The Weekly Watch

Thwarting Peace and Democracy at Home and Abroad

The horrors of our foreign policy have been haunting me this week....along with the media promotion of the war machine. Lots of hand wringing about the budget, DACA, and the market, but not much discussion of our illegal presence promoting an immoral war in Syria, nor Yemen...nor Palestine. No, it's seventy six new nukes in the big parade, and a hundred and ten drones flying right behind. And let's get this straight, we shall not tolerate peace on the Korean peninsula, nor allow the Iranian nuclear agreement to stand. But wait, there's more...we have to shift our attention to China...and of course, big, bad Russia. Why? In order to protect “our” interests. Yeah, right. Well, we are promoting our brand of democracy in the Americas...recognizing fraudulent elections in Honduras and ignoring fair elections in Venezuela. This is nothing just seems to be on steroids.

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It is laughable..a big military parade in DC

Given that the U.S. is currently bombing seven countries and that civilian casualties have soared since Trump took office, anti-war groups were quick to denounce Trump's "marching orders" as "totally disgusting."

It isn't just the peaceniks, The Military Times readers are not interested in a parade either.

Military parades are nothing new in the US

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What a mistake...following Obomber's lead we're accelerating and modernizing our nuclear weapons. Col. Lawrence Wilkerson thinks it is a bad idea. Me too. (9 min or text)
More from Wilkerson with good footage of the current lies from Ambassador Halley aiming for a war with Iran. (video or text)

T-rump has loosened the policy to start a nuclear war

A one minute cartoon message from Buster the little nuke...

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Claims of Iranian drones hitting Israel and Israel jets being shot down...this doesn't sound good
(beware the corporate spin!)

As top US officials speak openly of targeting Iran and Assad now that ISIS is defeated, reporter Ben Norton and Syrian analyst Ehsani discuss the escalating Syrian war on multiple fronts.
(21 min or text)

"The US wants to keep Syria weak divided and poor" (1.5 min)

Caitlin Johnstone takes us down the rabbit hole that led us into Syria. The same establishment that lied to you about Iraq is now lying to you about Iraq's next-door neighbor
Caitlin also has a new podcast, Going Rogue.
The most recent episode suggests the US plans to use the white helmet model to spread disorder and chaos around the world. (18 min with article)

Jimmy Dore takes apart the “Assad gassed his own people” (9 min)

Fifteen years after he helped write the Colin Powell speech that made the false case for war on Iraq, Col. Lawrence Wilkerson says Trump is following a similar path on Iran -- with the main difference being that the outcome now could "be significantly worse" (17 min or text)

Afghanistan and Pakistan
You know the Afghan war has fallen out of view...easily forgotten in the slew of other wars we're promoting. I found this conversation with Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Steve Coll about his new book, “Directorate S: The C.I.A. and America’s Secret Wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan.” quite interesting. (video or text)

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Now, we must advance further to Asia...China and Russia. Whaaat?
Jimmy uses a WSJ article to explain the complicity and absurdity of the Asian pivot . Wait I think I still remember that war in Vietnam – did we ever leave Asia? (21 min)

The Trump administration is doing its best to thwart hopes for peace on the peninsula, says Christine Ahn of Women Cross DMZ (13 min or text)

Pence’s poorly handled visit to South Korea may inadvertently help progress for peace in the Korea.

...and here in the Americas
The Vendetta against Venezuela continues. US Secretary of State recently completed a tour of Latin American countries where he unsuccessfully tried to rally support for regional sanctions against Venezuela. However, as Venezuela's Charge D'Affairs in DC explains, US unilateral financial sanctions against Venezuela is causing significant problems for the country
(20 min or text)

The Honduran inauguration was a sham just like the election (2 parts with video or text)

Where's the media?
Corporate news networks hire former top U.S. government officials as analysts, who call for a more belligerent foreign policy, Ben Norton reports.

Jimmy Dore weighs in too - explaining the deep state deep media connections (25 min)

One more from Jimmy reviewing the FBI manipulation of social media. (20 min)

You sure can't trust the intelligence community. They've been conducting a top-secret operation to recover stolen classified U.S. government documents from Russian operatives, according to sources familiar with the matter. The operation has also inadvertently yielded a cache of documents purporting to relate to Donald Trump and Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election. James Risen


Where do we go from here?
Here's ten tips to get us out of war

Medea Benjamin suggests divesting from the war machine the way other entities are divesting from fossil fuels
Divestment offers an alternate means of addressing the blight of war profiteering in an era in which traditional political routes have been closed by our craven representatives.

