
Shower song (Came to me in the shower)

With Deepest respect and apologies to the people of Ireland.

The Makin' O' The Green.

Internet dear, and did ye hear the news that's goin' round?
Free Enterprise is slated to soon rule the network ground!
No more net neutrality we'll keep, that freedom can't be seen
For they're shuttin' down the network for the Makin' o' the Green.

A humble attempt at Fortune Telling.

I'm not usually very good at predicting the future. I mean, I can see trends, and sometimes my brain works faster than I'm conscious of, resulting in gut feelings. But for some reason, today I feel like making a few very specific predictions about the next 3 years. Feel free to chime in with what you think as well.

Hell, it will be funny to look back on this in three years and be amazed at how crazy I thought the future would be.

Midnight Mulling - Random vs Random v2

To start, a horoscope! Or, an horoscope!

Freedom is a key aspect of life today, (sign name). You might find that your brain wants to break free and pursue more independent ways of thinking. Don't worry if such ways of thinking lead you into unknown territory. This is a sign that this is probably where you need to be. Your witty banter could take a sudden twist that surprises both you and the people you're talking to.

Midnight Mulling - Random vs Random

"Orange" and their rhymes - so many good options! Why there's ...uh ... well there could ... no ... about ...

Face it, sometimes nothing works in one particular direction. Whether it's rhymes or a new subject to opine about, sometimes you need a new direction. And you have some pride, so you don't want to regurgitate last weeks leftovers. (At least two weeks for that sort of thing.)