A humble attempt at Fortune Telling.
I'm not usually very good at predicting the future. I mean, I can see trends, and sometimes my brain works faster than I'm conscious of, resulting in gut feelings. But for some reason, today I feel like making a few very specific predictions about the next 3 years. Feel free to chime in with what you think as well.
Hell, it will be funny to look back on this in three years and be amazed at how crazy I thought the future would be.
So, without further ado, here's my predictions for the next 3 years:
Kamala Harris will probably be the candidate if Hillary steps down. However, I'm going to go out on a limb here and bet that Hillary will be the candidate for 2020 unless something completely unexpected happens. I'm still seeing tons and tons of feeling among the Dems I still talk to that "Hillary would have been better" and that' what they're probably going to go with.
Mark Zuckerberg will run, and he will be decimated by team Clinton, which will probably try to link him to Russia.
The 2020 campaign will have even fewer issues discussed than the 2016. It will be nearly 100% about Trump all day long and all fact free information. Think 2016, but even more "No possible way he can win" thoughts. If anything, the Dems will most likely TRY to get the Rethugs to Primary Trump. If the Rethugs play ball, they will win the election, because they will be able to claim that they "Stopped Trump".
We will hear almost NOTHING about 3rd parties for the next 3 years.
Anything we hear will be coordinated, massaged, and outright slanderous slurs against any candidate who gets even a modicum of support.
I expect, if any candidates arise, these will be the media charges, in order.:
0. Traitor. (Russia will be going for the next three years if it hasn't turned into a hot war.)
1. Racist (No matter what the skin tone)
2. Sexist (Even if a Woman)
3. Homophobic (Even if LGBTQ)
4. Anti-vaxxer (If the candidate isn't, they'll whip up a few Antivaxxers for "Insert Name Here"
5. Pedophile. (If the Antivaxxer smear doesn't hold water.)
6. Terrorist. (Agents provocateur are cheap.)
Obamacare will still be standing until there is no money left to extract from it. Once the guaranteed profits no longer come in the insurance companies will claim to be broke, and require a massive bailout, which of course they will get. If they don't get the bailout, they will claim that they cannot pay doctors, and hordes of sick, angry people will descend on senatorial and congressional offices, well covered by the media, until the bailout occurs.
Trump will continue to toss out random tweets, which result in huge outlays of energy by his opponents to counter, but ultimately distract from the facts that nothing is being done.
We will still be in Iraq, and Afghanistan, and Syria. I predict the use of American "Advisors" in Yemen as well, but of course that will be 2nd to last page of the news.
I'm going to predict that we won't actually get involved in a hot war with Russia. There are too many very wealthy Americans who would see their business interests go negative. There will be plenty of hue and fury, perhaps even a few major scares if a campaign contributor decides that he wants to start selling bomb shelters.
So, Here we go. I hope I'm wrong. Last time I tried this was in 2000, and I was completely, and disastrously wrong. (Course, I didn't see 9/11 coming.)
Oh, and the Joe Haldeman movie "The Forever War" will suck because it is an anti-war statement, which will be changed to a jingoistic piece of crap, just like "Starship Troopers"

I really respect predictions.
I know the analysis and discipline that goes into them. A predictor of good faith then must endure cheap shots and dismissal from his audience and shallow-thinking critics. Very seldom is the predictor engaged on the logic and assumptions of the thought experiment, in order to consider the underlying premises and assumptions. (This community is a generous exception.) Forward thinking is not a parlor game. It's a technology. Advance thinking is part of what creates the future we will live in. The US lives in a gestalt of denial that extinguishes our vision.
So, you had me at "fortune telling."
That said, if Hillary runs in 2020, she will be running against President Pence [that's a prediction], and they will both be Deep State Neocon candidates [a fact]. Americans who vote in an election like that will be confirming for the world that this is what the People want and what the US deserves [an opinion].
This may not be a bad thing. Empire will be three years into its collapse and a reversal of fortune may have kicked in. Logically the only thing than can rescue the situation and get the economy soaring will be Universal Basic Income for each and every man, woman, and child in the US. It will eliminate welfare and unemployment and the costs of the largest bureaucracies throughout the country. It would actually reduce total government spending substantially, while providing every American with personal security and basic human rights like food and shelter. That, in turn, will douse the general fear and anxiety so people can think straight again.
