Tulsi Gabbard

Sign Petition Condemning CNN for Censorship of Tulsi in Townhall

CNN, reflecting their ongoing bias against Tulsi Gabbard, has decided not to include her in their upcoming series of townhall presentations for New Hampshire. A petition which can be signed in protest can be found here:

Tulsi Gabbard Files $50 Million Defamation Lawsuit Against Hillary Clinton


Tusli Gabbard is suing Ghoul of Politics Past Hillary Clinton for more than $50 million in damages, after Clinton’s allegation on a podcast with the irrepressible but passé David Plouffe that Gabbard was Russia's chosen candidate to take over the Democratic party (and my assumption: not just the party; she'd take over the country, name herself Supreme Ruler Tulsiskaya Gabbardeva, and then nuke real Americans like Faillary. It's inferred, but I think I'm on the right track.)

I'd like to see Tulsi take the McCarthyites to school

Can you imagine if Tulsi wore a red pantsuit to the next debate? It would create a Ruskophobia meltdown. The hillbots would be screaming hither and yon about how she's no longer hiding her true allegiances, etc.

And if I were Tulsi, I'd wait about an hour and then have a helper in the audience shout out the number of tweets that mention "Tulsi + Red + Russia" since the debate began.
