Time to Pay the Military Like the National Basketball Association

Pro athletes, particularly those in the professional basketball, baseball, football and hockey leagues, are whining again about getting their share of the pie. The way they figure it, the billionaires and investors who own the teams are raking in the dough and since it's because of their "skills", they deserve more of the massive profits. Without them, there would be no leagues and no profits. Top players are now being paid far more than most corporate and bank CEO's while average players live next door to the bastards.

Boycott professional sports!

But I've got an idea. It's been established for a least a century (Smedley) that the U.S. military is used by the billionaires and corporations to wage imperialism across the planet for massive profits. Since military members are basically in the same situation as professional athletes, i.e., they're the ones actually facilitating the profits, often with their lives, limbs and minds, it's only fair that they be paid along the same pay scales as those professional athletes. Without them there would be no U.S. imperialism, destructive wars and corporate and billionaire profits. (At least until the fucking robots take over.)

The billionaires are making incredible profits off of both sets of humans, fair is fair.

I call on all professional athletes to call for equal pay with the U.S. military. In fact, they're always bragging and showing off on how much they appreciate the military dying and getting their limbs amputated so they can make millions of dollars a year in a capitalist/imperialist system that uses soldiers and sailors as cannon fodder, so they should put their mouths where their money is, if they can find any room.

If not, boycott the One Percenters in pro sports, and their masters. Ah fuck it, do it anyway.

Let's see, who else makes money for the billionaires and deserves a bigger share?

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and I used to complain endlessly to my ex about how much these guys make for playing a "kids game" as I could not help but put it. I wish I had thought to say this to him, he was active Army then just back from Saudi during Gulf One. Would have stymied him for a minute on how to respond!

I can't watch sports now, just have never been a fan. I tried watching the Seahawks for a while but my heart isn't in it. Then I saw that movie "Concussion" and I just have no desire to watch it anymore. The players do have somewhat of an argument, but the amounts they make are already obscene. And it is sickening in the extreme that Americans continue to worship these guys and buy lots of expensive memorabilia many cannot really afford. Exploitation all around. And I agree heartily that if they want to worship America's wars let them go fight one.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

Big Al's picture

@lizzyh7 war, militarism and nationalism. The ironic thing is in the NBA and NFL, the leagues are predominantly African American which means the black players are actually contributing to the subjugation, hegemony and suffering of people of color by U.S. imperialism and accompanying wars, regime changes, sanctions, etc.
So they're big fucking hypocrites and most have no clue.

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@Big Al How I wish I could say that to my sports loving friend. Really only the one who has season tickets. There are some ugly echo's of slavery in how athletes are used, that's what makes me really uncomfortable, to use a polite word, about pro sports. And the militarism.

I did go to one game, pre season, with my season ticket holder friend. Back then I stood for the National Anthem, old military urge I guess. After reading all I have at this place and others, not sure I would stand again. And I know that would get to my friend so I just won't go again. She's still all in on America. Not sure she's a Rumper but I think so.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

Big Al's picture

@lizzyh7 @lizzyh7 I was a jock most of my life, played in college and professional in Europe. I almost did make the NBA. But the money now is totally ridiculous and part of the capitalist system we have to change. So ethically, morally and practically, how can we support such an integral part of the system we want to challenge?

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snoopydawg's picture

don't pay their taxes because they buy foreign companies to keep from having to pay taxes on the profits they make in this country, the owners of sport franchises are considered non profits. I have no idea how they managed to get that deal except that they bribed our government.

Whose idea was it that said "eat the rich"?

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

earthling1's picture

You are free to be an NBA star or a Billionaire!

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Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

dervish's picture

@earthling1 just pull yourself up by your bootstraps, and if you pull hard enough, you'll be 2 meters plus in no time!

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"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."

dervish's picture

we've given bounties to private killers, usually a fixed amount per scalp.

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"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."

BernieOrBust's picture

I love English soccer, and the All Blacks rugby team, but have to agree that the money players and everyone else on the food chain makes is obscene. The pro players have to make good money as they are highly talented folks, and put their bodies through hell, and are forced to retire at a young age as their sport demands. With all that said, it's still obscene. I think the price of tickets should be lowered considerably so that ordinary Shmoe's and Shmoe-ettes can afford to see their beloved games in person!! All the ridiculous advertising would stop or be lessened, pay for all would be dropped enormously, blah, blah... These sports should be for "sport"!!! And fun, and beauty, not just money making machines.

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Strife Delivery's picture

The obscene payment of sports always seemed odd to me.

Look at baseball. Pay a guy like 4 million dollars per year to sit in a dugout and spit out sunflower seeds. Oh he is an outfielder too? Cool, he can stand out there the whole game.

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Same as it ever was, TV money is what wrecked pro sports, just kill the damned thing. Especially the one that follows you around in your purse or wherever. Wearable TVs? Priceless! For advertisers and the datacrats.

People want things they don't need, why? Ask Edward Bernays, the original rat bastard from hell. Ban psychologists, Think For Yourself.


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