The Weekly Watch
Coup, Coup, Cachoo
The world is engulfed with U.S. led coups. There's Venezuela, Iran, Ukraine, Nicaragua, Cuba, and too many other African and Asian nations to list. In a comment this week Joe suggested there may not be more ongoing coups today than in the past, but they've never been so blatant and obvious. There's also an on going coup against truth tellers. To paraphrase Julian, "Since lies bring us wars, perhaps truth can bring peace." Concurrently, we have a corporate coup against the ecosystem. May 5, Cinco de Mayo, is a celebration of a coup when the Mexican Army defeated the French Empire at the Battle of Puebla, on May 5, 1862 (at least temporarily). However, Mexico celebrates independence day on September 16, commemorating the Cry of Dolores, which initiated the war of Mexican independence from Spain. Stretching the theme this week, let's also look at coops and chicken coops.

Contrary to public opinion...(according to wiki)
In the United States, Cinco de Mayo has taken on a significance beyond that in Mexico. More popularly celebrated in the United States than Mexico, the date has become associated with the celebration of Mexican-American culture. These celebrations began in California, where they have been observed annually since 1863. The day gained nationwide popularity in the 1980s thanks especially to advertising campaigns by beer and wine companies. Today, Cinco de Mayo generates beer sales on par with the Super Bowl.
Dos Equis or Modelo Negro anyone?
Let's start this Cinco de Mayo looking at the on going U.S. coup in Venezuela.

It would seem that the April 30th coup effort by Juan Guaidó backfired and energized the Chavista base while it demoralized the opposition. Mike Fox reports from Caracas (video or text)
There was a lot of deception within Maduro's inner circle. But it was the opposition and its backers who were deceived, not Nicolas Maduro. Putting Guaidó into jail would only make him a martyr. The U.S. would use it to for further bashing. Guaidó running continues to turn himself into a clown.
This week, leading US neocons openly threatened that if the CIA’s latest attempts to stage a coup to overthrow Venezuela’s Maduro government failed, Washington might send in the Marines. The CIA also failed to overthrow governments in Moscow, Tehran and Damascus. Its only ‘success’ to date has been in overthrowing Ukraine’s pro-Moscow government and putting a bunch of corrupt clowns in its place at a cost near $10 billion.

Abby Martin says that Juan Guaido cosplayed as president for three months, gallivanting around the world, so it's not surprising that they're getting desperate. But despite the blatant slant in corporate media, resistance to the coup plot is growing among U.S. citizens. (7 min)
Tariq Ali sheds light on the violent, yet quickly defeated coup attempt against the legitimate government of Venezuela. (8 min)
The hardships in Venezuela are created primarily by US economic sanctions and out right theft. Jeffery Sachs estimates more than 40,000 people have died in Venezuela since 2017 as a result of U.S. sanctions. (video or text)
One of Venezuela's coup masterminds Leopoldo Lopez has a history of promoting violence to advance the agenda of Venezuela's elite (2 min)
Jimmy Dore explains Venezuelan Coup Fails & So Does CNN (17 min)
Despite bearing the clear hallmarks of a coup—defined as “the violent overthrow or alteration of an existing government by a small group”—US media have overwhelmingly supported it.... Framing how readers see an issue is an incredibly powerful tool of persuasion.
Caitlin has developed a translation of MSM talking points on Venezuela
Coup against the Truth

Julian Assange's lawyer, Jennifer Robinson, talks about the first extradition hearing Assange had in London, where he refused to voluntarily turn himself over to US authorities. (video or text)
Wikileaks Ambassador Joseph Farrell and former Ecuadorean Embassy Consul Rafael Narvaez on the sentencing of Julian Assange to 50 weeks in prison, the possible extradition of Assange to the United States, his condition and treatment in prison. (13 min)
On the 2nd of May 2019 in Berlin at the Brandenburg Gate,was a demonstration called “We are all Julian Assange!”. A Statement from Edward Snowden on the prosecution of Julian Assange was read out by German theatre director Angela Richter and another statement from Yanis Varoufakis was read out by German actor Malte Sundermann. Artists and actors such as Pamela Anderson, Ai Weiwei, etc. also supported this demonstration. (18 min)
This two part article provides many perspectives from John Pilger to Ed Snowden
The indictment’s implied threat thus reaches beyond Assange and even beyond journalists. Reportedly, British and U.S. intelligence are interrogating Assange, possibly employing torture tactics, without access to legal counsel at a prison reserved for terrorists. U.S. officials apparently charged Assange as “a terrorist”
Cyber-security and privacy expert Ola Bini was arrested in Ecuador the same day that Ecuador revoked Julian Assange's asylum. A court now affirmed his pre-trial detention, while his parents and his lawyers say it has no basis (video or text)
Political Coups can be absurd...