That probably won't happen.
More likely the global wars will flare and burn in widening swaths as the dying US Empire flails blindly on the world stage [this is not a prediction, just one possibility].
[Edited for clarity.]
Global war... shudder.
Of course, when it comes down to a matter of profit/loss and you take the humanity out of it...
Thanks for jumping in, and this will be an interesting thing to look back on in 3 years.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
And then there's this:
Meanwhile, across the aisle:
When Trump won the primary I was asked if I was worried. I said no because he was incompetent. His administration would be a revolving door of back biters and ass kissers...check.
I said the Secret Service would quit in droves since none in their right mind would take a bullet for him...OK, I don't know if they're quitting but when the football guy is taking selfies with Mar a Lago guests and the detail at Trump Towers is relegated to trailer trash, I tend to think that was a hit.
Now for the new:
Anyone else think it curious the skunk ape took nearly three weeks vacation just as a grand jury was impaneled against his family? Any bookies taking odds Prez Pennywise is going to "hike the Appalachian Trail" and wind up in a non extradition country?
Health don'tcare. So many folks lose insurance that insurance companies run massive layoffs, premiums skyrocket forcing more off insurance, all the PAs in doctors office (always at least two when I see the doc) will be forced to pay back $100,000 student loans flipping burgers, clientele at doc's office will diminish to about one a day, and what do you think the price of that personal service will be? And do to insurance premiums?
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.
I fear self-service insurance is coming.
Of course I also am a Terry Gilliam fan...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Dear ghotiphaze, I have my own medical care predictions
Where I live in depressed upstate NY
Prices are usually around $100-$500 per procedure, or, in other words, about what a desperate person can scrape up.
It is perhaps not entirely a coincidence that there is a thriving local food and farmer's market scene and herbalists are doing good business and not being hassled by authorities, who probably also use their products.
Mary Bennett
Dem master slur list
Sounds just like every day over on Daily Kos!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Or a standard day on Twitter.
Course, anytime I see an MSM link as backup, I know that the entire thing is a load of shit.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
like we can predict the future
y'alls such funny jokers. As if we can see beyond the current deployment of psyops. What is in store for us politically is what we are meant to believe. Speculate as much as you see fit. Our individual and collective future does not inhabit the political sphere, unless you think so. May be better to ignore the tripe and focus on what changes we can enact before the future evolves.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
I like to play "What If"
The interesting thing about predictions is that they reflect the state of the world at the time the predictions were made.
So, really, this is quite probably going to be much better reading when we find out exactly how wrong I was.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I enjoy your thinking
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
I must admit, I do enjoy an occasional thought experiment.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
mental wanderlust
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Thanks especially for the video and a tune I haven't heard for a while!
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Smashing Pumpkins falls into that weird category
At least that's my experience. YMMV
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Also, Smashing Pumpkins seem to get passed over too often
as one of the great 90's bands, lost in the big shadow cast by the great (and dark) Seattle scene, with its triumvirate of Nirvana, Soundgarden and Pearl Jam.
First saw the Pumpkins at CBGB's for "Gish." To think, that they were all (except Nirvana) on the "Singles" soundtrack, which is the by far the best compilation record of that era (with two great Paul Westerberg too!).
Then there's Alice In Chains. Man, is there a heavier record than "Dirt"? Got to be one of the best albums of that decade (I'd put "Siamese Dream" in there too). Like the Pumpkins, they don't get their just deserve at radio either.
And speaking further about Seattle, what about Mudhoney? When I first heard them in the late 80's around the same time as Sub Pop label mates Nirvana, I though they were the band who was going to be the bigger. Then I got the advance single of "Smells Like Teen Spirit" from the record company, and dragged 4 or 5 people into the listening room. At the end of it, there was a profound moment of recognition that we had just heard something amazing and significant.
Anyway, we could go on and on in tangents, as I'm already doing...
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
@Mark from Queens
Had to look up Mudhoney - thanks! Found only one single and one album on Youtube, now on my playlist and running full bore. Dey gots the power! Amazing punch. (Edit: found more! In process of collecting them.)
Actually have read a number of references to bands being missed because of Nirvana, Soundgarden and Pearl Jam flooding the airwaves and drowning them out; sucks because there ought to be room with all the eager ears out here.
