At least Qanon is good for identifying the Russiagate cast and crew
I read all the comments in the thread about who saw Seth Rich in the emergency room, just to make sure this OP wasn't going to be a dupe. In the ER thread, people were worried that the facts just revealed were going to get disappeared again.
I'm here to say that, as long as Qanon is on the job, short of the NSA shutting down the internet, that is unlikely to happen.
If you don't mind diving into the Qanon sub-Reddit, Great Awakening, you will find:
Connnecting some dots
The post I just linked to, and the comments on it, are a who's who of
1) Uranium One
prior to the sales approval, no other than Bill Clinton goes to Moscow, gets paid 500K for a one hour speech; then meets with Vladimir Putin at his home for a few hours.
Ok, no big deal right? Well, not so fast, the FBI had a mole inside the money laundering and bribery scheme. Robert Mueller was the FBI Director during this time frame? Yep, He even delivered a Uranium Sample to Moscow in 2009. Who was handling that case within the Justice Department out of the US Attorney’s Office in Maryland? None other than, Rod Rosenstein. And what happened to the informant? The Department of Justice placed a GAG order on him and threatened to lock him up if he spoke out about it.
and 2) Hillary's emails (including, as of today, the emergency room story):
they did everything humanly possible to cover for Hillary. Now this is amazing, guess who became FBI Director in 2013? None other than James Comey; who secured 17 no bid contracts for his employer (Lockheed Martin) with the State Department and was rewarded with a six million dollar thank you present when he departed his employer? Amazing how all those no-bids just went right through at State, huh?
Now he is the FBI Director in charge of the “Clinton Email Investigation” after of course his FBI Investigates the Lois Lerner “Matter” at the Internal Revenue Service and he exonerates her. Nope.... couldn’t find any crimes there.
In April 2016, James Comey drafts an exoneration letter of Hillary Rodham Clinton, meanwhile the DOJ is handing out immunity deals like candy. They didn’t even convene a Grand Jury!
Of course, the standard rebuttal to all these facts is...Conspiracy Theory. Well, whether or not a CT is believable comes down to the strengths of the links between conspirators. I mean, Homeland Security/NSA will search out to two degrees of separation of people looking for connections. They stop at two links because a) going to three produces massive volumes of data that must be checked out; and b) because you are getting to "six degrees of separation" land, where anyone can be connected to anyone.
The thing about the connections in the Qanon facts are that they are all ONE degreee of separation. It is the same bad actors, connected to the same axle - the Clinton Crime Family.
Qanon goes off into two degrees of separation by looking at the wives of the conspirators. But, even there, I have to admit that the connections are pretty strong. The one that is especially worrisome is Lisa Barsoomian, who just happens to be Rod Rosenstein's wife:
Lisa H. Barsoomian, an Attorney that graduated from Georgetown Law, is a protégé of James Comey and Robert Mueller. Barsoomian, with her boss R. Craig Lawrence, represented Bill Clinton in 1998...
You may be saying to yourself, OK, who cares? Who cares about the work history of this Barsoomian woman? Apparently, someone does, because someone out there cares so much that they’ve “purged” all Barsoomian court documents for her Clinton representation in Hamburg vs. Clinton in 1998 and its appeal in 1999 from the DC District and Appeals Court dockets (?). Someone out there cares so much that even the internet has been “purged” of all information pertaining to Barsoomian.
Historically, this indicates that the individual is a protected CIA operative. Additionally, Lisa Barsoomian has specialized in opposing Freedom of Information Act requests on behalf of the intelligence community. Although Barsoomian has been involved in hundreds of cases representing the DC Office of the US Attorney, her email address is Lisa Barsoomian at
At this point, I am hard pressed to say what exactly I believe and don't believe about the pack of lies called Russiagate (and all its derivative demonizations, censorings, and shamings). Clearly, the cabal named in the sub-Reddit is central casting for the intelligence agency mafia trying to run a coup d'etat. (We already knew that; but its nice to have all the actors and all the plots tied together in a few paragraphs.) Not as clearly, their tentacles via wives extend the cast even more.
But, as to all the speculation about whether or not Trump has a clue and whether or not Trump's "team" has any chance at all, it is just hot air. Another angle not discussed is how the neocon/CIA/corporate censorship crew sees the state of play. Do the neocons still believe they could run a Hillary or a Biden in 2020? Or, OTOH, do they believe they will get everything they need from a cowardly Trump - including corporate censorship, and sanctions out the wazoo on anyone who crosses the neocons? Is there really a military-led opposition (can't call it a resistance, that name already hijacked) to the neocons/CIA axis?
