Seth Rich: the Official Conspiracy Story so far
This is part 3 of the Seth Rich murder story. Between the last essay and this have come a verbal-pictorial avalanche of new information. It's a good thing I delayed in writing this, because many new facts have arisen and along with them, many new questions and possibilities. From what I know right now, there will have to be at least one more essay of Seth Rich before moving on to the Awan Spyring story, which is epic in its own right.
There are so many Youtube videos cited that, while linked, will be supplemented by many pictures; so you might call this the Golden Book of Seth Rich's life and death.
Seth's early life
Seth was born in Omaha and educated there. I was able to obtain some limited facts about his high school life from a video containing yearbook pictures and Israeli military experience. This video also contains a valuable walk-through tour of the Bloomingdale Washington DC neighborhood in which Seth Rich was shot. We will need to revisit the walk-through later to better understand the geography.
Another video concerns Seth Rich asking questions at a 2015 Federal Election Commission meeting about ballot integrity. This video is of interest just because we see and hear him live. The information he attempted to elicit, with some success, is about why ballots are marked as provisional.
Milieu of the DNC-associated deaths
To understand any issue or event, we must place them in context. We all know by now that the DNC illegally rigged the primary election for the Evil Queen. From shortly before the Seth Rich affair, and continuing there were a number of suspicious deaths. The poisoning of Shawn Lucas was discussed in part 2. Another video (7:30) has emerged relating to interconnectedness of the Lucas assassination and Seth Rich. Some interesting question are posed.
But Lucas and Rich were not the only suspicious deaths (5:28)
For those unaware of the characters, here is a description:
1. Seth Rich, alleged and probable DNC leaker
2. Gavin Mcfayden, close friend of Julian Assange and co-founder of Wikileaks
3. John Jones, Wikileaks collaborator and transit person for leaked data
4. Michael Ratner, Assange's lawyer, good friend and house counsel to Wikileaks
5. Victor Thorn, RWNJ
6. John Ashe, high U.N. official, accused of bribery
7. Rafael Aguilar, no information
Podesta and Clinton ties to Seth Rich murder (5:19)
Setting the scene of the shooting ((7:02). Tie-ins with the last hours include a White House visit by Joseph P. Capone, manager of Lou's City Bar. Photo metadata from a tweet by Joseph P. Capone shows he shot a picture at the WH, on the day of one of his visits.
ALL accounts agree on two things:
1. Seth Rich spent several hours at Lou's City bar before leaving. From there there are several incompatible descriptions
a) Rich walked home
b) Rich took a cab
c) Rich declined cab ride
d) Rich went to Wonderland Ballroom, another local bar.
2. Rich was found wounded on the ground at the intersection of W and Flagler, kitty-corner from the Flagler Market. But again, there are several conflicting stories. The most likely one is that SR was found in situ at the discovery of his body. This is 99.99% believable because of other evidence. Another version with 0.01% possibility is that the body was moved from another location, an assertion which makes absolutely no sense, whether robbery or assassination occurred.
The manager of Lou's City Bar, Joseph P. Capone, was apparently interviewed not by the MPD (Metropolitan Police Department) but was interviewed by George Webb. Webb asserts the Capone told him that he (Capone) was not to give interviews (8:29). Other parts of the video include the assertion of that SR went to the Wonderland Ballroom, a short distance away (see map). The video also discusses locations of CCTVs (video cameras) along the routes.
Map from Lou's City Bar to Wonderland Ballroom
None of the staff or patrons of the Wonderland Ballroom recalled seeing SR there on the night of the shooting.
Map of general vicinity of the shooting:
The following map details some of the landmarks in the immediate vicinity.
In Washington DC, there are "shot spotters" throughout the city. These shot spotters can triangulate the gunshot location and sometime determine the caliber of weapon fired. These shot spotters allegedly confirm the shooting location as W and Flagler--but the report, including audio files, have not been released. Why not?
Many questions unanswered
The DC wall of silence.
1. No police report
2. No ambulance report
3. No hospital records; in fact it was days or months before the location of SR's surgery was announced.
4. No autopsy report
5. No active investigation
6. No reward offered by DNC for death of valuable staffer (but they did commemorate a bike rack to him)
7. DNC interference in the investigation
125 Congress members silent on SR murder. This may intersect into the Awan Brothers spy ring. More on this in another essay.
