President Trump To Declare National Emergency in Tuesday White House Address
In a blow to the Globalists "Open Borders" policy, and the obstruction efforts by Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer to block our Country from ever protecting its Southern Border, President Trump will now give a public address from the White House on Tuesday Night to declare a National Emergency and take Executive action to secure our own Country's Borders.
Withdrawing from the Neocon/Globalists Middle-East Wars, and terminating the chaotic and wage-depressing Open Borders policies, and renegotiating all the corrupt, one-sided Trade policies are three big strikes Trump has taken against the authoritarian New World Order, Global Government grand design .. and represent a reassertion of original American autonomy, liberty, and Economic Independence.
The Deep State is in a panic now as Trump begins to outmaneuver the enemies that have surrounded his administration from the outset in the areas of both Foreign and Domestic affairs.
Buckle-up folks as the moves against the corrupt Establishment status-quo is now raised to a new level.

Like a bank run
Okay, I just stopped in at the local Kroger, and ALL the popcorn is sold out.
Evidently, the word is out on the streets as well as here at c99.
Borders are tricky
For most of human history, they weren’t a thing, and I gather that one of the less obvious ways the European powers screwed up Africa was by creating controlled borders across trade routes that were millennia old.
On the other hand, open borders are used by modern capital to avoid political regulation, so asserting them for the 1% seems like a Good Thing.
But the small handed one is not addressing either problem. Instead he is beating up on the poor and desperate. Again. So sorry if I don’t cheer. (Plus I’m an immigrant myself...)
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
When Labor Can Move as Freely as Capital Humans Have
intrinsic value. If labor can't move like or as fast as capital, humanity suffers.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
The Democrats words: Then and Now
About the troops pulling out of Syria immediately
Looks like Bolton changed Trump's mind about doing that. Trump went from he's pulling them out now because ISIS has been defeated to he didn't actually mean now, but a few weeks, okay the end of April to not until ISIS is defeated and the Kurds are safe.
Bolton: US troops will not leave Syria till Isis beaten and Kurds protected
You can kinda see why no believes much of anything Trump says because he changes his mind so easily. From saying that he will own the government shutdown to now blaming it on Nancy Pelosi.
But then there's that campaign promise of his that Mexico will pay for the wall to asking congress for money for it to now declaring a national emergency and getting the military to build it.
Trump should be called the windsock president because he goes wherever the last person he talks to tells him to.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
Changing Mind or Subversion?
I hear what you're saying.
Trump was surrounded by many insubordinate and subversive status-quo Neocon types (McChrystal, McMaster, Tillerson, Mattis, Kelly, Priebus, etc.). Almost all of them are all gone now. I never liked Bolton either and I never trusted him.
The slower-walk on Syria is just more subversive action by the MIC to prevent Trump from achieving his goals, and not some sort of philosophy change on the part of Trump. Trump will eventually see through the subterfusion and retake control as he has had to do with other matters.
I have no doubt Trump will bring the troops back, and that is the end result that he wants. Trump seems to have a lot of patience with people who do not share his agenda, but in the end ... Trump will prevail on this policy.
Trump should fire Bolton if he is serious about pulling
the troops out of Syria. If he does this then there's a good chance that he really wants to end our foreign ride to hegemony. But Trump is friends with Bibi and it's Bibi who got us into Syria in the first place as well as our own goals over there. Plus he hasn't said anything about bringing them home from Iraq or Africa where they are building the biggest drone base overseas. Sorry but I doubt it's just insubordination that is keeping him from doing this.
From the link
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
Trump usually acts on instinct
OT but Peace Train just left the station?
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
On the other hand...
Bolton is currently out there pursuing his personal agenda. Other Trump officials did the same and are now gone. Perhaps Bolton will finally be consigned to the dumpster of history, too.
I'm not in favor of one person having this much power.
Evidently Trump supporters who claim to be nationalists and all about freedom and whatever else this country "used to" stand for, i.e., white power, don't care about democracy. They prefer a megalomanical narcissistic liar who represents the capitalist class to declare fake emergencies so they can get a fucking wall that won't do a damn thing to solve the real problems for the vast majority of us. This is just a political stunt by a crazy man.
ba I agree, plus it is a fckup in numerous other ways as well
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
A few questions for you.
If the wall won't do anything, why are so many so strongly opposed to it? It can't be the money; 5 billion is chump change compared to the 5 trillion we've wasted in the Middle East. It can't be the environmental impact; there are cures for that.
