Tulsi Gabbard throws away her integrity

Tulsi Gabbard had always seemed to me like the rare exception to the rule.

She resigned out of principle from her DNC position. She publicly challenged Hillary Clinton, and later even sued her for slander. And her clear and unwavering opposition to our corrupt, catastrophic, and self-destructive U.S. Foreign Policy madness and unnecessary Warfare over the past 20+ years had the potential to make her the "Ron Paul" of the Democratic Party, and possible reshape and change it --- as the Ron Paul movement, had led to the "Tea Party" and rise of Donald Trump, and an unexpected takeover of the Republic Party (and new "America First" policy shift)... with The Establishment suddenly chastened away (Globalist puppets like: Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, John McCain, etc.) and made irrelevant.

But instead .... just like Bernie Sanders in 2016 (and again in 2020), Tulsi Gabbard also followed the DNC-script and threw away her integrity to help prop up and coverup for the worst possible candidate in the World for our Country that one could imagine....Joe Biden.

Her unexpected endorsement of the likes of Joe Biden represents support of the candidate....

  • With traceable criminal corruption involving graft, bribery, paybacks, and abuse of American Taxpayers money in multiple Countries -- most notably the Ukraine, and China.
  • Is a lifelong committed Neocon, that supported every unlawful "Regime Change" War Crime operation over the last 30 years.
  • Is a lifelong committed "New World Order" Globalist, who supports the rule of an unelected Elite, and the de-Industrialization of The United States, and Foreign Economic dependency (subjugation, wage depression).
  • Supported NAFTA
  • Supported favored Trade status for China
  • Supported the TPP
  • Supported The Iraq War
  • Supported "Regime Change" in Libya
  • Supported "Regime Change" in Syria (and still does)
  • Supported the Repeal of the FDR-era "Glass-Steagall" Bank Reform Act.
  • Supported Cuts to Social Security.
  • Supported all the same policies and corruption as Hillary Clinton.
  • May have dementia, and quite often appears doddering, confused, and mentally incompetent in public.
  • Has a lifelong record of inappropriately touching and fondling children, and people's wives, in public, and may just be a pedophile.


maybe hillary clinton should be vice president too Tulsi...

So this is now what Tulsi Gabbard represents...the antithesis of her own campaign.

How the mighty have fallen!
Sorry Tulsi, .. a soldier's heart would not do that.


Under no circumstances can Political Change ever occur if the supposed movement builders like Tulsi Gabbard, and Bernie Sanders refuse to ever stand up for their own principles, and work to kill off their own political arguments in the General Election.

People like Gabbard, Sanders, Ralph Nader, etc. should be working aggressively with The Green Party, The Libertarian Party, or The Constitutional Party (I don't care which one) .... and trying to build up and establish a strong and vibrant 3rd option for American Voters to turn to. By working ceaselessly towards that end, we would then finally see an irresistible stampede away from the two failed Establishment Parties that nobody likes in the first place (and that 50% of the Country does not even bother to come out and vote for).

Change can never happen by abdication to a ruling class.
Change can never happen by running back into the arms to embrace the agents of the very things that you know are wrong, criminal, and oppressive.

The Democratic Party has self destructed from top to bottom, from left to right, from forward to back.

They stand for nothing now --- except selling out and selling off the American Economy, irresponsible "Open Borders" madness, International political corruption (Clinton Foundation, Biden family, etc.), Global Worldwide Warfare, Fake Elections (DNC gimmicks), the embrace of the ruling "Global Elite" (George Soros, etc.), the banality of "Identity Politics", Orwellian Internet Censorship (Google, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, etc.) and public language shaming and "Group Think" intimidation, and "Deep State" (CIA,FBI,State Dept.) dirty tricks.

And when even the Tulsi Gabbard's of the world put their tails between their legs and embrace the likes of Joe Biden .. no change can then be possible.

Unless we build and grow a 3rd Party, there is no escape from this.

It's that simple.


22 users have voted.


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7 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

Unless we build and grow a 3rd Party, there is no escape from this.

True. But how long have people been trying to build one only to see the two party system block them. Even look at what happened to the progressive party inside the DP and the black caucus members after they have been there for a few years. Did AOC change to tow the party line or was that who she has always been? Her stance on Venezuela for one thing.

I can't disagree with anything you have said here.