After examining about 2,000 tweets from more than 30 Twitter accounts controlled by major news sources over three weeks earlier this year, Media Matters for America (MMFA) reported Friday that the accounts simply spread Trump's lies 65 percent of the time, without providing context or disputing his remarks.

Protests..the peoples coup(s)
University strikes in Mexico
Jimmy discusses the New Gaza Documentary "Shocks The Conscience" w/Abby Martin (11 min)
In practice as well as legally Israel is a colonial entity that occupies Palestinian land, especially in Gaza and the West Bank. Any armed struggle by Palestinians against the occupation, provoked or not, is thus morally and legally justified. But do not expect that any 'western' mainstream media will ever point that out.
Daoud Kuttab explains the dilemmas facing the new Shtayyeh government, the third Palestinian government that was appointed without elections in Palestine. Can such a government maintain legitimacy to oppose the Israeli occupation?
Dr. Omar Shaban discusses the World Bank report on the shrinking Gaza economy and how Israeli sanctions and restrictions have destroyed a once thriving economy.
Demolition of unauthorized Palestinian-owned structures in east Jerusalem is not unusual. But the Peace Forest demolitions have drawn particular attention because of accelerating construction by a nationalist Jewish organization in the same park. some point in everybody’s life, they have to decide whether or not they believe in the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Paris. If you do—either you believe in it or you don’t; you can’t have it both ways. And so, if you do believe it, then you have to stand up for people’s human rights all over the world, irrespective of their ethnicity or their religion or their nationality. ROGER WATERS
Yellow Vests
The Neo-liberal state is crumbling and Macron is going be the sacrificial lamb. At this stage he will be lucky to last two months. His clumsy handling of the Notre Dame blaze has outraged and enraged more sections of the French population. Indeed throughout the five months of protest, and despite the wall to wall media propaganda, opinion polls consistently show continued and unwavering sympathy and support of the Gilets Jaunes.
Thousands of indigenous people from across Brazil are gathering in the capital of Brasilia this week for the biggest indigenous protest in the country, the Free Land Camp.
“Only rebellion will prevent an ecological apocalypse.” Monbiot says capitalism “is like a gun pointed at the heart of the planet. … It will essentially, necessarily destroy our life support systems. Among those characteristics is the drive for perpetual economic growth on a finite planet.” (video or text)
The momentum for the weekly climate strikes shows no sign of abating as young people in hundreds of communities across the globe are hitting the streets on Friday to make a stand against the environmental crisis.
XR met with some success this week after their week long London protest. The UK Parliament has joined Wales and Scotland in declaring a Climate Emergency. After which they voted to add a new runway to Heathrow?
How about a little COOPeration?
I posted this recently, but if you missed it, this is an interesting model of a cooperative community developed from an old school. Watch to the end to see how the project is designed and financed. (7 min)
...or do you want a chicken coop?
Here's a nice article with many designs and some good tips.
Now you can be the egg man...
The lyrics are misspelled, IMO it should read coup, coup, cachoo!
Another week gone. Hope you all can look back and feel it was worthwhile and productive...or at least enjoyable. Friday would have been Pete Seeger's 100th birthday.
“Songs are funny things. They can slip across borders. Proliferate in prisons. Penetrate hard shells. I always believed that the right song at the right moment could change history.” ~ Pete Seeger
Here he is sharing some stories...amid his song "Well may the world go" one of my favorite to play and sing...
Well may your corner of the world go. Have a great Sunday...