One last reverberation here. Is this story going to be the one that breaks the camel's back about all the Russiagate lies? Are Donna and the Mayor of DC going to have to explain why they went to the ER? Why Seth Rich died of what were reported to be non-life threatening injuries? IMHO, there are now two (or three) medias in America: the completely corrupt corporate propaganda shops, the web-based Qanon/twitter-verse, (and sad little left wing ouposts like ours trying to make sense out of the madness).
As John McLaughlin used to say: "Discuss".

The Meat of QAnon is Not Happening on Reddit.
Reddit is for the casuals. The adepts and autists are on 8chan and QAnon pub. And I have to say it's absurd, terrifying shit - I have no idea what to believe.
The SeaTac plane theft and Q connections are, IMO, compelling.
I'm terrified of both sides at this time. We're looking at traitorous fascists vs pedophile cannibals. Not a lot of space between the two tribes. Psyops is an understatement on both sides.
We certainly do live in interesting times. This will break loose in the near future.
Thanks for setting the stage for this conversation, Pluto.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
I'm definitely a casual. Can u fill me in on the SeaTac CT?
I must admit that I just blew off the SeaTac story as typical clickbait BS to fill the newshole with anything but critical thinking.
Pedophile I've heard before. Cannibals? Literally? Or just figuratively?
Quick google gives nothing like "compelling" results
About all that is interesting is that the pilot/victim had no training in the piloting skills displayed, leading to remote control theories. But then, the theorizing goes silly.
There is all kinds of riffing on the suspects name, same as late Georgia Senator with nuclear sub named after him. Other CTs: something to do with flight path of Air Force 1. Something to do with !pedophiles! on the island where the plane crashed.
I don't see anything compelling. Its all woo to me.
Here's what I've heard about the latter
I've seen/heard a YouTube vid, and heard it from by far the most intelligent person I've ever met in person, that pizzagate is real. Lolita express is small beans. The rich and powerful supposedly believe that drinking the blood of, and possibly eating the flesh of children, especially those who've been terrified so as to cause them to release adrenaline, gives them special power. Like a nutrient rich smoothie.
I'm sure our creepy dkos lurkers will love taking this back to their little cave of bullies and liars. For them: shortly before the mass exodus of the sane, I actually said something like, 'No one is saying [Her Heinous] is eating babies.' Snort!
You asked, arendt. So, there ya go.
I'll never order a strawberry smoothie again. Where is the brain bleach?
Man, I Don't Know If I Want to Actually Write It Out. The Whole
thing is friggin bonkers and EXTREMELY disturbing - not the SeaTac stuff, that's super interesting, but the shit that was flying around the same time. Compelling might be too strong a word. It's all bonkers.
I listened to the dialogue between air traffic control and the Q400 plane and then got sucked into a few YT vids and then dove into So bad a shower won't help.
And yes, they are claiming actual cannibalism.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Thanks for going there...
I suppose I'm better off not knowing.
My question is to what real-world activity is all this kicking and punching under the blankets related? Is it related to military activities or getting rid of witnesses? Those would be worth this level of drama.
But, if its related to the perennial worries over a cult of elitist pedophilia (and Jeffrey Epstein is prima facie evidence of that), how could that possibly be connected to hijacking an airplane? It all seems to be mystification for the sake of mystification - reality TV taken to a higher level.
And how is any of it relevant to the ongoing campaign to impeach Trump? Was this event supposed to help or hurt that effort?
I don't think those things are related
There's just so much shit going on and it's hard to keep track of it. I have no idea what the Sea Tac event was about if it was just another cooked up story. Listen to the tape of his conversation with the tower and hear how calm he was when he said that he had been a screw up his whole life and it's time to end his time on earth. He almost sounded bored.
Yes. If Wikileaks comes out and admits that they got the DNC computer information from Seth Rich then that would blow a hole in Russia Gate. This is why Comey and Schiff killed the immunity deal with Assange to tell congress where he got the information. If you followed any of the links in my essay about Seth you would see people asking why the FBI was investigating a robbery and where is Seth's computers and phone?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Man, I Thought I Slipped Out of This Conversation.
I believe it has great bearing on real world activity. arendt mentioned woo above; what an understatement!
It deals with Epstein's peers who, it is suggested, are supra-sovereign, island dwelling billionaires not only into pedophilia, but also narco trafficking, who have missile tech (or a recently decomissioned nuclear sub).
Here's the CT:
The plane was a move to draw a billion eyes, expose the billionaire's, and create a rationale for fast moving high level federal investigation quick and dirty into the area.
This is attached to Amazon and Fed Ex (proximal to the crash site, just a couple miles away on a direct north south axis) as a CIA narco trafficking front and local billionaire island owners who have a soft spot for troubled kids and are connected to hollywood. It is also attached to an alleged "accidental missile launch" false flag attempt in the area from several months back that was, apparently well known to the Q crew.
The plane was a white hat, covert op via remote control. The audio was coded to QAnons for public digging on the topic.
