Open Thread - 03-14-25 - Clapping Seals
Submitted by JtC on Fri, 03/14/2025 - 8:54am
Have you ever felt like we're rushing down the river of history headlong into the unknown known? By unknown known I mean we may have an idea of the destination, but it's so unfathomable, like a bad dream, that we deny its possibility. The rivers of history have done that before.
Like all rivers, this one too, has branches that empty into it, some large, some small. The larger tributaries are the true believers that will ride the currents no matter what may come. The smaller tributaries are those that see the rough waters ahead. The true believers are convinced the river will widen into a slow rolling and calm future. The smaller tributaries are those that see the rapids and the waterfall dead ahead and the dangers of such.
Years of manipulation have muddied the waters so that the large tributaries may easily swallow up the smaller ones into one inevitable flow that will engulf us all. Into that unknown known.
It appears pretty certain that we're headed down that river, whether we like it or not. There's a new reality over those rapids and down the waterfall, and just like the force of a mighty river there are mighty forces that will carry the willing and unwilling, marching in lock step or kicking and screaming, into whatever great body of water that lies ahead.