Alice In Chains has to be one of the best, no matter how many there are. Trying to keep this short because I do babble, lol. And I was just without speakers/music for weeks and barely survived... got to borrow my roommate's while she's away, though, and my out-of town brother found a crappy old pair he can let me have, whenever he comes into the city; he does sound/equipment rentals, so I have some hope that his version of crappy isn't mine, lol. But life without music isn't.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
I'd actually forgotten about them, not that I listen to the radio which likely wouldn't play them much, if at all.
That being one reason, beyond choice, why I'm addicted to Youtube (for which we need an alternative, urgently!) as a lot of stuff on the radio doesn't appeal and tends to get repeated. I am so sick of so many songs I used to like, lol, although I'm listening out of my comfort range due to a Beth Hart addiction and I need a fair bit of pop and other punk to keep me awake. Anything with more intensity and energy than I have, lol.
Apparently, we 'don't have support' here for what would be an immensely popular alternative station, but we supposedly did for a 'Christian rock' station which was only popular while playing lots of (decidedly) non-Christian punk, indie stuff, etc. and was killed off when they were made to go all religious.
A sad waste... especially since everyone all over the place was playing the heck out of the station while it played great music and didn't have religious mentions and programming, making it obvious that there was a huge demand for it.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
I predict...
some of your predictions will be wrong. Which ones I'll reveal in 3 years.
If I beat 50%
I mean, if I couched it all in vague metaphor, I bet I could claim 100% accuracy.
And in the days of the repeated numerals, behold the fall of the gold tower by his own hand.
And the person that shall come forth as savior shall be proclaimed, and yet there shall be no consensus over which savior shall be presented. Behold the savior as they raise to glory, unencumbered by the chains of deeds or stance.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
DMW, if you HIT 50%
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.
Which, of course, is exactly what Nostradamus did!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Wow, edge,
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.
Wild guess here
but by 2020 there will be no D party
probably won't be an R party either
trump will be the first trillionaire
and the Kochs will be running the country
cause after the constitutional convention
Scott Walker will be the next oligarch
puppet in chief.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Ah, the "If this goes on..." scenario.
Of course, wins by technicality do seem to be the new normal.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I still believe DrumpleThinSkin never really wanted the job
and still doesn't. Every week that passes and he's still there I'm amazed. He's done and is still trying to do everything possible - the most insane, ridiculous things - to say in essence, "send me away."
I think at any moment he'll bail, for the right price. Meaning, he's setting up Pence, provided he can extort of him the access to contacts and inside information he craves for his "business deals." He's totally transparent and never been about anything other than himself and his money. Ultimate conman piece of shit.
There's no way Hillary will be the nominee. The serious backlash is going to start soon against her, once this embarrassing epoch of Russian Red Herring Mania passes. Her hubris, entitlement and arrogance and the DNC cheating Bernie gave us Drumpf. Everybody in the country knows it, except for the brainwashed Neoliberal Loyalists and the MSM lapdogs who are too craven to go there. She'll be more loathsome, to an even wider swath of folks, 3 years from now.
I have no inclination about a Dem nominee in 2020. There's too much genuine backlash against the photo-op/public relations set of Harris, Booker, etc. For whatever kind of mainstream appeal and identity politics bullet points they may or may not have, they're all corporate tools/Wall St shills completely sold out with too much baggage. No amount of PR can sell another fraud candidate. Bernie's genuine authenticity came across in a big way in the primaries to the electorate, and is too sharp a contrast to the cheesy pretenders they'll throw up.
At this point I'd like to see a movement, or at least more talk between both Left and Right, to boycott the elections. Was hoping for that last time, when $hills was looking like the unopposed anointed one, until Bernie threw his hat in. Then I went in for him. He actually could become the nominee and win, with massive support across both parties.
If this past election cycle isn't a turning point in revealing the farce and charade of the duopoly in all its transparency, resulting in serious swaths of dissent and revolt, in whatever ways it may manifest, then we're really doomed.
There's a real malaise all over the country. No one wants to talk about politics or believe what is happening. Trust in our institutions is at all-time low. People feel there's nowhere to turn. If only that led to a people's movement - still could.
The best result of all this shit would be for people to turn off the MSM for news and talking to their neighbors and strangers. Then the framework of seeing the whole thing as the 99% vs. 1% becomes clearer.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Agreed on Trump, Not sure on Hillary
And I know a lot of people here probably get tired of me talking about Pence, but his section never seemed like a coincidence. I've always felt he was there for a reason. Trump is a Trojan horse. Pence is who they really want, and they'll get him somehow if they can.
