Soldiers Are Not Assets, War Not A Game
If there's ONE topic that has been treated with a complete lack of respect in this presidential campaign, it's that of war. We have one party who thinks that the solution to political problems is to rain fire from the heavens like an avenging god, and another who thinks the same thing but likes to pretend that it doesn't really count if the body bags aren't on TV.
I will start with a personal definition that flies in the face of conventional wisdom and mainstream media narratives. ANY time men and women in uniform are engaged in conflict, it's a war. The attempt to muddy the waters has been going on since World War Two, ever since the War Department was Renamed the Department Of Defense in an attempt to paint us as always the good guys. It is no coincidence that Orwell wrote his seminal work "1984" the exact same year.
"Police Actions" are a fucking war. "Training Missions" are a damned war. "Counter-insurgency Operations" are a war against the native population of a country, on behalf of the rich of that country. I could go on but you get the point. The legacy of the alliance between the industrial might of this country and the military structure has been exactly what Eisenhower warned us about: War perpetrated in the name of profit.
We have so corrupted the training and profession of soldier that it has in all purposes become a different one. We do not employ soldiers in our country. We employ mercenaries who will do whatever is ordered for money. This is by no means the fault of the idealistic youth who signs up for the service, or the desperate man who does the same. This can be laid solely at the feet of the politicians who have corrupted the idea of defense into a global doctrine of control. We have replaced the concept of duty with that of following orders: A significant change in the concept of a soldier. While one is based on the concept of personal responsibility, the other completely abdicates the same, relegating that burden to that of the soldier's "Betters". In essence, it has transformed the free citizen with duty into a slave on a leash.
Look at how we treat our veterans. We treat them as burdens to be shunted to the side, or left to rot in homeless camps, their usefulness as veterans eclipsed by the shiny new toy or young buck to be expended. The best a veteran can do for this country seems to be to die quickly, and spare the further embarrassment. Mental Health and the other wounds of war are a burden upon the populace. We have become a red mark in a flawless black inked ledger.
This has come about because of the insulation from consequences that the political class in this country enjoys and engenders. While on occasion they will allow a veteran to take their fortitude out of the mothballs and parade it at a campaign event, for the most part it is far more preferable to use the current crop of recruits as a backdrops for their institution of some new corporate bailout. There are no consequences for feeding grist into the mill of war, and in fact the behavior is rewarded. All of this is hidden behind nebulous talk of the world being far more dangerous than the average person can understand, and urge to calm in the face of monstrous decisions. Perhaps we should just be happy to be the Betas in this society, freed of the burdens of command.
What is the solution? TALK about it! This system only exists because it is not paid attention to. As long as it is allowed to fester in the dark, the foul toadstool continues to swell with stolen nutrients from the decaying body politic. Politicians who use the rhetoric of war must be called out for the chicken hawk behavior that enriches the corporations at the expense of the rest of us.
And get angry. Get livid. There's a reason that fear is the overwhelming theme of nearly every election. Fear is the opposite of anger. It is a neutralizing agent against active and constructive motion. In fact the entire concept of righteous anger has been subtly weakened in our public discourse, with anger only relegated to the descriptions of those whom the system wants us to fear. They don't want you angry, they want you calm, since calm people are so much easier to feed into the slaughterhouse.
I end not with angry music, but with hopeful music. Anger has its righteous and honored place, but it is only a spur to action. While anger gets you off your ass, it's only the dream of something better that keeps you there.

Anti-war Veterans exist...
Quick clarification for those who might not know me.
I'm a pro-military, anti-war guy. I believe that a Military should exist, because there are evil people in this world. I also believe that our military must not become evil in order to fight evil. I believe war should be treated as a surgery. A necessary evil to be completed as quickly as possible, with the minimum pain inflicted as possible.
I believe in the wisdom of veterans of all wars, both declared and undeclared. Even those veterans who never wore a uniform.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
took me some time to read this diary
but amen to your words. What do you think about the VoteVets organization? Anything to know about them that would make a support of their organization doubtful?
(No subject)
Go Bernie !!

Great speech.
Exactly my point. We need people in office who will speak the truth.
Bernie's great, but we need MORE voices stating the simple truth.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Agree. Thank you, detroitmechworks.
~ Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. ~
More than welcome.
I hope my stuff isn't too eclectic to read.
I admit that my references are a bit obscure, but at the same time, I think well of my audience and highly respect their intelligence.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Very well written. My wife
Very well written. My wife's grandfather was a vet of WWII. We need the be putting these women and men into the best training programs we can provide.
And we need to stop using our military for the gain of the corporations.
Thank you for the compliment.
And what is particularly appalling is the inconsistency of how we treat our veterans. I was lucky enough to migrate to an area that treats us with a bit of dignity.
Yeah, I use the word migrate, but it feels like being a refugee. Last good thing DKOS did for me was act as a place to find a new place to go.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Well, that's the primary problem I've had with the
Bernie phenomenon, the lack of focus on U.S. led wars and U.S. imperialism. I've been told time and again when I bring it up that it will be part of Bernie's "political revolution", just be patient. First he has to be elected, then we can work on that. And that there's no way Bernie could get elected if he attacked the MIC and U.S. imperialism because the powers that be simply would not allow it. Which makes no sense to me when he CAN attack the billionaire class, Wall Street and wealth inequality.
I've told this story before about the Occupy movement. When it was forming, the primary focus was on ending the Afghanistan war. There was supposed to be protests of the type seen in Occupy but it wouldn't until the powers that be ended that war. That was during the early summer of 2011. By fall it had changed to focus on Wall Street and hardly a peep was heard about the Afghanistan war or U.S. imperialism in general.
Why? I don't know, I don't have evidence but I think it was coopted. I think attacking Wall Street and billionaires is a safe thing for the ruling class to accept but attacking U.S. imperialism is their lifeblood, they can't continue their Empire without it. So they can handle that, they can handle Bernie's railing on them, they always have back to the Rothchilds and Rockefellers and Morgans.
What it boils down to for me is the killing and the eviction of millions from their homes for greed and power. We have psychopathic/sociopathic bullies at the top and they are hurting people to get what they want. It's happening right now as we speak, people are dying because of the actions of our governments and those that control them.
To me, that takes a front seat over 15 bucks an hour minimum wage or single payer health care, we have to stop the killing.
It is a shame and a disgrace.
And I really think Eisenhower was prescient when he labeled the MIC as the greatest threat to the future.
Especially considering the current alliance of Military leadership with Christian Dominionists...
I am of the opinion that the anti-war movement could do far worse than to recruit veterans. Only we need to get our soldiers thinking of themselves as veterans of an honorable profession used to ill purpose, rather than war criminals/thugs which the Corporate Media is all too willing to tar them with when they want to score points with the left.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Veterans for Peace.
I'm a Veteran for Peace. I take a harder line than that but that's for another diary.
I agree, Vets should be out in front, like they were at times during the Vietnam war. Who knows it better than those that participated? Like Smedley Butler said back in his time, "I was nothing but a gangster for capitalism".
wish i had time
to just embed the video of bern in his own words on war and Imperial military strength, but i don't. yeppers, the answers to why he won't wage war are three;; you've named one already. r2p seems to be his cover, no? no, not a neo-con, but...listen closely... then look at his website v. say...jill stein's.
Sigh. I'm of the exact opposite opinion.
I am of the opinion that the US military must shrink and change if we want to remain relevant.
Of course, Bernie isn't a vet, so I am more lenient on those who get all of their info from the War Department. (Biggest collection of hawks on the planet, with nice big chicken feathers.)
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
The War Party is an old idea in this country
Old ideas gain too much of their power from inertia...
It's one of America's crappiest traditions, and really needs to join slavery on the dust bin on History.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Excellent post
I remember returning from Mosul, Iraq in 2007 to a country barely conscious of the fact it had already been at war for five years. Only our military and their families experience war in modern America.
And that's what needs to change.
I think that we need to have some way to drive home exactly how much of what we do goes to the MIC.
Course, I have other ideas on that as well... For further details, see my published works.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Thanks for this from a vet
Great diary, mate. I'm a veteran of South African and Canada and I concur. We have to press for a return to peace with justice.
Here's some of my dearest wishes:
Yuuuuge list, I know
Pray for Bernie and work for the political revolution.
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.