It's Over Gandalf. We Need to Unite Behind Saruman To Save Middle Earth From Sauron!
I’ve been on Team Gandalf ever since he first visited the Shire. It was so nice to see a wizard who was truly a wizard of the people. The kind of wizard who wouldn’t even throw you in a dungeon for smoking a little Longbottom Leaf or Old Toby. Here was a wizard who didn’t have a big fancy tower. His staff and cloak were rather plain and grey. And he had quite a dream, didn’t he?
Gandalf had the crazy idea that some little hobbits could stand up to and defy the power of the billionaire class Dark Lord Sauron. But I guess that was a pipe dream after all.
Gandalf failed. He got his ass locked up atop Saruman’s tower when he foolishly defied the head of the Democratic Party council of wizards. And now that he’s locked up it’s not like some eagle is going to magically appear and rescue him. It’s over. And now Saruman is our only hope against Sauron.
We need to stop saying nasty things about Saruman or it will be difficult to rally the people of Middle Earth to his side. Here are some things we should no longer mention, or if we do, we should put a positive spin on them so people will still see Saruman is our only hope.
Saruman’s Environmental Record: While it is true that Saruman has supported clear cutting huge ancient forests, and while an old hippie tree hugger like Treebeard might tell you lots of those trees were his friends, we ARE talking about trees here. And sure, Gandalf has a much better record on the environment but he’s done now. It’s time to focus on how much worse Sauron’s environmental record is. I mean, have you seen Mordor?
Saruman’s Being in League With the Dark Lord: Okay, okay. It’s true. Saruman did go to Sauron’s wedding. But that was a LONG time ago when Sauron still had both eyes. And fake hair. It’s also true that Saruman may have promised to do the dark lord’s bidding and to find the ring of power and give it to Sauron. But c’mon! You know Saruman was just doing that because he plans to ultimately betray Sauron after he’s done betraying us!
Saruman Actively Seeks Out the Ring of Power, and the Ring of Power Has Only One Master and Is Evil. Gandalf says that is evidence you have to refuse to have anything at all to do with the Super PrACious at all. His biggest criticism of Saruman is that Saruman plans to try and use the ring. But that’s just an artful smear on Gandalf’s part, implying that Saruman doesn’t have the integrity to be totally uninfluenced by the speaking fees one ring once he accepts it!
Saruman Has Instigated Pre-Emptive War That Has Killed Thousands: Look, he only did that to prove his loyalty and toughness to Sauron so he could get some of that sweet, sweet ring of power. You know, the power we can totally trust him to use AGAINST Sauron later. Sometimes you have to burn a few villages in Rohan to save the world. Besides, it was all a misunderstanding. Saruman glimpsed in the palantir and thought he saw a spear of mass destruction being constructed at Helm’s Deep. Cause you can totally trust what Sauron chooses to show you in the palantir.
So now you all have your talking points. Let’s get out there and whip up support for Saruman! Saruman is the wisest and most powerful of the wizards and has the most experience! Saruman will not be influenced at all by the Super PrACious ring of power and will instead use its might to betray the one who made it. He totally is going to betray Sauron and not us.
So forget about Gandalf and his ridiculous plan involving little hobbits and actually giving up Wall Street money the ring of power. Only a fool would take on the power of Wall Street Mordor without it.
So it’s time to say #I’mWithSar because Saruman isn’t after the ring for himself, he’s always been fighting for us. Thank you, Saruman, for bearing the heavy burden of all that Wall Street money the ring of power to save us from a fate even worse than you:
Thanks for the rec list a Daily Kos! Sadly, as of around noon I can no longer comment or write new diaries over there. Not sure if it's a glitch or what. I guess we'll see.
Remember, you might not like having to support Saruman but we live in a TWO TOWER system!
And I don’t hate Saruman. Saruman makes me sad and a little angry. You know why? Because I’m with Tree Beard: “A wizard should know better.”

I really think he's just bitter
ever since he got tossed from his "contributor" status at MSNBC, his site has been headed south. I think it really pissed him off (insert "How COULD they??" here) and he's been in Groveling Mode ever since, trying to get back into the good graces of the same PTB that destroyed that once-great little cable network.
I wonder if he thinks that this petty little fifedom purge will demonstrate his bonafides and they'll let him back "inside", if he makes it "safe" for neocons to have discussion there, unfettered by dissent? You gotta figure all those references of his going from Gate Crashing to Gate Polishing has to sting on some level.
There is nothing as mean and nasty as someone who suffers from
Delusions of grandeur, and wants to rub the noses of those he perceives to be insignificANTS in the dirt.
I'll bet his hands are small, too.