Feel free to use this column as an open thread
I suspect CStMS is still dealing with her car wreck and family death. So the floor is open to any subject you care to discuss.
Here's Chris and Matt discussing journalism today...
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Feel free to add the “Open Thread” tag then? n/t
Front paged pieces can't use the OT tag
...but we don't need no stinkin' label. We'll just be open minded. I think I got the yellow vest link from you...thanks!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
That piece may be over-optimistic about dumping Macron in 2 mos.
but reporting on the Yellow Vests at the ground level rather than filtered through the neoliberal-tinted glass towers of established media seems to be a very good idea.
It sounded too good to be true...
France’s “yellow vest” anti-government demonstrations recorded their lowest turnout yet on Saturday, days after a wider May Day rally was marked by violent clashes in Paris.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good morning lo...
And everyone.
Big news: UN climate emergency report w 490 climate scientists
Landmark UN Report to Show 'Transformational Change' Urgently Needed Save Humanity and Natural World From Nightmarish Future
Here’s the article CDreams is referencing:
How to fix Nature and avoid human misery: UN report
Thanks for all the coup news.
Have a good one, all
Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation
Hot Air Website, Twitter, Facebook
Thanks MA
Perhaps we're making progress, but it seems one step forward two steps back. The UK declaration of climate emergence on the same day they vote to add a new runway to Heathrow. It may all be optics and lip service, but XR, school strikes, and sunrise are all still pushing. There's an essay up on c99 pointing out their problems as organizations, but I think they are helping propel climate into the conversation.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Those 0.01% who used fossil fuels to amass vast fortunes
How can the movement ensure that they, the 0.01%, are the ones who pay to fix the future?
Otherwise, you know how things will turn out, don’t you? There’ll be a “climate bailout” where a well-connected few, enjoying a cushy lifestyle on fat salaries, are hired to administer a program of soul-robbing eco-austerity measures to the many.
Charge them with ecocide and take their money
That's my approach. And the banks could be charged as accessories, broken up, and pay for the energy refit. XR is demanding citizen councils to bypass the pols.
What the regular folks must accept is less stuff, a lighter footstep, and a change in lifestyle. That will also be a hard sell.
And yes if frogs had wings they wouldn't hit their ass every time they jumped.
Is it better to go down fighting or just accept our fate?
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
yes, someone did
put up a post about that. ; ) i'd figured that if JtC had made a thumbs down icon, it mighhta gotten about 60 of 'em. but the larger point of the marxist critiques were that the green deals and XR are by way of capitalist deals, and as with AOC's everything is about: net- zero carbon, net-zero loss of biodiversity, big bidness 'carbon capture and storage', the first two just using market solutions' as a pretense, including the first two just shift the carbon burdens to poorer nations, an above all: doesn't even address stopping the use of fossil fuels.
but Hopeful People who care about climate chaos will see what they wanna see, believe what they wanna believe in those Deals, and mind that they do nothing for climate save more capitalist class that's authored in the first place. ah well, i'm still glad i put it up.
As an Earth scientist
I'm thrilled to see the climate as a major topic. If citizen councils are created as XR demands they may influence the direction. It is my opinion based on the evidence I've looked at that our own extinction is probably baked into the system, but as I asked loti above should we just accept our fate or do we go down fighting.
It is my feeling that there is a movement afoot. Perhaps it is a capitalist ploy to placate the masses, but I listen to the young folk like Greta who say we must change our system from one of competition to one of cooperation.
And Monbiot says capitalism “is like a gun pointed at the heart of the planet. … It will essentially, necessarily destroy our life support systems. Among those characteristics is the drive for perpetual economic growth on a finite planet.”
