They've got Us Right where they Want Us.


"The text indicates the social and political factors driving the resort to authoritarianism. It complains that the “financial crisis and the advance of new forms of digital media have posed serious challenges for quality journalism, leading to a decrease in critical thinking among audiences, thus making them more susceptible to disinformation and manipulation..”

That refers to the text of a"resolution passed by the European Parliament on November 23, on “EU strategic communication to counteract propaganda against it by third parties.” The declared aim of the extensive resolution is to combat “third-party actors aiming to discredit” the European Union (EU) that “do not share the same [European] values.” The resolution then defines as the main “actors” Russia and Daesh (or ISIL) and it is Russia that occupies most of the resolution.

The United States government followed suit when Obama signed into law NDAA 2017 which included the Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act and a new government agency attached to the State Department, a real Ministry of Truth, called the "Center for Informational Analysis and Response".

"The bipartisan bill, which was introduced by Senators Portman and Murphy in March, will improve the ability of the United States to counter foreign propaganda and disinformation from our enemies by establishing an interagency center housed at the State Department to coordinate and synchronize counter-propaganda efforts throughout the U.S. government. To support these efforts, the bill also creates a grant program for NGOs, think tanks, civil society and other experts outside government who are engaged in counter-propaganda related work. This will better leverage existing expertise and empower our allies overseas to defend themselves from foreign manipulation. It will also help foster a free and vibrant press and civil society overseas, which is critical to ensuring our allies have access to truthful information and inoculating people against foreign propaganda campaigns."

Is it me or is this all unreal? It's outrageously insidious what they're doing here. It is all lies, all of it. They all know it too, all of our politicians and the European politicians know it's all based on lies. What they're saying, that the people are being brainwashed from without, when they know full well the brainwashing comes from within, is so absurd it borders on pure silliness, childishness. To actually create acts and government agencies and programs to actually censor information that doesn't fit what the state "values" is out there folks. Like with war, this has nothing to do with freedom, democracy, our safety, our well being, none of that. This is pure unadulterated totalitarianism.

What ever happened to the outrage about NSA spying? Homeland Security? The Patriot Act? The Police State? Many of us have been complaining for years about the continued encroachment on our rights and liberty, the control over our lives, how we have absolutely no say in all this bullshit that comes from our government, like fake news and Russian hacking. It just never stops. They keep upping the ante, going further and further into Orwell's vision of a totalitarian state.

I find it hard to believe it's happening and we're just letting it. It's like, "did you hear what the government did today? Ya, ain't that something, what's next?" Then we just wait for what's next. Maybe we simply can't stop it.

What's next, what could possibly be next?

I don't know, but there better be some major pushback from the Serfs very soon.

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The whole situation is unbelievable and very frustrating. Where does one begin with pushback IMO it will have to get a lot worse before we can get enough people to stand up to this bullshit. I fear that it might be too late by then and that the totalitarianism will be accepted as the new way of life by the younger generations, I hope I'm wrong. I think eventually it will implode like the other empires in history but when is the question.

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Is my idea about guillotines looking better to ya? Make one, a little one, carry it with you. See what people say to you. I'll bet they get it. Wonder if little toy guillotines with a small sign on them saying 'Fed up' would sell?

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With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge

And we could add some pitchforks too, buy two guillotines and get a free pitchfork! Dolls for use with guillotine not included but can be purchased separately, take your pick of your favorite and enjoy hours of giddy playtime!

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

Mark from Queens's picture

One of my favorite street theater pieces of so many ingenious ones that were inspired by OWS.


Definitely time for more street theater to get the point across.

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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

I for one, as you all may have figured, am overwhelmingly pleased to see that guillotine.
Thank you for bring this here, Thank you a thousand times thank you,

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With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge

Mark from Queens's picture

I had a friend ask the other day, in what has become five years on, a typical question to anyone who was involved with or supported Occupy, and from someone who gets their "news" mostly from the MSM. "What happened to Occupy?"

First of all, depending on the manner of asking or angle they're coming from, I try to remind people (and this happened disturbingly, all-too-frequently, at TOP) that it didn't "fade away", as far too many cynically were told by the lapdog media. It was literally crushed, in the dead of night, by a cabal of DHS, local mayors, NYPD, FBI and Fortune 500 companies under the Orwellian umbrella of something called the Domestic Security Alliance. The PTB were so scared shitless of the effect Occupy was having, in terms of changing the conversation to indicting the global financial elites and Wall St as the absolute heart of the problem, which gave us dysfunctional government and the economic meltdown that robbed billions of people across the globe.