Is the real fear that the wall will be successful at reducing illegal immigration? And if so, why are so-called progressives on the side of a bunch of capitalists who love the idea of having abundant cheap labor available to depress wages?
Do you believe it's merely coincidence that the stagnation of worker's wages over the past 35 years coincides with the massive increase in illegal immigrant workers over the same time period?
Um, really?
The enemy isn't the brown poor people coming over the border, the enemy is the latest asshole we all just voted for. Shame this country can't pull its head out of its collective ass and see reality instead of scapegoats. Walls keep people in as well, when the shit really hits the fan I personally wonder just how many who think that Wall will really help will scream like hell when they're trapped here? Canada best get their shit together quick like and erect their own wall before a bunch of moronic Americans try going "illegal" up there.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
That's a great question.
Why IS nobody in power ever held accountable? Twenty percent of blacks in the US live in poverty. Twenty-two percent of Native Americans live in poverty. How can we as a nation allow that in the 21st century? How dare we try to fix the world's problems when we cant' even solve our own?
This is where the $5.7 billion should go
Isn't it interesting how the republicans can just issue up this money for the wall, but can't use it to help Americans? And yes I've heard that 'illegal' immigrants cost the country unknown billions, but it spent trillions destabilizing their countries. Let's stop doing that and see if that decreases the number of people who are fleeing theirs.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
I agree with everything you wrote, snoopy
The problem we see here is that the influx of illegal immigrants and the mass migration from certain countries usually have a specific cause and often that cause is tied directly to US foreign policy. Instead of looking at the result and doing a botch up job of plugging holes in the dam, perhaps US politicians should be looking at the root cause of illegal immigration and doing their best to avoid causing it.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
What I was referring to when I said "real problems"
Why are so many strongly opposed? Many believe it's just a band-aid like I said and won't solve the problem; many don't like the idea of having walls all over the planet like scared little ants; many don't want more police state control and loss of freedom, many might be in favor of open borders, I don't know.
Relative to wages, no I don't believe it's a coincidence, although that is certainly not the only reason for stagnating wages and it's probably only a small one. So again, putting up a wall as an effort to help with US wages is not going to work and doesn't solve that problem. In my opinion.
Personally, I don't want walls and all the police state bullshit that goes with it. The whole thing has gotten too Orwellian for me. I remember going into Mexico and Canada and you didn't even need an ID. Now look at us. I think there are much better ways to address the issue of illegal immigration and the wall is just a dog whistle political show to the Trump supporters and conservatives in this country.
Dog Whistles
You wrote: "the issue of illegal immigration and the wall is just a dog whistle political show".
It's fun to blame Trump for everything related to illegal immigration. But consider these statements from famous Democrats:
It may seem shocking, but Democrats are also extremely concerned about the issue. But only when it suits their political agenda, of course.
Ya, but you know I don't play that game,
The big question is ...
Hasn't anyone told Donald not to post in ALL CAPS?
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
Could it be a matter of consistency?
He might be planning to address us tomorrow very loudly.
How do walls work
within a free society?
from a reasonably stable genius.
Not to mention as I said above, giving this much power to
If Trump can do that
then can a democrat who ran on single payer also declare a state of emergency and take funds from wherever and implement it? Or for free college or any other campaign promise?
The number of immigrants coming here illegally has been dropping every year for awhile. And where many of them came from is by airplanes when they were allowed into the country and then they stayed after their time was up. As for drugs coming in through the border I'm betting that the CIA is responsible for more drugs than that. Opium production is at an all time high since we invaded Afghanistan and got them up and running again. Funny how no one talks about that.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
Drugs coming through the border is bullshit.
This whole business about it being a "national emergency" is beyond belief and those believing Trump on this, particularly low paid or unemployed white Americans, are dupes along the order of Obama stooges.
Brilliantly stated, mate!
This is what this panel is saying about where the drugs are coming from.
It amazes me how people can see something totally different from what is really happening. The Obama stooges to this day refuse to believe that he is a war criminal. You don't illegally invade a country on false pretenses, destroy it and not be one.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
A lot of the issues associated with illegal immigration
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Excellent comment, snoopy!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
What free society?