Guess we will be seeing
geebeebee soon. Kos should ban himself as he is the biggest dick on his nasty ass blog. This deluded Bernie supporter thinks that Hillary is league/complicit with The Hairball and all the RW lunatics. Fer god sake she kisses Kissinger and thinks killing children in Iraq and shipping them back the hell we created in SA is 'worth it'. She wearing the rulers of the world Goldman Sachs golden handcuffs. Big Dog was Poppy's other son. He has lost it and he is stupid. Issues are not important my ass.
I think Geeebeebee's under an alias
I know I've seen him over at K4S under "TheLeftyGrove" (hmmm, so he's a baseball fan?).
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
He is for a fact
He is for a fact
"Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now..."
geebeebee is a member here...
hasn't said anything yet, but he's registered under that username.
Ummmm.... what's
"When the powerless are shut out of the media, we will make the media irrelevant" ~Anonymous~
Kossacks for Sanders
shah... you're great. you may really be the best
commenter I've ever read.
always love to read you.
“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"
shah... you're great. you may really be the best
commenter I've ever read.
always love to read you.
“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"
Off topic, but the stupidity and powerful go hand in hand.
Today I read that George Clooney and his wife, you know, the human rights lawyer are supporting Hillary and holding fundraisers for her. OMG. How frackin' stupid are they? Don't they have enough money and do they really care about human rights? Hell, no. All power and glamour and money. Disgusting.
I don't know how he's surviving
Check the latest,
It's another sharp satire, yet so far it still exists and gbb has five bars.
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Sauron wanted the power for himself
He didn't want to serve Sauron. Kos understands neither politics nor LOTR
It's like, "dude, do you even read?" It's obvious that Saruman thinks he can control the ring instead. Doesn't he offer Gandalf the ring so that "they" can rule? That's what I always think of when I hear these absurd suggestions that Elizabeth Warren or Bernie himself ought to serve as VP. It's whitewash, that's what it is.
Liz should be Bern's veep
Hill would just work to shut her up. "We don't need no steenking bank regs!"
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Because wizards and superdeleagtes
should rule without input from the people.
I guess shilling for Her Majesty is serious business over there now. I thought the diary was well written and quite funny.
"Saruman was in league with Sauron"
But only in the movies -- not in the books.
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
By the power of Orangeskull!
For a strong Gondor, give the reins of power to the Project for a New Melkorian Century!
There's a type of liberal that always ends up with the same understanding of “democracy” and “healthy diversity of opinion” as the Kissingers, the Pinochets, the Suhartos, the Erdogans, and the Saudi / Gulf / Moroccan monarchs of the world.
I should give this Kos person a piece of my mind!
Oh look! I already did.
Your poll shows overwhelming support for the Hobbits and Gandalf...
1243 votes
Who Will You Stand With?
Sauron, the Evil Dark Lord and Most Evilest Thing Ever 5% 63 votes
Saruman! He's our only hope! 12% 146 votes
#NotMeUs. Sam and Frodo staying true to Gandalf's vision to the end of all things. 83% 1034 votes
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That poll
Must really chap Kos' ass!
I hope so....
edited to add: There have been 7000 Face Book Shares of this! Now THAT is going to leave a mark!
I am going to share it too... and comment that the writer has now been banned from DKOS for speaking ill of Hillary.
UDATE: 7326 Shares on Face Book
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I just tweeted it with a similar note :-)
You can check at the above link!

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Did exactly the same thing!
FarceBook (which I despise using), Twitter AND G+.
And now... I'm gonna re-post with a link to THIS version as a 'Kos alternative.
What's truly sad is I resisted leaving 'Kos for fear of falling into the "echo chamber" trap. Just because I disagreed with a point of view did not mean I didn't need to hear it, or hear the HONEST arguments for the position being posited. But the purge is well and truly on, and I'm sure Kos looks at his ad revenues and thinks he has nothing to worry about.
It will be interesting to see when the chicken falls over when it finally realizes it is sans head.
Just another refugee from the Daily Chaos.
As I said at the GOS,
"And so it begins. #StillGandalf"
All I need are some tasty waves, a cool buzz, and I'm fine. -- Jeff Spicoli
Soooo Sad, So, So Sad
Just imagine what'll happen when Trump lays into her. They'll shit themselves blind trying to undo the damage.
But this is what happens when you play entirely on the other team's end of the field.
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Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
^^^This comment!^^^ (n/t)
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Ye gods! I'm glad it/you
Ye gods! I'm glad it/you showed up over here. That was a brilliant piece of satire! It showed up shared in my FB feed, and it made me go over and read it - it had me snorting out loud in my office. I logged back in (hadn't been logged in since about the 7th) over at the GOS to rec it. I logged back out to stop myself from replying to Kos's comment and telling him to go fuck himself.
