"Last War in the History of Mankind"
"Last war in the history of mankind", that's what Evgeny Buzhinsky, a former senior Russian general has warned could happen over this latest false flag chemical attack and the subsequent illegal bombing in Syria by one of Amerika's proxies, Israel. (see Below)
On the one hand, maybe we should go ahead and cheer it on. The last war, that would be great wouldn't it? No more wars? Ever? If it takes a war that kills everybody on earth to do it, maybe that's our best option. Just put us out of our fucking misery so we don't have to listen to Nikki Haley screech like a rabid hyena anymore. We can tell our rulers, "OK, one last war and that's it OK?" It's easier than trying to protest this shit, gotta say that. And if they listened to us on this, the possibilities are endless.
On the other hand, well, you know. If we're all dead, we won't be able to enjoy the Peace or the endless possibilities. BECAUSE WE'LL BE DEAD. Unless you believe in, ah, never mind.
Trump, Haley and the Barbarians responded predictably with lies and more lies and big fucking lies.
“We’re talking about humanity and it can’t be allowed to happen,” Mr. Trump told reporters
“If it’s Russia, if it’s Syria, if it’s Iran, if it’s all of them together, we’ll figure it out and we’ll know the answers quite soon,” he said. “So we’re looking at that very strongly and very seriously.”
"We're talking about humanity". Mr. Socio Sociopath T-rump and his psycho sidekick Haley are talking humanity. Good fucking grief, will it ever end?
You ever get so pissed off at something that you feel like John Belushi as the Samurai Swordsman trying to explain something to someone who really doesn't understand. This makes me kind of that pissed off. Except I don't have a samurai sword. Maybe I should order one from Amazon, I bet they have some.
The lies coming from Trump, Haley and the Barbarians, including the corporate media, are nothing short of unreal (or Obama, Bush and Clinton). "Unreal". Like not really real because they're so fucking out there, so brazen, so blatant and so obvious that it seems unreal. Like, "is this really happening?"
It's like,
"You're lying to me".
"Why, yes I am. So?"
I'll end this rant by telling Trump and republican party supporters what I've been telling Obama and democratic party supporters for a decade now.
Wake the fuck up.
Same playbook, different country.
"In the 2009 Brookings Institution paper, “Which Path to Persia? Options for a New American Strategy Toward Iran” (PDF), US policymakers would state under a section titled “Allowing or encouraging an Israeli Military Strike,” that (emphasis added):
…the most salient advantage this option has over that of an American air campaign is the possibility that Israel alone would be blamed for the attack. If this proves true, then the United States might not have to deal with Iranian retaliation or the diplomatic backlash that would accompany an American military operation against Iran. It could allow Washington to have its cake (delay Iran’s acquisition of a nuclear weapon) and eat it, too (avoid undermining many other U.S. regional diplomatic initiatives).
The report also states (emphasis added):
"It would presumably be easier to convince Israel to mount the attack than it would be to generate domestic political support for another war in the Middle East (let alone the diplomatic support from a region that is extremely wary of new American military adventures)."

Damn Straight Big Al
There is
no containment strategyno strategy or military goal. No more discussion of MAD, which is exactly what the next and last war will be. As far as this comment:I like this description of the problem:
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
Thanks, man.
Guess jb and I we will just carryon to Africa for our annual camping in our own tent budget safari.
Like other boomers I have always thought that I could make a difference and stop this shit.
So I guess delusional.
What will be might part to play in this? How can I stop it?
The truth is out there. Surely.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
"What is truth?"
-- Pilate
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Military Insanity Cubed
A long and excellent analysis of the Pentagon's latest "strategic plan": The Pentagon plans for a perpetual three-front “long war” against China and Russia
You can skip a long, detailed read or just jump to the conclusion:
Reality and the facts both agree with you Big Al. I think the conclusion sugarcoats the consequences of America's military posture.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
Nothing clearly about it
They know that one wrong move and the world blows up if they try to start a war with Russia. Just how many times does Putin need to tell them to back the eff off or he will hit them back? His showing his new nukes was a warning that we should really think about our next moves.
Bolton shouldn't be anywhere near the WH, he should be committed to a mental hospital because he's so damn insane by his constant thinking that we should bomb country after country. Same goes for Gina and the next CIA director. Okay, let's just put all of congress in one too. Sheesh!
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Heh, I was going to say that a nuke war was unlikely
@snoopydawg I say they ought to
If it was easy, everyone would do it.