The other thing people often miss is that these movements through history never go away, Occupy especially. Once it gets into the mainstream of thought, and it did, that connection, that fundamental truth, that acknowledgment, now resides in the hearts of tens of thousands who participate in Occupy actions all across the world. And the millions and millions who heard the message and acknowledged it indeed was the right one, have had five years more now to marinate in it. One could argue developments such as Brexit, Bernie, Jeremy Corbyn and even the ultimate fascist douchebag Drumpf are all part of what Occupy opened up. It just needs another spark to set it off. Tell me if you say anything resembling that in the near future. Hmm...

Occupy is alive and well in people's hearts all over the world. Bernie drew on that awakening.

We just might have the cataclysmic moment upon us this year that I've been hoping for, in which this time, we who responded to Occupy, are not a fringe, ragtag group of idealistic dreamers in public, but a massive movement of middle class working families, from all over the world, fed up with an unresponsive system on the take run by connected oligarchs whose money turns politicians into puppets.

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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

Set off my final alarm bell. The US Government has declared war on the citizens. I am the enemy.
After this, I threw the bell away. It was no longer needed and it was driving me crazy going off all the time.
No, I am not so naive as to think we all gave up.
Some people voted for Trump with the intent to provide that spark. (not I) knowing that sparks WILL fly.
They say, we all know it has to happen, let's get it over with.
It's a point I refuse to argue against.

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With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge

riverlover's picture

I have a pitchfork (outside, under cold snow) and am getting a flint striker so I can do without matches or a lighter. Knees tensed.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

John McAfee was on RT earlier this evening and stated how absurd it was that the Russians hacked the dnc and the election, while there was a shmuck columnist from The Hill on stating there are multiple independent agencies that have evidence it was the Russians and yet none of those agencies or the government have released any evidence.

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Big Al's picture

they just have to claim it. It scares the bejesus out of more people than terrorism, to think their precious ATM's or Iphones might not work someday. I thought terrorism was the perfect enemy, this one is even better.
What's really absurd is anyone thinking the election was on the up and up in the first place, hacking or no hacking. Of course they won't talk about that.

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Song of the lark's picture

If he was my neighbor I'd sic some dogs on him too. I d rather take Assange's word but won't.

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just stating what he said on RT, who knows maybe he's a Russian spy.

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they would silence both McAfee and Assange -- along with RT for giving such non-compliance a public voice.

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we never look at the american msm television except to watch old movies--
as never seems to happen with any of the msm channels. RT is interrupted, regularly, but only for a little while...
there's plenty to object to in the russian oligarchic system, but if you want to know what's happening here and around the world try RT, as well as the french, chinese, japanese tv stations

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Don't forget for a minute how stupid they are.

Completely overconfident.

When I try to play backgammon or spades on microsoft games, it is invariably fucked up. They are far more idiotic than they know. The 1% is overly confident.

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Big Al's picture

relative to them getting away with it. Their tricks are old and stale, obvious as hell and yet it still works.

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shaharazade's picture

is not intelligent. Look at the DNC's software program Ada. That AI was just plain old stupid. Face it people, intelligence is an altogether beast then binary, data, and sliced and diced demographics. Computers are only as intelligent as who programs the algorithms and even if the programmers are smart reducing reality to binary loses the humanity and complex intelligence in translation. Fixating on the facts/data generated by hired gun slinging geeks leads people to never look at the whole and keep wondering about what is really happening here.

Quick look that up on Snopes cause they will tell you what is real. lol. Human reality is not binary or fractured into a zillion data points it is interconnected, holistic, complicated and intuitive. I guess I'm a humanist and anti-science at least as far as the social sciences go.For instance political science is to me an oxymoron as their is nothing scientific about the manipulation of human emotions via misery and fear to keep power in the hands of the mad that rule the world. We the people end up fighting all these pointless side street diversions like The Russians or who rather then looking at what truths are reveled and why?

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snoopydawg's picture

That's easy to answer. Obama.
He was chosen to be president because this country was fed up with what the Bush administration had done.
After the charming first Black man and his equally charming family moved into the WH, the anti war movement shut up. No criticism of him was allowed because if you did then you were called racist.
Even though he had promised to filibuster the fisa bill, but voted for it people gave him a pass because they said that he had to vote for it so that he could become president. After he was president then he'd work on fixing it.
Remember those diaries on DK?
It never made sense to me why passing the fisa bill was going to increase his chances of being president. Why couldn't he have voted against it and still become president? Maybe that was his first chess move.
The numerous wars, spying and the bank bailouts which saw the CEOs of the banks who committed the crisis walked away with not being held accountable. The PO was DOA when he met with the insurance companies while the democrats were pretending to work hard on the ACA and letting republicans water it down because they said that they wanted them to vote for it.
All the while people continued to lose their homes and pensions as Obamas's justice department and many state's AGs did nothing still while the banks continued to steal people's homes by committing fraud and people still thought he was on their side.
And just like Hillary ran on creating an no fly zone, Obama ran on taking the war to Pakistan, but unlike Hillary people voted for him anyway.
I don't have to remind anyone that he failed to pass much of his Yes we can legislation during his first term.
But they voted for him again because the other guys were worse.