So you are correct in saying
I also do - plant trees, ride a bike, minimize plastic, grow much of my own food. Not that it will save the world but because I will do the least harm possible to this planet I love.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
i find myself struggling
for words to respond, especially given i don't know if you'd watched the film, read the links i'd provided, and the comment stream.
i've been writing about climate change since at least since the rio sustainability conference in 2012. part II may only be partially extant, but it was about the indigenous who'd caravanned from the global south, but were forced to hold side meetings. they knew exactly what part capitalism had played in creating the (then) emergency, and what was required to reverse it. they were also aware of all the capitalist ploys at play that actually did more harm than good on ecosystems of the poorer nations (REDD, for instance). iirc some of the internal links to the accords/manifestos they brought with them go nowhere now, but i will say that they had it right.
knowing you have too much to read already, i'll bring it just in case. 'This Is What Indigenous Activism for Mother Earth Looks Like: The Shadow People’s Summit at Rio+20', june 21, 2012.
on edit: in my Part I i'd copy-pasted in some of the text of the accords, and their sections on the false solutions mirror what the UK green new deal and XR.
but as for going down without a fight, the only fight i'm seeing is the youngsters getting injured by the metro police, jailed...without having a clue that the state desired asks/outcome isn't hindering fossil fuel use at all, nor is ocasio's deal. i'm sincerely glad that the wrong kind of green collective has worked so diligently to connect all the various capitalist dots for us, hard as they are to want to internalize. that's all.
i'd thought one of the links, although i failed to find it again, said that a large portion of the yellow vest movement in france is/was the austerity wage-cuts on workers so that macron could do something-or-other about climate chaos.
good for you for your efforts, for ours as well, kinda 'live simply so that others might simply live'...and yes, i believe it's all baked in now as well.
I responded to your comment
but I forgot to hit reply so it appears at the bottom of the thread. Basically saying it is ok for us to have different approaches.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Coup info is grim
... but at least they have not had their way with Venezuela. And didn't the Ukraine recently elect a comedian to replace the coup backed dude?
Watched Chris and Matt last night and hope to watch Jimmy on the Palestine documentary later.
On a beautiful note, about 3 inches of rain the past few days made everything in the garden double or triple in size. Weeds too, but this year I am chopping and dropping weeds and just mowing around the beds, so it's not so bad. Brought in beet greens, yellow cabbage collards, spinach, snow peas, and oregano for a salad for the first time. Also picked snow peas and spinach for my daughter's guinea pigs.
I would probably prefer the collards in stir fry. A word about them. They are called Yellow Cabbage Collards and are billed on as being tender and less bitter than other varieties. It's true. They are tender and mild. Since they survive heat, I am excited to try them in all sorts of places. Maybe I will put some in stew today? Sauerkraut?
Happily, my tomatoes are beautiful this year. Last year their leaves curled up and they produced very little. I blamed that on the weather going from 30s at night to 100s during the day a couple weeks later. However, another possible cause is a virus of some sort. While most plants are beautiful, their were 3 tomato plants on one bale this year that had the curly leaves. I pulled them up and fed them to the chickens. Just in case.
Had to write some gardening babble this morning. Have lots of other chores to do today, but certainly looking forward to some garden work.
Anyone have gardening tales to tell today?
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
could be a soil fungus
more info here -
They are both common. Another problem for tomatoes are nematodes. Interplanting with marigolds will help repel them.
It is strawberry harvest now. Still lots of letttuce. Peas are blooming but no produce yet. Blueberries had a strong bloom this year. My time has been occupied by building a new fence and a wellhouse.
Thought of you when I heard this Sema Hernandez interview with Jimmmy. I wish I had her to vote for in my state. (26 min)
Also as a follow up to our diabetes conversation, here's a shorter Jason Fung video in case those others were too long. (7 min)
Happy gardening!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thanks for all the links!
Soil fungus. Interesting. Most of the tomatoes were planted in bales. The previous year they were fine in bales. Hmmmm... I'll have to read up on this!
I always enjoy hearing about your harvests, etc. Are you in zone 7?
Thank you!
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
I think offically we are in zone 7a
Most plant diseases are fungal. So that's just a guess based on what happens most of the time. The modern hybrid varieties (whose seed will not breed true) are more wilt resistant that seed saver varieties like Brandywines, Cherokee purples and so on. So they often get the fungus at some time during the growing season.
always nice to "see" you.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Humm, yummy; making cornbread in my head to go with
those collards, Marilyn. When last gardening, i grew Seven Top Turnip Greens. my favorite. Grow them densely in a patch or raised bed and they will continue producing.