The reason I said it was compelling, again, too strong a word (as I said, it's insane), is that the "pilot's" audio certainly did seem to be very strange, and that code spoke directly to anons who used it to pul up several uninhabited billionaires' islands in the bay, two of which have been set up as retreats for "troubled children".
The "autists" certainly delivered some goods via the coded message with Qs direction. There were also several harbingers from months back in some of Qs more cryptic messages. And some strange gematria meaningful to the Q crew from some of the weird phrases used by Mr. Russell.
It was an impressive piece of crowdsourced sleuthing or CT lunacy, take your pick. In less than 36 hours they had 3 "solid leads" to billionaire islands with troubled child connections that developed plainly, and logically, from the combo of Qs words and the coded messaging from Q400. I walked in to their world at that exact moment.
I noticed the strangeness of the public dialogue from the plane, as most who heard it will admit, and the pilot's skill was quite impressive for a gamer with a few screws loose. By the time I landed in QAnon's world for a looksie at the freakshow, they had quite impressively used those weird words and phrases to form a theory that Q confirmed. It was tied, quite graphically, to the Podesta Art with some photographic "evidence" that said art was documentary and not just creative creepiness. I really wish I didn't fall into that rabbit hole...
I cannot say that the Q400 was not a black operation for the anons. I guess it totally could be a coincidence, but wow, what an outrageous coincidence. Whether or not it was a black or white hat operation, or any operation at all, it is clearly psyops.
Q stuff, IMO, IS affecting real world activity, and I believe it will come to a very public head. I'm tracking it loosely because Anons claim that there is a war happening right out in the open between the two factions if you only know what to look for, and I can't say that they are completely full of shit. Oh, and Google is actually pushing it on me my in my YT feed. Not sure how to feel about that...
The scale and tone of the situation leads me to believe that it will move to meatspace in the future. I am more than a bit concerned about a public showdown between the two factions as I've mentioned several times in recent essays.
Truthful or not, the Q crew completely believes it. The media and Political Establishment do seem to be responding to Q directly and in real time. The coincidences have a paper trail and are chock full of a who's who of nefarious actors that we here know and loathe.
The Q phenomena is undoubtedly a psyop with government support, and is IMO, the baseline for the unimaginable faith Drumpf supporters' have in him over their friends and family highlighted in another diary. It is dealing in extremely high charged emotion, and should not be ignored as a simple CT of basement dwelling cheeto eaters. It's bigger and darker than that.
I do know how friggin' strange it all sounds, and what it does to my credibility to even type such nonsense, but I can't really help it. Too much coincidence and downright strange behavior from the Establishment in the last few years for me to completely dismiss it out of hand and I'm pretty sure it will hit real life in some fashion and it won't be good.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Thanks very much. Finally, something to consider
Geez, the CT is that the whole thing was "parallel construction"? I can certainly buy that the plane was flown by remote control. The problem with the parallel construction is the somnambulent Jeff Sessions. What's the point of calling law enforcement attention when Trump's part of the DoJ is asleep at the switch, while the rest of it is out to crucify Trump? I know you are going to tell me that Jeff the dope is really Jeff the rope-a-dope, and mention the thousands of sealed indictments.
The whole idea that Amazon/FedEx traffic drugs big time is a new idea for me. That alone is worth considering. There are tons of novels about entire standard containers being filled with stolen cars, or nuclear weapons, or drugs. But that was "wholesale". What you are suggesting sounds like "retail" abuse of the supply chain. That takes balls. Amazon/FedEx computer track everything, in triplicate, in real time. The programs running the supply chain would have to be corrupt from the ground up. Not saying it isn't possible; but if it is, good dog, we are so screwed!
The private, billionaire islands are a well-known "feature" of the Seattle area. Again, never stopped to consider what might go on there - even though I was just rereading "The Arms of Krupp", where one of them used to hire the entire island of Capri and take photographs of himself consorting with underaged boys, and that was over a century ago.
Never heard of the false flag missile launch. Who was supposed to be the fall guy for the false flag? Where was the missile supposedly aimed? And big missile subs don't launch from littoral waters like Puget Sound anyway. Oh well, I can do some googling. Thanks for the lead.
Thanks again for your detailed report. I dare not begin looking at Qanon. Its the kind of addictive CT that is poison for me. I appreciate your sanitized reports. Reading your posts is like using waldos to handle plutonium.
The idea that the only opposition to a global cabal of pedophile billionaires is some whacky conspiracy website and crowdsourcing operation makes me so depressed. If its true and Qanon wins, then the far right will become the saviors of American democracy. If its false, then the "lying neoliberal warmongers" have all but won. Either way, American democracy is over.
Googled the missile. Now I remember it.
Thanks for the memory jogger.
