Who is going to pay for this
So far Herr Hair wants:
- He wants £54 billion more to the MIC so that makes a total of around $700billion including veterans affairs.
- Promised more tax cuts for the wealthy.
- Promised spending on infrastructure.
- Promised the reduction of the national debt.
- Promised not to touch Social Security or Medicare.
- Then promised to slash government spending [seriously WTF]
Who are we going to threaten to pay for all of this?
- Well the rich are out of the loop, ring fenced by one of their own.
- Multinationals have their profits offshored and are unlikely to repatriate any of it if asked to, horror of horrors, contribute. They'll probably be viscously subjected to tax cuts and pardons anyway.
- The poor have no money.
- The middle class have very little left over at the end of the year.
It doesn't leave much choice, the rest of the world can pay us protection money? If that is the case then I can understand the increase in "defence spending".
It appears that we can bury the false meme of the "fiscal conservative" for good, well that's one positive.
Quite frankly I don't believe one word of it, it just does not add up. Even if you cut out virtually every other department Education, Housing and Agriculture included.
Even if they privatize Medicare and Social Security that brings in nothing especially when coupled to tax cuts for the wealthiest.
That leaves daylight robbery either at home or abroad. BTW I don't think Mexico on its own can cover the tab.
The previous Republican President [aided and abetted by past Democratic ones] nearly brought down the world economy. The Republicans sure seem pissed that they didn't quite manage it last time. Then again history shows us some good examples of what happens during economic collapses, please note "we the people" don't benefit from them just more deeply screwed.
Oh, Trump may get some short term benefit [political] by inflicting long term harm, even dodging the reality bullet through to his second term.
Disaster Capitalism seems to be reaching for some epic goals that are often followed by war.
So I suppose increased defence spending is one logical way to go bearing that in mind.
A dismal but probably accurate assessment.
I want a Pony!
Couple major economic problems with the knock on effects
Up until now, what's been termed 'war' boils down to murderous military mugging...
On the plus side, life on Earth won't last long enough for the debts to come due...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Wait, wait! I know this one. Mexico?
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Treasury Bonds will be issued and sold
…to foreign markets to underwrite what it costs to bomb them. Then, we sanction them for the amount we borrowed.
Carry a flame and share the light.
We used to say China would never cut us off because
the US is too big to fail. Clearly, that was wrong.
We could print lots more money. In Germany, after World War I, people loaded a wheelbarrow full of funny German money just to go shopping.
What could possibly go wrong?
I'm sure some Republican or Libertarian or neoliberal will read Trump Kissinger's Useless Eaters memo.
Sell Alaska & Hawaii, make the 48 stars bigger, problem solved.
The real SparkyGump has passed. It was an honor being your human.
If someone could just get
If someone could just get hold of a copy of John Kennedy's executive order to the Treasury to screw the Fed and issue currency...
Then we need to get Warren Mosler to spend an hour or so with Der Gropemeister. Mosler's rich; he can get an audience with Der Furor.
Jeebus, the fireworks! A couple dozen people on Wall Street and in The City 'cross the Pond would have cardiac failure.
It would be a cruel choice. Four years of meglomaniac bigotry, in exchange for finally breaking the banksters' monopoly on money creation.
- Tony Wikrent
Nation Builder Books(nbbooks)
Mebane, NC 27302
A Second Positive?
Maybe we can finally stop hearing about how what we really need is a CEO President?
(Yeah, I don't believe that either.)
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.