The people who said that they were progressives gave him a pass when he started using drones in countries that we weren't at war with. And when he sent more troops to Afghanistan, continued the Iraq war, bombed Libya on false pretenses, put troops back in Iraq and then bombed Syria again on false pretenses. And yet people stayed silent.

The whole propaganda shit storm over Podesta's emails and what Hillary and the DNC did to us and Bernie has been slipped under the rug because of Russia and this is why everyone is buying into the Fake News bullshit that Russia interfered with the election and if they hadn't then Hillary would be the next president, not Donald.
Now our puppet masters have so many people dancing to the tune of how bad Putin is.

Obama has done the job that he was selected to do and still after all the things he has done or didn't do, people still think that he has been the best president since FDR and they sure are going to miss him.

The rich have gotten richer, the middle class is getting worse, the poor people aren't even on the radar anymore.

And now we are being bombarded with how bad Russia is how Trump is going to continue to do the bad things that Obama did, but when he does those things, it's going to be bad and maybe the people who have been in a stupor there last night 8 years will wake up.
Unfortunately it's going to be way too late because the serfs were blinded by bullshit.

So, that's where the outrage went. In my ranting opinion.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Both Obama and Trump sold the PEONS a bill of goods in order to get elected. Both the right and the left bought into their salesmanship. In my opinion Obama is the better of the two but time will tell. This does not dispute that Obama let us down BIGTIME!

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snoopydawg's picture

In it the author showed that The NY Times wrote 3 articles about the threat of cyber security threats that were pushed on the American people.

Three pieces in the same leading newspaper show how little changes with "hacking" stories when the powers-that-are decide that some country is now the "enemy."

The first in 2003 one was about Saddam and Iraq.
The second one in 2014 was about Iran.
The last one published in 2016 was about Russia and Putin.

At least the government's propaganda is consistent and it seems that old saying about Fool me once..... is total ullshit, but the rubes buying it every time.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

information overlords would put Moon Of Alabama in their Fake News category. Any news source that exposes the warmongering deceit of "Western" corporate media giants will heretofor be considered as de facto Fake News. Big Media does not appreciate being effectively contradicted.

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in revenue for them with all these alternative sites. They want their market share back and they'll lie like hell to get it.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

crap in a fancy package, they can kiss their market share goodby. More and more people are choosing to shop elsewhere, and they'll never be able to shut us all down, no matter how hard they try.

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Strife Delivery's picture

Isn't it somewhat terrifying how fast we've changed to what we are? As in, it's taken a year during the primaries and general for Hillary to plant some seeds of fear and hatred towards Russia; but more surprisingly, it took less than a few months to have so many in this country fear and hate Russia. The snap of the fingers almost. Blind rage and hate just like that. All based on lies, just statements newscasters and politicians are saying. That's it. No critical thought, no concern, nothing.

It's almost like people want to punish Russia for something that didn't happen, but boy oh boy do they believe it happened. And what is the appropriate punishment? War. How quickly Putin became a Bond villain. It took 9/11, a large, memorable event to allow people to willingly give up many of their rights and overall freedom. Here? Eh, here's a CNN story of Russian hacking. It's that easy I guess.

I think though that many neocons and even many people here in our country don't quite grasp the severity of the issue of going from a new cold war to a hot one. This isn't small fry stuff like ISIS, people with stolen Toyota trucks and sandy AK's. These people wish to risk the safety of the entire human race by nuclear fire, all because anointed Clinton lost her rightful throne by those damn Russians.

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lotlizard's picture

seems to be casting one's vote for EU-exiteer and/or right-wing populist parties.

In Germany, I never thought I'd see a day when one's reading needs to include sources regularly denounced as neo-Nazis and/or Russian stooges, if one is to be exposed to at least some properly skeptical (i.e. not just feel-good, virtue-signalling) analysis of, and accurate reporting on, issues critical to Europe's future.

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riverlover's picture

So I am not taking it well. My dog had caught angst and barks at invisibles Goodnight, Irene.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

mimi's picture

she "sees" you and would want you to know she is there for you waiting. At least that's what I would believe. Hugs and a good-night kiss for you.

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riverlover's picture

A 2 hour power nap mid-day. My dog gets it, by my side and barks at invisibles.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.