You didn't even mention any candidates by name....and got the ban-hammer from the great, almighty Kos himself.
I hope to read much more of your writing over here, especially if it's to the caliber of that last satire piece.
Thanks for making my day!
Love This
I loved it when I read it there and love seeing it here. It is sad that people over there can't understand satire. Being a huge LOR fan made it even funnier for me. I can't believe they were stupid enough to ban you for this.
A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world. Oscar Wilde
They DO understand satire; they do NOT tolerate ridicule
directed at a weak and vulnerable candidate who has to work double-time to be taken seriously--and not because she's a woman. Her case for the presidency is that she has the experience (but don't look too closely at the consequences of that experience, puh-LEEZE); the pragmatism (but don't look too closely at what it is she hopes or plans to achieve or what she'll give away to do it, like her mantle Obama); and the strength--see how she took on that baddie Qaddafi? (but don't look too closely at the arrogance of waving away things like national security for a home server that skirts FOIA). You cannot undermine the gravitas of the World Leader in Waiting. That's unforgivable.
Oh, and it wasn't "constructive" criticism. You are allowed only to praise what you like about your candidate; you must leave his opponent alone. As if that would work with any R nominee.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
well, this did it...
I have been hanging on and hanging around over there hoping to help in some way. I can't anymore...this was the last straw. I have logged out. I have a life time membership that was gifted to me, not sure how to even get out of that... but I won't be taking advantage of membership unless something very, very, VERY drastic happens... like kos himself leaves.
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What the heck is a lifetime membership?
I have to admit I'm thoroughly out of the loop over there...
Lifetime membership? Gifted?
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Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
Some years ago...
kos sold memberships...I forget what it cost....but it was not cheap. You got to see the site without advertising. As an incentive he offered life time memberships... and had a campaign where people could donate to a fund and nominate people to benefit from it. I was one of the "lucky" the time I did feel honored that I was even nominated.
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It cost $100 for a lifetime membership
I was gifted one also which is why I have been very careful not to get myself banned. Eventually, it probably will not matter. But right now, I still feel as though I owe the person who did this for me. I believe that mine was the result of a single donation and I think I know who it was which is why it has been so important for me to honor that.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I got gifted a lifetime membership
I forgot by whom. Maybe MB.
I think I was in middle of Peace Corps training at the time, so I had much bigger things to deal with and didn't particularly care.
And now that DKos is undergoing a Cultural Revolution purge, I once again don't really care.
They Were 100 Bucks
And I, not exactly rolling in money, bought one, swept up by then-DK feel-good fervor which has now gone stone cold. What a mistake that turned out to be.
I almost subscribed last year
and then just got busy with some family issues and didn't. Glad I didn't. While I can swing the $100 I am glad TOP got no money from me. Just like DNC gets no more money from me. Not helping another ConservaDem Corporate shill into office with my little money, like they need it, please.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
I was lucky too,
and was gifted by a benefactor.
I'm So Sorry...
I haven't seen ads on Kos for years... for some reason I was getting served right wing crap in the ads, which baffled me no end. I finally had to turn on Ad Blocking for the site, and no one seemed to notice.
But at least I stopped getting the pro-Rmoney crap I was getting at the time. I just simply forgot to whitelist the site again. If the site had been more usable (really, no ability to edit comments? Do you know how many times, regardless of how often I checked, I spotted a critical typo AFTER pressing submit, and thus was forced to reply to my own comment to correct it??) I might have considered it a donation to the cause. Now, I just see lot's of "lifetime" members making symbolic demands for their money back.
Edited to add: See? What that so hard? I can FIX my comments now. Or delete them if I realize I made a really boneheaded mistake whilst off my meds and misunderstood what a posting really said. (Paging Emily Latella and "Never mind.".
Just another refugee from the Daily Chaos.
I bought one for me and gifted at least one, maybe 2
Along with a Net roots scholarship in both 2008 and 2009...maybe 2010 too. (My memory sucks anymore. Damn purple microdot.)
That was back when I was fully employed and making the big $$.
No regrets, I got my money's worth and I am sure the receiver did only bad thought is a Hillbot got it...
Just sad to see that place become the newest political swamp.
FEEL THE BERN: "But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." - Thomas Paine
"Here I Stand, I can do no other." - Attributed to Martin Luther, 1521
I just checked over at the GOS
and currently they only offer annual subscriptions at $40 per year.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Hundred-dollar lifetime
Hundred-dollar lifetime memberships don't pay off like annual feel-good cheap dues do, apparently...
about the lifetime membership
It was $100 one time, to see no ads on the site. I paid it years ago, and it was well worth it (to not see ads, that is).