A former NC Democratic party chair doubts robbery theory (7:59)
A private attorney not hired by Rich Family or DNC files lawsuit against MPD.
The Rich family demands MPD release information to the public. Despite filing of this lawsuit, DC police won't release body cam footage including also a FOIA request (Freedom of Information Act).
Brad Bauman, ostensibly Rich family spokesman, asserts family wants to drop the current investigation. Bauman is a DNC operative who specializes in crisis management. Why did the DNC provide Bauman but no reward?
Update from SR's neighbor confirming neighborhood CCTV (9:59).
Cameras' lines of site near shooting location
The neighbor heard the gunshots and immediately went looking for the origin. He saw no one within minutes of the shooting. The following map shows the the shooter(s)' possible escape routes.
Inspector Clouseau or Professor Moriarity
A miserable job of investigation. There are multiple possible reasons for this.
1. Obstruction of justice by DNC
2. Obstruction of Justice by DWS's brother
3. Pure incompetence
4. Collusion with MPD and high Democratic officials.
DNC obstruction
Already discussed was the DNC insertion of Brad Bauman into the case, screening reporters and investigators away from the family. Donna Brazile warned off private eye investigating Seth Rich murder.
DNC affiliates increase involvement in SR murder investigations.
Details on the overview of the entire affair from DNC to SR and DWS, etc.
The malicious disinformation website gave away its pro-establishment servitude by stating: “Rich worked in voter expansion, a minor post in getting people to their right polling places. He was a low-level staffer who had only been employed since 2014, and thus unlikely to be near sensitive information.” First off, Rich was the director of data management and not a “low-level staffer.”
As to its perceived value, the voter information was sensitive enough to split the Democratic Party and nearly led to violent clashes between Sanders supporters and Hillary’s handmaidens. Willful ignorance is defined as the practice of ignoring any sensory input that appears to contradict one's inner model of reality. The Snopes mindset, as uncovered in my article on the Glock-armed hitman who infiltrated Trump Tower, is based on tactics of denial developed by the Israeli Defense Force cyber-warfare command, whose front companies invested in the user-tracking adware secretly planted on unsuspecting visitors to that “myth-busting” website, which has always relied on computer-generated hits for ratings.
The Voter Expansion Project was initiated in person by Bill Clinton in a video timed for the DNC’s winter conference in February 2014. At that gathering NPR reported: “Underscoring the Clintons' centrality to the new effort, the former president appeared in the DNC video announcing and unveiling the initiative.”
DWS's brother, Steven Wasserman has been accused of burying the SR investigation.
Pure incompetence
If one defines incompetence in a matter similar to James the Weasel Comey's year long "investigation" and finding nothing, then this case is also plagued by sheer incompetence.
Collusion with the MPD
What a strange brew! Heather Podesta, Tony's ex-wife, has been on the MPD board for years. Conflict of interest there? Nah, nothing to see. Chief of police Lanier resigned from MPD one month after the shooting to accept a very well-paying job with security of the NFL. Job well done!
FBI involvement?
Several hours before SR's shooting, burglars stole guns and radio from nearby FBI vehicle. This requires activation of a button under the seat, followed by insertion of a code on the tumblers locking the gun safe. The entire gun safe was removed. My, my, how careless of your boys, Mr. Comey! These weapons have not been recovered, nor has the radio. Incidentally the FBI offered a much higher reward for the radio than offered for the gun retrieval. Hmm.
Corpus delecti: between here and where
A very curious story indeed. The original story was that SR was shot about 4:40 AM and dies in hospital about 5:37 AM. Now, MPD was on the scene within 15 minutes, plus or minus. Several of the offices were wearing body cameras. As mentioned above, MPD refused to release the footage--sometimes saying it couldn't be located and at other times "just say NO".