As for Her, well I don't share the faith that she's going softly into that goodnight. Anyone with eyes and ears could have told the Democrats she shouldn't have run last time, let along that the whole primary should be rigged to insure she wins, because she just didn't have a chance.
I know that outside the feeling for Her is even worse, but the Democrats are doubling down on everything and still refusing to admit she sucked as a candidate. Sure there's an odd dissent here or there, but there's never any serious discussion of purging the Clinton influence to follow. I hope I'm wrong, but I think there's too many in the party who think the Presidency is Her due and even as long as she can stay mostly upright behind a podium, will run the same garbage again.
I hope I'm wrong, but I won't be shocked if I'm not.
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
I'd like to think the Dems would grow a brain...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
As has been said before
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
@Dr. John Carpenter
Going by the evidence, I'd say that you're right on both points, but especially regarding the latter.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Since I have already referenced classic SF...
Essentially, they will vocally object to everything the government does, LOUDLY, and when the time comes for the power brokers to die or retire, they will get to do whatever they want.
Of course when they finally get into power, nothing changes.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I've always viewed Pence as Trump's presidency insurance.
That's a good theory too.
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
@Alligator Ed
I dunno; like the other wing of the Two-Faced Corporate Party, they do keep outdoing themselves and coming out with yet more sheer lunacy than one would have thought possible.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
That's the way public distraction goes...
Now, it's just part and parcel of our national discourse.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I agree that there's no way
Hillary will be the nominee. Not a chance. Deep within my crystal ball, I see Kamala Harris clearly as the D candidate. I see her running against someone other than Trump -- possibly (but not definitely) Mike Pence. I also see one or more New Parties emerging to strongly influence the outcome of that race -- but not actually winning the Presidency. If it's Pence vs Harris vs a Third Party, my crystal ball shows Harris winning.
Keeping in mind of course, that the images in my crystal ball have lately been doing a lot of shifting around, and changing dramatically from month to month. So what appears there now, is not likely to be the same as what will appear a year from now.
It's tough to make predictions
especially about the future.
Politics? Maybe one last time. TBH I'm expecting each election to be the last, that they won't even bother with the theater any more.
We're on track for an ice-free Arctic sometime in the next three years. It will depend on the weather. Once we see that, the rate of Arctic warming, already the fastest on Earth, will go into overdrive. The jet streams will fall apart and weather will become unrecognizable. Three to five years will see the beginning of the collapse of agriculture. It won't fail everywhere, all at once, but we won't be feeding seven billion people any more. Or five billion for that matter.
I would not be surprised if El Trumpo is the last American president, or maybe Pence. A permanent state of emergency won't allow for elections. Maybe we'll just have a good old fashioned military dictatorship by the Joint Chiefs.
EDIT: But back to politics. Trump's dementia becomes obvious and he is removed via 25th amendment, and all the investigations are for naught. Pence runs for reelection and wins against a Democratic field split between a corporate Democrat (80%) and a Democratic Socialist (20%). Democrats manage to struggle across the finish line in enough races to keep the Federal government in gridlock. Nobody willing or capable to deal with the overwhelming crises in store.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
I'm going with the idea that congress is too lazy...
They did it to Clinton, after all, and he served out the rest of his term with a smile.
Honestly, if you're in that club, and don't fuck the club, you're set for life. Trump did fuck the club at the start, but he's falling into line.
Provides the dems the OUTRAGE they need to keep garnering donations, and yet nothing he ever seems to be promoting ever actually happens. Unless of course, the MIC and PIC are behind it...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Trump is a useful idiot in that aspect
In fact, after Trump, he can come off normal enough I fear is people might think "well, the adults are back in charge now" if they impeached Trump. If they were smart, they'd want to keep Trump right where he is rather than give Pence a chance to "prove" himself as President. Unfortunately, I don't count on the Democrats to be smart and I think Trump's usefulness for fundraising is probably the only thing that's keeping the impeachment from happening, toothless as it is anymore. (You make an excellent point about them being too lazy, plus I'd be genuinely curious as to what they could claim that hasn't been done by the two previous administrations.)