13 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Shahryar's picture


Right now we have two parties, The Ins and The Outs. The philosophy of the Ins is "retaining power". The philosophy of the Outs is "getting power". It doesn't matter which is Republican or Democrat. One is In, the other Out.

Since there is no interest in dealing with issues our political system is reduced to two groups of the same type fighting over scraps. Together they control media and money.

Meanwhile, sadly, one group of lunatic fans (call them "Fox viewers") and another group of lunatic fans ("MSNBC viewers") can't or don't bother to see that each of them supports an insane prep school, not realizing that the elites are not interested in doing anything to help anyone other than themselves. And this is important. This inability to see that there is nothing to either party other than a desire to have power keeps Ds and Rs voting for "their party". Thus even supposedly smart lefties voted for Hillary.

And what it leads to (as I finally get to my point) is that if a 3rd party emerged and gained power, enough to be a legitimate contender, we'd see a$$^&^*&3s from the Ds, like Schumer for example, jump onboard. And people are so stupid they'd cheer that and accept him as a leader!! and then the 3rd party would be absorbed back into the two-sided organism that's really only one thing.

12 users have voted.


There is no doubt that attempts would be made by The Establishment to co-opt or infiltrate a 3rd Party, but that does not mean the grassroots people behind the movement (which outnumber the rest) would ever accept that (Establishment) direction. Someone like Chuck Schumer would not have a chance.

What has thwarted 3rd Parties throughout modern History, is that the power of the U.S. News Media (including Radio) has served as the function of "The Gatekeeper" ... and thus denying any attention or exposure or inclusion in debates by the 3rd Parties.

But the Mainstream Establishment Media is dying. That is what needs to be understood.

The advances of the Internet and Social Media have begun now to overtake the power of the controlled Establishment Media. Donald Trump broke through all The Establishment opposition largely through his massive Twitter following, and daily Tweeting. It would be possible now, unlike in the earlier times, for major Political Debate events and Townhall forums to be setup on the Internet, and then reach millions of viewers ... which now would exceed any "managed spectacle" that is placed on Television.

The winner of the 3rd Party Nomination would know that they would not be in the TV Debates, or on "Meet The Press". But .... through Internet Townhalls, and public Debates, and public Internet addresses, all the false narratives and false choices would be exposed in such a way that would reach more people than the Viewership of the dying (and discredited) Mainstream Media.

Rules would need to be in place to assure something like "Super Delegates" and "coin flips" are not deciding things within this 3rd Party.

But building and growing an existing 3rd Party (one which already has ballot access in most States) is something that can be done, and now is the perfect time to do it.

There is no way that Joe Biden and the Democrats are winning anyway. There is no message, too much obvious corruption, and no competence.

So this is the perfect time now to invest everything into building a new political platform, that refuses to listen to The Council On Foreign Relations, George Soros, Wall Street, Big Pharma, Neocon War Profiteers, The European Union, Saudi Arabia, etc ... and is designed to function as a true Populist Party, and Populist Political movement. The more and more that Mainstream Media wanes in influence, the more and more that a 3rd Party movement can and will succeed ... if the commitment is there.

If Nigel Farage can build a "Brexit" Party, and get the stodgy Brits to finally shake off the shackles of The European Union .. then red blooded Americans can do the same thing here in The United States. It just takes that laser-like focus.

We just need to have a 1776 attitude.
The answer to 1984 (Orwell) is 1776.

7 users have voted.
Alligator Ed's picture

@FreeSociety May it become prophecy.

The more and more that Mainstream Media wanes in influence, the more and more that a 3rd Party movement can and will succeed ... if the commitment is there.

If Nigel Farage can build a "Brexit" Party, and get the stodgy Brits to finally shake off the shackles of The European Union .. then red blooded Americans can do the same thing here in The United States. It just takes that laser-like focus.

We just need to have a 1776 attitude.
The answer to 1984 (Orwell) is 1776.

7 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


I rec'd your comment hours ago and see it as a new one.

2 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture


And what it leads to (as I finally get to my point) is that if a 3rd party emerged and gained power, enough to be a legitimate contender, we'd see a$$^&^*&3s from the Ds, like Schumer for example, jump onboard. And people are so stupid they'd cheer that and accept him as a leader!! and then the 3rd party would be absorbed back into the two-sided organism that's really only one thing.