At least the court upheld the right to boycott and divest. A federal judge has ruled that Esther Koontz's constitutional rights were violated when she was denied a Kansas teaching job over her refusal to renounce the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement (BDS) against Israel (video and text)

If the courts defend the rights of the people, the obvious thing is to take over the courts. Impeaching judges is the new tactic to preserve political power and appears to be an emerging strategy Republican-gerrymandered states.


It is time to reinvent our country, the current system is dysfunctional.

One approach involves worker owned coops – bringing democracy to the workplace.

The worker owned coops lead to a better mental health. Part of this larger discussion on the role of society and the workplace in depression. Johann Hari argues that depression is more than a chemical imbalance (28 min or text)

Germany illustrates a positive path forward for workers with Jimmy Dore (9 min)

The horror of Betsy DeVos – (25 min podcast with edited text)

Teachers' groups, parents, and students were barred from entering the Department of Education on Thursday, the anniversary of Betsy DeVos's confirmation as Education Secretary, to present her with a "Failing" report card alongside tens of thousands of comments from teachers who disapprove of her performance leading the nation's public education system.

With nearly a third of Puerto Rico’s 1,100 schools still without power and hundreds more plagued with crumbling walls, leaky roofs, and spotty Internet, Governor Ricardo Rosselló recently announced he will propose to create charter schools and voucher programs as a recovery strategy for the island’s education system.

What is so bad about charters? They are about money for the administration not about education.

There would be huge benefits if the federal government were to forgive all existing student debt.

The Environment

Electric vehicles - Within six years, the cost of owning an EV will be cheaper than purchasing and running a gasoline or diesel model

A device which cleans pollution out of the air and generates hydrogen fuel as a by product?

There's plenty to clean up...and industry doesn't want to be responsible. Chevron Accused of $2 Million Witness Bribery Plot in Ecuador Pollution Case



Richard Wolff was on Amy's show this week. He explains the tax bill but never has the opportunity of painting his vision of workplace democracy. Amy's kept after him to be critical of T-rump like she's been doing all her guests. Still a worthwhile read or listen (text or video)

So how did the tax bill pass? Lobby money...surprise!

It is a rigged game and the market confirms it.

A couple of interesting interviews with economist Robert Pollin of PERI with video or text.

This is Ronald Reagan mark two. Ronald Reagan's strategy for economic policy was tax cuts for the rich, increase defense spending, to hell with the deficit. The deficit is going to increase. Then, once the deficit increases, of course, then the Republicans could say, "We can't afford all this social spending." As we've talked about before, there's only three big pots in the whole federal government. One is defense, one is healthcare. The other one is pension and social security.

The current average price-to-earnings ratio of stocks is still far above the historic average, so we should not be surprised that there is a stock bubble and that it burst, explains Robert Pollin

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I guess everything is for sale at the right price...including commercializing parts of a MLK anti-materialism speech. A couple of takes on the ad -

Dr. Gerald Horne discusses a controversial Super Bowl ad which used King's famous "Drum Major" speech to sell Dodge Ram pickup trucks, which seemed exceedingly tone-deaf given King's fierce opposition to capitalism and consumerism (video or text)
More on the ad from Harry Edwards (video and text)
One more piece from Eric Ortiz

Well the new poor peoples campaign has kicked off 40 days of action

This really is laughable and worth a few minutes of your time
What really happened at the T-rump inauguration? Never heard footage... (4 min)

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Well round we go. When another new war starts we'll hardly know. How do we stop this stupidity? Or will a nuclear winter or a climate melt down make the question moot? If only we could seek peace instead of war...

Wishing you all the best. Have a good Sunday. I look forward to your comments, ideas, and additional stories.

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Lookout's picture (29 min)

....discussion about the structural inequality of cities through class and racial policies formed by the US government.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Azazello's picture

That's what Michael Hudson always says. US student debt is now $1.4 trillion according to a new study by the Levy Economics Institute. The authors of the study are floating the idea of a cancellation of all student debt. New York Magazine

Stephanie Kelton is one of the authors of the study, she is also a founding fellow at the Sanders Institute.
She talks with Jane Sanders about cancelling the debt: Sanders Institute, 25 min.