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
Clinton was essential to the plans of The Psychopaths That Be; where would they be without such things as his enabling of the consolidation of the media, the destruction of an already inadequate safety net and the ruination of so many millions of lives to create the immensely lucrative private prison/slave labour industry the US has today?
Trump's more of a wild card and less of a reliable tool for their agenda, as he's used to draining others directly for himself, rather than enriching himself by acting for others.
However, my guess would be that Pence, being a fanatical fundie, might pose the same issue in a far less malleable way, so he might prove to be a stop-gap to Ryan, who's much more of a step-and-fetch-it kinda guy.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Yeah, and you rarely hear about the fact...
I find it insane that you can't even criticize Reagan and his filth without the Democrats jumping onto you about "Disrespect".
Disrespect is the new fucking fainting couch.
If they would just understand that we're not Insulting Reagan. We're accurately describing him.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Thanks for bringing up climate change.
It's the wild card, IMO.
A medical correction is in order here
The word dementia requires loss of cognitive facilities. Drumpf has an advanced, hereditary case of amentia, congenital lack of cognitive skills.
On the other hand, McCanine's condition is properly classified as dementia, because his cognitive facilities, as warped as they have been, is now being ravaged by GBM (acronym lovers, look it up). I concur completely with Kaitlin Johnstone's total lack of McCanine empathy.
The Forever War
The Movie:
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
It's an exceptional book.
Hollywood does not have the same agenda and as such, the emphasis will be changed to suit the political whims. Namely: War is cool, those who fight in it are all heroic.
Of course, this is the one of my predictions I really hope I'm wrong on. Just going with track record.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Perhaps My Favorite Sci Fi Book
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
I read it AFTER I served.
While "Starship Troopers" is a great book for the positive sides of the military (Family, Loyalty, Duty, etc...) "The Forever War" is great for showing how those noble impulses are turned to horrors by the PTB.
I think the two should be required reading for anybody who thinks about enlisting, but then I think there should be a lot more thought put in for anyone who is making such a decision.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Obama is going to be pushing
Deval Patrick. Hillary won't run.
He can push, but the Clintons have deeper support
I think that's what's going to keep her in the running until she is not longer capable of speaking, and even then, they will have translators.
She is American royalty, after all...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I hope things are better than that
With luck, people will tire of broken government and decide that the era of the duopoly is at end and focus on real solutions that work for the broader public, i.e. end looting of the natural resources and degradation of the ecological infrastructure for the profit of the few, end the de facto healthcare rationing, end the "for profit" business model and encourage a business model that encourages community inclusion for better decisioning, sustainability, and long term stability.
Fighting for democratic principles,... well, since forever
And who is going to pay for that?
Comes up for everything except corporate giveaways...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
removed - wrong thread
Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation
Hot Air Website, Twitter, Facebook
MarkfromQueens and WoodsDweller
I mostly have the same feelings. Trump never wanted to be president and the ice-free arctic and crazy jet stream are about to kick our butts.
My hopes for the future are much more optimistic, though still grim.
Climate change is going to kick our asses so severely, that none of this political and MSM bullshit is going to make a lick of difference. I think we will see some of it this hurricane season. One of the new climate change features is that these storms form out of nowhere. Like the one that recently hit western Florida. Or the rain that we had earlier this week. Prior to it the ten day forecast showed 0% chance of rain. We had over 2 inches of rain, mostly delivered via rain bomb. Do you remember Hurricane Patricia that hit Mexico in October 2015? It came from almost nothing and was a category 4. Fortunately it did not hit populated areas.
It's time to get down with Eckhart Tolle, Mooji, Adyashanti, Father Richard Rohr, or whoever helps you get to a higher level of consciousness so we can be reborn from the ashes.
My hope is that there won't be too many ashes and that we rise to a higher level of consciousness sooner rather than later.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
If something happens, pretty sure of outcomes
For example. If Trump starts a war with Iran, there will be a world wide recession/depression as the price of oil will spike big time.
But I will give a vague prediction. I am absolutely hopefully after seeing how many CA Democrats reacted to being stabbed in the back over single payer. They are not going away hushed up by party bosses. Health care at town halls is emerging as the tip of the spear of leftist policies. Too many democrats and potential democrats will not be sheep-dogged into voting for corporate lackies. Very bad news for the democrats in 2018 and 2020 if they go full on corporate candidate.