Luckily, one area grocery sells turnip and mustard greens year round--grown near the coast and shipped to the mountains. At $1.00 per pound; they are a bang for the bucks.
Good day and thanks. Lookout,
Hard to think of the word 'coup' without, Standard oil, Exon--The seven Sisters of evil-- Goodyear, GE, the MIC and OAS coming to mind, isn't it?
Love Pete.
Happy Cinco de Mayo, everyone and have a great week.
yes it is...
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thanks for the tip!
I will look for them!
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Had to walk out of my kid's performance this weekend.
My daughter wanted to sing an optional school function and I wanted to hear her and the choir. I get there and find out it will cost us 30 bucks to sit through, which was not announced before hand. I took one look at the price, turned around and walked out. I said only two words, if you can count them as that. "Buh-Bye"...
I don't play with my daughter's Music Teacher. The guy's an absolute asshole and the only reason my daughter is in orchestra is because she loves music and playing in an orchestra. If I could I'd go private, but unfortunately, I have two choices when it comes to music instruction. Take it or leave it. The guy can't stop talking about himself and how much he does for the school music program and yet somehow all the kids have to hear about how they need to FUNDRAISE every single month and every single class.
So, I'm not giving them any more money. Especially when they announce it out of the Blue, give no material for the kids to bring home regarding it, and don't mention that they're charging a poor family's grocery budget for a couple days. Fuck them. The woman at the door had the gall to try to explain that It was policy, when I hadn't complained. I had just turned around and walked out to a hasty explanation delivered to my back.
I don't even give them the time any more. You insult me, I don't give you the opportunity to try to weasel out of it any more. Demanding money from an artist to perform is INSULTING. Especially when the artist isn't getting paid.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Band directors here in the south
All have marching bands for the football games. There was a spring concert season but no string music at all. So band directors tended to be unpleasant in part because they were overworked. Now I once worked with a great choir director in B'ham who inspired and motivated the kids, and built a wonderful community among them. I would often chaperone. I went to DC one year with them and ended up at the Lincoln memorial in the early evening just past dusk. The monument and mall lit with street lamps and spot light. They sat on the steps and sang a couple. One song was Shenandoah. The NPS made 'em stop, but waited till after they sang a couple. It was memorable lovely.
Well sorry for your experience. I'm sure your daughter understood what $30 means, and I don't blame you for leaving. There will be other opportunities. Glad you kept your cool and handled it well. Wishing you and your family the best!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
She does understand.
I mean, that's pretty standard for this guy. I've had to complain multiple times, and he just finds new ways to be an asshole without breaking any rules. To add insult to injury, he has retaliated against students by ignoring their medical conditions on school trips and yet nobody will say anything because he is the darling of the school officials. (My daughter heard about this second hand from her classmates, because we chose not to engage in his fundraising schemes and thus were excluded from the class trip. Very glad, because apparently it was a horror show.) Unfortunately, all I have is student's word against a well documented and respected educator in the community... And we all know as far a school boards are concerned poor kids just lie to get out of trouble... sigh...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Sounds like he's a good money raiser... no wonder...
Part of an education is learning to handle the system. Sounds like your daughter is getting some real lessons. Just let her handle the relationship and you can avoid him as much as possible.
Hey to the kids!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I've seen some strange stuff, but I've never seen
schoolkids required to pay to participate in a performance, except explicitly if transportation or meals are being provided.
Also, was that $30 for two of you, or three? Even $10 seems excessive for the nonperformers, but $15 would be extortion. I think that when I've attended school arts programs that weren't free, (non-performing) student tix are usually more like 3 or 4 bucks, and adults maybe 5 or 6.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
I don't know
Being in the band has always been expensive for kids in the south. Mainly having to pay for travel to parades, contests, and concerts. Usually uniforms and instruments are provided but many buy their own (relatively expensive) instruments. Depends on the school district.
But I agree it is outrageous.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
12 dollars for adults, 6 dollars for students.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I'm glad your daughter understands . . .
So she knows she just needs to enjoy everything she can, in spite of the asshole teacher.