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We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.

Lookout's picture


The report also finds that total loan forgiveness would cost the U.S. government approximately $1.4 trillion over the course of 10 years — a number that is almost exactly the same as what the CBO recently projected the Republican’s new tax bill would cost.

But researchers said that the positive impacts of canceling student debt would likely be more broadly felt than those of the tax bill. “What our report shows is that you get a greater macro economics impact, bigger bang for the buck, and that student debt cancellation has about half the budgetary effect of the Trump tax cuts,” Kelton said.

Why is it we don't value our young folks? I sure feel lucky to have had a BEOG (grant), work study jobs, and scholarships to pay my way through school. Today's college kids owe like they bought a house, and can't declare bankruptcy. Says much about our society doesn't it?

Thanks for the links and the visit!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Citizen Of Earth's picture

is scary shit.
I guess the Pentagon wants to get spending that $160 Bill Gift From The Taxpayers included in the spending bill this week.
The WSJ piece gives all sorts of Orwellian double speak from Pentagon generals on Why they are doing it.

Rat Fucker Generals are running the country along with the Orange Hitler. I guess it will all stop when the country has been spent into ruin -- the end is near. (Debt $20 Trillion and rising fast)

Edit: The chart above does not include the $160 Billion just gifted to the MIC. Gezzus H Christ, look at that fucking chart. No, really, look at it.

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

Lookout's picture

@Citizen Of Earth

when it comes to war. I found that clip insightful. Ron really adds good comments too.

The shit in Syria is getting serious. It's like they can't escalate war quick enough, and this will be good spin for why we MUST invade Iran. Scary indeed!

Glad you dropped by CoE.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Not Henry Kissinger's picture

@Citizen Of Earth

...worse than Healthcare in terms of least bang for the public buck.

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The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

Lookout's picture

@Not Henry Kissinger

That investment in imperialist real estate just hasn't paid off yet ....just wait.....and wait.....and wait....

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Citizen Of Earth's picture

@Not Henry Kissinger
I get a gawd damn bandaid. Hahaha.

Carpet bombing the non-white countries yields nothing but good action footage for the teevee news.

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

WaterLily's picture

@Citizen Of Earth What a bargain! /s

(Last year, during a scheduled office visit, I accepted my doctor's proposal to get a flu shot. Out-of-pocket cost? $168. JUST FOR THE SHOT. Thanks, Obama. Got this year's shot at the local pharmacy. Haven't been billed).

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CB's picture

@Citizen Of Earth
You have to realize that less than $1 in $10 goes into something that is actually usable for defense. At this ratio, the US is just now closing the gap with the Russians. Unfortunately, I doubt they will ever be able to close the gap with the Chinese.

A plate of spaghetti for the American soldiers costs $35.00 (sauce, meatballs extra). A bowl of noodles or borscht (with all the extras) for the Chinese and Russians costs $3.50.

PS: only partially snark

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Lookout's picture

Adding to Caitlin's link in the essay...Here's an interesting piece...
white helmets are a propaganda construct 34 min

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Azazello's picture

She would do well to read a book called Queen of Chaos: The Misadventures of Hillary Clinton by Diana Johnstone, no relation. She mentions a concept called "smart power."

In Hard Choices, her own version of her stint as Secretary of State, Hillary writes that her foreign policy philosophy embraced "a concept known as smart power." For her, she explains, "smart power meant choosing the right combination of tools-diplomatic, economic, military, political, legal and cultural-for each situation."

Propaganda campaigns like the ones promoting the White Helmets, or Pussy Riot, are part of that smart power. It's easier to get the American people to acquiesce in regime change wars if you can make them think that the US is "the good guys" helping to rid the world of evil-doers.

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We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.

Lookout's picture


Propaganda campaigns like the ones promoting the White Helmets, or Pussy Riot, are part of that smart power. It's easier to get the American people to acquiesce in regime change wars if you can make them think that the US is "the good guys" helping to rid the world of evil-doers.

The interesting part of that piece to me was the idea of exporting the white helmets where ever we need chaos. The UK agent that started the helmets is now in Brazil. That sounds about right doesn't it?