There are so many roadblocks to getting someone in congress that doesn't sell out. There is so much money involved with every damn thing that happens globally that anyone who tries to stay true to themselves gets pressured to change their way of thinking. For gawd's sake the PTB killed JFK, MLK and RFK right in front of us. Then there's Israel's power of blackmail like they did to Clinton on Monica Lewisinsky and of course Epstein and his pedophilic blackmail.

Maybe this time people will come together in such large numbers that they can't break us up like they did OWS and the black lives matter movements? I think a general strike might work this time because enough people are already losing everything? But then we'd have to do it during martial law so there's that.

But it's not only Tulsi who has let us down. Listen to Matt talk about Bernie and how he has too in my essay I just posted. I'd love to hear what y'all think.

6 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

longtalldrink's picture

A thousand times. Well said! "Nobody likes them anyway"...exactly! Who in their right mind "likes" the bully? Everyone secretly hates them. Dems and Repubs..."the bullies".

10 users have voted.

Well done is better than well said-Ben Franklin

was it her ultimate and final fuck you?

Was this, if this is what you want, this is what you get?

I don’t know. Maybe dreaming or trying to justify, make excuses for one’s chosen candidate as usual. but
what I did find rather interesting was when asked if she had reached out to Bernie’s campaign,..

I think, but may be wrong that she answered in the affirmative and then said what was discussed between them was private.

So what was discussed between them beggars the question and was that the final straw?

Maybe someone really should ask Bernie.

11 users have voted.
gulfgal98's picture

@Sirena Tulsi did reach out to the Sanders campaign on multiple occasions to offer her endorsement and was rebuffed. It appears that some advisors in the Sanders campaign saw her as damaged goods to be avoided at all costs and Bernie apparently agreed.

That said, I was very disappointed in Tulsi's endorsement of Biden but more upset with her glowing description of him as a man with a good heart. As a Tulsi supporter, that was the ultimate kick in the gut and I cannot justify it. Now that we are hearing about a former staffer charging Biden with rape when he manually violated her against her will, Tulsi's judgment to endorse Biden now looks even worse. Unless Tulsi speaks out about this rape and takes back her endorsement, she has lost all credibility.

6 users have voted.

Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

PriceRip's picture

          If We The People want this all to become better, we have to act now. The best option is to get Bernie Sanders elected.

          If, and only if, We The People then follow through We The People can create the kind of society we want. If We The People just keep doing the same things we have done in the past, then We The People cannot expect the change we need.

          You want a third party ? PROVE IT ! or …


7 users have voted.
Alligator Ed's picture

@PriceRip The common end is what always ensues: the elites grab power for themselves. We are the ant people except we lack two legs and a sense of smell good enough to detect bullshit at long distance.


7 users have voted.

@Alligator Ed

Penny wise, pound foolish.

As Nancy previously and infamously once said, “We will have to read the bill one we pass it”

5 users have voted.

@PriceRip they then lied about the results and stole the election.

Next idea.

2 users have voted.
PriceRip's picture

@Battle of Blair Mountain

          We putzed out on the deal. We got got robbed and it will happen over and over again until we get angry enough to not take it any more.

          I, for one, cut the defecting bastards out of my life after the last time. I don't have anyway of knowing who the defecting bastards are this time around. So, I suppose come November I will be cutting another contingent of defecting bastards from my life. Well, presuming I survive to that point.


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In conjunction not with union leadership, but with union workers.

That's a strong start.

United with Nurses for Single Payer.
United with factory workers for no more NAFTA, etc.
United with environmentalists for no more pipelines and a productive policy on climate change.
United with Americans and what they want.

No debates with the Party of the Elites (Dem AND GOP).
Our own primaries, not run by any Sec. of State. Done online and with open receipts. The days of hiding who you voted for need to step aside for the days of knowing your vote was counted.
Our own elections, not run by the usurpers who have stolen our democracy.

2 users have voted.
mimi's picture

response she could have had.
Was Free Society a soldier? Blaming and smearing people is easy. No one knows for sure while she made that move. I think it's irrelevant, unless the American voters are that blind to elect another dysfunctional president. Mr Biden is not anymore capable of managing responsibly the tasks of the presidency, imho. I wouldn't vote for him, if I could vote.

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