U.S. shoots down Syrian jet
Submitted by gjohnsit on Sun, 06/18/2017 - 7:24pm
On the same day that Shia militias from both Syria and Iraq met at the border for the first time in years, and Iran made a show of force, the U.S. escalated our push for regime change in Syria.
A U.S. strike aircraft shot down a Syrian government fighter jet Sunday shortly after the Syrians bombed U.S.-backed fighters in northern Syria, the Pentagon said in a statement.
The Pentagon said the downing of the aircraft came hours after Syrian loyalist forces attacked U.S.-backed fighters, known as the Syrian Democratic Forces, in the village of Ja’Din, southwest of Raqqa. The rare attack was the first time a U.S. jet has shot down a manned hostile aircraft in more than a decade, and signaled the United States’ sharply intensifying role in Syria’s war.
The incident is the fourth time within a month that the U.S. military has attacked pro-Syrian government forces.
A statement distributed by the Syrian military said that the aircraft’s lone pilot was killed in the attack and that the jet was carrying out a mission against the Islamic State.
As I've written repeatedly, a vocal faction in the White House wants regime change in Syria.
Shooting down jets is not something that can be ignored. There will be a response.
BREAKING: Heavy clashes between #SDF and #Assad forces around Rasafa town S #Tabqa. #R24
— Raqqa24 (@24Raqqa) June 18, 2017

This is all so stupid and fucking cruel.
Can Mattis et. al, top the cruelty of yore of Dracula? Well, YES.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
This is such a ridiculous statement
The Syrian jet was flying in its own country defending its government, so how can it be labeled hostile?
Any idea how much longer Russia is going to sit back and watch as the US shoots down Syrian jets and kills Syrian troops?
Or is this the plan to get Russia to come to the aid of their allies and that will be an excuse for war with Russia?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The least surprising news
Lebanon redux
Seriously, I would like to know the answer to this
Anyone's thoughts on this.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
have dreams.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
I don't think Russia is the target
I think Iran is the target.
Which is problematic is its own ways.
Even the Qatar/KSA thing is about Iran. Yemen is about Iran. And now Syria is about Iran.
This is all left over from Iran being the only entity that put it all on the line to save Baghdad and Damascus from ISIS.
Thanks gjohnsit
What do you think would happen if Russia did use its jets to defend the Syrian army?
The whole Middle East is a tinder box and it's only going to take one match to set it off.
Can you explain why the Qatar/KSA is a way to get to Iran?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I don't want to think about that
Personally I think Putin will avoid confronting us directly.
He can do that because he's only risking one military base.
He'd rather arm the people fighting us.
Iran, OTOH, can't back down. They have everything to lose.
They can't walk away from five years of investment. They'll fight us.
You'll notice how this broke in the (Imperial) news,
Iran hit Deir Ezzor with ballistic missiles today too, likely just to remind KSA that all of their cities are within range.
What kind of US backed militias are set up near Raqqa? Is the SDF the moderate Daesh? We're supposed to believe that we're there fighting Daesh, but when the Syrians bomb Daesh, we shoot them down, because we're supporting the guys they're bombing?
That's not a foreign policy, that's a Charlie Foxtrot pulled out of the ass of a duck.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Your question is
as old as this war.
The Bait and Switch of this conflict was John McCain screaming we need to fund moderates to fight ISIS, while KSA and the CIA were supplying ISIS, and then our moderates were absorbed by Al Nusra, which was Al Qaeda.
Meanwhile the American military was there to fight ISIS and Al Qaeda by helping the Kurdish forces, who do most of the fighting, and they are the SDF, which is the force making progress against ISIS, Daesh, in Raqqa.
Assad's forces do not want the SDF to control Raqqa, is my guess, as they are American-backed. Essentially, the American military is in a war against the CIA in Syria.
Prince Tamim came to power in 2013 (dad's still alive, just retired), and continued what his father started. Qatar went along with the KSA/USA adventures in Syria and elsewhere, sponsored terrorists, etc, along with the rest of them, but it appears that Tamim has finally soured on that, realizing that his pipeline dreams aren't ever going to happen, and that his country is in grave danger should war start with Iran. A war with Iran isn't in Qatar's best interests, and they no longer believe Israel when they tell them it is.
Qatar isn't "friendly" with Iran, but it isn't unfriendly either. KSA is furious that Qatar has any relations with Iran at all, even partial ones. By forcing Tamim to either get in line, or step down, KSA is getting one over on Iran, and removing an obstacle to war.