At least they're not bothering with useless duck-and-cover drills this time.
(Sorry. I'm pissed off and fucking tired).
Holy Crap! Tucker Carlson!
yes, THAT Tucker Carlson!
On Syria...
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
and reassuring, not just because he's conservative but also because he's assertive.
Where he really got to the senator in the interview was where the senator made it clear that whether or not Assad had anything to do with the chemical attack, he, the senator, believes we need to stay in Syria, not leave.
This revelation makes it clear that this threat against Russia, Iran, and Syria is really a threat against the President of the United States, that either he stays with the CIA in a never-ending war, or they will marginalize him. Saying we should get out of Syria is not allowed, not even by the President.
Tucker Carlson the voice of reason!
"if I had a TV." LOL what?
"Cut the cord! Stream YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook every day." Torches of freedom, baby!
Would you like some Bernays sauce with that? chuckle
good luck
Some kos kid caught Tucker's show and said that he talked about
Pandas all night. Yep, there's a diary up on Tucker's Panda show from yesterday. Why did he talk about Pandas you ask? Why so he didn't have to talk about Trump's lawyer's office being raided, of course.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
And we wonder why people aren't storming the streets?
Media zombies have eaten everyone's brains.
And the ones who are aware of Syria
Are still saying that Trump won't do anything because he has to check with Putin first. The new sanctions cost some of the Russians billions and still they think that Trump is Putin's puppet. If his war becomes a world war will that get them to finally admit that they are been bunked? Probably not just because Herheinous didn't win!
After Tucker told people that Mattis has admitted that Assad didn't use chemical weapons, they still refuse to admit that they are being WMD-d again. Now how dumb do you have to be to not see a false flag when it's slapping you in the face? Pretty dumb apparently.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Everyone on this site
You would be shocked at how many topics they come down on the same side as this site.
Russia suddenly put troops on full combat alert
Russia suddenly puts troops on full combat alert
The Russian military command suddenly puts troops on full combat alert, movements of combat vehicles and missile systems observe almost all over the country.
Read this comment on the Moon of Alabama essay on the Syrian false flag. Did we back Putin into a corner where if he backs down he would look weak?
Is our government really that insane to tempt the world in to another war? Someone tell me that they aren't that insane. This war might even end up on our soil. People will finally understand what we have been doing to millions of others.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Of course it's not our government per se, it's those
We also know there are factions in Russia and China, capitalist factions, that want to keep their gravy trains going (who knows the real meaning of "gravy trains" now?), so the pressure in on in different fronts to not raise too much of a ruckus and rake in the military industrial complex bucks which exist in all three major countries.
Wow, that was good, I might continue that.
Do you think that they really believe that they can
survive nuclear war? If they do then they are Fucking nuts. Even if they used one of their mini nukes there's going to be a lot of damage to the environment.
I do know those fuckers in those organizations are the ones who are in charge of everything that we do. One more reason why voting doesn't do any good.
Do you think that Israel bombed Syria because they knew that Russia wouldn't do anything? How far can Russia be pushed before they fight back? What do you think about the troop movement in Ukraine? This other article on this slants towards Russia being the aggressor there. Wasn't it our coup that started everything? And if Russia does start something there will we use that as an excuse to finish it? Where's this heading?
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Where's it heading? There are a few scenarios, but
There are a lot of sick people involved so who knows what can and will happen. I always say we should hope for the best, but expect the worst.
"Do you think that they really believe that they can . . . .
. . . survive a nuclear war?"
I think the answer is, "yes." I have a very good friend that has worked in the MIC. He has told me that he has seen with his own eyes an impressive underground bunker that a lot of the decision-maker types have access to. My friend described this bunker as a virtual underground mini-city, where people could live for months, if not years at a time.
So, yes. They do believe they can survive a nuclear war.
On the other hand, they don't really give a fuck about the rest of us.
Well that is depressing to learn about
I've heard about underground bunkers that rich people have to live in after the poop hits the scoop. Have any of the elites been seen bugging out to their bunkers? I can always hope that their security people will lock the doors after they take control of the bunkers and locking them out to deal with the crap they are trying to leave us.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
or better yet
question everything
Yup, if we can get them locked in first,
away from nuclear or other triggers and just keep them there.
But if the US starts throwing missiles, never mind nukes, around, I suspect that all of the targeted countries in any event are going to be very edgy and hovering over whatever they've got to throw back, to at least go down striking back. A barrage of any missiles doesn't have to be nuclear to do a lot of damage.
If there is a real exchange of nukes, of course, unless fortunate enough to be at ground 0, we're going to wish Jill Stein had gotten in...
I'm trying to recall where it was that I read that Trump had sent out one battleship with missiles, (later, elsewhere or on a different page, a second one,) toward Syria, trying to get there before anything can be done to upgrade Syria's defenses, I suppose.
Fort Russ News went down, when I tried to check there, says '...The initial connection between Cloudflare's network and the origin web server timed out. As a result, the web page can not be displayed. ...' so now I'm wondering about satellites being jammed, lol, (I hope it's lol, but that is what they apparently plan to do to 'control communications' [can't recall the term they used for that, either, not having a good day] during attacks where they are supposed to have some alternate method,) but on the other hand, Obama passed a 'law' which said that the President could shut down internet in any emergency, and they certainly would want to limit us to 'the official story' in the event of triggering WW3, so since the internet is still up, I'm probably being even more paranoid than I should be, at this point, anyway.
And why the country didn't go for Dr. Stein in an unconcealable, unfakable wave, I've no idea, although maybe they did, in a sudden wave of sanity, and the two Corpo-paths just split up her votes? Nah, I guess not... propaganda works and the Two-Party Trap seemingly uses some sort of
VulcanVulture MindMelt, it seems...Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Let the "little people" fry,
dammit! Anyone for
another latte? Wait!
Look at that guy! He can't get water fast enough!
bwhahahahaha! Cheers, everyone!"
These mofo's can't kill enough of us 99%ers fast enough.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Well they better get used to the underworld
and like it because a nuclear winter isn’t the same as a big blizzard. The damage and destruction won’t just melt and go away after a warm spell.
And the Dims are as disgustingly evil as the Pubbies.
EDIT: muclear/nuclear
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Trump apparently has decided to bomb Syria
if this guy has the correct information. He covers lots of topics from how the US sent emails stating that they were going to use chemical weapons in Idleb and blame it on Assad which they did.
He talks about how some Syrians were held captive by ISIS and used for the White Helmets videos. That ISIS has access to lots of chemical weapons and then he says that it's hard for him to say "that our country is working hand in hand with the same terrorists that attack us." Yeah, that always pisses me off too.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Well, look on the bright side:
If this guy is right, then we'll get a chance to find out, for real, a number of things:
1. Weather Putin was indeed bluffing about responding to any attacks on Syria, especially those that threaten Russian lives. If the answer is "no," then . . .
2. Weather Putin does really have those new superweapons he spoke about on March 1, 2018. If the answer is, "yes," then . . .
3. Weather there actually is an afterlife after death, because, as the result of an ensuing nuclear war, we'll all pretty much be finding out, one way or another.
"Weather Putin" Channelling the next PsyOp? heh
Clinton's damned e-mails will be released soon.why not?Dump the Plutocracy
Get U.S. Out of Everywhere
Tucker Carlson: A voice of reason and sanity?
This is how strange the times we live in now are. MUST watch:
Two quick observations:
1. When Carlson asks Senator Wicker what American interest would be served by attacking Syria, he immediately says, "Well, if you CARE ABOUT ISRAEL . . . . " That's the first thing out of his mouth.
2. Wicker's just not that bright. He strikes me as a person that has been coached on the talking points he's supposed to use, but has no ability to spout them convincingly or in any way that is logically consistent. In fact, he keeps saying logically contradictory things in response to Carlson's tough questioning.
The senator also made it clear that, whether or not Assad had anything to do with the chemical attack, the U.S. needs to stay in Syria, which is the equivalent of saying the President of the United States cannot say what he said last week about getting out.
Whatever you think about him, Pat Buchanen is . . .
correct when he talks about the U.S. Congress being "Israeli-occupied territory."
Look at the way these puppets DANCE to the pro-Israel tune!! And Wicker doesn't have the smarts to even try and hide it.
Wonder what the Fox Snooze crowd will think of this
We, as citizens of this sick nation, must not allow these politicians to send our children to die in another needless war. Those who profit from the destruction of our fellows in far off lands and those who work for our military industrial complex, the military and the racist bigots who fuel these flames can not be permitted to savage another million innocent civilians while the their fake tears are wiped away with the trillions of dollars that could be used to feed, clothe and house those people starving around our planet.
We need to go to the streets and shout "No more war, not in my name". I will no longer allow you to kill women and children in our name as you pretend to care for the people of Douma. Should we fail to do so, the last thing we may see in our lives is a mushroom cloud. The choice is ours! Get off your ass and do something! No More excuses.
Maybe if enough military worshippers see that the Syrian chemical weapons attack was a false flag they will finally wake up and see how the military isn't really the good guys in this fake war of terror and join us in the streets. This could be the very thing that stops us from being divided? Hey, I can have some hope.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Go over to zerohedge.com
It's a right leaning/libertarian website. If you read the comments, you'll see that for some time now, anti-war Trump supporters are INCENSED at the way Trump has been behaving in the aftermath of the Skirpal/Assad alleged poisoning issues. Some people have even referred to him as "Hillary Clinton," implying he's a war monger, just like her.
There are many anti-war people there that feel betrayed by Trump.
They are right, of course.
So, why has Trump "betrayed" them? Was he, from the beginning, another phony anti-war/Trojan horse, like Obama, but this time in the GOP? Is he caving to pressure from the powers-that-be and the whole Russia-gate thing? Is he being blackmailed by someone that really has the goods on him? Is he trying to raise money for the GOP by catering to people like Sheldon Adelson and other big-money Zionists?
These are good questions
Why has he become Hillary in a pantsuit? Or was he picked to be president like conspiracy theories state? The Bilderburg group is where they meet to decide how they are going to rule the world. They as well as the CFR and others are the real rulers of the world, not the puppet figureheads that we elected.
Looks like there's a lot of activities happening around Syria. The allies are forming groups to get their war on. Here's a list of supplies one should have on hand if war does break out. My portable power thingy doesn't charge the battery anymore, but I'm set on everything else just in case ...
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Actually, it all seems a continuation
While campaigning, Trump was always
Remember when we destroyed Syria's chemical weapons?
Funny how no one remembers that we took them after Russia helped negotiate a deal with Syria for us to remove all of them.
US ship en route to destroy Syrian chemical weapons
A US cargo ship departed Monday on a mission to destroy dozens of containers of deadly chemical weapons being removed from Syria as part of international efforts to dismantle that country’s poison gas and nerve agent program.
“You are about to accomplish something no one has tried,” Hagel said. “You will be destroying, at sea, one of the world’s largest stockpiles of chemical weapons and helping make a safer world.”
Hmm ..
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
"Maybe I should order one from Amazon" is a joke, right?
"Alexa, send me a clue." [Sorry, this item no longer available.]
The hypocrisy of owning an AMZ or GOOG account while supposedly opposing the immoral war machine, it's not really funny. I don't get it. No one gets fined or goes to jail for closing an account. Embed another
WebTvYouTube why not, more profit for the death merchants. Don't think beyond the next swipe, just keep clicking. Consumers are like assholes, every one has an opinion. That there, this here is mine.I am back to blocking the ad-sponsored web, those who fund the plutocracy. FANG collapse can't come soon enough. Facebook, Amazon, Netflix (Hollywood retreads, yawn), and Google. West Coast cleanup aisle nine please. "Bring it on."
Kill Your Television
Think For Yourself
Good luck
Yes, that was a joke.
And half of all shipments go through Amazon,
Smedley Butler's War is a Racket should be taught in school for exactly this reason. When you hear the bourgeoisie talk about spreading 'freedom' and 'democracy' abroad, the first question anyone should ask is "Who's looking to make money?" or "What resources is the country sitting on that the capitalists are foaming at the mouth to get?"
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Tough love for Zuckerberg from Californians in Congress
CA lawmakers prep to give Facebook's Zuckerberg tough love
“Fix it before it really breaks,” my incomes streams. Get your lobbyists to my office stat!
Why in the hell did I ever vote for that useless bag of water? I don't know. Must have been the Torches of Freedom Year of the Woman that ate my brain, Respect my Identi-tay! Shit what a bummer, I hate seeing next generations doing it over with Comma-Law Harris. Don't fix the economy, it's gun control for teenagers or bust! Every one gets their 15 minutes of fame, some exploit it for money and power. Scum buckets.
Come on give war a chance.
Hey, after the nukes fly, take some time off--go to the beach. Have a nice latte with friends and discuss the next Trump scandal and how any day now, Mueller will impeach Trump and make Hillary president.
And then wonder
where your next meal is coming from.
Or more likely .....
... wonder why you are blind and why your skin is falling off.