At some point he quit offering *that* deal, and it became $40/year "subscription" (I think) for the same deal: no ads.
"Action is the antidote to despair." Joan Baez
Far as I'm concerned, I got my money's worth.
Seeing as I too was gifted one a long time ago.
Going to honor the gift by making sure my good work is brought to someplace that might appreciate it. (Yes, I've been convinced my diary today was in error. GOD I love this place.)
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I really want to support LP's BNR, and OccupyStephanie has
a new diary x-posted at reddit--felt I had to go over and rec it, though now, with such attrition, her good effort may not move up the list. But I sure am getting close to gone. It's nearly unbearable. The smugness alone is nauseating. We have our own Bernie echo chamber, but dissent is expected and tolerated and even considered. Deity bless this flag-free zone of open-minded people.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Bernie's NOT Freaking Perfect...
That whole "The perfect is the enemy of progress" meme was beginning to tick me off. As if our choice was above reproach. NO ONE IS. Bernie fumbled a bit initially by the Black Lives Matter protest, but shook it off, LISTENED, and the next thing you knew he had HIRED one of the protestors.
Compare and contrast with that with HRC's completely tone death response (not to mention the horrible optics) toward the protestor asking her about the "super predator" comment... at an event she PAID TO ATTEND.
I think I've even noted here the same fear of not being receptive to dissension and falling into a different, but no less damaging, echo chamber, Bernie based or otherwise. But being accused of not being reality based, while twisting stats to make Hillary "Bernie lite" by noting her 1 million small donations, over 90% of her total donations... and failing to note that was only 18% of the money she raised, compared to Bernie's five million plus and 80% of all donations (under 100 dollars) made -- and being called a right wind troll for bringing it up? Surreal, to say the least. Especially when the source I used for the numbers was the freaking BBC (clearly another right wind site, amirite? /snark).
Just another refugee from the Daily Chaos.
I saw that headline, such a blatant attempt to push back at the
"bought by Wall St" impression and her ongoing big-bucks fundraising. I see no point in trying to push back against that patent nonsense there. Boss Markos changed the rules before halftime and expected everyone to keep playing along, as if his were the only game and field around.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
And the moral is the enemy of the immoral.
Which is the real problem HRC fans need to address.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Best typo of the day!!!!
That did it for me too
So this is my blog home now. Sorry guys. You're stuck with me.
Maggot Brains are welcome too
Especially our own beloved grampa grumpus maggot brain xoxo
I am losing FB friends ... my one "friend" said I am responsible for back alley abortions if I don't support Clinton ...
Sincerely mean that no hyperbole intended.
Oh, man, that's the truth
It's the first time in my life I've had to avoid talking politics with my DEMOCRATIC friends. Jesus. They are simply unhinged; they just want to attack everyone who refuses to get in line behind her. Frankly, they remind me of Trump supporters. She could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue and her bots would stick with her too.
Twain Disciple
EXACTLY -- this
fake progressive versus arch villain is such a ruse ...
the both of them are equally odious, in entirely different ways of course, but of equal odiousness of and lowness of character.
At least tRump is not the target of an FBI investigation.
Sheesh ...
Well...maybe not the FBI....but...
Trump Could Be Called as Witness in Trial Over Real-Estate School
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That's just disgusting.
That's just disgusting. Honestly, the idea of the GOP being in power scares me to the extent they're bound and determined to make abortion illegal again. My late mother always used to impress upon me from early on how important it was for us to remain vigilant, this time would come where a bunch of monsters would fight to undermine our right to self-determination of breeding or not--and she was right. The sad part is, near as I can tell, it's the one area Clinton would in fact actually be "good" on, insofar as she would at least ensure no federal legislation which undermined "choice" was ever signed into law. But for fuck's sake, even if she didn't, you would not be "responsible for back alley abortions". OMG...
She can't even be trusted on *that*,
given her consistent blather about how she would be okay with "some" "constitutional" restrictions as long as "the health of the mother" was respected.
Bernie is foursquare in favor of Canada-style: no restrictions, leave it up to the woman (and her doctor, and anyone else she chooses to consult, but ultimately it's HER decision and no one else's business). The Canadians, incidentally, have no problem with this.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
and sickening. The woman has an actual vagina, but I guess nobody will ever invade hers, so it's no big deal to compromise with all those sicko men with mommy issues on the GOP side over the vaginas of the rest of us. Sweet baby Jesus, that's just gross, but somehow, I'm not surprised.