As usual, the corporate propaganda outlets are going with the "helicopter" theory, when a three year old can see from the weather camera picture that its a fucking missile. The only solid discussion comes from the Qanon crowd.
Hmm. I never put together the missile story with NK. I don't buy all the fantasy about them trying to blow AF1 out of the sky or nuking Singapore. But, the idea that the missile would hit the middle of nowhere and be blames on NK makes a lot of sense (provided that the trajectory stays outside Russian/Chinese radar coverage).
If I buy this, the whole plot was Operation Northwoods gone live. The big question for me is how the hell whoever "stopped" this managed to have fighters with exotic air-to-air missiles in exactly the right place at exactly the right time (4 AM!).
For me, the missile launch photo looks very real. But, where is any evidence or witnesses to the purported "shoot down"? They would have to get it early in the boost phase, and that would be visible, unless it were out over the ocean (which brings us back to the Russian radar coverage issue).
Bottom line for me: the missile launch looks real. Beyond that, I have no idea - which is happening more and more frequently as America mutates into the X-files minus the aliens.
I'm Sorry to Have Dragged You Into It. It is NOT Healthy, and
it is rather terrifying.
And the anons make just as much sense as the corporate media; probably more.
Northwoods gone live is a good metaphor, if not the truth. Problem is who is running this show.
Claim is that Sessions is playing dumb, shouldn't be hard for that dude, right?
Also, Drumpf and Q seem to be riffing off eachother. Q posts with a typo, missing an "i" in Russia, then Drumpf misses an "i" in a tweet. The missing "i" in "going" = "gong". Then the next day, the National Guard goes to Guantanamo = Go NG.
This is happening daily, which is why you have people who implicitly trust Drumpf. They are in on the joke, and they are digging into all the dirty that is out there; and finding shit.
I do not think the rash of human tracking syndicates going down is a coincidence, and the Q crew certainly do not.
It is completely insane, and I'm sorry (and somewhat thankful) that I helped you go there. I will welcome your input as a thoughtful rational actor with a solid bullshit detector and great research skills.
Although, I don't think we're going to find anything of value on Google or Big corporate search engines on the topic itself. Q claims that they have the dirt on all the baddies who thought they were communicating outside the NSA by using draft Gmails from a dummy account in mass - essentially leaving messages for other members of "the Cabal" and communicating directly in draft emails protected by Google. Trafficking, wet work, psyops - all on the sly via draft gmails. Eric Schmidt - ES, in Qanon terms - is a major player according to the network.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
No worries. You didn't "drag me".
As I said, you are my firewall, my waldos for handling that toxic soup.
I really appreciate your synopses, and your comprehension that wading in that soup is bad for your mental health. I don't know how to support you, other than to hear you out and not dismiss the whole Qanon thing as rightwing lunacy.
Hmm. Yet another story that I saw and ignored. But, Eric Schmidt...that guy is a better-groomed version of Jeff Bezos. HowTF did he wind up running Google? Well, duh, since the seed money came from the Deep State, and since Brin and Page were politically naive nerds, it only makes sense to have a deep cover operative run the show. Over the years, Schmidt has popped up in all kinds of politically charged situations. I started to put him in my "something smells wrong" category a couple of years ago when he got very chummy with Hillary. A very slick and dangerous man.
Again, it would be nice to know if it was the NSA that found the "draft channel". That would mean the NSA is on Trump's side.
I'm Not at All Well Versed in Q Stuff. Just Dropped In 4 or 5
times since the SeaTac incident and have a sharp memory for the memorable. And you can't unsee some of that shit.
I think they were coincidentally important and noteworthy moments in time. Maybe google was pushing me there; got there through YT several times which is incredibly creepy. Some freakshow mentions something in a clickbaity type video, I track it down, and blammo - I'm in trouble.
They are terrifying though, IMO. So ignorant of so much. Everything is a Leftist conspiracy; marxists run America!!!
Completely unhinged socially and ready to stomp for the new boss - 2 Legs Better style. Not sure if their leaders taking the reigns from the current sociopaths is any improvement all ugly included.
I do think it is going to hit society at large in a massive way. Imagine Drumpf ushering in Martial Law amongst immoral claims against ALL corporate sacred cows... so scary.
Word is that NSA and Military Intelligence is working with Drumpf, from my understanding, BTW.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Hung or shot. That's the choice for us peasants.
The RW blames it all on Marxists/Communists (i.e., Russian ideology). The fake-LW blames it all on Putin (i.e., Russian capitalists). The one thing both authoritarian structures agree upon is the external enemy, Russia.
The RW is completely ignorant of history; the fake-LW has their own neocon/Trotskyite version of history. Neither one has a grip on reality.
And yet, these are the choices on offer. Anyone who says otherwise (Greens, Democratic Socialists insofar as they are genuine) is a traitor, and will be villified and mocked in the corporate media and censored by the FAANG.