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Azazello's picture


The term especially came into fashion with a 2004 article by Suzanne Nossel in Foreign Affairs entitled "Smart Power: Reclaiming Liberal Internationalism". Nossel wrote that "progressive policymakers should turn to the great mainstay of twentieth-century U.S. foreign policy: liberal internationalism, which posits that a global system os satble liberal democracies would be less prone to war. Washington, the theory goes, should thus offer assertive leadership-diplomatic, economic, and not least, military-to advance a broad array of goals: self-determination, human rights, free trade, the rule of law, economic development and the quarantine and elimination of dictators and weapons of mass destruction (WMD). Unlike conservatives, who rely on military power as the main tool of statecraft, liberal internationalists see trade, diplomacy, foreign aid, and the spread of American values as equally important."
When the cheering dies down, we can observe that this is a recipe for massive intervention in the affairs of other countries ...

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We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.

Right here in River City

Lots of hand wringing about the budget, DACA, and the market, but not much discussion of our illegal presence promoting an immoral war in Syria, nor Yemen...nor Palestine. No, it's seventy six new nukes in the big parade, and a hundred and ten drones flying right behind.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

Lookout's picture

And that rhymes with "Pee"... that stands for a urine pool!

All the best

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”


Instead of an expression of Trump's pathology.


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Beware the bullshit factories.

@Timmethy2.0 USC playing "Tusk" or anything the Rice University band dreamed up.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

@on the cusp
I think Ohio State claims to be the best. We need a huge parade for all of them down Pennsylvania Avenue on July 4th.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

Lookout's picture


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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

smiley7's picture

interesting links, ideas and reads, as always; your work is greatly appreciated.

Raining here, too, and for all next week, flood warnings in effect. So much for skiing and earning income; oh well, got to stay positive.

Have a good one!

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Lookout's picture


May be there will be more snow soon. All the best!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

mimi's picture

and decided (nah, not really, but ...) I will read only the ones that sounds like they are good news. I want an electrical car and I am all for something that cleans the air and generates hydrogen fuel at the same time. Awesome.

Heh, don't you have enough of bad news already? I have had plenty. Don't want more.

I like the Franklin image and quote. Here another one that I like:

War is when the government tells you who the bad guy is.
Revolution is when you decide that for yourself. - Benjamin Fanklin


We need a revolution every 200 years, because all governments become stale and corrupt after 200 years.

Are we at the 199th year yet? Can't wait for the next year then. When exactly was the last revolution of the US? Oh, shite, we are already at least 40 years past the due date for the 200 year mark. There rest the secret answer to all your questions. We slept when the revolution was due. Shame. Benjamin Franklin turns in his grave and wonders what's wrong. Where are all the revolutionaries gone?

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Lookout's picture


Here's more support for my theory of the healing powers of nature...

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture

love the platinum blond's look of aghast when the congressman said that he thinks that it would have been foolish for Assad to use chemical weapons on his own troops, not just citizens. "Wait, what? You don't believe the government propaganda part 2 where we accuse another dictator of gassing his own people?"

Caitlyn also exposes the young propaganda puppet and she has since that girl started speaking coached English. Smile

You tell em Lucy!

Thanks for you work Lookout. Back to reading.

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Which AIPAC/MIC/pharma/bank bought politician are you going to vote for? Don’t be surprised when nothing changes.

Voting is like driving with a toy steering wheel.

Lookout's picture


Caitlin continues to impress me...both with her research and straight delivery.

Glad you came by!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture

in the Dodge/MLK commercial.

How did they recognize black history month in the ad? What history about us did you see?

--- Gtfo.

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Which AIPAC/MIC/pharma/bank bought politician are you going to vote for? Don’t be surprised when nothing changes.

Voting is like driving with a toy steering wheel.

Lookout's picture


I thought I saw 'em riding in the bed...well maybe not. Next time.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

CB's picture

On DACA and the military: "I'm not an expert on DACA, I'm an expert on military. I'll just tell you that someone who is on active duty, in the reserves -- on active reserve or inactive reserve, you know, whatever their reserve status is -- they are not subject to deportation unless they've committed a felony or a federal judge has ordered them out for some reason, in which case we have to obey the court order. I'm not even aware of a case like that. If they have an honorable discharge, they are still protected."

On supposed use of WMD's by Assad: “We are even more concerned about the possibility of sarin use, the likelihood of sarin use, and we are looking for the evidence. I don’t have the evidence. What I’m saying is groups on the ground, NGOs, fighters on the ground said that sarin has been used. So we are looking for evidence. I don’t have evidence.”