If Tamim stays in power, war with Iran can still happen, but it will be far more difficult, and few nations aside from maybe Bahrain, would follow the KSA into that morass.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Nice analysis
Trump may be mastering political infighting at home (though the jury is still out), but he is a complete boob when dealing with foreign policy. He pledged to destroy ISIS, but is now aiding them by preventing Syria and Russia to continue crushing them. Other than benefiting the MIC, how does this make sense?
I was a little surprised at the Chinese exercises
I don't know if you caught the Oliver Stone/Putin interviews, but Putin pointed out that US Presidents may change, but the foreign policy always stays the same. First with Obama, and now with Trump, we see candidates say one thing, then when elected, they morph into the status quo. There isn't a dime's worth of difference between Bush's, Obama's or now Trump's foreign policy.
I'd bet that on January 20th, every four years, Langley sends a man to the WH to tell the new President what his opinions and policies are.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Quite so on Qatar.
I thought they could play the Sunni card, but I see the combined forces of Shiite extermination are a determined monolith. Qatar must be Yemenized without further delay to achieve the neocon-Israeli goal in the region and the world beyond.
There is no other choice now that we have declared war on Syria today.
(Of course, most Americans already thought we were at war with Syria. They even think we are at war with Afghanistan. These are the fools who dominate the vote count in US elections.)
We're incinerating people with Willie Pete
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
you could have been a schoolbook.
one of the virtues of this place.
"you can learn stuff here."
It's all about oil.
(And you thought this was going to be because there's oil there. I think oil there is either a handy excuse or candy sprinkles on the whip cream.)
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.
Good luck getting support from the American people
I don't think that's going to happen, which would not be good if a war with Iran is provoked. Is the MIC going to pay for a mercenary army? A mercenary army against a people defending their beloved home isn't going to work either. What mentally and morally weak people we have in charge.
Beware the bullshit factories.
We should check to see
how Israel feels about this.
Their border is too close for comfort, IMO.
I can guarantee that when it comes to anything the US
does in the ME, they have a ringside seat and are the very first to be consulted. The killing of Arabs of any stripe is A-OK in their books.
They're lined up on the Lebanese border
I think they just want chaos and disorder.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
The Israeli's are up to their kippah's
And then finally we have........
You can't fix stupid.
You also can't get chocolate milk from a brown cow.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
The chocolate comes out the back,
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Trump wising up and following Clinton on Syrian Policy?
I thought that was a major reason a lot of people voted against Hillary.
Sigh . . . Hasn't the U.S. had enough wargasms already?
So now we have to worry about Trump, too?
Just. Fucking. Wow.
Everyday I feel more like Slim Pickins character in Dr. Stranglove riding the bomb. I can see it happening so I KNOW other people see it and yet. . .?
Now, more than ever
Stop These Fucking Wars!
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
Do other people see it?
If your blog was still the GOS, what are the chances that anyone is writing about this?
And if they are, which spin do you think they will use?
It's usually silence
It's Russia-gate, Trump's imminent impeachment, and snowflake-ish identity politics. Anything else would get you banned anymore.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
That was a comedy.
Nobody should be laughing now.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
A VERY dark comedy that described the logic of nuclear strategy at the time quite accurately.
Switch to Fail Safe if you prefer.
War insanity.
I did something I promised not to do and that was troll TOP--just to get the mood for war. My take--many democrats will support a direct war against Assad. I image they will do what gopers have done in the past--support Obama and Hillary's wars, but then attack the president for incompetently handling the war.
But there was something interesting about maybe 2 weeks ago. The Kurds allowed a lot of ISIS fighters to leave the Raqqa. They seemed to be going toward Palmyra. The Russians wiped out the convoy. This made me suspect that the Kurds agreed to let ISIS leave the city to avoid some nasty urban warfare. But in return ISIS gets safe passage to go fight Assad and the Russians.
Alternate interpretation
The Kurds
so far haven't shown the duplicity that you describe here, as far as I've read. They appear to be the one constant, and if it's possible to say this about any force in this slaughter, they could be seen as the good guys.
The Kurds are not a uniform group
There is a long history of inter-fighting between various factions. In Syria, there have been weekly reports of arrests and detentions.
You can get daily reports about Kurds in Syria here: http://aranews.net/tag/qamishli/
Unconfirmed report. Three US soldiers killed
in Raqqa area by ISIS.
It's confirmed
DK brought out the IGTNT diaries which mentioned the 3 soldiers.
I would like to retire that series for good.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
That series was always masturbatory
Of course, war cultists do love them some good old fashioned human sacrifice, as long as it's somebody else's kid on the stone altar.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I agree, DMW
No one could ask why those soldiers were killed or what could be done to stop the senseless slaughter was allowed. Just lots of comments with candles and hugs.