I'm not very good with anagrams but..
... I rearranged the letters
and came up with
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Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
Weird. I Got "Yaks Idol"
Which is oddly appropriate.
Thinks his shit doesn't stink, Check
Used as a beast of Burden, Check
Only Grunts occasionally, Check
And Ironically enough, is mainly preyed upon by the Grey Wolf.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
How about "Yak solid"
Of "D Yak soil".
"Idly soak", I think
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
I laughed so hard the cat nearly left my lap
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
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First Nations News
There's an instant ban, should anyone need it;
"I didn't know ASSWIPE was an anagram for DAILYKOS"
Just another refugee from the Daily Chaos.
Yeah, I'm going to like you.... n/t
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coffee spray /nt
Damn it, Bill! I had beverage.
Hot coffee is painful when it hits the nasal passages. But damn, that was funny.
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
That made
me LOL out loud
Enjoyable Satire
and, in the big scheme of things, completely harmless.
I am at a loss as to why Markos is blowing up his own website. Banning good writers and actively encouraging idiots is part of a very odd online business plan.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
He has made his millions
by selling off his online empire of sports and Vox. Now he can get to work destroying the far lefty purist's that are annoying the Democratic machine and threatening the interests of their owners. He could give a fuck about democracy or any issue. As a added bonus he gets to play queen maker and let his authoritarian flag fly free.
Exactly.. now a question...where do you think
he keeps his "authoritarian flag" anyway?
Heh heh heh....
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
I have no time for him at all
He built his reputation on the backs of the disaffected Left who he then betrayed when they had served our purpose. I have long thought that his website is a net negative regarding the progressive movement - its function is to dilute, diffuse progressive thought and to stop a consensus and action plan forming.
The Hillary Clinton campaign is a very good fit for him.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
Since I found out his libertarian roots
recently everything becomes clear.
He and the Clintons are birds of a feather...feathering their own nest.
FEEL THE BERN: "But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." - Thomas Paine
"Here I Stand, I can do no other." - Attributed to Martin Luther, 1521
Damnit Shaz
You just hit that nail directly on the head again. You are good!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Hired by Hillary?
Suggesting such would be against the rules in the GOS without evidence, but it seems logical to me:
October, 2015 - Kos enthusiastically changes his Web site in hopes of bringing in lots of new young people; even though the satanic DK5 is not ready for prime time, we all must put up with it. Shortly thereafter, and about once a month, Kos shows us charts and graphs showing giant leaps in readership and writership in his desired new young demographics.
March, 2016 - Kos kicks half the site out, including many new young people, and goes all in for Hillary, knowing the youth vote is with Bernie.
Conclusion: Something is more profitable to him than all the new young readers and writers he was so enthusiastic about just a few months ago.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Nice Catch!
I remember those charts. I had not made the connection between the large contingent of new, younger participants and the overwhelming pro-Bernie leanings of the non-front pagers; Of course, it seems screamingly obvious now (D'oh!) that would be the case.
I'm having a really hard time finding fault with this conclusion. Bandwidth and servers cost serious bugs when you get to the levels of traffic 'Kos is seeing those days (dropping or no), so the money MUST come from somewhere.
Just another refugee from the Daily Chaos.
So now the book burning starts?
How sad. And we all thought that was GOP property. I still miss edscan.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Excellent essay!!!
And judging from kos' comments, I think it was kos himself who banned you. Good! You clearly got his goat.
F'em is right!
(as someone above also said)
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
Too close to home?
Maybe he sees a little too much of himself in Saruman!
I think you're right. "Too close to home!"
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
Brilliant! thanks for sharing this!
This put a yooj smile on my face.
You do realize --
that in the movies Saruman is portrayed as being on Sauron's side whereas in the books Saruman views himself as an alternative to Sauron (though is nonetheless evil).
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
Also in the books there was precedent...
For Saruman's actions. Seeing as Sauron had once been the servant of a greater evil, Saruman thought he could pull the same shtick, only remain pure.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Good Stuff!!
And you got banned!?! Unbelievable!
from a reasonably stable genius.
Spending less time over there
Spending less time over there every day and happier for it. It's downright abusive and towards what end? The mission was never correct imo. Our goal shouldn't be simply to elect better Democrats - it should be to create a world with better justice, greater equality, more universal empathy, optimal fairness, and an absolute guarantee to all global citizens of basic human dignity and rights. Or something like that anyhow. To the extent that Democrats in the USA help us get there, fine. But where they don't the struggle continues and through other channels and other means.
A big thumbs up for this!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Hear! Hear!!! n/t
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