On recent killing of 100 SAA in Syria: “You can’t ask Russia to deconflict something they don’t control. The fact that somebody chose to attack us, and the Russians are saying, ‘’It’s not us,’ and we are firing on them to stop the artillery fire, that, to me, is not a failure of the deconfliction line.”

On Russia and China: "I agree we need more communication with Russia, with China along the level of, I would almost call it, philosophical engagement, as well as operational matters."

The one thing we can all agree on is that Trump should not be allowed any direct control of the US military at all. For better or worse, it now appears that Jim Mattis is functioning in the capacity of Commander in Chief. He is even isolating Trump from the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

But there's a fine line Mattis has to walk to ensure Trump still believes he is Commander in Chief. If Mattis is successful, the Trumpeter can get all the accolades (which is basically all he wants anyway - he doesn't have the intelligence, knowledge or willingness to do the actual job).

Here's the link I posted in a previous essay for those who may have not seen it.

Mattis delegates down and manages up in tricky Trump relationship
New documents shed light on the quiet influence on the commander in chief of Trump's general-turned-defense secretary.
Greater access to the Oval Office

That access to Trump is viewed as unusual in the recent annals of secretaries of defense.

While previous presidents met regularly with their Pentagon chief, the sessions were typically less frequent and included the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and a “full cast of characters” from the White House, the senior administration official relayed.

But during his first six months on the job, Mattis interacted with Trump more than 30 times in small group settings — with just the president or just a few aides in the room, according to a copy of his full calendar from January through June that the government released to the transparency watchdog group AltGov 2.
Delegating down

While managing up with Trump, inside the Pentagon, Mattis is managing down. He is credited with delegating more authority to lower levels for quicker decision-making.

That is most prominently on display in the fight against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, the Taliban in Afghanistan, and terrorist groups in Somalia and Yemen.

Battlefield commanders have been allowed to move small numbers of special operations troops and other forces closer to the front lines without first getting signoff from the White House, as they had to under the Obama administration. And in Iraq and Syria, colonels nearer to the fight can now sign off on airstrikes that previously had to be approved by generals.

“There has not been a single request for delegation made by Secretary Mattis that has not been approved by the president,” the senior administration official said of such efforts.

When it comes to running the Pentagon bureaucracy, Mattis has similarly sought to decentralize decisions, several current and former Pentagon officials said.

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Lookout's picture


seems to be the answer of generals. How I wish we had a defense dept. rather than imperialist interventionist war dept.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

CB's picture

Mattis was Commander of United States Central Command under Obama and was responsible for military operations in the Middle East, Northeast Africa, and Central Asia. He opposes dropping the Iran deal and recognizes there will be significant impacts from global warming.

Compare Mattis' response to bombing North Korea to other, mostly non-military, fuck-wits who want to nuke NK.

Defense Secretary Mattis explains what war with North Korea would look like
North Korea from developing the capability to hit the US, Secretary of Defense James Mattis painted a grim scenario.

"I would suggest that we will win," Mattis said. "It will be a war more serious in terms of human suffering than anything we've seen since 1953.

"It will involve the massive shelling of an ally's capital, which is one of the most densely packed cities on earth," Mattis said of Seoul, South Korea, which boasts a metro-area population of 25 million.

"It would be a war that fundamentally we don't want," Mattis said, but "we would win at great cost."

Trump has surrounded himself with military generals. The US has been a highly militaristic country since WWII. At least it is out in the open now.

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Lookout's picture


...he's pulled off the mask to the point where all you have to do is look to see the oligarchy. Just need people to open their eyes.

It is a sad state of affairs when the generals (and rexxon T)have to restrain the prez...I hope they will.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

by Jimmy Dore were good on the corruption of our corporate media and the manipulation of our social media. If Brennan were a fictional character/plot device in a movie it would be too unbelievable.
Thanks for the roundup.

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Lookout's picture


he's one of the best calling out the BS in the system. Glad you found some material of interest. thanks for coming by.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

thwarting peace, etc. I am having trouble understanding how the people of this country can not see the canyon between official policy versus actual applied actions. Democracy has become code for white and chase manhattan. Pretty obvious bombing the world for democratic values begs the question who profits by it? Thanks, lookout. Wink

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Lookout's picture


but as you say, it is easy to see.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”