Again it took a very long time to find out to which hospital SR was taken. This turns out to be Medstar, owned and operated by the Service Workers' International Union (SEIU). Here's a peculiar thing; no ambulance record is to be found. The original report is that SR died shortly after admission although conscious and talking at the scene. Not so easy there! A conflicting account, first aired on 4Chan, allegedly by a 4th year surgery resident who said SR had a survivable injury. SR seemed stable. When the resident returned on shift, he was warned not to get involved with the "VIP" patient by the attending physician. He also said that many persons, not from the hospital staff crowded into the ICU room in which SR was, precluding further visualization of SR.
The immediate vicinity of the shooting
From above, here is the neighborhood walk-through. This is important in comprehending the whole story. I suggest watching this.
It is reported that the Bloomingdale district was a high crime area. But was it always so?
Reports from neighbors in the area, complaining to the MPD the morning after SR's shooting are relevant.
Another post by second neighbor the same day:
Was the shooting location deliberately neglected by police for several months by withdrawing patrols? There were about 18 nearby robberies in the preceding 3 weeks but only one shooting.
The only real investigation so far
This gets a bit complicated. Initially the Rich family wanted a private investigator to look into the killing because the MPD had done such a miserable job. Since they did not have the money, a Republican operative named Jack Burkman came forward. He suggested that the family hire Rod Wheeler, a retired DC homicide detective now working as a P.I. Mr Wheeler had appeared on Fox news as a forensic consultant on several occasions. In fact the first mention of the investigation was made on Hannity.
The following interview is better than the one on Hannity, so this is the one you should watch.
Had enough yet? Probably but we are far from done with this. Stay tuned for the next episode.

great job of condensing all of this and presenting in a format and length able to be read and followed. A lot of people connected to this affair are dead.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Your appreciation is acknowledged, thanks
Post links to Essay 1 and Essay 2.
It is nice to have one complete record.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
As per your request
Part 1:Part 2:
In your essay, not comments.
Each subseequent diary should contain links to all of the previous diaries, so when your series is done, it is all linked together for someone who just stumbles in in the middle. Thanks
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Will do
In your essay, not comments.
Each subseequent diary should contain links to all of the previous diaries, so when your series is done, it is all linked together for someone who just stumbles in in the middle.
Here look at this.
She kept adding as she went.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Got it
This story is far more complex
than most of us could ever imagine. Thank you for trying to sort through it all and to make sense of what seemed to be a senseless killing. This was not a random street killing or a botched robbery where the victim was killed but nothing taken. This is not a conspiracy theory either.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Thanks AE
The interview with Wheeler is so interesting! Even with his blue uniform connections, he doesn't get bod cam footage, autopsy report, etc. They can't let this story out because it will kill the Russia narrative.
Thanks for all the homework!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
That "resident" statement smells
I mean it begins
"4th year surgery resident here who rotated at WHC (Washington Hospital Center) last year, it won’t be hard to identify me but I feel that I shouldn’t stay silent."
and with all the experts investigating outside of LEOs (Law Enforcement Officers), why has nobody bothered to go down that rabbit hole? One iota of evidence to back up that sequence of events would be great, otherwise it is just counter-narrative in my view. Inquiring minds want to know.
Also, yeah the sound and camera footage is unavailable, but why? Who has attempted to get it from where? Reporters from property owners? I guess LE pwns the death recordings, what about FOIA? What action has been taken as far as that goes? Just wondering if there is a more organized movement to get to the truth, perhaps it is not so visible. For obvious reasons.
There have been FOIA
Judicial Watch who filed FOIA requests as early as last year. So far, all FOIA requests have been met with stonewalling.
requests from a number of individuals as well as entities likeWhen a murder occurs, an autopsy is required by law. As Rod Wheeler stated in his interview, an autopsy report is "gold" to an investigator in a murder case. No camera footage, nor the death certificate nor the autopsy report has been made public. The authorities do not want this case to be solved.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
The Wheeler interview was interesting
I find Rod Wheeler to be very credible
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Makes you wonder why one is calling for release of this evidence we know exists!
When Wheeler first went on mainstream quoting the FBI agent's claim of Rich's contacts with wikileaks...all of them (except FOX) started hollering about lack of evidence, speculation, etc.
This came to mind:
The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
Hamlet Act 3, Scene 2
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
This lack of publicity fits the tradition of the MSM
Did they then and do they now print anything about the DNC fraud suit? No.
