
Michael Flynn vs the Deep State

Recent release of the transcripts of both General Flynn's December 29, 2016 conversation with Russian Ambassador Kislyak and FBI Director Comey's testimony to Congress of March 2, 2017 add immeasurably to our understanding of what happened with Flynn and the Ambassador and with Comey, Congress, and the public's perception.

Revenge: Trump Threatens “Deep State” With Declassification “To Find Additional Corruption” As GOP Allies Call For Release

Revenge: Trump Threatens “Deep State” With Declassification “To Find Additional Corruption” As GOP Allies Call For Release

by Tyler Durden
Thu, 09/06/2018 – 10:45

At least Qanon is good for identifying the Russiagate cast and crew

I read all the comments in the thread about who saw Seth Rich in the emergency room, just to make sure this OP wasn't going to be a dupe. In the ER thread, people were worried that the facts just revealed were going to get disappeared again.

I'm here to say that, as long as Qanon is on the job, short of the NSA shutting down the internet, that is unlikely to happen.

Dot-Connection Time: The Inspector General's Report on FBI and DOJ is out.

If you can keep track of the various threads and directions of inquiry in this investigation, you are a better conspiracy theorist than I am. But here's the link, and here are a few sites with good advance preparation:

Reality Winner, The Intercept, and Comey Testimony

On June 8, 2017, James Comey testified to the Senate Intelligence Committee the following.

A transcript of former FBI Director James Comey's testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee on June 8.

A bedtime story for Comey lovers--Trump's wild Moscow nights

So, Demonratic Trump collusion story has melted like snowfall in Miami, taking 14 months to do so. No evidence is final determination of House Intel Committee as it wraps up months of wasted work, much of it wasted by two things: lying Jim Comey (and Brennan, Clapper, and a host of others) and by whining Mad Adam Schiff, appearing on 250 talk shows in 14 months--I wonder how much WE spent on his cab fare to the TV studios.

Gareth Porter article on Cheney sabotage of North Korean nuclear weapons agreements

Gareth Porter's article today at Truthout is essential reading in understanding the treasonous action of our military industrial complex, which is willing to nuke all or part of the American people in exchange for wealth and power. It connects not only Cheney and Rumsfeld, but, without mentioning him, James Comey, who was Lockheed counsel and thus part of the proliferation lobby dedicated to destroying nuclear disarmament.

Rod Rosenstein gets the "Comey" treatment from the Dems

Question: where can one reliably get a daily dose of hypocrisy? (comments about TOP are excluded)

Answer: (do I really have to answer this?)

Remember the 6'6" weasel lurking around the Hoover Building a few months ago? You know, the fellow who allowed FBI agent Peter Strzok to change wording in Comey's public pronouncement from "gross negligence" to ""reckless carelessness" (the latter not being a term recognized in the statutes)
Yeah, that guy.