You know that I was a music teacher and am very familiar with what you are describing. Makes me feel sick. Needless to say, I didn't fit in. Particularly once I moved to Texas. A shitload of fundraising and endless competitions here. So many rules and little creativity. As a result, the majority of schools do not have choral programs. Many rural schools do not even have elementary music. Bands only have the privilege to exist so they can play at football games.
UIL is the organization in Texas that controls everything. IMO they are corrupt and perverse. They don't give a shit about the kids.
Does your daughter have the ability to take advantage of the wonderful music lessons on YouTube? My homeschooled son has become quite a fine guitarist after only about a year. I got him started, but I only know how to chord well enough to play a mean "Itsy Bitsy Spider." Everything else he learned on YouTube.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Yes, she also is taking Piano on her own.
Hopefully things will quiet down next year. Or not, but either way, I'll be there for my kids.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Two Cellos
Piano, orchestra, and judo. Wow. Cool kid stuff. Very cool.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Well, it helps that I do Judo too...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Good Sunday morning, Lookout ~~
So much to read and absorb! Many thanks, as always, for the work you do to keep us informed. You are a big reason I contribute to this site.
Beautiful day in the land of enchantment. Expecting rain next weekend - hope it materializes.
Have a beautiful Sunday, everyone!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Enjoy the lovely weather
Our buddy that helps us around our place is headed to NM somewhere around Gallop for his annual trip to visit friends. He plans to return in time to house sit for us when we go to the Florida Folk Fest. at the end of the month.
Once saw the glow of Gallops lights from Chaco Canyon...what a night sky there...absolutely stunning. Have a great week and I'm glad you enjoy the column!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Meanwhile, in 'Murica's Wang...
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
What a nightmare...
Plan on more problems not less as Farrin argues. All the rethugs are playing from the Koch ALEC stink tank. AL will probable end up with that legislation too. Although they have been pulling the teeth of our teachers union in AL we still have a bite. That's probably why we have the most draconian abortion bill in the country before a guns in the classroom bill.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Great headline!
"Coup, Coup, Cachoo"
Could also have been Coup, Coop, Cachoo since you brought in coops in the body of the essay.
I almost did that
but hated to spoil the coo sound with an op or oop. Glad you liked it.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
We can agree that we see things differently
I don't think XR, Greta, nor sunrise will save the world but I'm glad they are trying. I will continue to support their efforts. Just as I do with the people's campaign.
It is okay for us to approach things differently. Stability is based on diversity. I appreciate your critical views in this community. I find your work thought provoking.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
i appreciate that.
and not to beat dead horse, but may i ask if this XR version, and the similar UK greens version, might not benefit from heeding the Green anti-capitalist fronts statement and manifesto, given: the emergency i'd included in the OP? (just a few snippets):
"In the fact of this crisis, the governments of the world seem more interested in propping up capitalist profits than preventing disaster, so we also believe that a disruptive campaign of direct action will be needed to prevent ongoing environmental destruction and prevent those who profit from this destruction from shifting the costs on the working class."
brief bits from their Manifesto:
Our Manifesto
"We are encouraged by the ability of Extinction Rebellion to call people onto the streets and push their demands for zero emissions. However, we believe that meeting these demands will not be possible without abolishing capitalism, a system reliant on the total exploitation of nature; whether that be sacrificing our clean water to frack for hydrocarbons or sacrificing our children to the production line.
5. Diversity of tactics – We must develop a diversity of tactics that is not dependent on the actions of politicians or corporations developing a conscience to achieve its goals. We plan to work alongside Extinction Rebellion while maintaining certain critiques of them."
they're just saying non-violence (while being beat and jailed by the metro police, with no support from the XR organization, might actually do better with diversity of tactics...if it's such an emergency. that's all. peace to you, lookout, when you are able. and yes, we disagree.
They are offering resources for arrestees...
I see the dedication of individuals trying to work toward climate justice. I support them. You have your own view. In the scheme of things it doesn't really matter what we think. I'm fine with you having a different approach and attitude. I like this line in the manefesto which reflects my feelings.
I walk the path I choose, and you do the same. Peace.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
yes, peace to
you as well. i'll bow out now.