Do they say anything about the Awan brothers spy ring? No.
Ukraine? Funding Al Qaeda to Take Out Assad? Podestas and
Hillary in Russia? Conflation of leaks and hacking.
The list of BIG stories ignored is getting pretty serious. I should check out Project Censored for the last couple years. That's escaped me for some reason.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
I addressed your concerns down thread.
you make a great point and the authors in my comment address it.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
@gulfgal98 I hadn't heard before
OK. I've been holding back and maintaining a certain level of skepticism up till now, but unless that autopsy report is actually available to proper authorities--such as both cops and PIs--that smells to high heaven. It literally can't be on the up-and-up.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Same with the
anthrax suspect, Bruce Ivins:
Truth--we can't deal with the truth!
I'm not sure which is worse...
the conspiracy to murder Seth Rich or the conspiracy of silence after.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
A linked version of this list to pass around could be really damning in the court of Social Media.
Are there decent, non-partisan or even corporate media sources for some of this information? Just the facts stuff? I'd like to avoid "Rense? Bernie Bro, please..."
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Question: If There Are No Autopsy Records, What Is That High
paid DNC "Fixer" doing for the Rich's?
Seriously, if you had a professional Fixer, one from a well connected political party, then a glaring legal, ethical, and moral error like not having an autopsy!!! looks kind of bad -- like real bad:
That list of stuff, if it were some schmuck with a shitty bopunk lawyer or PI, could be understandable, but with a big money, well connected mover and shaker it looks REALLY bad.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
I am not sure why you crossed out numbers 6 and 7
Thank you again for doing this series, AE
I know that you and I have been following many of the same sources of info and it is truly mind boggling that none of this has gained traction in the MSM. I am trying not to spoil anything any more either.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
gulf gal, please feel free to add anything you wish about this
I Crossed Them Out Because They Didn't Match the Motive
for a High Ranking DNC Fixer AND a disconnect with reality,
.The crossed out ones make sense as a DNC Fixer's responsibility.
There's no cognitive dissonance required there, and it doesn't help the turnkey narrative of "Something STINKS!" -- of course it does to the Pony Posse, but to the Democratic Faithful, without doubt as to the Democratic Party's ethics, it doesn't further the point, and promotes some cognitive dissonance.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
The Wheeler interview was great.
Your essay is great.
I have been involved at some level, pre-trial, trial, post-trial in 17 murder cases. I cannot come up with any legal bar against furnishing an autopsy report.
It also occurs to me I have spent way too much time with the shooting in the street.
Seth Rich's murder occurred in the hospital. And he was surrounded by government employees, not hospital staff.
Wheeler went at this to solve the case, steered away from politics. He treated Wikileaks communications as important fact/evidence/motive.
He has been vilified while the murder at the hospital isn't mentioned.
Lots to think about.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Stay tuned for part 4
@Alligator Ed Shit would hit the fan
And I want to say again, I contacted Judicial Watch to give me an assist in a case involving possible government corruption where the political victim was a Democrat, and the likely perps were Republicans. They were very helpful, very professional, gave me very good guidance. I did not see any signs of RWNJ in my months of dealings with them.
If anybody can push the authorities to give up the autopsy report, I figure they can.
Unless you have a confession, the key evidence is pictures of the scene and the autopsy report.
So, I read the autopsy reports and news coverage of Prince. And Robin Williams. And the dude in my community who was found dead in the pond 3 miles from my house. It was in the newspapers, on TV...
You would almost think this autopsy report will be so stunning as to cause civil unrest, wouldn't you?
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
A tangle of details.
I ran across something odd whilst looking into another matter. An eyewitness who said the police had Seth on his feet walking around. Odd, that.
There's a lot of noise out there, like Capone's visits to the White House that week.
You're good at organizing this stuff, Ed.
Extremely interesting and problematical.
Neighbor who witnessed police finding Seth:
Just to be clear on the source:
This Saturday, there was a vigil for Seth Rich at his apartment house. DWS showed up. After she spoke, a guy named Mark Mueller came up and said he was there when police found Seth. There's some confusion about what he is saying…. It starts at 6:25:
If that "witness" statement is true
It's only been 48 hours.