I simply do not see a way out of this that ends well for most Americans. The analogy that keeps coming up for me is Poland in 1939 - trapped between fascism (Trump) and communism (the fake-LW), heavily outnumbered, with obsolete weapons and tactics (no clue how to deal with FAANG censorship). We all know what happened to Poland.
Q, and the Cabal, Are Not Just Political Sides, They Are
esoteric and occult sides.
Putin and Russia is against the Cabal, and therefore good.
The only people who hate Putin and Russia are the corporate Center. The RW fascists are into Putin because he's against the Marxist, Jewish Cabal.
There is heavy allusion to blood libel (non-denominational - and more than anti-semitic) and "the JQ", on the occult front, not the spiritual or political front. It is a rather terrifying mix. If it were just political, I would agree with your assessment of Poland, but I think it goes deeper than that.
The whole thing creeps me the fuck out and scares the shit out of me. I don't think we should be surprised by anything.
I apologize for the dark and strange nature of my commentary here, but I would really like you guys to know what I think on this, as I think it's going to hit us like a ton of bricks. I'm trying to do my best to notify my peers and friends about it as I believe it will "come out of nowhere" in a "nobody could have predicted" manner.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
There is some serious shit going down.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
If it upsets you to talk further, please say so. If not,...
When I hear esoteric and occult, I think of mere humans who are beyond reason, and who unfortunately are given great energy by their religious fervor. The Nazis had an occult side, which was way sicker and way more motivating than the Stalinist terror.
So I get what concerns you. But, I just haven't taken the RW animosity personally. As many have said, calling people socialists or communists or marxists has been so overused that it has lost its punch. I will grant that the right is energized by the Dominionist crazies, who are being manipulated by Israel. They are scary, especially if Pence gets to be Pres. Still, I don't take it personally.
OTOH, the fake-LW animosity towards me as a progressive just makes me angry.
Can you tell me what exactly makes you feel so bad? I would guess it would have to have been either a face-to-face interaction, or some hate-mail or phone call.
Can you define "non-denominational blood libel"? All I can think of is the propaganda technique of dumping all your opponents into one category. Or three, as the sarcastic caricature of Nazi policy went: kill gypsies, homosexuals, and Jews. What is the nature of the libel? Who is devouring whose children? Do both RW and fake-LW have separate blood libels?
Huh? Why doesn't the Jewish Cabal hate Putin? I know that Putin is on speaking terms with them. But I put that down to rational self-interest, to the fact that probably 30% of Israel are Russian emigrees, and to the Russians holding the upper hand in Syria. If Putin is screwing with the Yinon Plan to balkanize the ME, they should hate him.
mhagle, Yes, I Agree There Is Serious Shit Going Down...
They are talking the 13 bloodlines of the illuminati, if that means something to you on the occult front.
I don't take the RW animosity towards the "left" and "marxists" personally either. I look at it as ignorance and a known bogeyman. But the ability to be led by the nose and stomp "a leftist" or a "marxist", on label alone scares the shit out of me, because WE won't be in charge of the nomenclature, and will get wrapped up with the corporate centrists due to our historical caucus.
What makes me feel so bad is that I think there might be truth to the abject immorality of "our side". I really don't give a shit about what the RW thinks about the corporate centrists, but to connect Leftists to "the Cabal" is completely ridiculous. If true, the centrists, Center Left and Right, are the targets, not the Left. I also feel bad about subjecting decent people to immoral acts that are claimed by Qanon; I was Affected by it, and it is VERY ugly - even if completely untrue.
I think you hit the nail on the head on the "dumping" on an imagined collective front. It's scary stuff, given that mental shorthand and historic bogeymen will be wrapped up in this. As far as the Q crew go, it is the Establishment - every A-Lister - that is held captive by the Cabal, and the Establishment leaders who turn the screws. But that historic bogeyman thing allows it to be the Jews and Leftists (cultural Marxists™) who are to blame. And something tells me that the rank and file Establishment conservatives are going to skate inclusion.
And the "Jewish Cabal" definitely hate Putin, according to my reading of the tea leaves, as they are doing the immoral and using the immoral to hush up everyone with the stature to halt the immorality - hopefully you can read between the lines here...
Putin is a "good guy" who is outside the morally compromising Cabal and is working with Drumpf to bring down this cabal.
All of this is NOT my opinion, but is my reading of the situation from the perspective of the Q crew. As I said, I have no idea what to believe. I just know that the claims are repugnant on a very human level, and if anywhere near true bode terribly for civil society. They are the makings of Civil War, IMO.
The Right is extremely confused, and is being whipped up, stochastic terrorism style, with Q (again my opinion). If it's all true, they have all the right to take them down, but I'm afraid we'll trade a monstrous Establishment for fascism.
The claims by Q are inhuman and very dark, and completely systemic. They fucked me up politically for sure - I can't unsee that shit. I really do hope they are completely specious and the stuff of cheeto eating CT mongers in the basement. I'm not so sure though, and even if they don't prove to be that level of inhumanity, the anon peeps believe it in righteous fashion, and righteous moral belief is a scary thing for a nation.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
My go-to reference for occultism is
Morris Berman's, Coming to Our Senses: Body and Spirit in the Hidden History of the West (For a quick precis, you can find the section about Berman in this 1992 piece by Marjorie Kelly (The Divine Right of Capital).
Relevant to this OP, Berman uses Nazism as one of his detailed examples of what can go wrong when bodily energy gets tied up in some abstract system of self/other thinking.
ON EDIT: reformatted the chart.
The vibe I am getting from your comments sounds like your body has strongly felt the evil intention of these insane people, probably from the visceral aspect of canibalism. I try to stay away from being hypnotized/triggered by the grisly details. I try to stay in the abstract, treating religion and its attendant horrors as an object of study. Apologies if this pulls the discussion away from your genuine horror.
If you look at the above analysis of Naziism, it maps directly onto the Christian Zionist nutbags. They will be as happy as the Nazis to kill anyone their leadership tells them to. So, yes, very scary. The CZs, and the neocons who manipulate them are zealous and tribalisic - a horrible combination in a world full of nukes. And, really sad that the victims of the Nazis are now re-enacting their racist program, acting out on the Palestinians.
It would seem that the fake-LW have been hijacked by the CZs, via the Clinton Cabal. Hillary is a screaming, pro-Isreal hawk. Her crime family is full of Zionists, like Rahm Emmanuel and Sidney Blumenthal.
OTOH, the Trump people seem to be merely stupid/ignorant people who are angry at their economic and political powerlessness. They are being manipulated by patriotism, which itself is a front for corporatism (i.e., the MIC). Here, its important that this corporatism is more Mussolini-ish than Hitler-ish. It is merely corporations running the state, without the racist overtones. Interestingly, Mussolini institutionalized (and thereby used) the Catholic Church, again without the racist overtones. AFAICT, the corporatists (Koch Brothers, etc.) are not CZs. The Koch's use libertarian true believers, like Paul Ryan. But, the Libertarians are simply greedy adolescents. Bottom line: the corporatists are bad news, but not ready to commit mass murder because of doctrine.
I'm going to stop here in this comment. Just wanted to put the background for my POV on the table. I will write further later.
Crazy Shit, arendt... I Follow Most of Your Comment, and Largely
I was affected by the shit I saw and the realization that it could be true or true enough, but I think I'm cool with it, as much as any human can be. I'm not harping on it. I talked to a friend about it, and wrote down the summaries here in as documentarian fashion as I could, but that's about it.
I've been getting into Taoism as a personal philosophy, and am very happy for that. I used to think I was a buddhist, but after getting more info and reading and listening online, the Tao is much more my style. I'm feeling quite clear and not experiencing my traditional wheels spinning, desire to change the world, and resulting despair.
I share your interest in religion as well as the distance you keep with it. I find western religions to be very interesting as vehicles and repositories for knowledge. They're chock full of amazing ideas and concepts from pre-history.
Thanks for the heads up on Berman.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
13 bloodlines? Are you fucking kidding me??
Just a quick google turns up nothing but CT crapola on this topic. I wouldn't dare click on any of this stuff, but the google summary gave me all I needed:
This is unbelievably infantile! It makes Lubavitcher Judaism look ancient and intelligent by comparison. The Onassis Bloodline? Donne moi une break. The Kennedy Bloodline. Oh, please. Joe Sr was a bootlegger. Before that, they were just Irish wetbacks.
People actually believe this utter and complete nonsense? And of course, the mystical number 13. I just can't take in the level of stupidity here.
Like I Said, It's an Ignorant Trainwreck Waiting to Happen.
It's so far beyond me that I have no idea what to believe, and choose to just observe at this point in time. Not much else I can do.
I won't be signing up to change the world just yet...
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Great summary
I began following the Q posts around November 1. Several of us here have written comments about Q over the last several months but I quit doing so because they were poorly received.
IMHO, Q is a military operation working out of the White House with Trump's knowledge and support . It is mainly aimed at taking down the Deep State and the shadow government .
As for the pedophilia part, it is two pronged . As k9disc wrote, the adrenochrome (sp?) is one aspect . The second is that pedophilia is being used to blackmail elected and appointed officials into doing what the deep state wants . And cannibalism is part of this too. Q has posted that some things will never be totally public .
This is huge and it is worldwide .
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
One more thing
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I Was One of the People Who Responded to Your Post.