Have you tried strolling into a gated community recently? When's the last time you just dropped into the local country club you're not a member of? Did you kiss Mom goodbye at her plane's gate without a ticket of your own? Can you walk freely into a closed brew pub and help yourself to a cold one? How about that job at Lockheed -- did you just drive in one day and start working? Does your bank let you saunter into the vault and pocket a few bundles of hundreds each time you're running low on spending cash?
I think that comment was an ironic jab at the OP's
user handle.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
What I'd like to see
is all the people affected by the shutdown, all the government workers who are working without getting paid right now to stop working. That would bring things to a grinding halt right quick. Will it happen? Eh probably not, but the longer this crap gets dragged out the more likely it is. I think we're getting close to a tipping point.
This shit is bananas.
This author agrees with you wholeheartedly
He's encouraging government workers to defy their captured unions and walk out and bring the country to its knees. He calls the democrats complicit with Trump's racist agendas and ....
Take a read folks. This really is a great article.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
Me too, and I would add
that the White House, Senate, SCOTUS, and Congress shouldn't be getting paid either. Of course, they can afford it when the workers can't, but still, at least it is consistent. Notice the IRS will still be operating. Afterall, they have refocused all their auditing from the top 1% to the bottom.
Withdrawing from the Neocon/Globalists Middle-East Wars my left foot. He's walking that back as fast as Bolton is shushing him.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
The IRS isn't working.
I called about an incorrect fine on my business and found that much of the IRS is shut down, too.
Downtown Ogden is a ghost town
and the businesses that see the IRS workers are struggling. This shutdown goes well beyond the government workers who are not being paid. I'm sure that this is happening in DC and around every city where there are government workers. The workers will probably get back pay, but the ones who aren't will hurt.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
I'm not (really) afraid of Trump
declaring a state of emergency and becoming a dictator. Remember NSPD51? Bush younger tried that and it didn't happen. What I'm worried about is that Trump won't secretly back down (like W did) and will be removed from office, giving Pence or (worse) a Democratic replacement an excuse to maintain "a real state of emergency". Especially a corporate Democrat would be a figurehead dictator, actually a tool of the corporate police state, and that would be an Orwellian terror state beyond imagination.
On to Biden since 1973
Big Al - Worse, as Trump
Big Al - Worse, as Trump stooges are armed.
Well, so are some of us.
All I'm saying is, if SHTF and they wanna fuck with us I don't intend on going down peacefully.
I hope it doesn't come to that though. Unlike the Trump stooges I'd rather just be left alone, not spoilin' for a fight.
This shit is bananas.
Trump is a fantastic politician, delivering on every promise
I despise that southern wall, the self-created ecological humanitarian disaster barrier. It is disgusting, I dream of the day we all unite and "grab a crow bar and a drill, head out for the southern wall" just like Berlin, and tear it down! That would be great.
Did anyone notice MX is creating a National Healthcare System, like Canada's? They are rolling it out in stages, state by state. Meanwhile, California just got another governor who wants to "expand ObombaCare mandate".
Right wing loves to punch down, and so does the left. Doh! Something makes me admire Trump for appearing to deliver on his every campaign promise. He is the perfect Reality TV President, spewing constant confusing propaganda and accusing opponents of "projection". house of mirrors
rise up
punch up
waaay up
Hey, I got real estate for sale at a place
called Mar-a-Lago, interested?
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
So I'm to believe Trump is a populist?
Trump has, throughout his entire life, demonstrated a very consistent track record of being a narcissistic sociopath. He has screwed over anyone and everyone at every opportunity. While I do appreciate him bailing on TPP and "renegotiating" NAFTA, didn't he just sign/propose/whatever some new NAFTA... one which still sucks turds?
Then there is the wall. I am no fan of globalism OR open borders. Globalism seems nice but until we find some ways to put checks on capital, it just becomes a way for the parasites to suck off of bigger veins. Insofar as "open borders", being able to control who is and is not a citizen seems fundamental to the very concept of being a nation. So I'm not in favor of open borders.
Finally, Trump used words that sounded like he was going to pull out of Syria and Afghanistan. Like all things Trump, I will believe it when I see it. Day by day it's looking less like a thing. And frankly, much as I approve of pulling out of those two countries, military budgets are larger than ever so he is STILL fucking over the American people to enrich the MIC.
Overall, the notion that Trump is trying to work on my behalf seems about as likely as Hillary doing so. The one thing I got from Trump's election is that he's enough of a loose cannon that he has, at least, flummoxed the establishment a bit here and there. That's better than Hillary would've done.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard