the blight.
The red varieties tend to get the yellow blight, while the purples get the brown blight.
I got ONE tomato of a hybrid purple variety called "black carbon" (they said) from a CSA this year. It was dark, delicious, very meaty, and had only two seeds in it (that I found). I might look for that variety next year.
I try to keep the stems near soil clear of suckers and leaves, but the blights are a struggle. I've given up on potatoes.
Yukon Gold does well here in Cook County IL
I buy organics from Whole Foods to use as seed potatoes rather than paying outlandish prices at nurseries. same trick works with Organic garlic. However, I must have some Italian rodents. something likes to eat the sprouting garlic.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Thanks for the info earthling
I'll pass it on along to the wife!
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Great round up, LO
I will read more of the articles in depth and catch some videos tonight.
I totally understand your plan for your homestead, and that you made it happen by a lot of planning and hard work. I suspect you passed over fancy cars, the luxury tour to Italy, and lots of other things to be able to have the life you now have.
My late husband inherited 11 acres, but had access to the adjacent 12 acres. We could run a few head of cattle, and when he died, I inherited his acreage, and purchased another adjacent 1/2 acre. He was disabled, and I built the house, fenced the pasture, even raised beautifully bred German warmblood horses for well over a decade. I added barns, stables, sheds, and we always had a fantastic garden. A neighbor would bring his tiller, shape up the rows for us.
I will have a large garden this spring, and once we get it set up, it will go year around.
After 4 days of doing nothing in particular, I checked my schedule, and have appointments all day tomorrow. At the same time, plans for putting furniture in my reconstructed office are being readied.
Some day in January will find me where I set out to be.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
It is nice to be busy doing rewarding things
I hope your building projects are going well. I need to build several projects...sheds, fencing, maybe a caretaker house. Kinda looking for a contractor for a change. We've had hired help over the years but I've built everything myself and it is weird looking for a construction manager. Should keep me busy my last decade or two.
The decisions we make and actions we take truly shape our lives. We've lived simply and cheaply most of our lives (staying out of debt too). Only since retirement have we been traveling. If things were different I would be planning something for spring. Currently thinking about a trip on the Natchez Trace.
Well all the best and a joyful closing to the holiday season!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
You will see kudzu.
Oh, it is green lush, makes for gorgeous photos and adds to the ambience, it is a depressing sight for naturalists and environmentalists.
I have traveled up and down that trace 3 or 4 times. I suggest you study up some more before you go.
Maybe the Grand Canyon might be a better start on all things USA. And hurry, since they want to open mines that will screw it up!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
late evening, Lookout,
all farming, gardening advice, tips and stories entice me, engage me as i see most who read in our walls enjoy same. Lucky, we are, you lead this way.
Splendid day, surf fishing in the afternoon.
Tomorrow promises to be better than today, weather-wise, and that's it, ain't it, when tomorrow promises to be better than today?
Happy to have lived so long.
Fun, at the expense of past old, young, acquaintances:
Cheers and be safe.
that's the dream
I feel for the young, but somehow think they won't tolerate the BS....hope they won't anyway.
So glad you're enjoying your coastal venture. They say the waves remind us of our time in the womb surrounded by amniotic fluid. The mothers heart beat on multiple levels.
Be well and like a Vulcan, live long and prosper!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Here is a rundown of expected shortages this year.
They are my go to company for seeds, for basic varieties that I know will grow. $2. per pkg this year, but free shipping.
Now is time for winter sowing for us in temperate and cold zones.
Mary Bennett
good idea about getting canning supplies (and seed) in stock
...but I must admit to freezing more and canning less. I want to do more drying. Have a plan in mind but I've not built it yet.
Always something to do. Thanks for the info!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I like to dry cherry tomatoes
sliced in half. Tomato chips. Dry snacks, rehydrated for sandwiches, add to cooking. Less work than canning, plus canning heat destroys the vitamin c. Low bulk.
I use an electric dryer. I haven't found a solar dryer that works in high humidity (yet).
I dry them with a bit of olive oil
Mary Bennett
That sounds good!
The dehydrator I plan to build feeds the hot air at the top and draws it down over the food.
Something along these lines...7 min
Eat well!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Trump signed the bill tonight.
I will read up on the copyright/patent/meme portion as soon as I can.
That law affects us all, and all indie websites, such as this one.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
All he does is grandstand
He never holds their feet to the fire demanding $2000 or a veto. Just a big show.
Have a great week. Good luck with all your cases.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”