I said it was a psyop, and I still believe it to be one, by definition. But I no longer question whether it is bullshit on it's face or not. It is quite real.
What is/ how much is truth, on the other hand, who is pulling the strings, and are they worth supporting and believing in; I'm a bit stuck on those questions.
Glad you popped in here. I could not remember who posted about Q a few months ago. I would have looked it up, but I don't really want to write about it, you know? It is just too much.
If my commentary was hard to take or was unfair in your opinion, I'm sorry for that. So many things that I "knew" have proven to be not much at all at best and completely wrong in many cases. I'm sure this will continue.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
No, absolutely zero offense taken from anyone
I completely agree that Qanon is a form of a psyop, some critics of which claim it is only being used to firm up Trump's base. I prefer to watch this with an open mind. Those who have been following the autists who piece together the Q puzzle pieces find a lot of good information in them.
I will also say that the Q posts, regardless of whether or not anything substantive results, have a lot of people doing great research into the corruption and connections in DC. By virtue of that alone, as an educational exercise, Q has proven to be of tremendous value in waking a substantial portion of both the American and world population. Yes, for those who do not know, people from all over the world are following the Q posts.
"Woke" people are dangerous to the deep state and the powers behind everything we have seen happening worldwide. This is why the MSM is fighting so hard to discredit Qanon. They want us dumbed down and compliant. "Woke" people will be neither.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I agree with your opinions
Apparently, the military and the NSA back Trump. That's enough control to get the message out via alternative "news" like Qanon. The success of Qanon may be the reason behind the censorship campaign that has been launched by the FAANG. The latest move, yesterday, was
As for pedophilia, that charge has been public since at least the 1989 Franklin scandal. Between that and Clinton riding Epstein's plane, I completely accept that pedophilia is a great tool for political blackmail. You have to be either terminally stupid or terminally corrupt to walk into that trap.
According to people who know
This is one of the many reasons that people believe the SeaTac plane hijack was not real or the way that it was purported to be.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I checked w someone I know at TSA
He said that tapes can be released after the incident if it helps calm the public. Obvioulsly they wouldn't release them during the incident. But in this case, they wanted to reassure the public it was just a "lone nut" suicide, not terrorism.
That's from someone who works at TSA.
Remember: It's a club.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Alligator Ed wrote a very good summary
...of the Seth Rich case right here at c99p.
That was back in June 2017.
The first two stories you mentioned did happen
I can't tell if you think that they are CT or not, but both of them have been well documented. The comment about whether facts are going to disappear isn't that far out in my opinion. The SeaTac plane story is about the guy who worked at the airport and stole a plane and flew around for awhile while two military jets flanked him. After doing a barrel roll he crashed. The problem people have with this story is the guy said that 'life isn't worth living, just before he crashed. But he was so calm and disattached when he said it people wondered if they were getting played again.
Im not sure what the point is for this essay. Are you saying these things are or are not CT?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I'm confused
The OP was just pointing to a good short narrative of the FBI/CIA/DOJ bad actors. I'm not clear what two stories you are referring to
Someone else brought up SeaTac and cannibalism, about which I know nothing. Replies have filled me in a little bit. (I'm assuming that SeaTac and cannibalism are the two stories.)
This OP isn't getting a lot of traction vis a vis the other breaking stories (Amir getting off, Seth Rich ER stuff, Assange's mother); and I can understand why. So I expect to remain in the dark.
Turn out the lights. Please.
If there's some connection between cannibalism and the SeaTac plane hijacking, I'm thinking " the dark" isn't a bad place to be. Some shit I just am not so sure I wanna know.
The best Q analysis I have found is Neon Revolt
Here is the main Neon Revolt link:
With Regards to the SeaTac and Human Trafficking topic, here are several Neon Revolt's/Q articles on this:
Thanks for the link
Before I go there, does the site support/oppose Q or merely try to provide a neutral summary?
I Have Read Neon Revolt. It Was My First Stop After SeaTac.
NR is a Q supporter, thoughtful, and is quite clever. That said, NR is pretty confused, IMO, about many things political and historical as you will most likely soon find out.
Neon Revolt does seem to be a good source for Q info.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Neon Revolt has been doing great work
This is a very long and involved read, so be prepared to devote some time to it. There is a lot of meat in this article and it also begs a lot more research and questions. In addition, some of the comments are extremely interesting.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I tried to read that neonrevolt article
Basically, TLDR. The usual overkill of details and lack of big picture that is the Achilles heel of CT.
First, I am well aware of what a dirty place Arkansas is. The mob moved there from NYC in the early 1930s. It is called "America's own Banana Republic". The Rockefellers have been there a long time. Then the Waltons, and Jackson Stephens (whom I have been aware of since Bill Clinton showed up on the national stage. (I am well aware of the JFK truthers evidence that Clinton had an uncle in the Marcello crime family.) All us political types are well aware of the Mena operation. (I wrote an OP about the Tom Cruise Barry Seal movie a few months back.) I'm also aware that Axiom (the data storage/spook company) is there also.