Someone in the comments mention they saw him surrounded by reporters after he spoke. But let's not pretend there's not a media blackout on this story.
I doubt that this was reported but I will check it out
@on the cusp How horrible. How truly
I wonder why it was done that way? Or did they botch the shooting?
Jesus. Are we being run by people who not only hire assassins, but hire half-assed incompetent assassins?
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
This is not surprising, considering the circumstances
*This aphorism however does not apply to HRC, Soros, or Saudis, who got much less than they paid for.
This article has an interesting take on this story
How Seth Rich brought the democrats and the republicans together
The authors starts out explaining how the main stream media is trying to make it go away by saying they are saying words such as 'conspiracy theories, fake news' or other words that make it sound more like something that came from the X-files.
The gist of the article is that the murder of Seth has brought both the republicans and democrats together to kill this story. Or to say that anyone who believes has to be off their rockers. I have seen how this is talked about at the other place. Yep, total conspiracy theory and we aren't living in the real world. Anyone who even mentions this is told to come here to talk about it.
It ends with how Judicial Watch has a few FOIAs into various agencies and once they get the information they want, they will get to the bottom of the case.
Yes I know that JW is a right wing organization, but with the mainstream media trying to make this story go away, just like the Hillary email case, it's good to see someone covering this story, not trying to cover it up and make it go away.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Make it go away, indeed.
With a Republican majority in Congress, why hasn't the DOJ seized the DNC servers?
Whenever there is violent pushback from the "CT" problem, you know the investigation is hitting raw nerves. The more the pigs (both red and blue) squeal, the closer the accusations are to the truth.
Did you have a chance to read the in my first blockquote?
the one about CNN has a republican congress member trying to get his thoughts out.
He thinks it's would be a good idea to have a special prosecutor look into the DNC computer breach because all he has been hearing is that Russia interfered with the election and that there might be another answer for who actually tried to hack the DNC computer.
He states that the FBI asked to look at them, but they were told that Crowd Strike had already looked at them.
That's a big tell, IMO. Why didn't they allow the FBI to look at them?
And speaking of Russia again, I am re-reading older and wiser's excellent essay that was written after Comey's remarks about the Clinton email server.
One law for thee another for me
This point stands way out and I have missed it until now.
Wouldn't it be as funny as hell that if Russia did 'hack' the election, it would have been because of she used the private email server?
I may be reaching here, but it was the first thing I thought of after reading this again.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I have seen the Farenthold video calling on Congress
I sense the proverbial worm is turning, because even the Fake News Network (CNN) is castigating some Clintonians. Perhaps this is because the whole Russiagate BS tower is going to topple over soon, especially after Comey's testimony. Then, Katy bar the door. Dems will be stampeded by legal ramifications and, more importantly, electoral defeats.
Something I find interesting
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
@snoopydawg Actually, I think it's
I know both left- and right-wing people who want the truth of this to come out.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
The truth is not in contradiction with itself.
no opposing sides to it.
@irishking That's the real
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Best summary yet of the current political upheaval
Since this bears repeating, because repetition is good:
@Alligator Ed Thanks, Ed.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Wow, that was some tour de force, AE.
Thanks for all the work you put into. And all the citizen journalism is very encouraging (someone finding and posting video of him speaking at an FEC meeting). There's no telling where all this crowdsourcing journalism could lead. And I'm sure it also lifts the spirits of people like Jared Beck and all the other truth-tellers who are fighting the good fight, which is no small thing.
This case really needs to see the light of day. The #DNCFraudLawsuit could help with that.
I haven't been online much in the past 24 hours so I'm glad I didn't miss this.
Look forward to spending some time with it when I can. Thanks again for all your work on this.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Thanks, Mark, for the kind words
Dear Mr. Alligator,
please do not release your formidable grip on this story. You've got it by at least one leg already, maybe two, and if you were to finally bring it home for eating, a well-deserved round of applause would surely be your due.
Thanks Native, I got this one and gonna digest it.
just in case.
Thanks for your efforts on this Ed. I don't know how anyone
could think that there isn't a cover up going on with all this information.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020