Missed opportunity, imo
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
We are rapidly approaching a point of no return
where a war with Iran will be triggered.
Our leaders on both sides of the aisle and in the MIC seem to have a never ending thirst for blood.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
CNN just announced that Russia
How's that for spin?
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Looks like Russia is starting to play hardball.
It's time for the US to stop its illegal aggression in Syria.
Didn't we want
a no-fly zone? Now we have it.
Next up on DK: Trump is helping Russia protect Assad
or some other bullshit headline over there that will say that Trump is Putin's puppet.
Good lord, the US refused to honor the peace treaty and continued on its merry way of death and destruction while the people at home are distracted by the daily propaganda.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
MoA has an interesting report
Putin is a nuclear
power, as are we. Putin cannot win a war with us. But we cannot win a war with him. The difference between our 2 countries is that the Russian people know this, but the American people don't. Either because we are woefully uneducated or because we are drunk on the elixir of exceptionalism, we appear to believe we will prevail in a nuclear war. Prevail as what, I don't know, but whatever the Neocons have in mind, I doubt it involves a future with baseball, much less apple pie.
What they have in mind is all about baseball,
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Russia has announced that from now on,
any "coalition" aircraft operating west of the Euphrates will be "targeted". I suppose that to mean warned off or shot down. US media claim that the downed Syrian plane had bombed SDF forces, but Syria/Russia say no, it was attacking Daesh... and should not have been in the area anyway.
The fog of war is pretty dense here, but I tend to distrust anything the USG says regarding Syria.
Will the USA heed Russia's warning and back off? And if not, then what? Seems it would be only a matter of time until an American plane gets shot down. I don't think Russia is bluffing about that.
I'm not trying to be
devil's advocate here, but with all our talk about dividing up Syria into zones controlled by various nations or companies or whatever we decide, I can see why Assad would want to control Raqqa now, as soon as possible, even if the SDF has been a key force in destroying Daesh. I see the SDF as good guys in the sense that they have not joined Nusra or CIA. But from Assad's point of view, they're still opposition and still supported by American military and the "coalition," which is Saudi/CIA/ISIS. We're trying to be 2 things at once, since we began this thing, against ISIS and against Assad at the same time. Now it's blown up in our face.
The real prize is Dier az Zor
The US is using Raqqa as a road block to Assad's forces making a pincer movement on Dier az Zor in conjunction with his forces moving in from Palmyra. The Kurds can't move much further south as they will be entering Syrian Arab populated areas where there is much less civilian support.
If the SDF continues to back off from Raqqa and move against the SAA south of Raqqa, we will know that is the game plan.
A thriving Daesh state
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
@Linda Wood
Their public face, or their private face?
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Jeremy Bash, tool that he is,
Who falls for this shit?
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Exceptional Americans
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Maybe that's why they're called exceptional?
Being exceptional is not necessarily a good thing. We've got exceptionally stupid, exceptionally ignorant, exceptionally self centered. There's just no end to being exceptional.
Inherent Resolve
This statement says to me, again, that the American military is in a war with the CIA, which backs Saudi Arabia and ISIS, and is not of the understanding that it is there to replace the Assad regime. At the same time, I can understand the Assad regime having a hard time believing that, given the CIA backing of Nusra, ISIS, and Saudi Arabia.
This is Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition by Neocon hubris, magical thinking, and the delirium of power.
Can we now say
that the CIA is an outlaw organization committing treason against the United States?
We've been able to say that since 1948. n/t
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Absolutely true.
Back to the future
That was about the time the nascent CIA attempted their very first regime change. It was in support of the Arabian American Oil Company's (ARAMCO) Trans-Arabian Pipe Line (TAPLINE) that the Syrian president refused.
Seventy years later we are still at it.
There's a lot of that stuff
old game.
going around. It's a pretty"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
But, but, we don't do that stuff anymore....
(but we also don't do it any less)
Speaking of old games...
7 years old... plot is a rogue agent trying to prevent a corporation from using us intelligence assets to spark a new cold war...
Very prescient. All the way up to including Saudis and Russians and chinese... as well as terror attacks carried out in Europe.
And the main bad guy is... the us.
Critics hated it. They just didn't realize it was pre non fiction...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
"If the people of a country
Little did he know he'd be talking about us, fifty years hence.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Is there any difference between CIA policies
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Netanyahu has an intimate incestuous relationship
with Team B of the CIA. That's the neocon branch.
Is there even one issue
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
What they are having for dinner?
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
We could say it alright,
but if we say it too loudly or too often, we might get put on a no-fly list.