
Coalition politics in America today

If you believe the election hype, either 1) Trump made America great, and if you re-elect him he'll keep making America great, or 2) America was great before Trump, who came out of nowhere to make America a bad thing, and America will be great once again when Joe Biden shows up in January to claim the White House.

Politicians in fantasy and reality

The public typically likes to imagine that it is selecting its representatives out of some sense of "realism" about what is "realistically possible" given the "political situation." Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, the political field is littered with fantasy politicians, politicians that people think they are electing but who exist mainly as figments of the public's imagination.

On Bullshit and Bullshit Detectors

NOTE: The following is not aimed at anyone at Caucus99percent. I'd say the audience here is considerably more immune to bullshit than most – not that any of us are entirely immune. Some bullshit is obvious and some is sneaky – but it's every-fucking-where. This is just a riff on the subject. I'm publishing it here in the spirit of a Public Service Announcement...or for some other reason I can't remember.

Soldiers Are Not Assets, War Not A Game

If there's ONE topic that has been treated with a complete lack of respect in this presidential campaign, it's that of war. We have one party who thinks that the solution to political problems is to rain fire from the heavens like an avenging god, and another who thinks the same thing but likes to pretend that it doesn't really count if the body bags aren't on TV.