Bottom line: none of those items was news to me.
The stuff that was news was, to me, deeply CT. Lists of golf club memberships. Skull and Bones memberships. Theoretical maps of human trafficking routes. Implicating Heiffer international in human trafficking. (I will look into that one because we have friends who donate to that.)
As I have said before, I will let others wade in this swamp. I don't rule out that something true emerges from this miasma of CT. But I have no time to try to play parlor games with Q's and his fellow traveler's Nostradamic riddles - riddles that lead one only as far as elaborate CT discussions. If this is the new politics, I will not be playing it. The whole thing reminds me of the late 1970s, when intelligent friends of mine lost their minds and got addicted to playing Dungeons and Dragons - an alternative fantasy universe.
And if you are new to Q...
If you are new to Q and are inclined to delve into the rabbit hole, here are a few starting points:
Here are a few links:
The following hashtags are associated with Q:
This Q intro video is one hour long...
This Q video is 15 minutes, sums it all up...
And if you are serious about diving into the rabbit hole, you are gonna need this -- list of Q codes:
Thank you for all of those links
It seems like a full time job to keep up with all that, and I don't have that kind of time.
I will rely on people like you to post important stuff. While I am not moved to action by the Q phenomenon, I am interested in concrete results. As I said in the OP:
Again, repeating myself, if Qanon is true and succcessful, then the rightwing will own American politics right up to the collapse of the environment that they so fervently embrace.
The genuine left has no chance to be successful because it no longer exists. The fake-left Clinton Crime Family (and Obama's mob) has been running a bustout on the legacy of FDR for 25 years. Every formerly decent achievment of the New Deal has been compromised, corrupted, or destroyed by the CCF. What's left of the left is splintered, censored, infiltrated, and monitored. They are allowed to protest IdPol issues (even there manipulated by frauds like Antifa), but opposition to war and militarism is verboten.
I have no horse in this race. I will watch what Q has to say, because its more interesting than the bilge the corporate media is foisting on me. I do accept that Q is some kind of psyop.
Thanks again for all your information. I will try to find a way to study it without getting sucked into details.
Ditto. nt
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Neon Revolt is an autist / anon on 8chan, and in your terminology, "PRO-Q".
But more to the point, there really are 2 main questions that matter with regards to Q, and it's not framed by "PRO Q" :
#1. Is Q a LARPER or is Q a member of Trump’s inner circle?
#2. Assuming Q is a member of Trump’s inner circle, is Q/Trump on the side of the populace or is Q/Trump on the side of the Authoritarian Globalist/Communist Cabal?
With regards to #1:
Anyone who has been following Q since the beginning knows beyond the shadow of a doubt that Q is a member of Trump’s inner circle, because “FUTURE PROVES PAST” .... but with all things Q, you need to prove this for yourself. So, no, I am not here to convince anyone of anything. I have more important things to do with my time than spit in the wind. Either you do your own homework, or you will never be convinced of anything. Yes, I could list a dozen examples, and here are three easy simple discrete examples:
(1) Q posted the painting of George Washington crossing the Delaware 5 days before General McMaster posted it,
(2) Q predicted the resignation of Eric Schmidt (and others) and the troubles of Mark Zuckerberg, etc.
(3) an anon asked Q to have Trump use the phrase TIPPY TOP.
And then you have this:
With regards to #2: You will have to answer for yourself where Q/Trump’s agenda lies, but if you follow Q’s “crumbs", I think the answer will be obvious where Trump’s and Q’s agenda lies. I am not here to do that. Why? Because, [FUTURE PROVES PAST] so it doesn’t matter what you believe, what matters is what happens in the next month or two, when (a) those 55k+ sealed indictments become unsealed, and (b) when those [20] redacted pages of the FISA docs, which Q and Devin Nunes have been mentioning, are declassified (by Trump.)
And (b) will happen first, in fact, those [20] pages will probably be declassified in the next week or two, Trump has been hinting at this for days, and when that happens, Rod Rosenstein will probably be implicated in FISA abuse to frame Trump, and he will then be removed from office, and the Mueller Special Counsel will be shut down, and Democrats will freak out.
And regarding (a) you might ask, “What 55k+ sealed indictments?” Well, as I understand it, historically, on average, there have been only 1k to 2k sealed indictments nationally per year every year going back forever, but over the past 10+ months, coinciding, I believe, with Attorney John Huber being assigned by AG Sessions to work with IG Horowitz, there have been 5k+ sealed indictments filed every month. Q recently posted a link to this: