The Democratic Party Wants War with Russia


The Russia-gate drama is similar to the war of terror debates I used to have with the centrists and conservatives on Daily Kos. They of course supported Obama's wars including his continuation of the war OF terror, started by George W. Bush and the Neocons. As an ardent opponent of the fake war on terror I would push back on the lies and false narratives as well as the use of the terrorist label for any and everything, which I felt fed into the war OF terror, i.e., only encouraged them and insured continuation of the fake war. Many started using the terrorist label for actions inside the U.S. such as school shootings or right wing hate incidents, anything that spurred their outrage. Most would fall for the daily propaganda and lies which only sucked them into the war OF terror further. I tried to warn them what they were getting into but that only strengthened their resolve to defend the ruling class even stronger.

In fact, my last days commenting on Daily Kos (I had stopped posting "diaries" a couple years earlier) involved a story about how ISIS supposedly had ordered the female genital mutllation of thousands of girls and women in the large city of Mosul, Iraq. This wasn't long after the CIA/Mossad and friends creation, ISIS, came on the scene, taking over for Al Qaeda as the new manufactured terrorist threat. I fought back against some of the propaganda including that story. I made a comment that I thought it was a "smokescreen" because it was occuring at the time Israel was assaulting Gaza in 2014, the story was not verified and from an unknown UN official and I didn't think ISIS was large enough to enforce something like this is a large city.

I was immediately jumped on as a conspiracy theorist, an anti-semite, a monster, a republican and evil (yes, seriously). It turned out the story was false, a hoax, although whether it was used as a smokescreen for Israel's illegal and inhumane assault on Gaza wasn't proven, it certainly was propaganda for the war OF terror. The diarist issued a mea culpa and wished the person who he usually disagreed with, me, hadn't left because he fell for the fucking lies. The rest of the assholes went back in their cages and came out for the next hanging.

I used the opportunity to get the fuck out and wrote a GBCW to insure I wouldn't be tempted to go back and comment. It worked and now I wonder what the hell I was thinking even inhabiting such an internet cesspool.

Flash forward to 2018 and the democrats on Daily Kos and elsewhere continue to believe any and all lies and false narratives that fit their democratic party driven hearts desire. Any story that comes out gets them frothing at the mouth. Like with the NEVER ENDING war OF terror, started by republican George W. Bush and the neocon infested republicans, anything that feeds the narrative that the democratic party tells them to follow they will lop up like zombies who need blood to survive. Like with the war OF terror, they don't understand or want to understand what they're really getting into with all this Russia bullshit. They don't understand that by believing the lies, they're helping to bring us closer to World War III and nuclear holocaust. They can't seem to see the big picture. Come on man, that's just fucking stupid. Or worse.

There is only one conclusion to all of this, the democratic party wants a war with Russia.

The good news is that presently only 29% of voting eligible citizens identify as democrats. The bad news is that presently 29% of voting eligible citizens identify as democrats.

There's an election coming up, they need to be stopped. Both major political parties need to be stopped. Millions, perhaps billions of lives are at stake.

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Wink's picture

with Russia to wag that dog. R-gate failing? Fuckit, let's go to war! That'll learn them anti-Hillary BernieBro futhermuckers!

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

snoopydawg's picture

use of drones, the increase of troops in Afghanistan and especially the invasion of Libya. I too fought with them over that. I was told that the use of drones was acceptable because they saved our troops from having to be on the ground and in harm's way. After the ides of March and before the election, I'd leave a comment with links to reputable sources about Her actions regarding Libya. Boy did they come at me for that. I don't understand how people can be so willfully closed minded just because they are invested in a person. Both Obama's and Her's actions are clear to anyone who looks at them with an open mind. To be that invested in a person who doesn't give two shits for you is beyond comprehension. Glad that you are writing here.

Yes it's very clear that the democrats want their war with Russia because it has been planned for over two years when Obama started the troop buildup with NATO.

Here's how our media helps spread the government propaganda. We've been hearing about how many innocent civilians are being killed by the Syrian and Russian military, but we are never told how many are killed by ours. This is isn't just what our media does, the UN is also filtering its information.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

k9disc's picture

"500 Dead in Airstrikes in Syria"

I moused over it, as it struck me as novel – I never hear anything about war dead... "Must be Assad, I thought to myself..." and sure as shit, it was.

I noticed the same thing you did. It's almost like we don't kill people in our war making.


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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

CB's picture

Of the 500 killed, 480 of them would be reported as being women, babies, little boys and little girls.

If the bombing was done by the so-called "coalition forces" (never say Obama's or American forces) then they were terrorists.

Of course, America only bombs foreign countries in order to bring peace and democracy; to protect the poor civilians from their brutal dictators they unknowingly voted for under fraudulent circumstances. If there is any collateral damage we do sincerely regret it and will try to do better targeting next time after an exhaustive investigation.

It sure didn't take long for DKos to be flipped from anti-war to fucking war mongering under Nobel Peace Prize winner, Obomber. The fuckwits just needed to re-frame conflicts as R2P and democracy promotion - then it's 11th-dimensional bombs away.

So, what's for dinner? Do you want to go and see a movie tonight?

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lotlizard's picture

it’s hard to even express in words how altruistic and idealistic they are.

Sure, sometimes mistakes are made, and the elite do reap boatloads of cash from every war, but still, who can doubt the sincerity of U.S. intentions?

Even behaving as documented in the “Collateral Murder” video, or destroying a Doctors Without Borders hospital and killing 42, can’t take away from how altruistic and idealistic and sincere and pure in heart it all is. Why, it chokes me up just to think of it.

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Alligator Ed's picture

anything that feeds the narrative that the democratic party tells them to follow they will lop up like zombies who need blood to survive.


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CB's picture

@Alligator Ed
Killary gave Vicki Nuland (of the infamous Family Business of Perpetual War) the position as Assistant Secretary of State so she could deliver cookies to Kiev. The fucking mess she made reset the reset button with Russia. The reset button was one of the factors that got Obomber elected against Bomb Bomb McCain.

Barack Obama: Neocon Despite Himself

Never mind what people thought they voted for in 2008; that’s ancient history. How about what they voted against? That would be, among other things, the foreign policy contrived by a gaggle of still unindicted war criminals, the neo-conservatives. Could people have been deceived about that too; could Barack Obama be a neocon himself? It’s too soon to say for sure, but it sure is looking that way.

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Strife Delivery's picture

The Russia-gate hysteria is frightening because Americans are horrendously easy to control and manipulate.

Pick a decade and we can probably file through the cabinet the lies people were told by the government. Not only told, but then DEBUNKED.

We got the fun McCarthyism period.
Iraq a couple of times here.
and now back to Russia.

So perhaps we will return to Vietnam since... I don't know, everything seems to run on cycles here.

My point is that Americans not only seem to lack a historical analysis and understanding of their own country, they don't have one for other nations as well.

I believe it was Putin? who said something along the lines of Russia will not have another war fought on their soil. That if a war occurs, it will not happen on their land.

There is a crucial reason not only to fear that statement, but also understand its importance. If we (Americans) think we can just go to war with Russia like going to the golf course or shopping malls like Americans would normally do with our modern warfare, that's not going to happen. This isn't Iraq, or Libya, or Syria. No, this is a nation that does have the potential to fight back. The wars we conduct are continents away. Out of sight, out of mind. We don't bother ourselves with bodies on the streets (unless done by our own police), or destroyed buildings, or foreign military hardware going down our streets, or soldiers breaking into your house screaming at you in a language you don't understand pushing a gun barrel against your head.

The importance of that statement that Putin? gave is because of the 20th century: WW1 and WW2. Russia saw the brunt of it both times, with massive casualties and destruction. I'm not here to draw simplistic good/bad dynamics, but shining a light on the fact that Eastern Europeans know war. My own armchair general analysis is that if NATO decides to go full crazy mode and strike up WW3, the battlefield won't be Russia. I don't think the Russians would hunker down like the wars of old. I think they would try to push out as fast and hard as possible to get the battles away from their homeland.

The people who should be the most concerned are those in Western Europe: Germany, France, etc. You have Americans calling for blood, while they sit in the bleachers and the Germans/French/other nations are actually out in the ball field.

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The Aspie Corner's picture

it seems to me that their bloodlust will be our death. In the meantime, we could always buy bullet proof blankets for our kids so they can go to school 'safely'.


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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

CB's picture

@The Aspie Corner
Just have to print a turtle shell on them.


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Lookout's picture

The CIA colluded with the DNC (ie the $hill) to insure their war, and they were all blindsided when "her" lost.

They have recovered well however and march forward toward under T-rumps banner toward annihilation.

As I mentioned elsewhere the Russiagate ploy was evil genius. Anyone who will not play war is a Putin puppet, Russian sympathizer. All dissension is easily quelled.

How well provisioned is your fallout shelter?

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture


The CIA colluded with the DNC (ie the $hill) to insure their war, and they were all blindsided when "her" lost.

As someone here wrote, if they had found Her had been grossly negligent with her use of her private email server, she wouldn't be able to get security clearance again and therefore she wouldn't be able to be president.

She testified that she had turned over all her emails when her tenure was over, but then congress found out that this wasn't true. They then ordered her to turn them ALL over, but she destroyed 33,000 of them because "they were personal emails."

Anyone else who did what she did would be sitting in prison. But not Her.


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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Big Al's picture

(and North Korea) to the top of their threat list and evidently also plan to greatly increase military spending while decreasing domestic programs.

"On Wednesday, February 21st, the UK’s Minister of Defence, Conservative Gavin Williamson, announced that the United Kingdom is changing its fundamental defence strategy from one that’s targeted against non-state terrorists (Al Qaeda, etc.), to one that’s targeted instead against three countries: Russia, China, and North Korea. He acknowledged that a massive increase in military spending will be needed for this, and that “savings” will have to be found in other areas of Government-spending, such as the health services, and in military spending against terrorism."

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Bisbonian's picture

And their founders, and their mouthpieces, and the CIA, and apparently the FBI, too, want AT LEAST a good old fashioned Cold War with Russia.

I fought in the last one, until I began to see that all the Soviet moves were done in reaction to our provocations. I suppose that perspective comes easier to those involved in the provocations.

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

mimi's picture

may be that would help to stop them from being idiots and killing serfs to themselves.

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CB's picture

He is again slashing the Russian defense budget for 2018, right after doing it last year.

Damn that Putin - he's not playing fair. Look at how he is wasting Russian tax rubles:

Putin says Russian military budget will be reduced in 2018

“I want to remind you that a significant budget saving for the next year is envisaged, in particular, by the reduction of the defense spending. It doesn’t mean we will reduce our plans for the re-equipment of the army and navy. We will carry on with the state defense orders, and will create a new program,” Putin said at a working meeting with the head of the United Russia parliamentary faction, Vladimir Vasilyev.

He stressed that it would be necessary to carefully consider the issues that arise during the preparation of the country’s main financial document in the State Duma (the lower chamber of the Russian parliament – RRT).

“It concerns defense, security, it concerns the economy, supporting the economy, the social sphere, health care, the level of wages, citizens’ incomes, especially in the budgetary sphere. I ask you to pay attention to this,” Putin added.

The reason Putin can do this is because the Russian GRU has hacked into American missile defense systems with the help of the Chinese and re-targeted them to hit US cities should they be launched. America now needs to scrap them all and rebuild from scratch.

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Big Al's picture


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Wink's picture

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

CB's picture

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Wink's picture

just ends the quote by the "German."
"very interesting... but stupid."
As heard on Laugh In,
one of The funniest politically-
relevant shows of all time.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

@Wink And funny as hell.

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Wink's picture

@TB mare

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

Bisbonian's picture

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

up @CB

The reason Putin can do this is because the Russian GRU has hacked into American missile defense systems with the help of the Chinese and re-targeted them to hit US cities should they be launched. America now needs to scrap them all and rebuild from scratch.

The Russians MAY have the ability to redirect cruise missiles after launch. Strategic weapons are controlled by self-contained computers that do not have contact with the web. In any case ICBM warheads don't arm until they are more than half way to their targets. What you are suggesting is impossible. If it were possible it would require a software fix, not scrapping them all.

They hack us. We hack them. Sometimes you find something useful.

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CB's picture

The US is using the Russian "threat" to spend ever more on defense offense. $80 billion increase this year - more than the entire Russian budget. There is also the trillion plus to be spent on upgrading it's nuclear arsenal towards production of "tactical" nukes (something that Obama started).

Somehow, Russia manages to get more bang for it's ruble.

They are now radar testing two (now four) of their new Su-57's in Syria.

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Wink's picture

ME wars is they make
for a great testing grounds,
a great weapons lab.
We would like to thank the ME people for their participation.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

CB's picture

There has been significant improvements in means and methods of killing since the daggers used by the Sicarii.

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I really did think there was a good chance it was snark. But I wasn't sure everyone who read it would know it was snark, especially since there are some questions about whether the Russians were able to divert some US cruise missiles in Syria.

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Shahryar's picture

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Do you mean that the world will blame America or do you mean that if any neoliberals survive they will blame Berniecrats? I am furious that either is believable.

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On to Biden since 1973

Shahryar's picture


the latter. Neolibs would blame those who warned them.

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